BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post24 Mar 2016

Pakka brahmakumar wrote:Krishna will be born in 2018. By 2036 he will be 18 and ready to be crowned.

Where did you obtain this information? I don't recall it being in Murlis.

A long time ago, my C-in-C had said that Krishna will be coronated in 2036, at the age of 30, whereupon the Age of Truth shall begin. She has not revisited the topic, nor have I asked.
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post25 Mar 2016

Elsewhere, because.parmeshwar remembered he was told it was 35 years old, so they are clearly changing it according to the failures in the predictions.

Then they turn around and write, "Oh, Baba did not say it ... it was only one of the children getting it wrong". By which time, they have revised the Murli again to hide it.

I remember crowning and marriage then Lekhraj Kirpalani and Om Radhe having children aged 75 years old ... then dying aged 150.

35 years would have meant, birth in 2001 ... which makes sense according to their excitement over Year 2000 being the year for Destruction.
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Mr Green


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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post26 Mar 2016

I feel you have racist issues, and a lot to sort out within yourself.

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post26 Mar 2016

I am just busy. Beloved Baapdada is coming to meet me, especially on 31st. Just busy preparing for it.

I don't have racist issues but it's true I feel quite disgusted at how the white man lives. So I have to play diplomatic with Western friends. I don't even see them as human beings. But I like them, as they are honest about who they are, which is reflected in their culture.

Baapdaada wants white man to give away all wealth to sustenance of Yagna that they looted from India. That's why double foreigners get special treatment, not just in BKs but other Indian spiritual organisations. BKs core is pure Indian nationalism, so its connected when I sound nationalist. The poorest of poor Indian BK villagers are going to get higher status than the wealthiest of wealthy double foreigners. Just like 1st Mother Queen of England was successful to eradicate poverty in England in Europe and one it was a one woman show. Now one man, Lekhraj Kriplani, is going to bring it back. It's always one man who does it all, leads the masses and millions follows him.

Not far from today Europe will burn into ashes and so will America. India will have home war and natural calamities will take over. So please Brothers try your best shot in following this knowledge and earn fortune.

Otherwise just sit back and relax. Baba will still take you to Paramdham.

Please do not expect me to be issue free, we all have issues within. Need to look at them and be aware. Does anybody here claim not to have issues?

We were discussing a while ago about ex senior BKs defaming the organisation just because they did not get higher positions they felt upset and grumpy.

Well, it's about your past. Please check what what were your ancestors like. Were they pirates, or looters, hunters, thiefs, butlers, robbers, decoits, imperialists, convicts from England or junkies. If any of these are true for your ancestors, do not waste time discussing here about beloved Baba. But I wont judge you as redemption is sweeping in very soon and whether you want it or not we will take you back to Paramdham.

BKism is exactly about race. Just as I cannot transform into a white man by bleaching my skin or learning their language or culture. Just as Michael Jackson was as black as any African even after doing surgeries to look white.

Similarly whites cannot turn into Brahmins. It's a different race. No amount of efforts to turn the beloved royalty of England will transform them into BKs.

Brahmins are indeed a race. A race that has to just re-emerge their past sanskaras and attain their original form. So their is no becoming here. Either you are or you aren't.

I mean after 1000 years of violence and looting let's not cry heaven. All first world is result of robbing wealthy countries. There is no land like Bharat. It's the golden land of generosity and god's birth. Well, our dear white Brothers, you still have to play a vital role in shifting ball of power back to India from America. We do need your support and reserve front rows for you in Madhuban. Please continue supporting the god's plan.

Future of Power.

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post27 Mar 2016

In Hindu scriptures no diety is crowned at 30 or 35.

18 has always been the accepted as legal age to adulthood. So it was always 18.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post27 Mar 2016

The constant in all the predictions is the year 2036, because it represents 100 years since the official start of the Om Mandli.

