Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

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Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

Post03 Oct 2008

I am new to this knowlegde ... totally confusing. My way of praying god is just I will treat him as my best friend and start praying to him.

I am a 7 days course student. It is difficult to imagine for me that god is point of light. How can be sure 100 % that God is point of light?

I have lot of doubts? The main objective of this education is positive thoughts. I am physically challenged but once, when I attended these classes, all are telling that I have created this karma. This itself is giving a negative influence on me. 4 of the students has told like that, "I have made karma". I felt very bad about this.

    How are you saying that souls has rebirth? How can I make sure that there are 84 births exists?
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Re: How God is a point of light?

Post04 Oct 2008

No one can know. There are lots of unanswered questions about the god of the BKs and the manner in which they discovered this god. They have changed and keep changing their philosophy, so it might changed again as well. If you have your god, stick to him.
viji wrote: The main objective of this education is positive thoughts.

"Positive thoughts" is the sales pitch. It used to be "peace of mind". There religion is marketed towards Hindus. It has changed and it will change again. More to the point is to watch where your mind, free labour and money goes ... the BKWSU wants all of them. Not for their God but for their business. Their business of religion.
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Re: How God is a point of light?

Post04 Oct 2008

It is cruel to say things like this about karma, they are lucky to be able bodied.

If you want my opinion, you will look elsewhere for kindness and to fulfill your faith. Your practise of praying and having God as your friend seems superior to the BKs' belief and practise. I would stick with your own way.
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Re: How God is a point of light?

Post04 Oct 2008

viji wrote:I am new to this knowlegde ... totally confusing. My way of praying god is just I will treat him as my best friend and start praying to him. I am a 7 days course student. It is difficult to imagine for me that god is point of light. How can be sure 100 % that God is point of light? I have lot of doubts? The main objective of this education is positive thoughts. I am physically challenged but once, when I attended these classes, all are telling that I have created this karma. This itself is giving a negative influence on me. 4 of the students has told like that, "I have made karma". I felt very bad about this. How are you saying that souls has rebirth? How can I make sure that there are 84 births exists?

Hello Viji,

It is courageous of you to post your questions publicly.

I was a BK for 13 years, now an ex-BK for 15 years.

In my opinion, being visibly different from others -- clothing, abilities, appearance, values, etc. etc. -- has a way of bringing up prejudice and racism in insular groups such as the BKs that are overwhelmingly concerned with establishing sameness (in dress, behavior, beliefs) among its members.

For BKs, their formulation of the "Law of Karma" is presented as absolute as the laws of thermodynamics or gravity. According to them, there is no injustice in the world, because everyone is getting their own karma back.

Naive and ignorant BKs use this particular ideological hammer as a defensive tactic, blaming the person for their condition rather than:

  • accepting the person as he/she is
  • facing their own feelings of being flawed, vulnerable and different, which are typically triggered by seeing someone who differs from their unspoken images of normal
  • allowing themselves to enter into another person's world
Whether god is a point of light or people take 84 births is not important to living a fulfilled life, unless you want your fulfillment through group-cohesion with the BKs.

BKs say they really connect with God, and that they can do so because of their true and correct (according to them) knowledge of God. The existence of their (according to them) uniquely virtuous group with their mutually reinforcing beliefs and experiences, is presented as evidence of God, as in (to paraphrase) "Only god could uplift poor ignorant mothers and mold them into the highly respected spiritual leaders/warriors they are today."

It is up to you to judge if they are really extraordinary, or are just a group of individuals with shared beliefs, charismatic leaders and a particular culture.

If you were to sit in front of the class and tell of your experience of God as friend, in my opinion it would be you enriching the BK world, helping others to experience god as friend. I believe the greatness of a culture/religion/sect is in the individuals who animate the tradition, rather than the tradition itself.

These are only my thoughts. I speak to you as a person, do not claim any absolute knowledge.
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Re: How God is a point of light?

Post07 Oct 2008

viji wrote:I am physically challenged but once, when I attended these classes, all are telling that I have created this karma. This itself is giving a negative influence on me. 4 of the students has told like that, "I have made karma". I felt very bad about this.

What you experience is the heartlessness, ignorance and arrogance of the BKWSU. Those qualities that you will discover are never that far underneath the surface. Challenge the leadership to prove their theories and you will find it is just another blind faith and superstition.

