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What is Transformation as per Advanced Knowledge

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2006
by arjun
Omshanti. The following questions were probably asked by Shivsena Bhai in the forum on xbkchat for which answers were given by some PBK and approval/correction sought from Baba (Father Shiv through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit). The approved Q&A on this topic are produced below for information.
With regards,

Question: The clarification (i.e. Advanced Knowledge) which is being given by the body of Ram's soul---can it be called Murli? Can the cassettes or cds which we listen to--can they be called Murlis since they are spoken from the mouth of the Chariot? But unfortunately these cassettes and cds have also failed to bring about the transformation in the PBKs. So the query remains that what is the real Murli which will bring transformation?

Ans: Baba has said that it takes one second to get transformed from Brahma to Vishnu. That second is when one comes to know about their 84 births' stories and becomes completely nischaybuddhi (confidant or sure) of their role and the role of Baba. Then all these years which have been spent in the spiritual study is for becoming nischaybuddhi. As regards the transformation, as per Advanced Knowledge every soul passes through the sato (completely pure), rajo (partially pure) and tamo (impure) stages in the Confluence Age. The individual shootings keep taking place at various points of time. Any particular point of time in the Sangamyug may be tamo for one and sato for someone else. The wholesale transformation of the world will take place when the role of Vishnu begins, i.e. when the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi-Narayan get revealed in their perfect stage.-OK.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2006
by bansy
As regards the transformation, as per Advanced Knowledge every soul passes through the sato (completely pure), rajo (partially pure) and tamo (impure) stages in the Confluence Age. The individual shootings keep taking place at various points of time. Any particular point of time in the Sangamyug may be tamo for one and sato for someone else.

What is your understanding of this statement ? It seems to imply that the soul (taking Advanced Knowledge) begins out sato and ends up rajo over time, surely the discus is spun the other way ?

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2006
by john
Ans: Baba has said that it takes one second to get transformed from Brahma to Vishnu. That second is when one comes to know about their 84 births' stories and becomes completely nischaybuddhi (confidant or sure) of their role and the role of Baba. Then all these years which have been spent in the spiritual study is for becoming nischaybuddhi. As regards the transformation, as per Advanced Knowledge every soul passes through the sato (completely pure), rajo (partially pure) and tamo (impure) stages in the Confluence Age. The individual shootings keep taking place at various points of time. Any particular point of time in the Sangamyug may be tamo for one and sato for someone else. The wholesale transformation of the world will take place when the role of Vishnu begins, i.e. when the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi-Narayan get revealed in their perfect stage.-OK.

What a fantastic answer.

May I note it does say spiritual study is for becoming nischaybuddhi.

May I enquire as to who gave this answer, I see that it has been approved by Baba without modification.

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2006
by arjun
Sister Bansy wrote:What is your understanding of this statement ? It seems to imply that the soul (taking Advanced Knowledge) begins out sato and ends up rajo over time, surely the discus is spun the other way ?

Sister Bansy, Omshanti. You must be surprised to know that we enter the path of knowledge to climb from tamo to sato whereas we are sliding downwards from Sato to Tamo. But that is true. Every Brahmin soul whether BK or PBK passes through these stages in the Brahmin life. Now the population of degraded souls is more when compared to the minority Brahmin souls. Hence, the degraded vibrations overpower these Brahmin souls and they get coloured/influenced by it.

But this Tamo stage that every Brahmin soul reaches in the Confluence Age is not the final result of the efforts. In the end, when the entire Brahmin family gets united under the umbrella protection of one spiritual mother and Father (Vishnu) and when the souls with similar sanskars from the Rudramala and Vijaymala pair up, and when the population of the degraded souls starts decreasing in the world due to destruction then the stage of these Brahmin souls would start rising and reach the numberwise perfection.

With regards,

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2006
by arjun
John wrote:May I enquire as to who gave this answer, I see that it has been approved by Baba without modification.

Dear Brother,
Omshanti. Now that it has been approved by Baba it is immaterial as to who gave the answer, but if you have any doubt like the one expressed by Sister Bansy, you are most welcome to put it here. If I or any other PBK can answer, we would certainly answer. Otherwise we can always seek clarifications from Baba.
With regards,

PostPosted: 14 Oct 2006
by bansy
Thanks for the reply, I think I got it. It's really quite interesting.