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PostPosted: 09 Sep 2006
by sparkal
THE SUN could be seen as Shiva's memorial.
    It nourishes all. Few if any living things can survive without light. Even in the dark of night, the Sun's (Father) light bounces from the Moon (mother) onto the darkened earth.
    The sun is always shining. The provider Father.
    We are highly unlikely to ever go to the Sun, with or without chocolate wings.
    During the male orientated second half of The Cycle, Yang, warfare, competition, Ego, and no doubt many more, our calendar is governed by the sun's movements, or has been since 2000 years ago.
    The Sun is always shining, it is constant and pure. It has no dark side.
THE MOON could be seen as Brahma's memorial.
    The Moon is female in energy, Yin. Brahma the mother. The mother receives from the provider Father and dispenses to the children.
    They landed on the Moon in the year that Brahma Baba departed. Memorial or what, even if it transpired that it did not happen, it is a memorial.
    The moon is a satellite of the earth, close and influential. Far more influential than we may think in this mans world.
    We will in due course return to a Moon calendar system, that which was in operation in the first half of The Cycle.
    The Moon regulates many things, especially to do with fertility and reproduction.
    Our bodies operate in cycles which are probably governed more by the Moon than the Sun. The Moon is the domestic aspect, so health, well being, and the subtle balances within the many cycles within our lives, bodies and indeed minds are influenced by the Moon.
    Anything which influences the tides of the sea has to have an effect on us or we may be kidding ourselves.
    Moods, depression, suicidal tendencies, these things may be able to be monitored if we were more aware of the moon cycles. A lunar calender may be a useful thing for those who have bouts of depression, especially if they appear to be cyclic or a certain pattern outwith things such as pmt etc. A book on the matter could enlighten us a great deal.
    We have been denied knowledge of lunar activity in our up bringing, deliberately. The Moon's cycles and their effect on our existence. The BKs teach nothing on the matter. Yet many of the festivals are governed by the Moon and not the Sun.
    It is said not to have surgery on or around a full moon.
    Fast on the day of full Moon. Detox between full and new Moon. Absorb and replenish, feed, from new to full Moon.
Shyam sundra, the ugly and the beautiful. The mind boggles.

I look forward to hearing the thoughts of others on this forgotten subject which has so much influence. The Moon can never be blamed for my own actions.

There is of course other planets, I am not going to attempt to put names to them. The world is full of memorials, hopefully I have left enough room for others to contribute something. We can also use memorials to judge others for things which they have not even done yet. But hey, how are we supposed to judge others if we don't look at their weaknesses first. :?

Re: memorials

PostPosted: 09 Sep 2006
by howiemac
Great post sparkal. Inspired by Thursday's full moon perhaps? Your symbolism fits: Shiva as Sun / Father, Brahma as Moon / mother. But how (if at all) does this relate to the Sun dynasty and the Moon dynasty?
sparkal wrote:There is of course other planets

Jupiter and Saturn for starters. Saturn, known as "the old devil", ruling planet of Capricorn (the goat), associated with deception and strictness "for your own good" ... sounds a bit like Brahma to me ... while benevolent Jupiter, benign and expansive, sounds like Shiva ...

One can go round in circles with this kind of stuff ... I guess that is a normal aspect of churning ... :wink:

fixed signs

PostPosted: 19 Sep 2006
by sparkal
The words of a popular astrologer from yesterday and today-
"The astronomers have spoken. New discovery, dwarf planet UB313 must no longer be known as Xena. She is now to be known as Eris after the Greek goddess of Discord. Her moon is to be called Dysnomia after the goddess of lawlessness. Interestingly though, Xena the Warrior Princess was played by Lucy Lawless ... and Discord was a character in the famous TV series. They can’t quite seem to shake off that connection. So ... is a planet of discord what the world needs right now? I’ll say more, soon, about why it may not be such a bad thing."

"Can a planet suddenly take on a personality according to the name it has been given? If you don't believe in astrology, the answer is, 'Of course not. Don't be so silly'. But I am a student of mystical cosmology. I know how powerful celestial symbolism can be. Time after time, I have witnessed it at work. Last week, within 24 hours of each other, two historic events occurred. My astronomer colleagues decided that newly discovered 'dwarf planet' UB313 is now to be known as Eris, goddess of discord ... and the Pope made his infamous speech at Regensburg University."
And another -
"Yesterday, we spoke about events in distant Darfur. Today, I want to turn to a not entirely unrelated topic: the newly discovered 'dwarf planet' Eris. She was the goddess of discord, daughter of Zeus and Hera, twin Sister of Ares whose angrily thrown golden apple started the Trojan War. Famously she encouraged argument, aggravated grievance and intensified intolerance. An unspeakable genocide, worse than all previous international atrocities, might seem, to her, like an apt accompaniment to her return to the celestial stage, especially if she could keep us all too busy arguing about other matters to notice it happening."

