After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post18 Jul 2009

Hi gotmylifeback. And Congratulations on getting your life back!

I can relate to a lot of what you've said. Getting out of the BKWSO was the biggest wake up call for me. I am trying to learn how to take responsibility for it and how to not forget the dangers involved with such groups. This forum helps remind me of that.

There is a confidence that emerges when you get out of the BKWSO and that confidence has renewed my faith. I don't know if anything I learned is really true. The soul, karma, reincarnation etc. I have had my share of experiences so I used to be the first to say it was true because it was true to me. But now I am not so sure anymore and I am okay with that. It doesn't seem to matter to me as much anymore either. I've just accepted that I am a human being which seems to be a sort of consciousness in an incredible organism, and I have to eat, sleep, work, play, exercise, study, have relationships and go through the ups and downs of all of this like everybody else.

I can explore other dimensions above and below ground but that doesn't change the basics that make up a human life. Having wasted so much time with the BK's has cured me of a few things, one of which is I am no longer as complicated as I used to be. Once I got my priorities straight again, a sense of clarity returned which has helped me get my life back on track. It's great to have a big heart, to want to serve humanity and to love God so dearly, but it's not great if it creates an imbalance in one's life and removes us from the joys of being free.
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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post18 Jul 2009

bkti-pit wrote: What matters to me is to live a life of truth, which for me is not so much about knowing but about behaving, not about being right but about being good and loving...

Thanks for this quote bkti-pit. This is the exact way I want to describe spirituality for myself nowadays. For me it is all about how I interact with people. I try to practice the values I was taught in the BK. The 36 virtues, 8 powers, 16 arts of life ... (amazing these multiplies of the number 8): wonderful stuff which always made me think about how one could really live up according to their true meaning (not necessarily as described in the BK books). Back then I thought they were original BK-stuff. Now I know they are not. But they are definitely worthwhile, so I try not to spoil their value by the fact the BK claims it as their original teachings. Nor do I want to devalue them because I was so disappointed that my spiritual family could not provide the example of how to practice these values. (It was quite the opposite).

At these days spirituality for me is not about faith or spooks but about being the human being the best way I can. Not wanting to make a choice between the two thoughts of being an eternal soul or just being chemical fabric. I do not know. Who knows? Being a part of human species and live a life which suits me (and the ones around me) best is what it's all about for me.
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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post18 Jul 2009

I also think it is a beautiful quote bkti-pit.

And it seems that the more I read this forum, the better I feel.

Faith does return. The hardest part is recovering from the disappointment and everything that comes with it including depression and disillusionment. And the best way to do it is to get out there in the world. Not everybody is going to let us down. Some people have never been to an ashram or India but somehow know how to be good, caring and loving human beings. That is what brings faith back. Because we haven't really lost faith in God, spirituality or even ourselves. We've lost faith in people.
bkti-pit wrote:What matters to me is to live a life of truth, which for me is not so much about knowing but about behaving, not about being right but about being good and loving...
Swami Vivekenanda, Karma Yoga: The Yoga of Action As Guatama Buddha wrote: What is the use of discussing all the subtle doctrines about the soul? Do good and be good. And this will take you to freedom and to whatever truth there is..."

"You may have noticed a special gracefulness from certain enlightened yogis and even just the occasional person you run into. This comes from a non-self-consciousness of action. There is no ego involvement in the decision making of a free person. When there is an ego consideration there is usually stress of opposing desires and therefore, a lack of gracefulness."

This quote made me think that with the superiority complex inherent in the BK teachings, the BK's are not free. As for the gracefulness, since it is a by-product of inner freedom the BK's cannot have that either. I think the BK idea of freedom is detachment. But they are not the same at all.

Spiritual ego is not only an obstacle to gracefulness and freedom, but also enlightenment. How can you ever reach true enlightenment if you are constantly swimming within the limitations of a small and incestuous pond?


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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post02 Jun 2020

I have left BKs almost 3 years ago. I am happily settled in my life outside the BK world.

