On the way to Paramdham

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new knowledge

ex-Vishnu Party

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post27 Jul 2008

Dear arjun Bhai, read your reply article (date. 22 Sep. 2007) on page no. 1 of the thread 'The Tree Without The Seed'.
arjun wrote:Dear Brother, Omshanti. As far as, I know all the souls of this world drama be in the Soul World at the time when Ram's soul goes to the Soul World and returns to the world before everyone else. So, there is no question of the human tree being in the corporeal world during those few seconds. So, the question of sustaining that tree in the corporeal world does not arise at all.

Thus, according to you, the human tree does not exist during that time period when Ram's soul goes to Paramdham, i.e, the human population of the world becomes ZERO during that short period.
new knowledge wrote:When will the soul of Ram go to the inert Paramdham? - In 2018 or 2036?
arjun wrote:I think it will be in 2036.

Then, could I guess that the world human population become ZERO during some period in 2036? But the Advanced Knowledge says that the world human population becomes 9,00,000 in 2036.. Does not your reply go in opposition to the Advanced Knowledge?
new knowledge wrote:* BKs also believe that some part of this Brahm element of Paramdham temporarily get converted into the Subtle Region during the Confluence Age.
arjun wrote:I am hearing this for the first time. Anyone else has heard about it?
ex-l wrote:We were not taught that,

But I am sure that at least some senior BKs believe to be so. Brother mbbhat may throw some light upon this issue.
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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post27 Jul 2008

new knowledge wrote:But I am sure that at least some senior BKs believe to be so. Brother mbbhat may throw some light upon this issue.

Possibly ... but what the famed "senior Brothers" say is mostly not worth the toilet paper it is written on. Bhaimat not Shrimat ... I am sure we have heard all the alternative fantasmo-cosmology theories; e.g. universe turning into light at the end of the Kalpa ... a Cycle of 5,000 years sitting on the top of a straight time of a much longer space-time continuum ... what would the mechanics of a Brahm element turning into a Subtle reigon and what value does conceiving it have?

Bubble gum for the mind and certain not official policy I am afraid.

new knowledge

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post27 Jul 2008

Bro ex-l, I accept that the issue of conversion of some part of Paramdham into the Subtle Region may be a usless topic; but as I am going to do a research-work about Brahm & Paramdham, I wish to know the BK/PBK conception about Paramdham & Brahm. So, I asked that query, though it appears to be negligible. The hypothesis behind my intention of creating this thread is that the real goal of all our spiritual practices is to approach our Home - the Soul World, i.e, Paramdham & that Paramdham & Brahm are not inert (as believed by most of BKWSU cults). So, what's wrong to test my hypothesis by asking such queries?
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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post27 Jul 2008

Nothing, I apologise, as long as theories are presented as just that. I value your thoughts more above those of some unnamed senior Brother.

I am sorry but in my own time I was so misled by those same kind of chit-chat churnings that they used to string you along that I am unsympathetic to them now. When I was naive, I accepted them as of some importance and repeated them to others. I have seen them repeated here too by others.

Its a strange thing but I think BK types really have to play by the rules of their game (they just cant make stuff up) ... but that the truth is something else and yet to be revealed.

new knowledge

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post27 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:Nothing. I appologise, as long as theories are presented as just that ... but that the truth is something else.

Again & again, I am stating that I am not deterministic at all. I believe myself a nursery student. So, I've not put any theory here. I've put just a working hypothesis about Paramdham on the basis of Murlis & scriptures. As long as the Ultimate Truth (& God) is not revealed to me, that working hypothesis will not be converted into a theory which has solid basis of empirical background. So, I am in search of God. I e-mailed to you to pay attention to find God; but unfortunately, you replied that you don't have enough money & time to search true spiritual masters. Sad to say that you have a lot of time & money to post less important articles like 'BKWSU in China' & 'BKWSU in Russia', but ... but you have no money & time to write on the most important issues like God, Paramdham, Shrimat, etc.
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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post27 Jul 2008

I am on my own path to find truth and god or else I would not be sticking out here. And to whatever truth I can find, I will help others and defend them from wrongdoings.

If you note, actually I asked the very pertinent type of question one would need to ask, and answer, to carry on such hypotheses ... ask these Brothers to explain the mechanics of conversion of "Brahm element to Subtle Region". Or perhaps better still to demonstrate it reproducible. Previously ... to utter silence in reply ... I asked anyone to explain the mechanics of Karma. Not the speculative faith about karmic law but the actual mechanics by which it worked.

Rather than build a heaven or sell of the promise of it today on blocks of groundless faith, or make up poetical philosophies, I am removing all that which is false, groundless and faulted. All that will be left is that which is true and faultless. I suppose it is called a 'Reductionist' approach.

I don't expect you to have read many of my posts but I have written and speculated a lot on classical BK topics. Especially in the early days of this forum and on xBKChat. Actually, my critique of the Brahma Kumarism is based not on prejudices but on Shrimat and Maryadas as we were taught it and as in the Murlis. Until we verify the original history and compile a complete database of Murlis, the best I can do is document the symptomatic express of BKism as it is today so that others tomorrow can know where it all came from and what went before them ... and raise the anomalies to light.