PostPosted: 24 Dec 2006
by tinydot
The analogies of sun and Father; moon and Mother are quite accurate.

A liitle bit off topic. The astrology of the planets sometimes amazes me in the sense that even Brahmins are pulled by the superstitious aspect of it. Let's say there exists an underlying correlation between horoscope (based on astrology) and one's personality, have we determined it accurately, meaning, we have observed the generalizations of astrology as something predictable and repeatable. The asnswer is NO. And so why are lots of BKs spend time and money with this stupid thing called astrology, and sometimes to the point of making a decision as advised by a fortune teller based on the planetary arrangements? Is this some kind of Bhakti, body consciousness, or what?

PostPosted: 05 Jan 2007
by sparkal
I am sure, like anything, it could become a form of Bhakti. We must consider that planets may not effect us, but are effected themselves, as we are, by the deeper element of drama itself and are therefore monitors/ a clock, hence they can be used, along with many other things, to give indications as to the time, drama time.

I am wondering who's memorial these corporate company's are? :|. When we change, the world changes.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2007
by sparkal
Just churning - The term dynasty refers to a period of time, or sovereignty, kingdoms and rulers, families and bloodlines even.

The SUN DYNASTY (Golden Age) may be those of the sun, Shivalaya, the land of Shiva. Shiva the sun. Those closest to Shiva will reign over the land that Shiva built and the consciousness will be that of 16 celestial degrees (whatever that means). The purest of lands ruled by the purest of souls while in a body in human history. Sounds rather elitist, but sometimes we must simply accept that which is. It remains to be seen however.

The Sun dynasty will be pure, warm and light, constantly. We could question as to whether the earth is even involved in the environment in question as the Sun is not a planet but a star, it is beyond, almost. It used to be said that we will still have a subtle thread to Shiva in the Golden Age, I don't know what that implies other than just that. The thing is, so many other aspects of Gyan have not meant, just that, and have become something else, after churning that is. An open mind therefore is required. An open mind is a healthy mind. Doubt is the opposite of faith however. And, note that Lakshmi is said before Narayan.

The MOON DYNASTY (Silver Age) will be ruled by those of the Moon, which has a dark side, Brahma? Shyam Sundra? That is not to cast Brahma in a particular role. The moon is not as warm even when it reflects the light of the Sun to the earth. Perhaps the Moon dynasty souls are closer to Brahma than Shiva. It should not mean that those who reign in the Silver Age will not have been around in the sun dynasty, land of Shiva. The Moon is not the closest planet to the Sun, Mercury, the planet of communication is. It moves the fastest round the sun. The Moon is a satellite of the earth. Close to the earth, and reflects the light of the sun, it has no warmth or light of its own.

All astrological signs have a ruling planet or even two. No astrological sign has the earth as its ruler, today at least. While Brahma is Mother of Brahmins, Mama is world Mother(Jagattdhamba? I know less about this). The Moon dynasty will be that bit cooler with a dark side therefore.

Are there any planets attributed to the copper and iron ages in terms of dynasty? If not, it raises questions as to where the gold and silver ages take place if not here on earth as we know it. The two remaining ages would also surely be given recognition in this way.

So, perhaps there is a realm which was closed off at the end of the Silver Age due to conflict between races and gene types, a realm which will have to be opened up again in order to get the Golden Age going. A realm between the corporeal and the Subtle Region.
Faith. Shiva is untouchable.

PostPosted: 08 Jan 2007
by sparkal
Regarding memorials, I am wondering if there is any similarity of birth time of New Labour Party (leader-Tony Blair) and the start of corporate BK-ism. I remember between 10-15 years ago, a mail out from London outlining which fonts and colours were acceptable in BK literature. I can see why perhaps, but it will have killed off many BK desk top and graphic artists.