But I cannot pray/meditate or think of God in any way. As soon as I begin to even think of God (not Baba/ShivaBaba) the same feeling starts. A spook or a spirit which interacted with me during my time with BKs
begins to have conversation again. I am reminded of waking up at 4am, not eating outside, being celibate etc. I thought after a 'fast' of 3 years from any type of spiritual or religious practice I can begin where I left before joining BKs.

But it seems like I can never get rid of BK meditation.
Has anyone else felt this way too?
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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post02 Jun 2020

Mann wrote:Has anyone else felt this way too?

Thank you for posting and welcome.

Yes, still, 40 years on. I am shy of doing any other practise for not "fear" but a sort of irritation that I get pulled back in, eg the feelings I used to have as a BK, like pressures on the third eye or 'tickles' above the crown of my head area. In my day, the doing of bhattis (long mediations, may be two hours or so) was a bit of thing and we were much more rigid about doing, or trying to do, the 4am, 6am, 7 to 7.30pm thing. They also *just* introduced traffic control, only I was on my way out by then.

The sad and frustrating bit was, before BKism - and I got sucked in by the false branding of "Raja Yoga" - I was doing hatha Yoga (and tai chi) and progressing very well. I was "feeling" things/energies through that too.

Consequently, it is not clear to me what is a BK experience and influence, and what is a universal or tantric style experience, eg "chakras". I also don't think the BKs have any idea either and just encourage people to talk about and claim both as an encouragement to keep doing BKism.

Other ex-BKs are more confident that these are just universal or tantric style experiences that the BKs label as their own. I am not sure.

But what the overall experience has given me is,
    a) The loss of any desire, conscious or unconscious, to be a "guru" style figure ... although clearly it's a multi-billion business these days, we missed out on the advantageous of being early adopters!
    b) A loss of the need for a god figure and an immunity to cultic dynamics and religion.
Now, clearly the latter, for many, would be a great loss and sadness because of the social elements and advantages of such an involvement. I could not go back and be a Christian or something. I think I could probably go and be Buddhist though (gods, perhaps; god, no; but no real significance given to either).

If I need to chill, I just lie down, put a pillow over my head to block out the city, and do a "dead man" pose.

I witnessed and experienced very similar buzzes and highs with other spiritual leaders with cultic circles, so it's not entire unique but never joined or committed.

What are you doing with your time and what are you interested?

Lastly, I think the experience of exiting and learning about the dynamics of cultic experiences, society, religion and so on has been very useful and interesting.

I really believe that the lesson in BKism is to leave BKism, not get stuck and stay. To graduate from it.

There are many that drop back in and out. Some for the lack of anywhere else to do, some out of personal relationships ... but there really is a lot still out there to learn and experience.

What made you pull out?

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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post04 Jun 2020

Anyone involved in BKs for any length of time has become conditioned to associate certain actions, postures, words, feelings with the BK paradigm. Humans are no different to Pavlov’s dog, we become conditioned to respond. It is unsurprising that adopting a meditation position will bring up BK associated thoughts and feelings unless you have disassociated them from each other.

I think that if you want to be able to meditate but do it without that instinctive BK response, a certain kind of CBT is needed (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy). It's often used for people who have phobias or have developed aversion to certain places or situations due to trauma, etc.

For example, a recently deceased acquaintance of mine was a pioneer of CBT in Australia. Among other things, he often worked with victims of armed robberies — bank staff, petrol station attendants. If a bank teller couldn't face going back to work after the event, after sessions of counselling etc, he’d drive them and park near the bank in sight of it, and they'd sit in the car, talk a bit. He’d make a point of mentioning other things that were going on around outside, the role of the bank and the people coming and going there. Each time they’d park closer to the site and stay a little longer. Then they'd stand outside the bank, then, eventually, when the person was ready, go back in. They could then resume work.

I am not suggesting you go stand and look at the BK centre, not at all !!!

What I am suggesting is — firstly, don't meditate. Have a break.

