Married only two years and am three months pregnant

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Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post29 Dec 2014

Another family heading for a breakdown, more stress in the meanwhile.

The Brahma Kumaris are social and spiritual parasites. They should stop interfering with other people's families and stealing members. Check out their marital relationship advice ...
following the path of celibacy

I am a new BK .. have spent six months in Gyan. I want to follow all dharnas and contribute my whole self in Baba's Yagya. There are several obstacles .. first are my inner fears which I am trying to conquer through Yoga and have been successful partly. Also my family doesn't cooperate in having satvik food (i.e. having food without onion garlic and not having outside food) .at least I try to have satvik food myself when I am at home. I am also trying to gear up courage to fight this and I am sure one day I'll be successful.

We are Sikhs and also there are reservations against my becoming a BK because of this.

Also I've been married only two years and I am three months pregnant ... we had planned to have two children but after becoming BK I am highly inspired to become ceibate but out of internal fears and lack of courage am not able to express this to my husband. He has also done seven day RajYoga meditation course but has not continued it ... he can sense my deep desire to be celibate and does not feel good about it but cooperates with me most of the time due to my pregnancy. though he is kind hearted but has become very very insecure due to my lack of Interest in physical intimacy. I know I will not be able to avoid his advances after few months. Plus our decision to have 2-3 children wil also be questioned.

I read on one of your answers that its babas directions to lie in a bodiless stage and remember Baba if such a situation comes ... and I will try to do the same. But I don't want to do so whole life ... is it any way I can convince my husband, who is otherwise a very sweet and humble being, to follow Baba's srimat and follow the path of purity? I've been trying to do so but no success till now. My efforts only make him more agitated and insecure.

Because of his insecurities and my lack of courage to go against him and my family I also have to spend less time in centre and cannot commit myself wholly to Baba's Yagya though I deeply wish to do so.**
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Pink Panther

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Re: How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post29 Dec 2014

"I also have to spend less time in centre and cannot commit myself wholly to Baba's Yagya though I deeply wish to do so.**
Why does anyone think this is the most important thing to do with their lives? Creating this state of mind in people where they feel they cannot live fulfilled lives otherwise is the rotten heart of the BK teachings. It is not about people developing personal insights and independence of thought or ways to approach life generally, it is about a technique that is designed to create a euphoria via affirmations and projections but which encourages dependency rather than autonomy.


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Re: How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post30 Dec 2014

When it comes to "MIND ALTERING" substance, such as drugs, governments all over the world interfere and impose tough penalties on drugs facilitaters, traffickers and end users .

Brahma Kmaris cult teachings, altrer mind, behaviours, and destroy family and social relations !!!

Certain governments, such as France and Greece have classified BK cult as dangerous, yet we need to see serious action from concerned authorities all over, to ban this dangerous cult from operating, once for all ...
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Re: How to get my family member out of the BK cult?

Post30 Dec 2014

The BK response is as expected ... zero concern for the unborn child and the emotional turmoil their nonsense is about to cause while seeking to undermine the relationship.
mbbhat wrote:We are the ancestors to the whole world ... we should try to pardon everyone for their actions, have pity on them and simultaneously have self esteem. That is - Oh, I have woken up from ignorance but, arey - others/husband are still under Maya. So, first try to feel that your husband is very weak and you are lucky and great ...

Our rank is higher than others in drama. We all have knowledge and faith of that. Now, we have to make this faith into determination/sanskaar.

You may be having a female body now, but you (or anyone) had taken many births of male as well as female. So, when your husband (or any one) comes near to you, try to feel the person as neither male, nor female (even yourself), and this practice will give you great bliss and detachment ...

You may do special Yaad for your husband, say 10 minutes to 30 minutes every day, requesting Baba to clear your personal karmic account what you have developed so far** with him. But - still do not expect anything. Like you are just busy in clearing debt to some person.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post30 Dec 2014

Of all the people on the brahmakumarisforum, mbbhat is the most ideological and shows the least human empathy - and that is saying something! Nothing, absolutely nothing, matters more to him than BKs (therefore himself) being right. He would "burn all mankind to save his own beliefs” (not too different from ISIL in that way).


Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post31 Dec 2014

Agree pink ... this is typical of BK brain washing and dellusions they all carry, and try to project onto others. They believe they are the pure ones that hold the truth & God for themselves, and all others are shudras, and lost, seperated from God?? ... And use the word 'knowledge'?? ... about their BS! ... to infer it's spiritual!, and that it's the only real spiritual truth ... It's laughable in the extreme! ... like some old Bhakti, fairy tale stories, myths and mythology etc. Hypnotized by some strong entity(s), they are really very Toxic in reality.

I have to limit my time here for that reason. Too much involvement here makes me feel sick and brings me down ... they are a Pollutant, like nuclear waste. They are "The Enculted One's' ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post31 Dec 2014

Gee quantum, sounds serious.

It's good to be able to see the BK as ”just another” merchant of BS amongst many that exist in this wonderful wide world, just happens that it's our legacy to be here.

Learn to laugh at it all (which doesn’t mean we take it any less seriously, just that we aren’t so emotionally ‘beholden’ to the legacy). Maybe go to the jokes thread on this forum? Take care, and have a great NY celebration. That goes out to all of you.


Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post31 Dec 2014

Yeah OK pink ... I haven't been on this site that long and I can see and feel how more negative I have become here over that time. I used to be a lot lighter and have a joke and laugh easily and enjoy taking the mickey out of those BK stoogers. But as I said above, they are Toxic and need to limit contact here. This may not look like progress to some people, but to me it is. It means to me as I've also had a legacy to be here, and I just wish to express myself as I see them squarely in the face. I am fairly expressive, be it positively or negatively, and i enjoy to do that style ... it's who I am.

Will check out the jokes thread, as you suggested, but have a feeling I enjoyed my own funny light hearted posts the most ... so might re-visit them as well. Wishing yourself and all here a great evening on New year's and a prosperous new year.

XXX Cheers
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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post31 Dec 2014

I completely understand. The BKs, the mentality of BKism, and even their god spirit really are toxic. Dwelling on it is like the old Superman and Kryptonite factor. It makes me sick to have to deal with many of them.

For a bunch of individuals who consider themselves to be so high, mighty, enlightened and superior, they really are dark; twisted and twisting it. I don't understand it entirely, but I suspect it is some kind of survival mechanism they have developed being essentially weak on both an individual and collective basis. Like some smaller animal which cannot actually fight and so has evolved to be poisonous or fire spikes like a porcupine as a defence.

Except with the BKs, it is all on some mental/psychic level ... try me, they are not honest, straightfoward or pleasant to deal with especially when pressed or exposed. How they can claim to be "pure" or "elevated" - and really believe it - amazes me. I do not have words enough for their conceitedness.

This is why I don't actually encourage ex-BKs to stay on this forum and to move on when they feel like it. I think to keep pressing on the wounds you have suffered is not healthy. But, on the other hand, you might always consider the archetype of psychopomps like Hermes, Orpheus or the Fisher King and decide it is some kind of service you can and want to offer others. There is no obligation to do so though. Indeed, I recommend against it.

Meanwhile, the BKs on their forum are starting to discuss an ombudsman service.

Now, this is something we raised *years* ago. It makes me laugh how on their forum they ask "what purpose there is to this forum here", and then 90% of their ideas or "discoveries|, they found and are copying from here.
VisionOfSelf wrote:This has been discussed before. Especially given recent threads, we almost need a ombudsman or support center for BKs and their friends and families to get good guidance (e.g. for a student or a person whose partner is NOT in Gyan).

It can also be a place where they can share their issues in a private fashion.

ISKCON has done it in 2002, which is great to see.

Thoughts? Ideas?

mbbhat shines their bright light on the subject as usual ...
mbbhat wrote:I feel there is no need to have so mediation like in in ISKON.

Because, here, Baba is there in incognito and that help is the most one. Just suggestions, would be enough.

An ombudsman service is something the BKs would be incapable of enacting as it goes against every premise of their conceitedness ... the idea that their Seniors are directly god inspired and beyond question or even accountability. Or even consistency. It would only ever be a way of defending themselves further, in the law the Seniors already do or attempting to ameliorating external conflicts whilst giving sneaky advice to BKs on how to get around concerned family members.

The only way for them to progress would be for them to admit they and their god man Kirpalani was wrong. That they are not who they believe themselves to be and that they are just human beings like the rest of us who get somethings right and many things wrong ... and above all, to admit that the whole End of the World sham and 90% of their teachings have just been tricks and compromises to trap people in order to expand fast.

And, above all, to stop interfering and parasiting off other families and communities.

