BK and corruption - really?

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post28 Jun 2013

Mr Green wrote:I suffered mental abuse only by BKs, but I was an adult! My experience was obviously nothing like yours but I am also unable to feel properly, I still cannot tell my mum I love her as I was taught detachment to such a level I stopped feeling for others! ... Weird. Thanks for sharing, you are very couragous

That is so, so sad Mr Green!! but I know the feeling!! I wasn't even able to know, develop and express my feelings of love for my parents, siblings and extended family as the Brahma Kumaris got in there before that could happen.

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Pink Panther

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

Dear Enlightened and Mr Green,

For me one of the most fulfilling periods of my life after BKs was re-establishing good relationships with my family; especially my parents before they died - my mum only 6 months ago.

It was not any single moment or episode. I let time be the healer, i.e. I just spent more time with them, did things with them. When the time felt right, I thanked them for things, raising me and caring for me and my siblings, having deep and meaningful conversations with them s well as casual small talk about food or weather etc, asking their advice or opinion - even for things I did not really need advice on, asking about their life experiences.... They can do the talking, you just need to be interested.

That is, its about them as much as it is about you.

Although the words are far less important than being with them, they do appreciate any such words, and they can only come out when the relationship, their company, their being and their experiences are validated. They are NOT the enemy. When they are gone its too late, when you can say and do the things that matter and not shy away, you feel better/grateful/glad that you did almost immediately.

The specific words "I love you" are not as important, because familial love is different, and actions speak louder. Doing things for them, spending time, watching one of their favourite TV shows with them, find out about them, their interests their values and struggles, successes and failures, loves and childhood dreams etc ...holding their hand or hugging.... eating together.

Not all parents are great people, but they are people and each person has a story. And if, because they are difficult or not ready, you cannot do that with them yet, then other family members - uncles and aunts, cousins... and don't forget old friends.

Most people value the fact that others have regard for them. Give to get.

This is one way you overcome the deforming patterns left by the BK experience. Like most "emotional" things, once done it feels like it was easier than you thought it would be, and it really shifts the foundations.
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

Pink Panther wrote: ... holding their hand or hugging ... eating together.

"Oh, my God! Touching non-BKs ... eating their food ... how impure!!!"

Unless, of course, they have a nice property and inheritance to offer ... in which case we can arranging a personalised public hugging from Dadi Janki, and a bespoke trance message from Gulzar on the stage at Madhuban.

How many rooms does it have? I'll get Ramesh Shah to fax you through the authorised Will leaving everything to the BKWSU. :-?


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

Emotions and empathies need to be regularly practiced and excercised, just like a physical organ or a muscle ..!!

If suppressed or locked in ... They will disintegrate ...!!


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

@Enlightened: I share a similar background to yours and can say it took me around 10 years to heal and even then I would say that there is still some 'BKness' left e.g. I still have issues eating a meal that contains onion or garlic even though they are veg.

Are you parents still in Gyan and if so are they supportive of your position? It's especially harder when family are also BKs as the last thing you want as a kid, teenager and even as an adult is to disappoint them and that just increases the pressure to continue along the BK path.

What are you doing to heal yourself? Do you work? Have you formed new relationships or are you still forced to hang out with BKs given that throughout your whole life I imagine the majority of your close relationships would have been with members of the organisation?

@Pink Panther: Your story is touching, I am happy to see you spent time with your parents.


Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

PP, thanks for sharing the experiences; they are quite touching and practical for building and strengthening relationships particularly with parents. While it may take time, love is the best healer.


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

ex-l wrote: All of their stories are highly exaggerated, embellished and in places utterly falsified. I suspect the whole "beggary" story is so too, and that we'll never get the whole truth. Perhaps the money just ran out when that woman died or her family stepped in?

Why did not they just get a job and do some work? You can throw out the whole "purifying themselves by remember God" theory ... they was no Shiva to remember. They were just hanging out with Lekhraj Kirpalani.

I recall numerous history stories in the London morning class and those classes just went on and on and on ... yawwnnn.

What did they believe during this period? The concept of Shiva as a point of light was introduced much later as, at that time (so the BKs say), it would have been too much of a step in faith to go from worshipping deities to a point and hence a gradual transition was introduced. In fact, in classes it was made clear that initially it was Brahma that was being glorified so I don't think they are hiding anything here??

Also, all this talk of Lekhraj getting all physical - what is the evidence to back up such claims? I haven't heard any stories of pregnancies at that time or are there such stories?
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

Minesh wrote:... so I don't think they are hiding anything here??

Pick up Adi Dev ... or look at one of 100s of BK corporate and cult follower website, Minesh ... and you will read the same codswollop.

"1936 ... God Shiva ... Shivohum, Shivohum etc etc etc", so what on earth are you talking about?

I am sorry to say it so openly and directly right at the beginning of our relationship but you are still so full of BK mental conditioning and just repeating their usual sidesteps. The only help I can offer you right now is to encourage you to accept that 90% + of what you were told, and how you have been conditioned to respond is false, intent on covering up the actual truth, or wilfully misleading. You've been more skilfully manipulated than you are aware of and, if you are not consciously cooperating with them, programmed to automatically defend them without thinking or questioning.

Where is the BKs "evidence" to support any of their claims from that there god spirit is God down?

The BK leaders are *still* involved and investing their time and donors' money covering up and suppressing the truth of their past and retro-spectively alter their philosophy. They scale of such activity is vast, immoral in nature and unethical.