Neti neti neti I am afraid.

new knowledge

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post27 Jul 2008

Thanks a lot! I appreciate your way of finding God & your reductionism. I still have hopes that, possibly, I may find God in BKWSU, though I've got nothing but only false Gods in BKWSU. Just to find Him, I am posting articles here though it's getting very hard for me to post articles using a mobile phone with my 75% blind eyes.
mbbhat wrote:After getting knowledge of seven days course, it is enough if you just remember Baba, Shantidham & Sukhdham.

Remember Baba & Sukhdham - this may be understood; but what about remembrance of Shantidham? How could that inert Paramdham be the Silence World? Relative to what is that inert Paramdham Silent??? When & how the concept of such inert Soul World, 'as the Dead Silence World', appeared in BK philosophy?
ex-l wrote:Neti meti neti. I am afraid.

Is that the final outcome of your reductionist approach, or have you started your spiritual journey with 'neti neti neti'? Please reply in another thread as this may be off-topic here. Again thanks.
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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post28 Jul 2008

new knowledge wrote:Then, could I guess that the world human population become ZERO during some period in 2036? But the Advanced Knowledge says that the world human population becomes 900,000 in 2036.. Does not your reply go in opposition to the Advanced Knowledge?

The physical population of the world would not be 900,000 in 2036 as per the recent clarifications given by ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit). The physical population would be 4,50,000 (the seed souls) in whom 450,000 (base/root-like) souls would enter to get revealed in the world as 900,000 living stars in the world before 2036.

These 450,000 souls, who enter in the bodies of the 450,000 seed souls would take physical birth through them numberwise and it would take many years (nearly 150 years, considering that to be the average duration of Golden Age) for all the 900,000 souls to be present physically at the same time. In other words, all these 9 lakh souls would be physically present before the duration of the first birth of Golden Age ends.

new knowledge

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post03 Sep 2008

Dear arjun Bhai, you accept that when Rambap goes to the inert Paramdham, the human population of this world becomes zero; then what happens to the Eternal World Drama during that period? Does not the World Drama gets a break when Rambap goes to the inert Paramdham as no any actor is present on the Unlimited Stage of the World Drama during that period? Then how could the World Drama be entitled as 'Eternal' as it gets a 'break'?

new knowledge

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post06 Sep 2008

Question: What is the final goal of all spiritual practices?
Ans: Realisation of true inner self in our Home (Paramdham).



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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post18 Sep 2008

new knowledge wrote:Question: What is the final goal of all spiritual practices?
Ans: Realisation of true inner self in our Home (Paramdham).

Dear new knowledge Bhai.

I feel that the goal of all spiritual practices is first to realise our spiritual Father God and then to realise ourself (only God-realisation can lead to self-realisation). For many centuries all spiritual seekers have been trying to realise themselves by going inwards through meditation but no one has been successful. Only when the true spiritual Father comes then we will know the truth. You can go inwards for centuries and you will achieve nothing if you do not have the true Godly knowledge to guide you. This is my view.

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post18 Sep 2008

Is it possible that "The Father" is not an individual but a shared state of consciousness?

A similar debate exists within Christianity, i.e. whether the "Second Coming of Christ" means that Jesus will be coming back himself ... or whether the "Second Coming" is the coming of a level of Christ-like consciousness amongst humans, e.g. open, loveful, aware, equal etc.

This is on topic for this subject as, ultimately, we are talking about Braham consciousness. It also runs parallel with other avenues I am trying to explore about the earlier days when there was no personal God Shiva.

I respect your courage to accept there are deep and endless anomalies within The Knowledge™, whether beginners or advanced, I am not sure that we should be slavishly stuck on an obvious outcome to all of this. This, to me, also address the enigma of Virendra Dev Dixit as "Chariot or not". Perhaps there is no one at the end of the day to be a Chariot for, just a state of god-consciousness for us all to enter? Perhaps this whole mid-section is just Lekhraj Kirpalani and the BK's confused creation, as you say, and of which I would not argue against?

new knowledge

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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post18 Sep 2008

Brother shivsena, then why is the issue of soul-consciousness the first & the last lesson of the Gyan? And why does Murli directs us to be in 'self-respect' (Swaman)? But your method of rememberance of God for self-realisation is also correct.



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Re: On the way to Paramdham

Post18 Sep 2008

Dear new knowledge Bhai.

The first subject is Gyan, then Yoga, dharana and seva. Gyan in theory includes both The Knowledge of self and supreme God, but all Three Worlds have The Knowledge that we are bindi souls but there is no practical experience how we souls have taken 84 births (ie swadarshan-chakradhari) and this is only possible when God Ramshivbaba comes and gives us the key of self-realisation (divya-dhristi ki chabi).

This is what I feel.


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