I have been a member of this forum since its beginning and a BK since the early 1980s. I keep asking BKs to explain the mechanism and limitations of their karma philosophy; how does it work, through which medium does it work, how does it have a material effect etc. No one has been able to answer. At the end of the day, they have not a clue. It is just a mental plug used to stop people from thinking and questioning whilst the religion seeks to capture the minds, bodies and wealth of the followers.

One of the ways it does this, or the spirit behind the religion does, is by making individuals feel empowered ... making them feel as if they are superior gurus ... with an answer for anything ... when, in fact, they are not. They are just as stupid, ignorant and bigoted as any one else, squawking like parrots. They honestly do not know, they have just learned to squawk what they have heard through repetition. What is even funnier is that much of what they squawk is not even in the teachings themselves.

The religion has its roots in an uneducated 30s business community run in a near feudal system. The leaders have insulated themselves from real question and examination. Their marketing has improved, their morals have not (or if they have, I have seen no significant example of it). They cannot prove their beliefs and false predictions of Destruction (End of the World) because they keep failing. All they do is erase, re-write and change them. Save your self the years of waiting to find out what we have found out.

Even within Buddhism, where the theory of karma was refined and developed, it is accepted that only part of lives are subject to karma, much of it is beyond our control and random.
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Re: How God is a point of light?

Post07 Oct 2008

viji wrote:I am new to this knowlegde ... totally confusing. My way of praying god is just I will treat him as my best friend and start praying to him.

In my opinion Viji, if you have this already then there may be no need to search deeper. If God is already in your heart just open it a little more to get a deeper experience and enjoy the journey.

Ancient Toltec wisdom dictates that as human beings we have a need for more and more information in order to define who we are, then we start questioning the same info we have looked for, which confuses us.

The problem is that we humans are often afraid to open our heart energy centres, as many of us carry hurt and fear therein so we then look for a system which will make us feel better and allow us to open up the heart, whilst still remaining safe. Better for our connection to God to remain simple and open-hearted then. At least this wont allow others to confuse us with their own silly and irrelevant God-practice. Follow your heart is my suggestion to you, and don't allow anyone else to 'convince' you that something is missing. It is not.
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Re: How God is a point of light?

Post07 Oct 2008

viji wrote:I am physically challenged but once, when I attended these classes, all are telling that I have created this karma. This itself is giving a negative influence on me. 4 of the students has told like that, "I have made karma". I felt very bad about this.

Omshanti. I am sorry to know that you had to pass through this experience in the initial days of your association with BKWSU. Even if we believe that our karma is responsible for our plight, but we are not supposed to tell this to any sufferer on his/her face. Whether it is a BK or a PBK, they should avoid causing sorrows to anyone through such words.

If you can forget your bad experience with a few souls among BKs and if you decide to explore The Knowledge as taught by ShivBaba, you may find many things which may boost your level of confidence. God says every soul has immense powers within it. It is just a question of realizing those powers and harnessing them for the benefit of the self and others.

With regards,


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How is 100% sure that the total population of the Golden Age

Post14 Oct 2008

How is 100% sure that the total population of the Golden Age is 900,000?


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How to remove unnecessary thoughts?

Post14 Oct 2008

How to remove unnecessary thoughts? What are the steps to be followed to remove unnecessary thoughts?


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Development of the soul

Post14 Oct 2008

What are steps to be followed for the development of the pure and perfection soul?

    1st step?
    2nd step?
    3rd step?
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Re: How is 100% sure that the total population of the Golden Age

Post14 Oct 2008

viji wrote:How is 100% sure that the total population of the Golden Age is 900,000?

We cant. It is a ridiculous suggestion. And it is all taken second-hand from Hinduism.

You have to remember, for the first 20 years, the Brahma Kumaris thought Lekhraj Kirpalani (BB) was God and that God was Krishna. And from Lekhraj Kirpalani's scrambled mind, all these fairy stories, made from the scriptures, came out to entertain his followers and keep their faith up during the hard times and loneliness. You also have to remember that during this period a community of about 500 was dwindling away to about 70 (approximate figures).

