Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post24 Nov 2022

Anyone from India wants to join me against the BKs?


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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post24 Feb 2023

आप सभी से निवेदन है कि आप उन एनर्जी वेपन्स से सुरक्षित होने के लिए जो भी तकनीके हो सकती है उन्हें बताए। क्या उनसे बचने का कोई उपाय नहीं, जैसा कि मैंने आपको बताया है कि मेरे मामले में बीके शिवानी वर्मा और उसकी मां उषा वर्मा दोषी है जबकि इसमें शिवानी वर्मा का पति विशाल वर्मा और उसके अन्य दो भाई इसमें उनकी मदद करते है मुझे नही पता शिवानी वर्मा के पिता को यह पता है या नही लेकिन मुझे यह बिल्कुल शुरू से पता है कि शिवानी वर्मा मेरा दुरुपयोग कर रही है जबकि कुछ मामले में ऐसा भी पाया गया है जबकि उन्हें यह नही पता था कि उन और हमले कौन कर रहा है, तब उनके बचाव या मेरे लिए आप कुछ ऐसा बताए ताकि उस तरह से वह मेरे संपर्क से हटाई जा सके, वास्तव में उसे मेरी सारी बाते पता है लेकिन वो मेरा उत्पीड़न दिए बिना नही मानती उसके दिमाग में 24*7 सिर्फ साजिश होती है और वो नही मानती इसका मतलब है वह सभी कुछ जानती है लेकिन मुझे नही छोड़ रही जबकि मैं सिर्फ उससे यह बता रही हूं कि उसे सिर्फ यह एक बात क्यों समझ नही आती कि वो मेरे ऊपर से हट जाए दोनो हि, लेकिन उन दोनो को मजा है तब मुझे लगता है कि उन्हें अपने आप नही निकलना आ रहा और यदि कोई ऐसी तकनीक मैं अपनी हि लगा लू कि उसके सारे सिग्नल फ्रीक्वेंसी हट जाए जो कभी वो मुझसे जुड़े ही न तब मुझे कोई राहत हो सकती है। आप सोचो वो जबरन मेरे ऊपर अपने नियंत्रण रख रही है और रात में सोने पर जैसे ही मैं अपनी नींद खोजती हू मुझे उसमें नही घुसने देती बल्कि एविल अटैक भेजती है और मेरा सोने का रात का समय बर्बाद करके पीड़ित करती है।


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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post24 Feb 2023

Help me to file a case against BK Shivani Verma, get me justice. She has harassed, exploited and oppressed me, and I am the only Sister, she earned crores of rupees by selling me as an experiment and bought a flat of 5 to 6 crores in Gurgaon in 2020 while on me she used drone for the first time in 2017 Took control from and till now she is harassing me. I have been victimized by mental illness and I have been given internal wounds and my health is poor, my career has also been ruined by it as well as a lot of money loss has also been shown. I want to fight my battle, please help me. contact WhatsApp 8941980868
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post24 Feb 2023

naval wrote:she earned crores of rupees by selling me as an experiment and bought a flat of 5 to 6 crores in Gurgaon in 2020 while on me she used drone for the first time in 2017

How did she sell you?

Thank you.


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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post27 Feb 2023

ek Kam kar tu na jakar use 2 se 4 crore rs or dekar aja or vaise bhi tu koi Shivani Bhagat hi hai sayad, or mujhe apni daily life dekhte ho gayi or uske sath hai doctor jinhe chaos or entertainment hai or tamasha banakar usne us brain ka computer par scientist ki hui thi deal. Are you understand? Or agar koi case tum karna chahte ho BK ke khilaf to mujhe bata dena. BK Shivani ke khilaf mujhe bhi ladna hai.
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post02 Mar 2023

Naval wrote: Help me to file a case against BK Shivani Verma, get me justice. She has harassed, exploited and oppressed me...

For a case to be filed, a preliminary hearing takes place first which will decide if your case is sufficient to proceed, if there is a case to answer. You will need to list the place and time of any event, and describe clearly what happened in any event. The event has to be actual, not assumed.

You need to show to an acceptable standard that there is substance to any accusations you are making.
If not, the case will not proceed and you will pay costs.

Worse, the accused could make a counterclaim against you for harassment or for being a vexatious litigant.
Law in NSW (which like India, is based on British law) says:
Proceedings are vexatious if they are instituted with the intention of annoying or embarrassing the person against whom they are brought. 2. They are vexatious if they are brought for collateral [i.e. other] purposes, and not for the purpose of having the court adjudicate on the issues to which they give rise.

If you are unable to explain it even here simply, how will you go in a court?

Especially if the "other side" has deep pockets and can break you financially even before proceedings conclude.
If you think you have good grounds but don't want to share details on a public forum like this, then run it all past a solicitor and get their advice on whether it is worth proceeding.NB A solicitor will tend to have a bias toward proceeding and encourage that unless they think there is no chance. Proceeding means work and money for them.

I have known a few people who've gone to court for civil actions, and even those who won their case say they wish they hadn't done it due to the time, stress and the cost involved. Or I should say most.
One of them who did win, who fought his Brother over his inadequate share of inheritance, said he would have continued until all the inheritance had gone on lawyers just to punish his Brother for trying to rob him.