Read up seriously about other kinds of meditation, mystical practices of different Christian, Buddhist, Muslim etc — anything that’s not using similar Hindu-type terms as BKs, as well as maybe more scientific stuff by Edmund Jacobsen and Herbert Benson who looked for the common aspect of what eventually came to be called ”the relaxation response”. And, of course, the current fad for ”mindfulness" and "being fully present”. Maybe read up/listen to podcasts on neurology, psychology, history, philosophy too. ie replace the old diet with new food for thought!

Then you need to create associations for preparing for meditation that are not things which the BKs teach. Do some exercise or Yoga or a long walk. When you decide to adopt a meditation pose again, do it for only a very short time.

Have a book you are reading handy, refer to it, read a paragraph or sentence. Then meditate on what you read. Or sit while listening to a podcast — just for a little while, then get back to regular activity. Over time you might sit longer and maybe allow your mind to roam more freely, occasionally noting down ideas or doodling drawings or whatever — or just listening to music.

If BK ideas do enter your mind, don’t respond emotionally ”I don't like that” or try to push it away. Just make a mental note that thsi thought arose and what arises will fall away again, as do all thoughts. Get back to whatever you were meditating on before it arose, or go elsewhere

Nothing is less BK than practicing body consciousness! Many traditional meditation are very body conscious. Kriya Yoga, Kaya Vipassana name themselves as such! (Kriya and kaya are both words for body) .

Focus your attention on your internal haptic sense, how you feel within yourself physically, how am I sitting, what is pulsing, breath, posture, adjust and become comfortable. Unlike BKs, as you do activities don't try to remember any Baba or Soul World, focus on what you do and how you are feeling in your body (in a touch sense) .

Practices like tai chi and some Buddhist martial arts accept the body-mind as one entity - again that is the opposite of BKism.

I enjoy occasionally going for walks barefoot. Short or long walks, doesn't matter. I carry sandals or thongs with me so if i need to cross a bad patch of ground I can slip them on. Being barefoot makes me have to focus on where I am treading and to that I will add awareness fo posture and breath, especially into the upper chest cavity. I aim to relax my body while having it feel strong and erect. I always feel clear after, very grounded, in every sense of the word! Does’t need to be far and speed is not the aim at all.

Just do a little and build up. BK stuff will arise in memory, that’s inevitable as its part of our experience. Time to treat it the way you treat memories of primary school or childhood playgrounds or that irritating old uncle - just because you remember it doesn’t mean you want to go back there. It was. Now is the time for what is.
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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post04 Jun 2020

Honest question, Mann.

Do you still feel the need for god and religion, or is it the stilling/quietening of your mind that you are after?

I suppose looking at Kubler-Ross's Five Stages of Grief concept might also fit in to the process. Working through that the BKs and their god is dead for you, and actually letting go?

It clearly matters for some people but I, personally, don't. If it is the ritual aspect, others can be invented - nature, my garden is my church now. Creating beauty, as in any aesthetic process, can take the place or meaningless ritual. There's plenty of good to do without the conditional religious baggage and often doing it, you'll find new and healthier community.

Is it just a question of filling up the space removing BKism from your life created with other stuff?


