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Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 17 Jun 2013
by Oliver
Over the years, one has had many experience of BKs, with Seniors, and BK Brothers and Sister. They place the importance of drusti, of soul conscious, and they make sure you read the Murli and avoid, food cooked by non BKs, and keep close contact with the Brahmin family.

However, I have also experienced aggressive nature from the surrendered Sisters and Brothers ... Why is it that no one questions their pure vibrations? Why is it that no one questions, their lack of Shrimat?

If we make mistakes you see we are told by the Seniors, "you're lacking ... you're lacking effort", but when we have experiences, gossip, rumours and bad attitude from surrendered Brothers and Sisters, no one questions their lack of effort and spirituality.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013
by Mr Green
That's because it is all bullcrap, there are no special qualities to Seniors or surrendered members, believe me ... I was one.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013
by moreclearnow
That's so not true Mr Green - you have very special qualities :-).

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013
by ex-l
moreclearnow wrote:That's so not true Mr Green - you have very special qualities :-).

That may be true ... but I still would not eat the food he cooks.

Not because of his vibrations, man, but because he is a lousy cook. did not someone else mention about how often BK food was really quite bad but we all ate it pretending it was full of Baba's vibrations.

Personally, I clear recollections of suffering from Dehli Belly style "gut rot" or 'spicey swamp syndrome' from Baba's bhandara and, believe me, what came out was not "pure" and Godly.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013
by Mr Green
Oi, ex-l lol ... I make a mean stir fry!

That is true, I have eaten truly horrid food at BK centers.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 18 Jun 2013
by ex-l
Mr Green wrote:Oi, ex-l lol ... I make a mean stir fry!

Accha ... you see what I say ... no mean vibrations in my stir fry, please! Only happy, divine stir fry cause soul to fly to Baba, is not it, Bhai? <joke>

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by Oliver
I have eaten food cooked at the centres, I did not feel spiritual at all, all I felt was Delhi Belly.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by Pink Panther
Remember after one program with hundreds of BKs served lunch, practically everyone got the "runs" next day from the chick pea dhal.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by leonard
Runs in remembrance ... is it possible?

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by Mr Green
I woke up in hospital in Delhi after eating food in the Delhi center

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by pawan_kr
Are these the side effects of Brahmakumari's Pure Vibration Food ????? :shock:

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by ex-l
Wow ... you've always got to top us all, mr green!
leonard wrote:Runs in remembrance ... is it possible?

Kind of contradicts what they used to say ...
BKWSU wrote:
No curry, no worry, no hurry ...

It sounds more like
BK curry? Worry? Hurry!!!

Actually, I have no idea why they used to say that because they *always* served curry.

Obviously Baba's pure vibrations are not strong enough to transform amoebas.

Funny, I remember my original BK teacher, BK Julian Boles, telling me how when I sat to offer food to Baba, he would "touch" me as to whether the food was safe or not and this would become important need the End of the World when food was becoming rare and be all toxic, perhaps only tinned food left. End of the World was around 1986.

Nutcases ... in all fairness, 98% of the time the food was OK if a little too sweet and too spicey for some ... but probably not as good as the Hare Krishnas' or a proper restaurant. Thursday morning curry chickpeas always left me farting all morning. Not very "royal" at all.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by pawan_kr
Pure vibrations exists or not ....this may be the debating issue but Brahmakumaris certainly do not have pure vibrations.

If they had pure vibrations why are the centrewasis, doing Rajyog in Amretwelas and eating satvik food, are involved in murder, kidnapping, suicide or grabbing property cases.

I have posted some news which were published in the leading newspaper.

And, secondly, I can challenge you if you find a fully happy and satisfied person (satisfied with his job, family and every aspect of life) and make him sit with any BK Dadis for one or two hour, Dadis will start their Murli and after sometime they will make him feel that his life is useless, his family relations are fake, the money he earns is Maya and lots of blah blah.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by ex-l
pawan_kr wrote:If they had pure vibrations why are the centrewasis, doing Rajyog in Amretwelas and eating satvik food, are involved in murder, kidnapping, suicide or grabbing property cases.

Another case, the BK Brother who stabbed another BK Brother in a center ... why did that happen? It's because the "Om Shanti" facade is just that ... a highly controlled facade for the most part.

As with the Corrupting in Hinduism versus Corruption in Brahma Kumarism topic, one of the problems we have is the BKWSU does not provide open information of the scale of the problems and so we have little idea of how much of an effect they are having. All we hear about is the tip of the iceberg on top of our own experiences.

Again, it's all about keeping up a facade.

I shared a bhavan with a Brother once who used to spit in the kitchen sink. He used to grog (bring up the phlegm and catarrh in his throat) and then spit in the sink where we washed and prepared food. When I asked him to stop, because I was junior and he was my "senior", he reprimanded me for telling him what to do and told me to mind my own business. He did not apologise or stop.

I should have seen the BKs for who they were and left right at that moment. Now he is one of the trusted managers of one their high profile businesses.
    Is that pure?

: a false, superficial, or artificial appearance or effect
And, secondly, I can challenge you if you find a fully happy and satisfied person (satisfied with his job, family and every aspect of life) and make him sit with any BK Dadis for one or two hour, Dadis will start their Murli and after sometime they will make him feel that his life is useless, his family relations are fake, the money he earns is Maya and ...

... and to hand the money over to them and start working for them for free. Usually as a driver if he is male.

Re: Pure vibrations or one big hoax of a lie!!!

PostPosted: 19 Jun 2013
by Oliver
Chick pea dhal no thanks. I do recall dhal being served in India, there was a dormitory of Westerners who were admitted to Hospital in Abu. There was one westerner who said he will never step a foot in India again. In my experience, many BKs have many bad habits, some even have salacious habits, but it never emerges in the public domain.

In my opinion, there is celebrity treatment of some surrendered Brothers and Sisters.