12 year old deprived of friends/cut off from family

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12 year old deprived of friends/cut off from family

Post07 Apr 2020

From: Prison for BKs? Coercive Control Now Criminal Offence in UK
ex-l wrote:"Coercive control" is now a criminal offence in the UK punishable by a 5 year prison sentence ... and, most interestingly, it does not require the victim alone to report it. The new offence, which unfortunately does not have retrospective effect, came into force on 29 December 2015.

Potentially (it is a largely untried law, especially within cult related abuses), it offers family members an opportunity to bring the likes of the Brahma Kumaris to justice ...

Indeed this to almost all of us!

throughout my entire time of class 11 and 12, I have been completely deprived of being with friends and I was even made to cut off communication with my family members! HOW INFURIATING!! (◣_◢)

I am a 20 year old guy and have just managed to successfully recover from this brainwashing maniac.

Having successfully recovered from it I am now mentally very strong and resilient. My curiosity towards learning and affinity towards academics had been KILLED by this organisation, and I am presently working to restore this.

I still find it hard to make new friends in college. I am in my second year. Where should I seek help? Are the forums right place for this?
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re: 12 year old completely deprived of friends/cut off

Post07 Apr 2020

Hi dbairsoft.

What's your story, is your mother a BK? You were 16 - 17 years old when you got involved? How pukka were you?

Something I can write is that it is worth investing some time in understanding the cultic mentality, and how cults work, as it will help you understand fundamental structures within all religions and society as a whole, many of which run on a similar methodology. It'll make you immune to them in the future.

Welcome on board.
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re: 12 year old completely deprived of friends/cut off

Post08 Apr 2020

Hello Sir/Madam,

Thanks for your kind response. (ᴗ ͜ʖ ᴗ)

No none of my parents were BKs at any point of time except my grandma. (ཀ ʖ̯ ཀ)

I got introduced to Bk-ism when I was 16 via my grandma who has a general affinity towards religious stuff. I was never quite too involved physically in their activities or services as such, but as my grandma was the first to be influenced by them, she quite forced me to follow these stuff. I was reluctant at first but then as I loved grandma I started to follow and gradually the brainwashing took over [yes, it took over pretty hard щ(゚Д゚щ) ], and the some of the consequences I have hinted towards in the previous reply above.

Thank you and our beloved Admin for making the site. You saved me! YAY. ヽ༼ຈ ل ຈ༽ノ

Until yesterday I was still under minor fear of leaving the BKs. You know that "you'll be grinding your teeth" and "Dharmraj" bluff had not allowed me a moment of peace. Coming across this forum/topic it became clear what exactly these guys are doing and how badly these affect young vulnerable minds.

This awareness has made me quite immune to future brain-washing and I feel very strong now. ᕙ (° ~͜ʖ~ °) ᕗ

Thanks! Have a nice day! く(^ー゚)ノ

( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
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re: 12 year old completely deprived of friends/cut off

Post08 Apr 2020

Hi dbairsoft

I did not quite comprehend the hieroglyphics but got the gist!

It's good you were able to pull away after a relatively short time, especially at this part of your life which is a crucial foundational period. You are in a good enough position to set up a decent life trajectory for yourself, do or redo any studies you need to.

Many of us switched to the BK tracks around that same age, late teens early twenties, and our lives were "derailed” for a long time, for many that can remain the case for decades after leaving the BKs, for those who cannot get their head together i.e. get the BKs out of their head!

There are a lot of posts on this forum dealing with people’s experiences of leaving then coming to terms with how their psychology is re-shaped by the BKs. After all, that's what "changing sanskaras” as they call it, it is all about.
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re: 12 year old completely deprived of friends/cut off

Post08 Apr 2020

Roger sir!

Don't worry, I have gone through enough brutal abuse from my most loved ones when I was a tiny kid [don't ask me to elaborate that please]. These BK maniacs are no match! Anyways, all I learned was these experiences, however dark and "derailing" it may be, does nothing but make you STRONGER! Having been through this, I confirmed myself that I am literally indestructible and am capable of taking any amount of physical and emotional pain this universe has got to offer.

"C'mon! try and kill me!"/

It's true we all feel demotivated when such derailment occurs but just stay strong and find your own way! Cant find a way out? really?

CREATE YOUR OWN WAYS, bro. Steve Jobs and other such guys had suffered too! did not they recover? What it takes to recover? just a thought. Think outside of the box and you will rock!


OK, still not happy?

This will help you guys. You people have helped me to confirm that BK is a cult and get rid of it. And just know, I will return this help, cuz I love you guys <3.

I have infinite motivation!! Haha.

I am eager to contribute here, but am new here and don't know most basics. I will try my best.

Cheers! Stay safe and sharp! Enjoy your Quarantine ♥♥♥
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re: 12 year old completely deprived of friends/cut off

Post08 Apr 2020

dbairsoft wrote:Thank you and our beloved Admin for making the site. You saved me! YAY.

No, you saved yourself. Top marks for doing so. You already saw through it all, well done for having the clear sightedness and energy to break out of their orbit before it sucked you in and destroyed your life.

How long as your grandmother been in?

Sadly, they target old people, especially those in unhappy marriages, divorced or widowed, because they are useful for their financial resources and as free labour. They have lots of free time that the BKs can exploit.

You need to read up about what the Brahma Kumaris are up to and warn your parents/her family otherwise the BKs will take all her money, any property she has, and anything they can get out of the family too.

BKism is not Hinduism. They have evolved like some kind of parasitic chameleon to change their colours in order to fit into any background and they suck people in by putting on a show of Hinduism, eg performing rakhis and so on, but they are not; and they are almost entirely self-serving ... and unlimitedly dishonest. There is no end to their dishonesty and you cannot have "truth" and dishonesty in the same being.