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Pre and Post Raja Yogi

Post11 Sep 2022

First of all, I have never surrendered myself as a BK, Reason I was diagnosed with depression possible that bipolar without mania. So although I found the theory of Raja Yoga super interesting, I could never feel my soul consciousness so I did not bow to any teacher or Madhubhan. The Murli says you will get an injection at the beginning which I did not get from anybody. Because of my disease, I need to find meditation to teach myself from being lost in translation. So I was reading Osho and other spiritual books. I found Osho was an idiot and he was preaching nonsense and making a lot of money from the people. Then I reached out to Hindu teaching I could not find an answer in that either. So I went for a Christian meditation, and I found those people were just interested in insulting Hindu gods and mass converting Indians with dollars by faking to fool you that a blind man was healed by Jesus in front of you. So it was proove by itself they were fake. I was always critical of and against Islam because I have learned from Osho that there is nothing in Quran and I never went that way by observing the behaviours of Muslims and their blind faith along with violence. Then one day I walked into the Brahma Kumari organization and they told me to take the course I took it. I started attending Sundays or a couple of days a week for 10 or 15 years and they were stating that you first experience meditation and that should bring you faith. But in my life, it was difficult to control sex lust and I did not experience anything they mentioned. But that did not stop me because I was a maniac about studying the history of the Hindu religion and I found some connection with the Hindu religion of India with Brahma Kumari. I did not believe the world was 5000 years or did I believe darwins theory. Most of Darwinism and modern science have their origin from the communist hype and I was always against communist ideology and their lies crime bullying that I experienced in one of the Indian states and then I started observing similar behaviour in USSR, China or North Korea. I have also noticed the left-wing academicians of Europe behaving like the communist as if you are only supposed to think of a similar line of thinking of Darwin and the big bang. Because they could not say 2 million years back on Sunday at 9 pm this dinosaur died in new york. But their answer was 80 million years back once and then they changed it to 70 million years and then they keep changing. So that was kind of depressing for me but they were acting like they knew the date and time the dinosaur died so we must teach that in the school. It is like the pharmaceuticals fool you with relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction along with the number needed to treat. You may have a drug with supper high absolute risk reduction but the number needed to treat can be very high. So it does not make any sense that there is any risk reduction and you will die of a heart attack, but they can save you from one heart attack to another by some surgery and they can give you a hospital treatment for stroke one out of 100 have a miracle but the hospital bill is same for everyone. And they will refund you if your risk is not reduced. Similar to the herbal industry only thing they do not have science to back up but they are also overselling the product. If you are vegetarian your risk of chronic disease can be lower again it is not absolute, Mama died of cancer, but the nutrition of Brahma Kumari was super low class. If I do not take 3-gram fish oil I cannot play chess or read a book, but there are studies now saying fish oil can increase arterial fibrillation and sudden death. Again going back to Brahma Kumaris, I was super interested in Advanced party knowledge I have studied them for more than five years very intensely. But I see Baba with supper anxiety and restlessness and his voice does not even sound like a saint. If the Supreme Soul is present in him he should display super calmness and his sexual lust must be disappearing from dark to light. He said I am a lustful thorn and I can see the lust in him because it is similar to that I have. I liked him for that reason to see if he is changing. But all I see is a degrading PBKs and degrading Baba. But Baba has clearly explained the relation to Hinduism and other religion and he was brave to criticize all the nine religions including Hinduism in very depth. So he had a lot of enemies otherwise he is a cool guy. The only reason I do not like him is he did not transform from lowest of low to highest of high and I do not see any sign of that happening. That is the only trouble I have with him otherwise I am cool with his teaching and I love his personality without purity. He did not claim that he is pure but promises I will become pure which is very questionable in my book. There is no Supreme Soul either in Brahma Kumari and in PBKs, I followed all of them and you are supposed to display your teacher's behaviour so all I was displaying anxiety has nothing to do with BK. It was there before entering and it is the same after doing Raja Yoga or advanced Raja Yoga. What I cannot understand is if you are lustful then why do you want to be stopping sex in one day? And it is super illogical and Paramatma is a detached observer and he never helps anyone. It is common sense if you are lustful full you cannot in a million years do that celibacy in one day. You are supposed to enjoy it and experience the top of it and then come out of it because in reality there is nothing more to sex than you used to think as a teenager. Sex can cause anxiety and it can relieve anxiety so, in reality, it should disappear naturally. and garlic ( i do not eat it because of the smell and intense taste) but garlic had nothing to do with my sex drive anger or anxiety or depression. That I think you all will agree. I do like a vegetarian diet since childhood because I love animals and I do not like violence. Then about karma, you must read my article. Muhammed was a pedophile, Baba said he was lust full, So I think he should avoid young girls in his group, Again I cannot compare him to Muhammed he looks like an old man with no interest in sex. But I can see his soul can be lustful. If the soul has no anxiety the need for alcohol and sex is very limited. Muhammed was a crook and you can read it from the books written by people surrounded by Muhammed. About Brahma Kumaris they are lying they overcome sex or anger.


