Welcome to the Dutch newcomers and thank you

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Welcome to the Dutch newcomers and thank you

Post28 Jul 2009

Welcome to the Dutch newcomers on Gouden Tijd Nu: hoe ik koos voor een nieuw spiritueel leven! and thank you for showing us your respect by joining us. Yes, Google translation tools work very well.

Sadly, it is hardly necessary to translate ... another country, the same old story. I am so sorry but this has to be told.
Of the BKWSU, Jan Vrij wrote:Everything turned 180 degrees around:

Where there should have been love, I found indifference ...
Where there should have been trust, I found gossip, competitive behavior and telltales ...
Where there should have been safety, I found the condition of absolute obedience to senior teachers ...

Especially of the gossip and "telltale" (telling sneaky stories to senior BKs), I can confirm that it true. I call it their "spy-ring". With the invention of the internet, and the investment into internet VOIP phone networks, it has only gotten worse. Whilst at a small center, I used to discover that my center-in-charge reported anything I said (or thereby 'had thought') which stood out to the Seniors. In the "worst" case, I wanted to stop eating dairy products as they made me sick, I was made to phone up the Seniors (Jayanti) in London to explain myself. Their control reached right into my body!!!

Is this just the tendency of the type of women that joins the BKWSU, or is it something that the senior's encourage to keep them in positions of power and influence ... a by-product of the subtle system of fear? Knowledge is Power.
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Re: Welcome to the Dutch newcomers and thank you

Post28 Jul 2009

Possibly the most innocent forms of gossip come from shallowness, extrovertedness, boredom and frustration. But when gossip turns into slander, and is designed to destroy someone's image or to adopt the role of police or squealer, that is not done in carelessness but deliberately to gain 'points' in the competition encouraged by SS.

Even BapDada who constantly speaks about numbers, rosaries and races, and can be misinterpreted totally by impure minds.

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