What have these splinter groups got against the PBKs?

for members of the Vishnu Party, Krishna Party, Inadvance Party, PPPBKs & others.
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Post11 Jul 2007

arjun wrote:I am giving this information not to malign anyone, but only because 'destroy old world' has quoted the above ex-PBK to malign some helpless PBK mothers, who are now in their 60s or 70s
ex-l wrote:I would agree EXCEPT for the seriousness of some of the threats and conspiracies that are rattling around some of these groups and individuals.

I am not taking any sides but I agree about the seriousness of this. For any soul to make "Gyan Jumps" many times does sound like a very very desperate soul. To blame it their own karma, is also careless. They need help. I would expect being once bitten is enough, but to be bitten so many times must hurt. The more "jumps" made seems like there is less and less love in the heart, so all that is left for output is sorrow and hate and disgust.

Thus I try to always will new members from any background on this forum, because every soul does has some light inside it and there is no need to block out those light otherwise it will also block your own. It's hard to do as a human soul given our weaknesses, but I recall the common phrase that God does not chose where or whom to shine upon, He just shines. On this forum, we can only try our best.
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Post11 Jul 2007

I am pretty sure that this is just a little shower amongst the greater weather of the forum and it will soon past.

But we ought to try and formulate a policy of dealing with such individuals rather than mentally beating them up, which is what I think you are saying.

It would be an act of love and service ... perhaps best done in their own culture and language.


  • Posts: 1593
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Post12 Jul 2007

But we ought to try and formulate a policy of dealing with such individuals rather than mentally beating them up, which is what I think you are saying.

My reply is a summed up into the old story that has been circulating in the internet :

The Clay Balls

A man was exploring caves by the seashore. In one of the caves he found a canvas bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had rolled clay balls and left them but in the sun to bake.

They did not look like much, but they intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he strolled along the beach, he would throw the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could.

He thought little about it, until he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open on a rock. Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!

Excited, the man started breaking open the remaining clay balls. Each contained a similar treasure. He found thousands of dollars worth of jewels in the 20 or so clay balls he had left. Then it struck him.

He had been on the beach a long time. He had thrown maybe 50 or 60 of the clay balls with their hidden treasure into the ocean waves. Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he could have taken home tens of thousands, but he had just thrown it away!

It's like that with people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, and we see the external clay vessel It doesn't look like much from the outside. It is not always beautiful or sparkling, so we discount it.

We see that person as less important than someone more beautiful or stylish or well known or wealthy. But we have not taken the time to find the treasure hidden inside that person.

There is a treasure in each one of us. If we take the time to get to know that person, and if we ask God to show us that person the way He sees them, then the clay begins to peel away and the brilliant gem begins to shine forth.

May we not come to the end of our lives and find out that we have thrown away a fortune in friendships because the gems were hidden in bits of clay. May we see the people in our world as God sees them.


Moral of the stroy : I am so blessed by the gems of friendship I have with each of you. Thank you for looking beyond my clay vessel.

Additional moral of the story : Some people just have more balls than others :oops: :P.

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