Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

Something else to keep in mind, if you are form a Muslim background, the BKs claims their guru was possessed by Allah. They call their Shiva spirit Allah too.

They claim their guru, Lekhraj Kirpalani, is the one and only medium of god. Muhammed, according to the BKs, was never a messenger for God directly. Muhammed, according to the BKs, must come to the BKs to study religion under their guru at this time, in order to take rebirth again in 3,000 years (approx). According to the BKs, Muhammed never achieved full spirituality or godliness and never left this planet.

According to them, Muhammed has been continuing to birth and birth since he started his religion on earth.

More specifically, they teach that Muhammed was a spirit medium for a *different* soul. Not god but the (nameless) soul who was the founder of Islam. Muhammed would have been a BK in the last Cycle of Time and experienced the tail end of their heaven on earth ... but the founder soul of Islam would not have and would never do so. He would be a taking his first birth to give power to Muhammed to start the new religion.

It may be that the son leans towards the mother in religion too ... e.g. that he is, at heart, a Hindu soul. What do you think?
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

ex-I wrote:"So you are saying that his mother was a caste-born Brahmin before becoming a Brahma Kumari?"

"the mother could be using her power and influence, exercising her attachment bond with her son to act against the father-husband. In a way, the mother exercises power over the son by keeping him dependent like a child. He becomes her "little man", her non-threatening, non-sexual 'man-in-the-house'."

Absolutely correct, mother has already done this since from his adolescent. She was seeding BKsm living style in him since long. Which now I understand.
"Unless, may be, you can appeal to him from the Muslim point of view?"

Guide me further in this way.
"Has his Father always been so distance? How long have they been divorced for? Why did they divorce? Does he have no other positive male figures in his life?"

His mother herself distanced from his Father, keeping herself busy and away through her work (she was nurse in govt. Hospital), since from many years (approx 15yrs). They were not divorced, but were living separately​ in same house. No, sadly, he has no positive male figure in his family. His Father is very nice religious person, but as his mother seeded negativity in him about Father since from his childhood, which I did not like also, because his Father is well know in good way in his business. But why his mother did not want her son to be close to his Father, now I understand that.

Thanks for further guidance, as there are so many layers of factors including and am understanding them one by one because of you, which will be very helpful for me to take next step.
"It may be that the son leans towards the mother in religion too ... e.g. that he is, at heart, a Hindu soul. What do you think?"

Brahma Kumari culture seems worst than those rigid religious terrorist groups out there, at least they are forcing people to believe in them directly openly, while this BK is doing the same thing in the name of 'self awareness'.

It should be banned immediately.
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

We wish ... it serves no good to anyone but the leaders, and at a great cost to followers' families.

Do we presume, therefore, that the mother first got into BKism 15 years ago (approx), when he was around 18 years old?

Or was it before then?

Sorry, I meant "appeal" to him from a Muslim point of view *if* he has any Muslim left in him. It sounds to me that he's gone very BK, very quickly.

It's unlikely that they will allow him to surrender to "serve" straightaway, unless the mother is financing him.

The BK leaders prefer their men out working making money.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

I am less confident about the way of relationship counselling than Pink Panther.

I suggested that fearless.soul could mention the possibility of a relationship counsellor, after any letter and response, as a way to see his response - does he want to make the relationship work? Whether a counsellor helps or not is secondary.

Your first responsibility is to yourself, looking after you own emotional well being. You need to find out if he has any interest in making things work out, any embers still burning that might be reignited. If not, if he’s cold, then its best to save your time and emotional energy, no use flogging a dead horse.

Love thats died, broken hearts, they are part of the human condition, not just made up for songs on the radio.
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

"do we presume, therefore, that the mother first got into BKism 15 years ago (approx), when he was around 18 years old?" ...

Yes, that's what happened.
"I meant "appeal" to him from a Muslim point of view *if* he has any Muslim left in him. It sounds to me that he's gone very BK, very quickly."

That's what is hammering me constantly. In front of me, he proved himself (acting/talking) as Muslim cultured person. He is very well educated, but he has negative point of view towards his Father (because, as per him, his Father did not treat his mother well in their married life. He thinks that his mother saved him from bad influence of his Father and brought him up single handedly, which is not 100% true, but his mother made him believe so).
"It's unlikely that they will allow him to surrender to "serve" straightaway, unless the mother is financing him."

He is not earning fixed income, except for when he played some local tournaments and earned some money, otherwise he is totally dependent on his mother's​ pension.