When early predictions of vinash didn’t eventuate in the 1930s, 40s and 50s, they looked for reasons, references and re-evaluations and found, among other things, the idea of "100 years of Brahma” upon which to hang their teleology. Hence 2036. What keeps shifting is what is actually going to happen in 2036.

When I was a BK it was said "100 years of Sangam Yuga” - 50 years for Destruction, 50 for ”Construction”. That's why 1986 became one of the failed prediction dates for destruction, 50 years after 1936.

ex-l has covered the various speculations of when Lekhraj would have to stop being ”Avyakt Brahma" and become baby krisna, when Mama would need to be reborn to be his younger consort after having been his mother!!! And so on. It appears that the time line keeps getting pushed back, and with the revisionism that goes on within the BKWSU, the newbies don't know otherwise, while the oldies choose not to know.



I was going to make some responses to particular points but I have decided not to, e.g. the DNA difference between a ”white man” and an Indian is so tiny. On the other hand, how one person will self-identify is as big as they choose to imagine. But upon re-reading your posts, you seem very unsettled.

Let’s leave aside the ”debate” for a moment. There is freedom of religious belief in most countries and having such belief is in itself not a cause for concern. Your ideas and values as you have expressed them, even the way you understand the Gyan, make me worry for your well-being.

As someone who is well-acquainted with the Gyan, both from my time as a BK and as someone who debates BKs often, I know what the public and private BK teachings are, literally inside out. Yours are not BK teachings. It sounds as if you are experiencing a personal crisis, possibly an identity crisis or emotional upheaval. It’s very common, not just in BKs but for anyone undertaking major shift of beliefs and practices. Being busy can mask deeper things.

Please find the time to talk to a counsellor or trusted and reliable old friend, use them as a sounding board. See if your current religious attitude is a normal healthy one or if it is starting to become overly obsessive and affecting you. Be dispassionate and objective as you can with yourself.

Take care of yourself.

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post27 Mar 2016

I hope if you could meet me in person and see yourself how insane or unsettled I am.

You would be only satisfied when you meet me and evaluate for yourself if I am secure or insecure.
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post27 Mar 2016

Pakka brahmakumar wrote:In Hindu scriptures no diety is crowned at 30 or 35.

18 has always been the accepted as legal age to adulthood. So it was always 18.

This is plainly not true of BK teachings ... but interesting to look at closer. The Majority Act of 1875 which enshrined it as law was, of course, brought in by the British. In Indian-India, you could become a "married wife" at 5 years old.
BKism is exactly about race. Just as I cannot transform into a white man by bleaching my skin or learning their language or culture.

Yes, you can. You can just reincarnate as one.

For all we know, you might be a member of the British Raj in your last life. You must have been for your karma to take you to the West ... your attraction to the English language, Western science etc. If not British Raj, then a servant of the British Raj.

I half hope you were just joking with us ... but, sadly, I am afraid you are not as I know what you are writing is, partly, accurate according to the Brahma Kumaris' Knowledge™ (but only partly) and, partly, an accurate representation of the attitude of many Indian BKs. A true reflection of ridiculous Indian chauvinism within the movement.

Are you interested to break it down to look at it more closely, and
    a) Separate what is Shrimat from your own Manmat, and
    b) Look a historical facts about both India, and the BK movement?
I am happy to do so ... but I am afraid that you're not even interested in the real history ... the reality of your own religion.

Are you a Dravidian (dark skinned) adivasi Indian, or do you have lighter Caucasian (Aryan) skin that came sweeping down into India from Iran (bringing the Vedas)? As you probably know, the dark skinned Indians are the real Indians and the Aryans were the murderous, thieving invaders in precisely the same was as, say, Europeans were to North America.

Or let's look at what Lekhraj Kirpalani really believed and how, during the Om Mandli period, he was anti-Gandhi, anti-Congress and anti-Indian Independence ... calling Gandhi a "traitor" and the "dictator" of the "crow race" (Congress) ... and sucked up to the British Robber-Royalty you now criticise as a loyal subject.

