Point of another great concern ?

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Point of another great concern ?

Post23 Aug 2012

I am in a state of shock. I just could not believe what is going on in my life. A committed teacher BK Sister or fellow student if comes to know about my current mental state will say look at this poor chap. Maya in its most royal form has attacked his soul now he will certainly stand in front of Dharmraj and pay for his sins but actually I am in my full senses and now I am really skeptical about the true intentions of BKs.

To be true, I have still not concluded everything but to a much larger extent I have a feeling of getting trapped myself badly into the Nexus of brahmakumaris. Is it possible that all Student BKs in the world are unaware of everything and all Teacher BKs know the real story which is taking place behind the curtains? Well, still I am a regular BK at the moment and I am just about to leave for my evening class and meditation session. I just think of my teacher, my Sister who is a very young lady may be in her late 20's or early 30's. I really doubt whether she also operates in a bad way or knows everything dark about BKs and is also getting personal benefits as their top leaders are doing some real big drama.

Point of another great concern for me. Can I take her into confidence and discuss openly about my new state of mind frankly? I am quite sure she is also trapped like me. I am a trapped student and she might be a trapped teacher who does not know and understands the other side of the coin. Please discuss friends and share your views.
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Re: Point of another great concern ?

Post23 Aug 2012

Welcome back to the real world my friend. Your experiences are are those that many of us have all gone through. It is another re-birth.

The BK leadership accuses of because we highlight their fraud and demand that they become highly ethical. We are not the "anti-party" we want them to be better people, a better organization, stop harming individuals and families and stop spending other people's wealth on stupid, self-induglent activities.

If we take "Maya" in its simplest form, what does it mean? Falsehood. The Brahma Kumaris have redefined the word to mean "anything that does not conform to what they want you to see and believe". Any challenged to their authority and mental control of you. Much of Brahma Kumarism has become about how to separate and control you, to exploit you for whatever they can get out of you be it money, property or free labour.

But "Maya" means "falsehood" and so anything that is false is Maya, plain and simple. The book Adi Dev is a very false account of the history of the Yugya (fact). The Murlis have been manipulated and revised to change them to give a false impression of their founder and god (fact). The predictions have been changed and hidden (fact). They do the opposite to what the Shrimat says in the Murlis (fact).

So who is spinning a web of deceit ... or Maya ... and confusing people? The BK leadership. (We do not blame the followers, they are just told to "not think" and repeat like parrots).

Is the young lady sincere and well meaning? Of course she is. She is probably complete naive ... and she is also trapped. More trapped than you because she has probably been made to surrender her dowry to them.

I would say, if you want to approach the young girl (who was not even born when all this happened) download a few of the old documents in the Library and have a look at them. Let her see the evidence with her own eyes. There are some more to come soon. You can ask, "Why is there no mention of God Shiva prior to 1950 when you tell us God Shiva incarnated in 1936 and said, "Shivoham, Shivoham, Shivoham ...". Why do the old documents say God is Omnipresent and claim God Brahma is the Gita sermoniser? Why do you hide the past?"

She is already pre-programmed with lots of typical answers I mentioned in the other post but it may make her think. Ask her if she had to surrender her dowry.

You are an intelligent, sincere and professional person ... ask why a university, let alone "God's university" does not have or allow the serious study of original documents for those who are interested?

Whether you chose to stay or leave is your own decision. You can still do good where ever you choose to be in life. Appeal to people's goodness, intelligence and ethics. Is it ethical to mislead people about your past? If this was business ... which it is ... what would be fraud. Willing misrepresentation to gain benefits.

We are greatly concerned by this habit of demanding young girls' dowries as it traps them for life, even if they wish to leave, they cannot. That makes them the slaves of Brahma, not the brides or princesses of Brahma.

At the very least, the BKs should keep the dowries in trust for the young women and given them back to them when they are mature or wish to leave helping them establish themselves ... but the leaders won't because they want the money to run their business and they believe Destruction will come to wash away all their problems.

Same too with a pension for the old ... who is going to look after all the old and infirm who gave up having families to serve the BKs?


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Re: Point of another great concern ?

Post24 Aug 2012

ex-l thanks a lot for ur replies. if i have to establish a regular touch with u on this forum do i have to start a new thread / topic each time or i can post anywhere and u will catch that and reply back.
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Re: Point of another great concern ?

Post24 Aug 2012

It is up to you.

If something is very specific, then it is good to start a new topic title. If it is part of the same discussion, they just add it to your original posts.

I normally use the New posts link to find any new posts. August is a quiet time of the year as many people go on holidays.


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Re: Point of another great concern ?

Post31 Aug 2012

saveyourlife wrote:I am in a state of shock.

Hi and welcome!

I was in shock too when I discovered there was no mention of God Shiva within the BK world until the early 1950s. I was a full time surrendered Brother in a main Centre and had been a BK for some 25 years at that time. It took me 2 years to fully let go of my faith in the BK Gyan.

I agree with ex-l that this is like a new birth. "Wah my new life after BK! Wah!"

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