@pink panther

Absolutely true, and I am preparing for the same, "does he want to make the relationship work?"

I am in shock, deep worries because of this whole BK influenced incident which affects my relationship directly, but I am also preparing myself in directions to resolve everything in a correct manner (of course, with the help of yours guidelines).

Not saying that I am out of emotional hurt and given up on my relationship. But, yes, I am preparing myself with deep "hope" and by taking proper "actions/efforts" to save my loved one and my relationship.

Inshallah Amen.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

You sound like a an intelligent vivacious woman with qualities of dedication and loyalty.

If it doesn't work out, it will be his loss.

All the best to you in what eventuates.
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

@pink panther

Thank you for motivating me.

I found this, which I am dedicating to this forum.
"We, as a society, really have no idea how suffocated people are in their emotions. Most people have nobody to express themselves entirely to. Everyone is holding back their vulnerabilities to maintain the social image of a confident and happy person.

Heart-to-heart conversations have become rare, artificial and shallow. And most hearts are filled with empty defences.

Most people cannot even talk to their life-partners openly for the fear of being judged or rejected. Emotions await just a release. Social images make sure weakness is not glorified.

Children have bottled up stress. Young people suffer anxiety and depression.

It is just lack of social support. It is lack of non-judgmental friendships. It is result of fast and busy lives where nobody has time to just sit and watch someone cry.

It is result of instant and impatient lifestyle practices, that emotions have started feeling like waste of time.

We have WhatsApp and FaceBook and social media - and we also have stress and anxiety and depression.

Our forefathers had neither. Because they talked to each other. Because talking helps.

The face-to-face type talking, the just-listen-to-me type talking, the hold-my-hand-and-let-me-cry type talking, the sit-next-to-me-and-listen-to-my-silence type talking... the talking where the person can be themselves and say anything they feel without the fear of any judgement or loss or rejection.

Today, we don't like that type of talking. Those conversations when someone begins to undress one's mind. In fact we avoid people. And so, mental illness is epidemic. Naturally.

There is not much we can do. But we can offer a listening !

Let's let people talk without any fear. Let's create conversations.

Let's start talking again."
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

Please allow me to ask ... if you were in a relationship, how would he support you? Or even be an equal partner?

What is your attraction to him?

"Saving him" and exposing the BKs is one thing, and a good thing, but how realistic is a future with him, especially with a mother with her hooks in him like that?

Wouldn't he just become your child to look after afterwards?

Would he have to start an entirely new career aged 30 odd years old, what can he do?
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

"how would he support you? Or even be an equal partner?"

However, he was struggling in his career since from 2-3 years, yet he has been supportive always (money is not only mean to prove someone to support). I won't say we are 'perfect partners', but we do understand each others lackings, which is good in any relationship, and simple thing we both felt 'we like to stay together', we never got fed up with each other.
"What is your attraction to him?"

We are more like 'buddies', which attracts me more towards him. We are not typical 'love birds' type of couple​. We both are adventurous by nature, which added extra zest in our affection
"Wouldn't he just become your child to look after afterwards?"

I agree he has more bonding with his mother, but it never affected on our relation. He always maintained the importance of mine and his mother, and never behaved like a 'child' in our relation (but after this unpleasant incident, now I have started think about his mother's negative influence).
"Would he have to start an entirely new career aged 30 odd years old, what can he do?"

He does have career options, not entirely new but in cricket/fitness feild. Instead of playing he can give coaching to young (students) cricketers, on that we both were discussing also, and being sportsman he used to maintain his fitness (going gym/good diet etc). His Father running own Gym, but due to bad tuning between son-father he did not want to be involved with the Father.

But before we could finalize on anything, such unexpected issue arised ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post17 Apr 2017

Fearless.soul wrote:@pink panther

Thank you for motivating me.

I found this, which I am dedicating to this forum.
"We, as a society, really have no idea ...

Thank you. That is an excellent extract. Who is the author?

We all need people to share our humanity with, both the strengths and weaknesses of our humanity. There are those who do so, however, with ulterior motives, who will take what one shares and use it against you, manipulating for their own ends. That is all too human a failing too. The BKs are all too human.