Have you read the Om Mandli Bhaibund Committee book yet, a Reply to Om Radhe's 'Is this Justice?' yet"? It's in the Library section, link at the top. Start with it and tell me what you think.

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

I did not come up with any positives about my encounter and experience with the Brahma Kumaris!

Can anyone else come up with any positives or add to negatives on my post on page one of this topic?

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

Minesh wrote:@Enlightened: I share a similar background to yours and can say it took me around 10 years to heal and even then I would say that there is still some 'BKness' left ... Are your parents still in Gyan and if so are they supportive of your position? It's especially harder when family are also BKs as the last thing you want as a kid, teenager and even as an adult is to disappoint them and that just increases the pressure to continue along the BK path.

Hi Minesh

I don't think the BKness will ever completely go away from our psyche, however, I try not to give any of it energy. I not only have issues with onions and garlics but on every level of my life ... it's almost impossible for me to be who I am because I never really got an opportunity to know who I am, know what I like, what I want, what I enjoy, what I don't enjoy etc etc ... BKness haunts my life on a subconscious level.

As to how much time it takes each one to heal, that varies depending on each individual. In my case, I was like a sponge that soaked in everything I was told by the BKs because things were conveyed in a very rigid manner in the 1970s both to children and adults. Furthermore, I was physically molested by BK members several times and also sexually abused by BK members. I had no real friends within the BKs or outside the BKs. I felt extremely lonely within the BKs and even now outside the BKs.

As it is, it's quite challenging to make friendships in the real world. I mean real friends or friends that are likeminded. Even more challenging with all the baggage I am carrying.

I have to change my psyche considerably to feel connected to the real world because I feel like I live in a bubble most of the time, or I feel alienated from the real world and a huge sense of being dissociated.

I am not sure how many of my posts you have read, however, one parent was a BK and one wasn't. Both of my parents have died now but I did leave the BK organisation whilst my BK parent was alive and so I did feel the pressure to please them. But I was resilient and adamant not to be sucked into the BK organisation again. The BKs did try to suck me back into their organisation when my BK parent died and I did have connection with them for a while at that time, but MY GUT INSTINCT TOLD ME TO KEEP AWAY.

I don't have any connection with the BKs now. I am finding ways to recover from all this brainwashing and traumas. I find it very challenging to make real friendships or relationships on many levels and just keep praying and hoping that one day I find like-minded friendships in my life.

It's not easy for me to SNAP out of all this because of the intensity of my experiences and traumas. But I am trying to learn how to live with and cope with the consequences it has left me with.

I hope this answers your questions Minesh.

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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

enlightened wrote:Can anyone else come up with any positives or add to negatives on my post on page one of this topic?

Not right now but I am interested in knowing more about Dadi Janki's property holdings ... how and why.
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post29 Jun 2013

Not right now but I am interested in knowing more about Dadi Janki's property holdings ... how and why.

I don't know how or why, but I did hear the people who work for her talking about it that is, if you are referring to the one in Gyan Sarovar. I don't know about any others but they may have others in their names.


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post30 Jun 2013

ex-l wrote: "You've been more skilfully manipulated than you are aware of and, if you are not consciously cooperating with them, programmed to automatically defend them without thinking or questioning.

The BK leaders are *still* involved and investing their time and donors' money covering up and suppressing the truth of their past and retro-spectively alter their philosophy. They scale of such activity is vast, immoral in nature and unethical.

No, not trying to defend BKs at all. It's been 8+ years since I have studied any of The Knowledge and more than anything my memory of what was taught has faded and hence couldn't recall some basic facts such as Shiva was in fact mentioned from Day 1! I recall that quote well now ... maybe I need to refresh the BK teachings! :)

I guess many 'non Seniors' must have a hand in changing the history, teaching materials, too and its shocking to see why even they are not questioning that "Gods Words" are being edited to suite the current climate?

I haven't read "Is this Justice?" yet but I have printed it out and its waiting on my desk ready to be read.

Who in the organisation is directing how the BK knowledge changes with time? Why are these questions not being asked in public forums such as public talks etc?
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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post30 Jun 2013

Minesh wrote:... Is this Justice?

It's good to read both the BKs' version and the Bhaibund Committee's version to start to get a real feel of the actual characters and make up your own mind about them.
Who in the organisation is directing how the BK knowledge changes with time? Why are these questions not being asked in public forums such as public talks etc?

I don't know. There are obviously 'inner circles' and BK thinktanks in the West. There is a Murli department in Abu. There is the Indian inner circle of old timers who meet in discuss things in secret. It's a shame none of it is documented.

The secrecy and lacks of transparency and accountability are the reasons why I think they remain a cult rather than a proper religion.

I am interested in what you wrote about the BKs actually benefiting your education, perhaps you could tell us a bit about that in another topic? My guess is that makes you a generation or two younger than many of the ex-BKs on this forum who had the reverse experience ... they had us giving up property education and careers because of Destruction and the need to serve, serve, serve.

From what Ritalin writes, it seems they are still doing so in the more far flung and darker corners of their empire.

I accept this has changed for some but I am not sure of how widely. Of course, it would be a better thing if they were really educating and committing to educate all their followers. By feeling was that our minds were actually beaten down, made smaller and more stupider to fit the size and shape of theirs (they being the old original BKs/leaders).

I know one younger BK who did go to university with the full intention of being a great example and even proving Gyan via science (approx) but who had a very difficult and unhappy time being a square Brahmin peg in the round hole of university life.


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Re: BK and corruption - really?

Post30 Jun 2013

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