More BKWSU dinosaur weirdness

Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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More BKWSU dinosaur weirdness

Post26 Mar 2009

The remains of a giant meat-eating sea monster that patrolled the oceans during the reign of the dinosaurs have been unearthed on an island in the remote Arctic archipelago of Svalbard. The fossilised "sea monster" is the largest reptile of its type known to science, Norwegian scientists have announced.

The 150 million-year-old specimen was found on Spitspergen, in the Arctic island chain of Svalbard, in 2006. The Jurassic-era leviathan is one of 40 sea reptiles from a fossil "treasure trove" uncovered on the island. Nicknamed "The Monster", the immense creature would have measured 15m (50ft) from nose to tail.

The BKWSU claims that the dinosaurs existed 2,500 years ago and one BK I know claimed they were shot by early Copper Age ex-heavenly deities. Other BKs state that the dinosaurs were killed off by "heaven on earth" nuclear power stations being destroy at the end of the Silver Age.

OK ... land dinosaurs ... may be. But what about these giant underwater dwellers up in the arctic? Did the ex-deities have submarines too, 2500 years ago and around the same time Moses and Abraham existed!?!

If the dinosaurs this big were killed off my nuclear or environment disaster, the Mini-Destruction Theory, how come humanity was not either? The reptile's skeletons are found all over the planet.

If the millions of dinosaurs where shot or killed by humanity ... did humanity have submarines 2,500 years ago to do so? This relates to other BK contemplations that there were a few "heavenly" flying machine still left 2,500 years ago and these were used by them to hunt and shoot such animals. (Not an official partyline ... there is none ... but one that was told to me by a senior Western BK and of the nature of much contemplation by some BKs).

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spiritual spy

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Re: More BKWSU dinosaur weirdness

Post02 Apr 2009


when nuclear holocaust happens all the vegetation and plants will be lost along with the human (lokik) and dinosaurs?

Then will they have plants in sat yug?
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Re: More BKWSU dinosaur weirdness

Post02 Apr 2009

spritual spy wrote:when nuclear holocaust happens all the vegetation and plants will be lost along with the human (lokik)
and dinosaurs. Then will they have plants in sat yug?

Nuclear holocaust only happens in Western world. According to the Murli, Bharat is untouched.

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Re: More BKWSU dinosaur weirdness

Post07 Apr 2009

john wrote:Nuclear holocaust only happens in Western world. According to the Murli, Bharat is untouched

If it takes place, as stated in the Murlis, the radiation and climatic changes (dust blocking out the sun etc) would leave the earth in a state, let us say, far from ideal.
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For serious inquiries into the matter start here - a newspaper article for easy reading, then proceed to a google search on "climatic effects of nuclear war" will bring up many scholarly treatise.

The Gyan spoke of USA and Russia being the culprits, but both Pakistan and India are the two nuclear powers most likely to come to blows. If either happens (look at the proximity of India to Russia). New Zealand will probably be have to be the location for shooting the "Lords of the next Ring" .

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