Point is, if you aren't going to actually do it, let go. Don't keep talking about it but not acting. Don't let it eat you up. And don't waste this forum's time with complaints but no details.

If it bothers you but you cannot make a legal case, take ex-l's advice and at least get emotional support from a professional therapist or counsellor.

Here are some contacts for Free Telephone Counseling Hotlines in India.

I am sure you won't be the first they've encountered who's had problems with religious groups and cults.


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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post03 Mar 2023

My wife is following BK since last four years and due her my twin childre male and female are in trap of BKs, I have no contact with them since last one year. They are with my in-laws as they all follow BK. I should I do, I am free from their end, trying to make people aware regarding BKs and helping suffering family's from BK. What should I do more? Please advice me, I am ready to give my full time.


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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post08 Jan 2024

Anyone from India, suffering due to the Brahma Kumaris may join me or call me on: +91-7417638112.


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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post10 Jan 2024

Regarding suffering

For ex- How to deal with people who contacts you

You have to be careful not to follow Brahma Kumari, You have nothing to do with his sorrow. You can help him with his consent to undo Brahma Kumari's teachings. Besides it has to be done by the individual otherwise these old religious values will reappear in him when he is in trouble again.

You are giving the wrong message as if you are Zavier which is almost similar message as Brahmakumaris without a cult mindset.

Brahma Kumari cult

The issue here is the cult of Brahmakumaris spreading the message that they are special and they are going to heaven in 2026.

The best way to teach the individuals who want to exit is to ask them questions, what kind of ocean of peace did the Brahma Kumaris achieve since 1937?

In reality, the Brahma Kumaris speak slowly and pretend they are peaceful, But the PBKs speak roughly and both are promising we are making only an effort and the result only comes in the end.

Let me say, I am a bad raja yogi so I still have to take antidepressants and clonazepam for anxiety, I had been doing Raja Yoga since 1994 but my depression only increased. The whole teaching is Baba says before you experienced sorrow now you are experiencing super sensual joy the Nirvana and this will heal you the soul. They are saying Baba come now things are different, you are different from the worldly religion which says you will go to heaven when you die.

In reality, it is the same here, here you are in heaven only when the drama ends, if you were climbing uphill then they should be the absolute truth and not just the truth. Now they have no authority when the love or peace is stagnated and hatred and otherwise are increasing in them, then they will answer it is a number and you got defeated by Maya because you did not follow the Srinath as per the directions. That is Islam and Christianity and not Hinduism you are going to Brahmakumaris because you are suffering from depression.

Now the threat is that they will tell you are not doing any thing for purity;
You will end up a Shudra in heaven.
You will die during Destruction.
You will not finish 84 birth.

For example, you are an alcoholic, then god has to give so much peace and love to heal your alcoholism so that you can do purusharth. How can one do purusharth when he is an alcoholic? He is the Supreme Soul and his presence should blow you off, But in reality, you are not fooled by blind faith. Honestly you will not experience 1% of peace or happiness. Only people who have blind faith experience peace and happiness and it will go away the next morning

The PBK Advance parties

Now the PBKs says Brahma Kumaris are evil and they are spreading pornography through eye contact. The same PBKs says we are impure and sex lust. Then the PBKs should not let men and women stay together in the same building.
PBKs should have two buildings and only for meditation, they should join together in a Hall. Besides souls are your Brothers you should not feel sexual lust towards your Brothers, which is true. I did not feel any sexual lust with either group.

But sex lust in my real life has increased, my anger has increased I cannot fall asleep without medication.

You are suppose to meet Baba but he is on exile, they did not tell me to meet him or they could have at least told me he is in exile. He could have faced the law, I know Brahma Kumaris are vicious and they will pay the money to the police and beat him up. But he has Shiva in him and Shiva has a role to protect him. If he cannot protect himself (Jesus) how can he protect the children?

Brahma muhurtha

Then what is the meaning of 4 am to me? Besides I wake up at three am because of my disease. Honestly, I do not feel any godliness.

God promises I will remove the disease and sorrow for 21 birth and even after.
PBKs says this is your first birth (Now this heavenly birth is ******* for PBKs and the master)How can you have darkness in heaven?).

I am not even talking about Brahma Kumaris because they do not talk about Murli any longer.

Brahma Kumaris are like feminists and sell homeopathy, ayurveda, Hatha Yoga, dance and lots of different things. They says half the drama is heaven and another half is hell (but for children in BK family full drama is heaven and for PBKs family full drama is hell).


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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post10 Jan 2024

Regarding the police case against BKs
It is impossible to take BKs to the court
because the current Indian president is a BK
on top of it BKs has billions of dollars and lawyers
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post11 Jan 2024

jayadeepan wrote:You will not finish 84 birth.

What do they say now that all of their "top 8" souls and died and taken rebirth again? Doesn't that mean that all of the Dadis were really just 83 birth souls?

There's no point asking the BKs anything. They don't know anything. They'll just make up whatever nonsense comes into their heads.

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