Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

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Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post03 Apr 2009

Posted by jannisder on 02 Apr 2009
jannisder wrote:Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Mind control starts from the moment you feel that your body is dirty and the world is a graveyard. That sex is worse than murder, and the food of your own mother is impure.

That the rest of the world is Maya, and the only truth is spoken in Madhuban. When you believe THAT!!!!! You are in trouble! That is why the BKs say that first family and friends become your enemy, because they are the first to worry about you; the ones that truly love you, and you are willing to leave!


sandoc kumar

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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post27 Feb 2017

Do Not Miss Murli or you will be going back to free and logical thinking.

Keep Visiting BK Cetres, at least give them fair chance to Exploit you.

Do not focus on careers and ambitions rather give up on them as the world will be destroyed soon.

But do provide a lot of donations for up-coming BK Projects in future.

Forget about your bodily family who took the the burden of taking care of you in all respects, all your life, instead love the BK clan, for you are souls of 5000 years and will unite again in Satayug.

Foremost concentration should be given to Day-Dreaming of becoming a Deity in Satayug.

A deity who will have all the divine virtues but none to be used as the world will be satopradhan anyway and there will be no opposition. Who will have a lot to give but no takers. Yet they will be heroes for the entire cycle without any effort.

Practice Celibacy. Why waste your money in Procreating and Bringing up children? Child birth in satayug will be by thought power anyway. Modern medical science is outdated and scientists Ignorant.

Blame your own weaknesses as external worldly influences of Maya-Ravan and Keep Blaming the present human society non-stop.

Contribute to BK centres Through Tan, Man and Dhan for this only will be your purusharth to get a you a higher position in Satayug.

Do not give money to the poor for they will buy knifes from it and kill others and then you will be responsible.

Do not give any kind of service to any genuinely needy or suffering human being for you cannot change his karmic account which only he has to fulfill.

Follow Brahma Bap. Put up his potraits everywhere. Sing praises for him and claim that he is already first ranked in the unfinished race for Satyugi positions. Next praise Mama and then the Dadis to complete the list of 108.

Keep vising Madhuban For BapDada milan the ultimate show On The Emperors New Clothes.

Keep finding Sensible Interpretations For the Confused Utterances Of the Demented Dadi.

Enjoy your hallucinations and share you experiences with other BKs with full Enthusiasm.

Brahma Bap Amar Rahe


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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post03 Mar 2017

Well said Sandoc Kumar, you have summarised the whole scene very well. I have explored at length the psychology behind such beliefs, and the extent of BK hypocrisy, contradictions and their infantile 'Murlis' strengthens my view that it is entirely narcissistic.

No person with even the faintest humanist ideals could engage with such nonsense. As a psychiatrist colleague recently noted, 'the BKs prey on vulnerable personality types, particularly narcissism'. It is the families and partners who make the sacrifices whilst their BK spouses pander to vulgar dogmas so that they may have a privileged reincarnation.

What a sad and pathetic lot of clones they become.

sandoc kumar

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Re: Limitations of the Murli God

Post10 Mar 2017

The God of the Murli is Basically a Grossly Frustated Hindu God.

He hardly ever speaks for his children of other religions. He criticizes and find numerous faults with present Hindu practices of Bhakti. So he wants to change the low grade devotees. Those who are willing and become BK are showered with praises and are supposed to be high in self esteem and qualify for day-dreaming.

God is a proud Nationalist Indian. He ranks India foremost among all nations of the world. He always forgets about the existence and contributions of other nations of the World. Even the big names in his Murli are always Indian.

God has a very poor language sense. He uses a very cheap,partly abusive type of spoken Hindi cum Sindhi. For he is quite sure of the low quality of followers he would be addressing.

He shows signs of Obscessive Compulsive Neurosis, a psychiatric illness, where one keeps repeating the same Ideas and phrases in Murli after Murli.

He has been reminding his children since the past 80 years that time is very short before the End of the World. Three Generations of BKs have expired in the waiting and become Advance Party in the Process.

But he is excellant in his descriptions of pomp and richness of Satyug. The materials and pleasures and the Midas Touch. He calls the fast rising present day humans such as the down-trodden patit, shudras "discharged batteries", who will have to suffer for their karmas. He totally overlooks the huge human progress.

