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BK used legal gagging order against husband

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2008
by news editor
Posted July 14th, 2006

Evidence has been present to us to document how lawyers, a company of whom it is understood regularly represents Brahma Kumaris in divorce or child custody cases, acted on the instruction of a Brahma Kumari to use an injunction, a legal gagging order, ban her concerned husband from discussing any matters relating to the Brahma Kumaris with his children.

In this case, both the husband and children had independently voiced concerns about the radical personality shifts and behavioral changes in the newly converted mother.

Pending the conclusion of the proceedings, investigations are being made into even more sinister allegations. Documentation has been presented to suggest a collusion between active and physically related BKs supporters, and their contacts within the local social services, the children and family court advisory and support services, and indeed the BKWSU charitable organization itself, to falsify evidence in support of the BK mother and make unfounded allegations against the Father.

From the institution’s part, it seems to lie on the basis of its willingness to state that the BK mother is not actually a member, whilst at the same time providing meditational aids and publicity. Surely, if the mother is not a BK, then why would she wish a gagging order placed on the husband to stop him discussing matters relating to her alleged involvement BKWSU?

And what do they have to hide anyway? Why not a gagging order to stop discussions on Islam or Judaism? Putting aside all sense of ethics, the protection of free speech and the free exercise of religion enshrined in the Constitution, legally, this raises some interesting issues.

BK Watch
Silver and Gold Says:
August 27th, 2006 at 2:29 pm e

[...] This incident of close physical relatives working together and being involved in legal controversy is not unique to India. Several of the elite also being related. [...]
Pooja Patel Says:
April 29th, 2007 at 4:22 am

My mother is just like this. The Tampa BK group is corrupting her mind!!!!!! It’s crazy! She’s changed so much and it’s affecting our lives horribly. My asthma conditions have worsen to a degree that never has happened before. My dad’s diabetes levels have risen due to stress caused by BKs!! They steal a lot of money from my mother!!!!! It’s horrible!!!