According to Bhakti,

    Krishna had 900,000 gopis (milkmaidens)
    Nanda Maharaja had 900,000 cows
    Dvaraka had 900,000 fabulous palaces decorated with golden and gemstones etc
This is where it all came from. Even according to the Vedas, we had to evolve through 900,000 species, so it probably has some SYMBOLIC significance rather than a LITERAL one. I tis all taken from Bhakti.

So there is where the number came from. Why should we expect such a 'perfect' number? Does nature work to such perfect figures ... no. Not at all.
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Re: Development of the soul

Post14 Oct 2008

There are none. There is no such thing as "the development of the pure and perfection soul".

It is an imaginary and unrealistic goal which is then used by religious business to take money or services (free labour) from you for life or lifetimes.

Placing the burden of "perfection" on the mind of a follower is perfect for creating dedicated slaves ... like the donkey following the carrot on a stick whilst the farmer sits on his back. The donkey is always chasing "perfection". The farmers (religions) know this and become skillful in creating the illusions of carrots.

donkey.gif (15.17 KiB) Viewed 17422 times

There is a further development of this strategy called "the carrot and the stick" ... in which if "perfection" does not work for all, or at all times; then the farmer uses a stick to beat the donkey with. Fear is a good stick. Which do you want ... a carrot or a stick to beat you with?

In both cases, the farmer is still riding on the back of the donkey.

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Re: Development of the soul

Post14 Oct 2008

I don't think that one should mix up 'being unhappy' or dissatisfied in one's life with the idea that this is linked to an under-developed soul. It's a fallacy, propagated by cults and other similar organisations, to make one feel 'less than' others in order to empower the organisation.

The most ordinary person, working in a rice field, could be more 'developed' as a soul for instance, as they will have no need to work on themselves. This could meant that the Dalai Lamai, for example, has to lead a life like he does in order to develop his own spiritual understanding more, whilst the quiet rice farmer, just goes about his business, silently and gently doing what he/she does best ... and abundance of money also does not mean anything about 'being developed' too ... quiet the contrary in my experience.
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Re: How to remove unnecessary thoughts?

Post14 Oct 2008

Whenever you have unnecessary thoughts, you must think of Supreme Soul and the unmovable property we can get from him ...

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Re: Development of the soul

Post14 Oct 2008

Attached to each thought is an emotion.

The BK way is to completely dismantle the defunct psyche and rebuild it in spiritualised fashion. To open one's doors and let the fresh air in is a good thing. Nowadays, due to human nature, we have locks on doors. In keeping the thief out, we also exclude fresh air. Here we have one necessary thing (locks on doors) reducing our access to something good (fresh air). In my experience, the BK way can be very unkind. This is not to say that I am a bad person, it means that I have found the BK in the past to be most unkind and to feel completely justified when they are. This is the BK way. In this world, we can initiate causes and respond to effects. Were I be obsessed with a reaction to BK unkindness and close the door, I would keep all that lovely fresh air out. As human beings we can express ourselves on many levels, we have the right to choose our causes and as sure as eggs experience the effects; in the BK world, they are and always will be, "in control."

When a person decides that their life needs improving and makes effort it is good thing. It is an aspiration for more and a recognition that one's full potential has not yet been realised. Many strive for more wealth, the yogi deals with their own nature and energy. Whilst the BK have their disciplines for transforming human nature, their methods can be experienced negatively. A free-range goose feeds freely but the force feeding of geese is unkind. What am I saying here? It is simply this - that there are times for speaking person to person in a simple straightforward manner, exchanging thoughts, experiences information etc. The BK, in my experience, delighted in speaking the "Word of God" and, in a fashion force, feeding it to those willing to listen. That was my reaction, though for many they did not experience the BK in this way, their experience being much more positive.

Effective discipline is self imposed, that we can start as complex individuals to ourselves and become simpler and more straightforward and more able to control the causes we initiate may be a beginning of development. Men can shape themselves, whether one wishes to enter the BK mould is an individual choice. Here I personally found the BK way was not to bring the individual to a point where they could decide for themselves in mature fashion but to hasten the process, individual choice being unnecessary because the BK knew best.

Having had a "BK bash", The Knowledge is remarkable. Bap Dada is surrounded by many whose lives he has utterly transformed into something far more elevated than human life. Whilst it is the part of many to make their own way, fast track may well be the BK way. The cloak of invisibility that envelops the BK is a spiritual marvel, insight only being possible for those on the path.

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