He tells his children to forget all the responsibilties that have come along with human body.

Sadly the BK god Has a Limited Vision.

Bacchhe Ke dil Me Baap aur Baap Ke Dil Me Bacchhe.

Jai Ho Brahma Baap.

sandoc kumar

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Re: Limitations of the Murli God

Post29 Mar 2017

sandoc Kumar wrote:The God of the Murli is Basically a Grossly Frustated Hindu God.

He hardly ever speaks for his children of other religions. He criticizes and find numerous faults with present Hindu practices of Bhakti in Every Murli . So he wants to change the low grade Hindu devotees. Those who are willing to change and become BK are showered with praises as present day angels who will Convert the world into Satyug.

God is a proud Nationalist Indian. He ranks India foremost among all nations of the world. He always forgets about the existence and contributions of other nations of the World. Even the big names in his Murli are always Indian.

God has a very poor language sense. He uses a very cheap,partly abusive type of spoken Sindhi cum Hindi. As if he is quite sure of the low quality of followers he would be addressing.

He shows signs of Obscessive Compulsive Neurosis, a psychiatric illness, where one keeps repeating the same Ideas and phrases in Murli after Murli.

He has been reminding his children since the past 80 years that time is very short before the End of the World. Three Generations of BKs have expired in the waiting and become Advance Party in the Process.

But he is excellant in his descriptions of pomp and richness of Satyug. The materials and pleasures and the Midas Touch.
He calls the fast rising present day humans such as the down-trodden patit, shudras "discharged batteries", who will have to suffer for their karmas. He totally overlooks the huge human progress.

He tells his children to Give up all the responsibilties that have come along with human body and Just Serve the Yagya.

Sadly the BK god Has a Limited Vision.

Bacchhe Ke dil Me Baap aur Baap Ke Dil Me Bacchhe.

Jai Ho Brahma Baap.
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Re: Limitations of the Murli God

Post31 Mar 2017

sandoc Kumar wrote:He criticizes and find numerous faults with present Hindu practices of Bhakti in Every Murli . So he wants to change the low grade Hindu devotees.

We were once told that the BKs' god spirit spoke in "lower middle class" Hindi ... with a smattering of Hinglish (Indian English) to make him look more fancy.

I think you make a fair point about his targetting of the middle and lower castes ... he wants to build a broad social pyramid structure with lots of lower castes as his unpaid servants.
God is a proud Nationalist Indian.

That is also true ... now ... but it signifies a 180° change of direction from the Om Mandli days when he accused Gandhi and Congress of being "a traitor", "the crow race" and other insults. He, or at least Lekhraj Kirpalani, predicted their failure.

He was a British Nationalist back them, in favour of the rich and power British Crown and the Viceroy ... something the BKs have made distinct efforts to cover up and hide.

That exhibits other political tendances, e.g. the following the winds of change without conscience or integrity, and a sucking up to whoever is in power.

Would a "God" trully exhibit such tendencies?

Would a "Trikaldarshi" not see the future in advance, take the right side, and stick to it?


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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post23 Sep 2017

As per Sandoc Kumar's post, I confronted a center-in-charge re: another BK who "gave their bones" and is sick and now discarded back to his family while another is kept safely from harm with ongoing BK care.

I was told to look at my sanskars, karma and that I did not know the whole story. Whatever ... as I pursued it with higher-ups, I was actually left out of a special event. If they only knew it was meaningless to me.

As per Sandoc with BapDada; BB showed signs of late onset schizophrenia.
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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post23 Sep 2017

Maui wrote:I was told to look at my sanskars, karma and that I did not know the whole story. Whatever ...

The trick is then not to be put off by the first slap in the face but then ask calmly, "OK, tell me the whole story ... explain the karmic aspect to me, so I can learn".

They are really just saying, "keep your nose out of our business ... don't look to close ... how dare you question us".

Their response is actually as rude as they really are, and turning it back on your and your faults etc is just plain wrong.

Where is the democracy (fair and equal treatment), where is the openness and accountability?


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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post23 Sep 2017

Very good point.

