About to Join BK in Bangalore

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About to Join BK in Bangalore

Post08 Oct 2012

Dear all members of this site ... 2 weeks back visited an exhibition organised by BK in Bangalore near a Temple. After the exhibition me and my fiance both got very interested and decided to join the BK for meditation (for inner peace). Next day morning as we are going through a hard time mentally. But God must have planned something different for me, as this was my second chance to join BK. The first happened when my school teacher motivated me 12 years ago but after 2 days of participation I left the course for some unknown reason. May be at that time I was very happy with my teenage life.

So this time I was really determined to join, but next day I couldn't wake up at 6 am. That happened continuously for next 3 days as I always wake up around 9 am. Old Habit.

Going for evening session is not possible as at that time after a days work I feel very tired for meditation. Also I joined a gym 2 months ago for evening work out. My fiance scolded me everyday for not going to BK center.

Few days back while searching for BK in Wikipedia I found about your site, then started reading about the BK. I was shocked to find the truth. Also thankful to almighty GOD that he saved me two times from joining BK and ruining my life.

I am also very thankful to all of you ... Keep doing this great job. You saved many lives life us.

One more thing. I will try my best to prevent people from joining BK at my native place as I belong to family who is running a media house (TV and Print) in NE states of India. I will ask my family to publish proper facts about BK.
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Re: About to Join BK in Bangalore

Post09 Oct 2012

Thank you Zaved. That is why we are here. And, please, don't worry about "God". Sooner than later it is going to be revealed that the god of the BKs is not "God". If you need religious sentiments, you already have your own connection already, you don't need to give it up and end up paying the BK leadership with your life. And if you don't, life will carry on just fine without it. Please don't be manipulated into Brahma Kumarism on the basis of traditional religious values or superstitions.

I think the important thing to realise about the Brahma Kumaris is that from the very beginning, they have lied, deceived and manipulated about themselves to others ... and they still do! RIght to this day. That really is their nature, the leaders cannot help it (I don't accuse their followers so much as they are just hypnotised into believing and repeating it).

The leaders are on some bizarre ego trip where they have to feel they are more special than the rest of the world which, in essence, they loath. They will say anything to defend that self image. They exploit individual's sincere and genuine sentiments, suck them up and use them for their business. Their use of language to deceive is amazing ... nothing is as it seems and everything has a double meaning.

Please, go on and have a good life. Life is short, so enjoy it and do some practical good along the way to spread your own happiness.


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Re: About to Join BK in Bangalore

Post09 Oct 2012

Dear EX-I..Thank you again..I don't know about BK leaders much as I haven't join them...But you..specially your posts opened my eyes about BK.. I assure you one thing that as per my capacity I will try my best to prevent BK's from recruiting new members from my states in India...Here In Bangalore I cannot do anything against them but in my native place I can do at least something...I have one relative who works in a elite Govt intelligence dept. I already narrated him and requested him to get the proofs about BK's operation in NE states so that our media house can publish the news about the true colours of BK.

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