Their danger is they believe otherwise, that they are not "mere humans” but are divine, deified, that their failings are not only permissible as they are on a Godly mission, but such failings are to divinised when used for that mission. (E.G. I have heard one of their most senior people say that petty theft is not just excusable if what is stolen is used for BK seva, it is creating ”good karma” for the person from whom the things were stolen! )

I was interested in your answers to ex-l’s questions about why you feel so strongly about this relationship. It seems that despite the length of time you have been close, he does not feel the same depth of connection. Relationships do change. Even people who have been married happily for decades sometimes reach a point where they decide it is time to move apart, sometimes amicably, sometimes bitterly.

I’d say that ”leveraging” a commitment from someone to ensure a relationship does not fall apart is almost as bad a mistake as couples having a baby together thinking it will save the relationship. That’s not to say it doesn’t sometimes work, but... as the saying goes, a house divided against itself cannot stand. The best relationships are two independent people choosing to be on that relationship, not where one or both are dependent, or just beigng in a relationship as its convenient.

Your man sounds like he is choosing what’s comfortable and convenient. There is another current contributor on this forum who has returned to BKs and living in their centre again because they find it comfortable and convenient, even as they express discomfort with BK teachings etc. (At least the only person they are deceiving with this lazy dishonest approach is themselves.)

Be careful, and good luck.
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post18 Apr 2017

@pink panther

I found that post "we, as a society ..." on LinkedIn. Don't know about author, but this post also belongs to 'Life School Foundation' running in India.
"The BKs are all too human"

... Totally disagree (sorry), but after researching daily about the BK's false spiritual culture and how it is damaging society (person to person), we should not call them 'human' (my individual opinion). There are so many cases and incidents mentioned here in this forum too.
"Their danger is they believe otherwise..."

... That's my point too. If because​ of their 'belief' in some nonsense spoken by 'Baba'/'Didi', it's becoming dangerous to people and society, they all (BKs) should be punishable and not even justified as 'more than mere human'. They don't have any signs of humanity. As I told you earlier, Brahma Kumaris are far worst than those rigid terrorist groups out there.
"he does not feel the same depth of connection."

... May be that's true.
"I’d say that ”leveraging” a commitment from someone to ensure a relationship does not fall apart..."

... You could say so, pink panther, because you are analyzing my relationship issue as a 'third person'. I won't say it's bad, it does give me more aspects and understanding to think about my problem, instead of focusing only on my 'emotional hurt side', as I am lacking of words to explain how am I feeling right now.

I suppose to think about so many things before come to any conclusions, to think on not only just saving my loved one but also other direct/indirect negative influences by peoples (who are family), BK (surprising entry in this whole issue but actually main problem creator), after taking any step how it will affect me, him, our families etc etc ... I really could not explain in words.

It's not as simple as 'forgive and forget' kind of morality. I know such relationship does ending everyday in many corner of world, I know it doesn't come with any guarantees.

But what my point is, I cannot choose convenient option (the way he choose sadly) just by thinking about my future concern (biological timeline etc), I know that too is important but that's not 'me' as a person. If I was like that, may be I never search this BK stuff, never even register in this forum ... because that's not me.

I believe in making an efforts to solve something which is important to me and not just give up on it to regret later. I don't know if am I explaining you exactly about my concern.
"Your man sounds like he is choosing what’s comfortable and convenient..."

... Unfortunately it's true, but the actual reasons behind his 'convenience' selection are negative influence of his mother and BK.

Thanks again for revealing more sides which needs to be focus on.
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post19 Apr 2017

When will you see him next to go through everything with him?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post19 Apr 2017

after researching daily about the BK's false spiritual culture and how it is damaging society (person to person), we should not call them 'human' (my individual opinion).

I don't know any other species that has these, ahem, qualities!
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post19 Apr 2017

ex-l wrote:"When will you see him next to go through everything with him?"

... Ex-I, can you please elaborate more what exactly you are asking, I am not understanding ...

Does that mean, "when (day/date) I am going to meet him!!"
Pink panther wrote:"I don't know any other species that has these, ahem, qualities!"

... Pink panther, you are right that way.

We are born as HUMAN, but our surrounding, influences has made us "I am" (ahem).
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Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

Post19 Apr 2017

It was just a general question. Obviously you need some time to absorb all you are learning and work out a strategy.

I was just wondering when you might see him and move things forward.

I am hoping you can waken him up again, and bring him back to reality. We'll be here to talk things through either way.

In English, "being human" just means having faults like the rest of us. I hear what you are saying, that they are "not quite human", meaning being inhuman and not having feelings like the rest of us.

The BKs like to project that they are "superhuman", superior dieties or angels ... they are very much not.

Scratch the surface on a BK/the BKs and all their very human s*** comes rapidly out.

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