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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post12 Sep 2022

If nothing happens by 2037, Baba will say the year starts in 1937 or 1969, then He will say there was no Murli in 1037 how can he create heaven without completing 100 years? Then one-day Baba passes away then the children will say wait for the reincarnation like sai Baba, Now I remember Jesus if he was born today he would have been a sai Baba. Baba says Muhammed was the fourth largest spiritual person on earth. I can say a pedophile in Indian jail has far more spiritual power than Muhammed or his Father in the Brahma Kumaris. Here I am speaking like an atheist. But there are chances the world environment is degrading and Russia and USA are behaving like they used to. So there are both sides. I will not just see one side of my life I would take both sides and give both an opportunity. I still believe the dollar and the American economy can go into hyperinflation one day and America is a Maharaj and pomp and show. I am neither anti Baba anti-Muslim nor anti-American. I like to measure the positive and negative to make a cognitive decision on any ideology. The wonderful thing about the Murli is it says you have to leave Madhuban one day. it is true for the communist party Catholic Sisters and Muslim teachers who teach and abuse small boys and girls. It can be applied to us too. Because all these life insurance companies put money in the stock market. So I could see that coming in our lifetime. But I am not saying that could be the end of the world. Like an American he used to enjoy working hard living in a 600-thousand-dollar house, with a sports car and going to the bar flirting with girls and wine may experience a little bit more sorrow if the dollar becomes a toilet paper. The first thing he will do is he will pick up the gun. And if there are anarchy rich people and young girls are at high risk. Maybe we have high-end artificial intelligence and electric car and life go usually. does not matter if it makes you sad or happy things can happen in the world, we cannot blame Murli for that. You must have commonsense that nothing is eternal and everything changes and change is bound to happen for making us happy or sad it does not matter. Maybe the Brahma Kumaris and PBKs are the ones who suffer the greatest sorrow. I am totally open to saying it loud whether you like it or not. Investing in self-confidence is important even if it is Christian Brahma Kumari American or whatever.
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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post12 Sep 2022

Paragraph breaks, please.


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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post14 Oct 2022

ex-I wrote:Is it just a question of filling up the space removing BKism from your life created with other stuff?

Yes, of course. It's a big question.

BKism wash almost all stuff and replace it with its own beliefs and practices. BKism makes the life simpler as it blocks all other contents of normal life like career, marriage, family, friends and relatives, and keep the individual occupied in BK services only.

The real question arises when one decides to leave the BKs. It's very hard and almost impossible to get back all those things which he has rejected in his early stage of life. The age grows, family separated and in most of the cases becomes financially weak.

The empty space thus created needs to be filled which is very hard and require strong will. In most cases, the individual ends up in depression or lost waiting for end of life.

Thus the destruction takes place rightly in terms of BK.
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Re: After Raj Yoga, Can There be ANY Faith?

Post15 Jan 2024

Look everyone has a right to express their opinions and I see many people on this thread who are trying to rationalize their BK life experiences. Some I am sure would have reverted back to their BK meditation style as I could see a sort of reverence for the cult in their opinions (may or may not be true).

I am only writing it for someone who could relate to ex-l's first post here. I am sorry if I ruffle a few feathers here but if there is anything that has come to my aid in this life it is honesty. Western religions (Abrahamic faiths, that is) have a few fundamental flaws in them. They are all totalitarian, supremacist, deeply political, anti-knowledge-seeking and deeply and inherently intolerant and violent despite their pretenses to be otherwise. That's why most of the philosophies and schools of thought including leftist ideologies, communism, materialism etc that have originated in the West suffer from above maladies as well.