I guess I was put off by the response and instead of asking those questions in the way you describe, ex-I, instead continued to pursue the "justice of it all".

I have come to believe that there is no fairness, or justice, just their decisions without question or any sort of democracy ... in anything. The more I pursued it, the worse it got for me. But ... they also just ignore things ... important things ... and hope you go away and do not ask anymore about it.

At one point, I actually started questioning myself ... sanskars, karma ... and then woke up and put a "full stop" to that.
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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post24 Sep 2017

Yes, that is the way it is and, yes, those are their hopes and intentions. That is the purpose of their strategy, it is as simple as that. Deflect and turn it on the victim.

Of course, it is not just in BKism that you will encounter that. But the BK leadership shares the same type of person, or sankaras (if you want to use the BK term).

The only way to pursue it safely is as a sort of game, to make it amusing for yourself, to play with them and their seriousness ... and their limitations, e.g. they are not supposed to get angry or wound up, they are supposed to be master ocean of knowledges etc.

In our time we tried to "democratically" resolve problems within the centre etc, e.g. meetings with votes, joint letters of concern etc. It did not work (they were right, the Sister was out of control and ended up having a mental breakdown and then leaving). The leadership just wanted to protect their interests and control the situation.

Like Pink wrote recently, the only answer they have is "do more Yoga" and everything will be magically fixed by Baba. It does not work. It might suppress the problems for a few weeks or months but they just come up again. But that's all they do ... keep pushing the problem away for as long as possible.

I had some sad/bad experiences and wasted a lot of time. I really should have walked away - out of self-preservation - much sooner and quick - but I was hooked mentally and trapped physically (living in bhavan shared house).

It takes a while to see what is going on made worse by their suppression of followers sitting down to share and talk about problems. It's a sort of taboo they don't like to allow, I found.

I don't know if that has changed and whether leaders are more receptive, however, what I am picking from newcomers is that the new generational of center-in-charges are less insightful and skilled.

Because the BKs do not discussion, do not document and are not honest about their past ... everything is about keeping up the shiny "perfect" facade ... lessons learned are not passed on.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post24 Sep 2017

That is the purpose of their strategy, it is as simple as that. Deflect and turn it on the victim.
“Victimism uses the ideology of concern for victims to gain political or economic or spiritual power.”

― René Girard, I See Satan Fall Like Lightning


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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post30 Oct 2017

Just came back from a trip with a BK friend to Florida and Washington. I found the 2 center-in-charges there to be very open to discussion; Waddy and Jenna.

I met them both many times but this seemed different - there were many discussions about how the "new" Yagya would emerge following the Dadi's leaving the body. Specific terms of a new "resurgence" they said. Many younger souls joining and more open to changes happening. This was refreshing, but when he and I pointed out some things need to stay as far as Shrimat, it was quite interesting to hear many say and talk about "alternatives".

We both had to leave but it was rather unnerving, as well as very interesting!
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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post30 Oct 2017

Maui wrote:there were many discussions about how the "new" Yagya would emerge following the Dadi's leaving the body.

So now "model BK" and "One of the 8" top souls, Janki Kirpalani, is now being blamed for the state of the yugya?

Or it is just a case of "when the cat finally goes away, the mice will come out to play"?

Bizarre. Why not just change now? It's hardly as if a 90 odd year old woman can scoot around the world, laying down the law and policing everyone.

Get any promise given in writing.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post30 Oct 2017

More like more of the same old same old - "let the westerners mice play at speculations and doing stuff that will keep them keeping on as BKs, for the PR and other ”services" they provide India (we have x number of centres in so many countries, United nations, Blah blah)) while the India BK cat (the PBKIVV) steals the butter of the 99% of BKs who reside in India.

This idea of a reformist thing has been going on ever since I started as a BK and goes through periodic waxing and waning. Nothing really changes.


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Re: Signs and Warnings of Mind Control

Post30 Oct 2017

I see what you mean PP.

I have heard, when in Florida, that Denise had some kind of trouble in Germany and had to leave. She was aligned/friends with Tamasin and Robin and her last class I had read somewhere she stated about big changes in the Yagya and things were happening now.

Have no idea where she is, or what she means. Perhaps she's a part of that change coming? I think she came around in 1974.

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