You might say what they specialise in is teaching followers to lie to outsiders about what they truly believe and what their true agenda is; and that agenda is primarily the acquisition of worldly power and wealth.

That is where we, as BKs who have rejected BKism, can help people the most, by offering a reality check to their intuitions, like you had when you first started to feel something as not quite right about it.

BKism is not the high spiritual path, not by a long way. It is not the highest or "king of yogas". The organisation is one big, fat leech sucking time, money and energy out of whichever society, whichever community, whichever family, whichever individual it can get its blood sucking hooks into. And it will try to hold on like hell to them with all sorts of tricks if it can.

They operate at a relatively low level of psychism using some kind of hypnosis, or auto-hypnosis to suck people in then suck the lifeblood out of them. You get a little high when they first infect you, but then ends up completely controlled and addicted to them.

It may be too late to save your grandmother if she has started to base her identity and ego around theirs, but at least you can save yourself and protect your family.

BKism is also a really lousy career path. It is largely anti-education, anti-self advancement. They want to encourage you to become utterly dependent on them, and then at best you'll end up a cook or cleaner in one of their centres, with no days off, no holidays, obviously no family, no retirement, no nothing. Just more of the same day in, day out for the rest of your life.

Run a 1,000 miles from them.

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re: 12 year old completely deprived of friends/cut off

Post08 Apr 2020

ex-l wrote:How long as your grandmother been in?

Sadly, they target old people, especially those in unhappy marriages, divorced or widowed, because they are useful for their financial resources and as free labour. They have lots of free time that the BKs can exploit.

Well, my grandma was indeed sad due to frequent quarrels with my grandpa. Hehe, like children they used to fight :P, However, joining the BK wasn't due to any such reasons. She liked religious leaders and stuff (OK, I forgot to mention that we joined BK together. Yes, at the exact millisecond! :P).

She was suggested to watch peace of mind by one of my aunts (holy cow, the aunt herself is not into BK. Mind that! Then why did she? (O.o) ), so grandma watched the channel did for a year. She especially used to get fascinated by the "samadhan" show. I don't know what is the real exactness of the stuff they talk about ... Then ultimately she got to know there was a centre very close to our home and she told me to go with her. I readily accepted as I had grown very superstitious under her influence. meh.

Then it all began.

I don't know how lucky I am as well as all my family members.

There has not been any kind of damage to financial thing or property. None of my family members are fighting anymore.
and my grandma and grandpa are quite happy with each other as I now live with my mum and dad.

What loss I did suffer the most was destruction of creativity. Yes, it's painful to rip apart the wings of an artist (seriously have they, the BKs, got no heart? Even the worst of the terrorists would think twice before committing such prejudice! Oh well, they are zombies and zombies cannot judge. My bad :P). But I am regenerating my health back! So no worries!

Grandma still watches PMTV and sometimes reminds me of that mediation stuff on phone but, you know, I suddenly become deaf for those moments and not respond. It's really sad that grandma hasn't been lucky enough, so you can see that my grandma is like still stuck there.

Her mental state keeps falling rapidly as days passes yet she is not ready to believe so. I don't know what to do about her but certainly I am going to raid the BK headquarters before I raid Area 51 and my college deans. So keep your fingers crossed as I am preparing my arsenal of futuristic laser rifles to blow em up all!

Stay safe and sharp!
Enjoy Quarantine! ^.^
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re: 12 year old completely deprived of friends/cut off

Post07 May 2020

dbairsoft wrote:What loss I did suffer the most was destruction of creativity. Yes, it's painful to rip apart the wings of an artist ... seriously have they, the BKs, got no heart?

Which years did this happen in?

I cannot speak for BK India, because it's not clear if the early adherents had any additional interests or abilities at all, but that's a criticism which goes right back to the early 1980s in the BK West. I'd guess part of it is cultural both from a specific BK Sindhi merchant class background (where what matters is bringing in the money and acquiring property and status), but also a general Indian thing where "artists" are generally seen as lower caste and involved purely in formal, repetitive, decorative work - copying - rather than creating new ideas and forms.

On top of which there was the lack of value for artistic types individuality and expression, in a system based mainly on conformity to a fair austere model.

However, I thought they had seen the value in it by now and had become more liberal in their views. In my day, there was ZERO value for personal development and expression outside of their, meaning mostly Dadi Janki's I suspect, very narrow world view.

Of course, if you were already famous for being an artist of some sort, that was a different matter. Red carpet was rolled out. But if you were young and just stepping out in life, you had to give it all up. It was all waste thought and a distraction from the primary job at hand. Getting people in, and teaching the 7 Day Course.
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Re: 12 year old deprived of friends/cut off from family

Post21 May 2020

Oh my, I should probably keep myself subscribed to these threads to be notified of them, sorry for the super duper late reply. OK, looks like I used some "big" words.

By saying artist I mean ... *ahem* ... uh ... I am into making innovative stuff. I am a kid! I AM AN ARTISTIC KID! AND I LOVE PONIES!

OK, to speak simple, when I was at the end of my 10th grade this BK thingy crept in, and I eventually was made to lose interest in the innovative things I do as well as my studies. Bruh, I cannot seem to organise my thoughts about this. I have deleted the nasty memories by now and have been improving my life, however, one thing makes me quite curious.

How does the cult manage to SUSTAIN the brainwashing effect into the victims?

Trust me, I went quite deep into the trap and am happy to have recovered completely by now. I cannot say next time if I meet a BK I will snap his neck but surely this cult and its tortures have made me much stronger and wiser than ever before?

And, yeah, you BKs out there, it's not because of you. It's me who has chosen to be stronger.

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