The West has done well materially and that too for a relatively brief period of human history and all that at the expanse of better, more evolved civilizations of the past .As long as, what is now dismissed as paganism, existed in the West before the advent of the three Abrahamic cults (for cults they are no matter how big they become), things were more complex but in a better way, spiritually speaking. The many gods of Greeks, Egyptians, pre-Islamic Middle East, Africa etc presented people with multiple options and forms of worship/practices, including agnosticism and a healthier version of materialism. Since each individual has unique emotional/spiritual needs there can NOT be a one-size-fits-all version of truth ever.

Now, if you agree with a few points in the above paragraph, may be, you can see how very wrong and anti-truth the BKism is (at the philosophical level), no matter how seemingly beautiful experiences it provides to people hooked to it. It is just a very cheap copy of the Abrahamic faiths where a lesser/insignificant man is declared a messiah (not just any messiah but the one true messiah!), and the Abrahamic god is replaced with a Hindu name, mainly because the audience of that time was a bastardized segment of Hindu pantheon (sindhis). It borrows the entire structure of Christian missionary, replaces all the names with Hindu terminologies, and borrows its psychic abilities from, what I now believe, a sect of Islam, infested with lower order spirits.

Now comes my biggest beef with Abrahamic faiths/cults. Since you declare one person or a set of persons, as the only possible messengers of god (as if he needs one), all the gates are closed for any other enlightened being to enter and do reform. Also one very significant thing happens spiritually. If the person who started the religion was genuinely enlightened, with his passage the spiritual power of that faith keeps diminishing over time since each human spirit, no matter how great it is, can only uplift a finite number of people. Slowly over time people revert back to their less eveolved, animalistic selves and the Alpha among the pack captures the entire faith and uses it for his/her personal gains. Teachings get replaced with dogmas and faith with blind belief and a big cult is formed no matter what the intention of the founder is.

You can see this entire pattern in BK cult except for the fact that the very founder himself was, as per evidence, a spiritual-crook. Since most Westerners I know of do not prefer to connect with other gods/deities or even saints of other religions thanks to their Abrahamic bent of mind, I feel a bit helpless in suggesting complete cure from the deadly damage this BK cult does to a sincere, open minded seeker of truth who connected with that ghost psychically, for a significant amount of time, but I will try.

First, you should know that the cure does not lie in becoming atheist or in telling yourself that it was all a sham, although it truly was and, no, I am not saying all this because of some sub-conscious level psychological programing fault in you. You should know that the lower spirits always want to take as many spirits under their wing as they can because the real game will start after death of this body. Anyone with psychic connections between the BK spirit and not enough psychic power in him/her will have to become sub-servient to it. It is not a question of whether you want it or not please understand me carefully. This is how nature functions. Call it karmic bondage or whatever.

Their game starts when they sow the seeds of reverence for that spirit the moment you sit for their stupid 7 Day Course. It is a LAW of spiritual possession that first you have to give your consent to be used as a vessel by them. When you feel lightness, joy etc for the first time from that spirit during that course all the "knowledge" is so designed to make you crave to be used as a messenger like BapDada spirit. This consent has to be at sub-conscious level and you may not even realize giving it. But once you start following the 'Maryadas' etc you have already crossed that barrier.

Now you are his toy until you break that connection totally.

As a Hindu, it was relatively easier for me. It took a long time but thanks to some spiritual guidance by some evolved beings I feel myself almost healed again. So what you need to do after leaving this cult is to find another such source of spiritual energy. It has to be as genuine as possible this time and it can be of any faith. Go to the 'Kshetras' (regions where their aura is maximum) of this source regularly for 2-3 years as much as you can follow all the ways to connect to it, pray continually in your mind no matter how ridiculous an excercise this seems to you at first. Once you connect with it fully, you can now break this new connection if you wish or continue using it.

If your source is true this time you will see a good change this time once you discontinue to attach yourself to it anymore. The after effects will not be there this time because the enlightened souls do not haunt you after leaving them and are always accessible. So if you want to connect with it in future, it will be there for you like before. All this I say with first hand experience. After this a sense a calm and gratitude will enter in your heart and you will know that you are on the right path once again in your life.

I wish the same feelings for anyone reading this who could relate to ex-ls first post on this thread.

A very happy new year to you all.

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