Again, I see this in simple evolutionary terms ... having disallowed themselves from breeding, and compressing time down into too short a period to expand naturally, the Brahma Kumaris crones have had to evolve rather like cuckoos.

Whereas cuckoos lay their eggs in the nest of other birds for them to feed and bring up, and whereas the cuckoo young push out the other young so as only they get the best food, the BKs operate slightly differently ... waiting until families have invested large amounts of life, love, time and energy to produce a healthy productive adult child, then along come the Brahma Kumaris to cherry pick them - and their dowry if they can get their hands on it - to be "their" children in "their" true family.

The family that loved, fed and wiped their asses for years being relegated to being Impure or even "devilish".

Here you see some young woman being sucked in by them, who is going to experience terrible emotional turmoil fed and exaggerated by the barren BK crones ... as a mother of a young child, she is going to be of little value to them and her infant little more than a bad karma distraction. Note, it was conceived *after* she had taken the course.

Do the BKs want to financially support such a woman? Of course not. They want to family to continuing to financially support her until the child is old enough to be given to them, or she inherits property she can them buy her support with from them.

Hence they develop all sorts of advice to keep the women on the hook ... and needless to say financially supporting the centre by way of clearing guilt they will instil in her.
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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post31 Dec 2014

If the BKs had any integrity, they would say to this poor woman, "come back when your child has finished university and found a job or married ... this path is not for you now". But they cannot say that because it is to admit that their End of the World mania is as false as it is.

They know it is by now. They know it has failed numerous times. They know it is likely to keep failing and continue to be re-written and extended and give advice accordingly, but they cannot admit that in public, or even to themselves ... because it is their number one financial earner and they need the money and free labour to keep flowing in to feed and expand their empire.


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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post31 Dec 2014

Osho once said that superiority complex is nothing but an inferiority complex standing upside down. But with BKs I can see that its not completely true. One can get fed up with an inferiority complex and decides to improve but with a superiority complex, you can´t even see that you might be no chance of improving..that is the position of BKs. They are always right..the God is with them..and they will be the deities in rest of world all Maya and should go to hell...So my friends, let us enjoy this beautiful hell and wish you all a great time here in 2015.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post01 Jan 2015

Note, [the baby] was conceived *after* she had taken the course.

OK. So - are they drawing in a woman who may have some post-natal condition, depression or exhaustion, who finds escape from the responsibilities and demands of motherhood that leave little personal time for any new mother? How much responsibility is being taken on board by the husband of whom she seems highly appreciative (maybe for giving her the time to do BK stuff)?
Osho once said that superiority complex is nothing but an inferiority complex standing upside down.
Indeed, both inversions, superiority & inferiority complexes, reveal an inability to accept that we are all quite ordinary. The BKs idea of 'egoless' while being ”god’s chosen” and ”top knot Brahmin” and emperors etc in each and every Kalpa, reminds me of a Zen story.

    A monk goes to his master and says ”Master, I am now enlightened”
    The master says nothing, just looks at him.
    The monk says "I am enlightened. I have dropped all ego”.
    The master says ”As you leave, please pick it up and take it with you"
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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post02 Jan 2015

Typically, BKs already starting work to separate the mother's love for the child ... and gearing up for donations to the BKWSU.
mbbhat wrote:At least you may start thinking now that your child which is going to come is a BK ... Then you will not feel burden of the child.

Even if your child does not become BK in its life, let your attitude and feelings be the same. It is very easy for you to develop that attitude now itself as it has not taken any birth and you have not developed any karmic account with it.

No need to tell your story with every BK that you are a mother in bondage with a feeling of guilty or something like that. Because if you feel so ... their drushti towards will get diminished ... and sympathy will not allow to experience divinity.

Final aim is to become trustee. That is mentally surrender/submit what all you have got either from your husband, or from any BK, or what all you earn yourself to Baba ...

But - papers will come, we have to face even the last great war, natural calamaties, etc. That is final paper. So - in front of that your present paper is nothing. So - if you have high aim, better make a time table (this will help you to a great extent when your child is born. You will not get attached in lowkik way to your child when it comes up, but will fulfil your duty towards it) and follow it to the extent of say 50 to 75%.


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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post02 Jan 2015

mbbhat is over the top, supposedly being an expert he should probably look up Murlis and quote few examples of what they say about a "pregnant" BK; not sure if he would find one :-)
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Re: Married only two years and am three months pregnant

Post02 Jan 2015

In my experience, top Seniors have advised abortion.

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