Only a certain number of souls need to change in this world, the oldest souls.
    Are they aware of the ability they may have to affect the world?
    Exactly how powerful are our thoughts?
    To what degree do they look to others to take responsibility?
    To what degree do they lack faith that we are as powerful as is said?
    Who else is going to do it, or has the capacity to do it?
    Will it just happen on its own anyway? (pre dest)

Omens of Jupiter and Saturn

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2007
by sparkal
An astrologer could tell you more, though I suspect it would amount to something similar. I have been trying to give some support to someone who is in meltdown and crisis in their life. They have been on their own with spirituality and diet in another city, have been influenced by others, complaining about this, and the fact that no one ever listens to them.

This person never seems listens to anyone themself. We all know what it is like to have no one listen to us when dispensing wise things which we simply know can help another, but we cannot do it for them. We can only allow others to drain us, cling, use us as support etc. so long or so much. Swim up to a drowning person to rescue them and they are likely to haul you under out of panic. We need to swim to them, then under the water, come up behind them, and rescue them from that point (spiritual interpretation?).

As time goes on, there may be more souls in crisis, to what degree are we OBLIGED to help? What IS help? When we have helped them as much as we can and they are not responding, not using the tools which they have been given, they may want YOU to also use the tools which you have given them to use on themselves.

Another possiblity is that a soul, for all we know, has been brought to us to drain us, hold us back, distract us. I have no proof. The individual in question is disillusioned at trying to help others and getting nowhere. A closer look however suggests that the individual has had realisations and finds themself drifting from those who they are attached to, and so tries to get the attachments to come with them but the others simply may not have the capacity to understand, at least yet. Eventually we begin to realise that what we are being given is for us to change the self with. And so we understand the point of changing the self and not others.

So, the ground starts moving under my feet. I start changing and I want to bring those who I am attached to with me, out of good wishes for them. The pure desire for them to experience what one is experiencing. We may have to let go of others and follow our own intuition, while understanding that what is going on is very much a personal thing (which everyone else has got to experience because you know it is what they need but won't take). The frustration of others not taking that which can help is one thing, not moving forward because your attachment won't follow you is another. This has caused many problems since the beginning of the Yagya.

The soul in question hung around in faith that things would improve but the ones who they were waiting for to change continue to decline if anything. The person declining with them through limited lifestyle and the person has now given up in disgust and dismay that these souls will not become like them. There is regret about all the time waisted on them, waiting and hoping that these others would come round and see sense; and of the things they might have done instead. The punch line here is that, this soul does nothing themself. They make no effort of any sort. Never really have done. All the frustration is really with the self due to not acting upon new ways of life which they know to be more beneficial but just don't have the WILL POWER to make the theory practical.

The soul had been to the centre many years ago and had an "acid-like" experience. They still say, "maybe ... but how do I know?". Well ... if ever I saw Saturnian influences at work, this is it. I may have been there, so recognize it, and so could offer some explanation as to what may be going on. But no one ever listens to me. Especially those closest to me who that I am attached to. They never listen and they should (Should they? Why?).

There appears to be a hexagonal shape on one of saturns poles (SIX sided). We can find our life being ripped up to start again, simply because we are/have not been doing it ourself in a more controlled manner. Change or be changed seems to be the unconditional demand from the drama.

The "Omens of Saturn"? (Murli), does it equal change or you will be changed? Try to change and you may still be changed, unless you are heading to where you SHOULD be rather than where you WANT to be. The drama seems to have an opinion on where we SHOULD be. Indeed, it would appear that we are willing to accept low grade drama when the drama may be saying, "you deserve better, much better". In fact, you have no idea ... and so "Saturn" means well but tends to pack a punch. At that time, we are being asked to trust and have faith in the confusing chaos which is our life. "MY" life. Faith in Drama, self, and anyone up there who can lend a hand. Hold on, is it not I who is lending a hand to them? ... um ... him ... it ... that one ... i give up.

Sure, the EGO goes mad with rage at being pushed around but we may well look back and see how that twister had to come along carrying me and dumping me in another place(omens of Saturn). What do you know? That twister seemed to know exactly where to drop me. We are then free to claim all credit for the good fortune which awaits. Panic? Not me. We cannot mess with the drama. Drama is the absolute of the spiritual game, ultimately (?), unless we mess with it in an accurate way.

So, is there a case for saying that it is about getting a balance in all things? Then we can experience the true meaning of the term "omens of Jupiter[/color]", the planet of abundance.