Historically speaking, it was only after the British lost India and Destruction did not happen during WWII or 1950, that Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Om Mandli saw the changing of the tide and adopted the garb of Indian Independence ... specifically the white sari (which was not traditional to the Sindhis but used by Gandhi's followers) ... moved to India, and started appealing to Indian nationalism.

Have you read any of the Om Mandli papers and Divine Decrees?

It rankles Indian nationalists but the source of Indian culture is, historically, seen as ...

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Mr Green


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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post27 Mar 2016

I don't expect anything of you I don't know you. But you definitely have race issues, you resent westeners because of history and the way you view White people is unbalanced.

I would say there is far worse behaviour in general in India than in the West, gang rape for example seems to be almost a sport in India, even the police join in. That wouldn't happen in the UK. Also the blatant financial corruption in India is beyond belief.
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post28 Mar 2016

One thing to consider, Pakka ... not all "Whites" are one.

Not all Whites were Imperialist robbers. Indeed, the vast majority of "Whites", were the Imperialist robbers' first victims.

Spirituality, according to your "Law of Karma" ... how could I, from peasant stock that never wandered more than a 100 or so miles in the last several hundred years, be responsible for crimes carried out 1,000s of miles away by people's who blood I do not share?

And the same would apply to 99.9% of Westerners.

Please enlightenment me how and why we should bear their guilt?

Trust history, we literally fought life and death battles with them for whatever liberties and human rights we have today.

Liberties and human rights you profit and benefit from.

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post28 Mar 2016

My introduction to White man is not from Aesop Fables or Jungle Book or history books. I live with white people 24 hours. Sit it silence and ask all these questions to yourself and you will indeed receive all answers within yourself.

Ask why White man is evil? All's well that ends well.

Me telling you would result in further discussion. Rest assured you will know you got right answers. It's hard to tell what's black when everything is black.

That what Western society. It's of no interest to me trying to label Whites as negative.

Continue ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post29 Mar 2016

I still think you have a chip on your shoulder Pakka.

Do you live in a multicultural country like the UK, Western Europe, USA or Australia?
There are racists everywhere but the majority are not racists.
Is it that certain people around you are treating you badly? If so, why you? Is it you only or do they do it to everyone?

BTW where do you draw the line between who is ”white” and who is not? Is a light-skinned Bollywood actress ”white”? What about Sindhis, or light-skinned so-called ”lokik” Brahmins? Are they ‘white"

Pakka brahmakumar

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post29 Mar 2016

There you go ... jumping to conclusion. Indeed, men are creatures of habits. I live with White. They wash my dishes, I cook for my White friends. They wash my clothes, they do things that Indian servants haven't done.

BTW, racism doesnt exist for me as I am very light skinned Indian.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post29 Mar 2016

So please - what has race got to do with anything?

What has being White or light skinned Indian go to do with capital "T” - Truth?
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Re: BK knowledge is meant for real Indians

Post29 Mar 2016

Pakka brahmakumar wrote:My introduction to White man is not from ... Jungle Book

Jungle Book was about India and Indians. Kipling was born there.
Ask why White man is evil? All's well that ends well.

It's funny that you suffix that with a quote from a White man ... Shakespeare.

So are you saying, "some White people" ... "all White people" ... or "the White people you know"?

As a scientist and academic, do you believe that your sample is trully representative and which India exactly are you comparing it against?

I can only encourage you to go back to your Indian village, and play at being the top knot Brahmin.

Give up White man's money, White man's technology, White man's comforts, and White man's democracy, and White man's human rights.

Go back to where people are not "evil" but police rape victims, jealous men throw acid in the faces of young girls, where generations of individuals are outcast as human dung collectors simply by birth and India's inability to build a proper sanitation system, where political corruption is a profession for life, where 48% of children under five are stunted and underweight due to poverty, and there are the highest number of child deaths in the world.

Now if, on the other hand, you genuinely want to understand life, and "the West", then I am happy to discuss the matter seriously ... but it does seem the Brahma Kumaris are encouraging an unhealthy world view in you.

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