What is this forum about? 2011 Review

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What is this forum about? 2011 Review

Post20 May 2011

Taken from another topic, here.
Mike26 wrote:I am sure it has not escaped the attention of forum members that even this web-site and forum could be construed as yet another expression of ex-members difficulty in letting go of the BK-ness. After all some might argue this is just a talking shop on BK matters - nothing better for keeping an ex member connected in some fashion.

Alternatively, it can be argued this forum is here as a vehicle to tell the truth about BK deception, to inform, to support those wishing to leave the organisation and as an on-going resource to help with people recover and re-orient themselves toward real living. I prefer to see the forum as serving the latter purpose.

Well for all those current members of the BKSWU looking at this forum and thinking that garbage. I know many ex BKs who have grown and grown and are enjoying far more happiness than they ever did while within the poisonous grasp of the BKs. No storms of Maya, no being chewed up, no terrible karmic consequences. Instead they have jobs, careers, properity, beautiful children and a much clearer intellect than you you could ever give them.

Thank you for asking the question Mike. I appreciate the seriousness, and focus, of your posts now.

I think the remit of the forum is pretty clear now ... others might have their own opinion and I am happy to hear it.

    if you are 'in' the BKWSU, we support you making the BKWSU fully accountable, democratic and resolving all the anomalies; but

    a) we are 'out' and are here to help you get it out of your system,
    b) we are here to protect those innocent third parties who are hurt and damaged by the ignorance and rapacious greed of the Brahma Kumaris as they chew their way through the societies of the world, and
    c) to make sure no one else new is sucked into their web without having a full account of what they are.
Some individuals are mature or reasonable enough to accept the positive experiences they had within the BK world. I, personally, am not sure there are that many because any "goodness" is usual just part of a greater deception in my book. The only good things I can think about are probably ... "getting up early" and "keeping clean". I even think they made a hash of promoting vegetarianism because they were so anti-health, anti-body. Yes, BK community is on the surface a nice comfort zone ... but I think the cost is too high and most BKs could do better if they were free of their controlling leadership.

I would say this forum is a bridge between the BK world and the real world. Anyone here now has decided to play the role of a reverse "boatman" leading people back to the real world from the bardo the BKWSU's Baba took them.

We tried to make the forum all inclusive in the beginning but it did not work out. The became flooded by the odd evangelist and BK refugees, and there were too many conflicts, crazy mud slinging fights, between insane PBKs and ex-PBKs. Real fury and hatred. Talk about unresolved psychological issues ... there is crazy **** going on in India, e.g. BKs kidnapping and beating up PBKs and putting them in hospital etc.

We know that in the beginning it was read right up to the Western top, Jayanti and folk like that. It was actually welcomed by the more progressive, leading Westerners like Mike George. I suspect they ignore us now. I have no idea what impact on the BKWSU we have had but we have certainly changed the playing field for them and saved a few lives, they say.

I know, to begin, some BKs liked and secretly admired us with ... but then, when the all evidence of the serious historical revision and business/financial corruption came out, we started taking a hardline. They just put us down as being "The Anti Party" and portrayed us as only interested in "defaming" them/Baba. As you know, "Defaming Baba" or "Defaming the Yugya (BKWSU)" is the biggest sin or bogeyman in Brahma Kumarism.

Of course, that is not true. We are not 'Anti-' anything, we are 'Pro-' truth, honesty in religion and growing up. I actually think there is no one on earth that has done more good for the BKWSU than the individuals who have contributed here! (Only the BKWSU is having a hard time accepting the medicine ...).

At one point, our exposure became a threat to the egos of other elements, and Dr Hansa Raval of Texas tried to destroy us with a legal action ... only to end up exposing herself as a BK center-in-charge who had had - on top of leaving his husband and young child to join the BKWSU in the first place - a hidden sexual relationship and marriage within Gyan, and a paper documented involvement in financial and immigration "ambiguities". She was supported by individuals like Karuna Shetty in Madhuban and Ray Bhatt of the Janki Trust in London and others like Dadi Janki who stood back and did nothing to stop her.

Speaking personally, what I interests me most is research. I have come to realised we know very, very little about the inner workings of the BKWSU, the power cliques and struggles that go on, the financial aspects, and we have only exposed a tiny fraction of the corruptions. We have hardly touched the reality of BK India.

I think the big dividing line on this forum comes up at the point of whether an individual holds on to the idea that the spirit of the BKWSU is "God". Many individuals leave the BKWSU but hold onto the possibility that the god of the BKWSU is STILL "the God". This can take a very long time to let go. I think many BKs within the BKWSU have actually given up on the beliefs but are hooked by this last hope, fear or attachment.

Some of the more liberal and progressive BKs came here and wanted to hang out but I think they find that being challenged very, very hard to live with. Both parties retain a romantic attachment to their early BK life and god theory. I, personally, am highly defensive against anyone that has not sorted that one out pushing it ... perhaps too much so.

This is not a pseudo-BKWSU hangout for demi-BKs. Thanks to us, there are now other forums for that, including ones run by BKs, PBKs, Global BKs, ex-BKs. I think we have move on beyond theorising about BKism and into reform and recovery.
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Re: What is this forum about? 2011 Review

Post20 May 2011

here here, cannot argue for once



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Re: What is this forum about? 2011 Review

Post18 Jul 2011

Hi, very often, when I come to this forum, and daily I see post by yourself, and you have said, we are 'out' and are here to help you get it out of your system, but me thinks that you are obsessed with them, the BKs. You cannot get them out of you thoughts. I have left and do not even open your Daily post, yet everyday you have thoughts of them, you have not truly left them. I feel pity for you.
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Re: What is this forum about? 2011 Review

Post18 Jul 2011

exbktt wrote:me thinks that you are obsessed with them, the BKs. You cannot get them out of you thoughts. I have left and do not even open your Daily post, yet everyday you have thoughts of them, you have not truly left them. I feel pity for you.

Is there any way that you can help us at all then? Any advice that you can leave behind for others? Anything you care to do?

People have said that we have saved lives just by being here. That must be worth something. However, it is a fair question you ask.

If you are addressing me, for years I did not think or do anything about the BKs at all. Meeting another ex-BK, I heard of some of the bad cases; Ranjana and Sharad Patel's suicides, the child abuse, heard about all the business corruption seeping its way it, and it disgusted me. Then I discovered the historical revision, that there had been no Shiva when they started and it was all made up and covered up, and then - trying to help - I watched one very good husband be torn to pieces and lose his daughters to some mentally ill and "obsessed" Brahma Kumaris who were dabbling about in their family business. It made me want to do something to wake the world up to them.

Have we achieved that now? Perhaps at least as far as the internet goes. I don't know about real life. We have made the top BKs have to think a little, but I guess we have not changed them at all. A guess a few BKs have left because of us.

Personally, I benefited from xBKChat forum being there. It helped to share and unpick some of the tangles. Others say it would have benefit them, if we had been there when they left. It does not seem to be a bad thing to do.

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