Masculine and Feminine

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Masculine and Feminine

Post09 Nov 2009

Hey, it's been awhile (been slaying the beast ...) but this really, really seems promising; the fact how my posts have interested everyone; you seem to be interested and experienced in these type of stuff, GREAT! Soon this all will seem just a big joke (it becomes bigger all the time) :D. Another cult defeated; destroying the false religions (like this one called Brahma Kumaris here).

They seem to be very busy in digging their grave deeper, but it's OK; they are just individuals like anybody, just gone mad by not understanding fully what they have been doing; bit of a Hitler attitude!? Taking the power without understanding ...

Well, I just wanted to share a fact I have discovered some time ago: EVERY SOUL HAS ONLY ONE GENDER! It is only through feminine and masculine becoming mixed that a masculine soul can born into a feminine body or the opposite style. When they become mixed, everything becomes powerless, for example, in nature it is necessary to have a masculine and feminine 'energy' for creation, sustenance and also destruction. So, this process becomes weaker and weaker the more the feminine and masculine becomes mixed together through time, and this actually happens by becoming bored and then wanting to experience 'something' different which effects are understood only afterwards (gay sexual experiences :-? ).

I have read a study where it becomes obvious that the gender of person starts to develop only after some months, after the soul enters it, before that the body doesn't have genitals. Well, this might not seem too significant but it still is worth checking out!

It's an obvious fact that a woman naturally attracts a man and the opposite; it's like magnetism in which two opposite forces attract each other; the plus and minus, but the plus doesn't attract plus or minus doesen´t attract minus, simple. We don't collectively understand what is a man and what is a woman is; what are they like? We just consentrate on a very limited ammount of qualities which are quite stereotyphic.

The truth seems to be anyway, that a man and a woman has very slight differencies, but the difference is that they are like opposite to each other. Together however, they create a perfect "atom", if you may put it that way, they create something which is potential to be eternal ... The woman is man´s paradise and a man is woman's paradise! It's bit complicated to notice this because we have thought trough time that a man has a feminine side and the other way around, but this is actually the result of feminine and masculine energy becoming mixed through ages

On a physical level, this becomes obvious through the facts discovered in doctorine; one of the "women disease", osteophorosis is based on the loss of estrogene, and estrogene is, in fact, a feminine chemical which is produced by a woman's body mainly (men have testosterone). Well, this disease prefers to the fact that the woman-body is not producing enough estrogene, but why? Through becoming older? No. It happens because the soul is mixed with masculine energy and so it cannot give enough the needed type of energy (feminine) to the female body, it's organs and glands. So the body is kind of in the between; it's not a woman completely, not enough feminine chemistry to sustain the feminine-type of body!

For me, it's very clear that the body is complete image of the soul. So it is absolutely impossible to have two genders. Well, I don't think that my text contains enough facts for everybody but please think about it, because after I have started to practise "masculine-directed" meditation and thinking, my health has become better than ever, thinking has become clearer, the muscles stronger and also I could say that my self-respect and self-esteem has gone up, quite a lot!

I strongly believe that gay sexuality and such is one of the most severe crimes we can do to ourselves ... It is said in many religions, but there are still many who ignore it completely. Perfect harmony in the world is based on pure masculinity and femininity ...

GIVE IT A THOUGHT, but if you want to ask something difficult, ask Dr. Phil! ;).
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post10 Nov 2009


I cannot say that I have understood your post on some biological-medical issues, which is based as you say on your own discoveries.

But I have understood this one sentence of your assumption, which is totally wrong:
He-Man wrote:gay sexuality and such is one of the most severe crimes we can do to ourselves

Please read some serious books about this issue, ask medical doctors, talk to homosexuals, get some information before you come to conclusions.

Homosexuality is not optional. They are born like this, which brings them life long great challenges. Nobody becomes gay later, except some male victims of the pedophiles in early childhood.

I had in my professional life some good friends who were male homosexuals. None of them knows why nature made this big joke to them. This is one of the great mysteries of life.

Some spiritual researches explain this issue as spirit attachment. See please: Spirit Release Foundation-Case Studies

It is good if we leave being so judgmental about biological issues to the church and to the BKs.



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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post15 Nov 2009

Hi Tom! I understand, and this is not the first time that I seem to dislike homosexuals from other person's perspective but I assure you that that is not the case. I know that gays born as gays, but it seems that you did not read my post well enough because my opinion is that it is only after when masculine and feminine becomes mixed that a man can start to like a man in sexual sense. But still in usual gay-relationship there are the "roles of a man and woman"; one is more masculine and the other more feminine.

I think that when man "falls in love" with another man, it is really based on how much there is feminine energy mixed in that particular soul, so he doesn't fall in love with the subject's masculine side but the feminine aspect which has become mixed in the subject. Or it could be that some men are so "feminine" that they fall in love with the masculine side of the subject.

Well, it is still very clear that a man and a woman are kind of opposite to each other in the level of spirituality and on the physical sense as well, so it's kind of impossible to a man to be with a man if both of them are completely masculine. The more "unadulterated" a man or a woman is the more impossible it is to fall in love or to be sexually attracted by the same sex. You've seen this as well, right?

It is very obvious fact of life! My opinion about gays is that they are sexualy "mutated" or perverted but I have absolutely nothing against them. Though, there are cases where homosexuals which have been "healed" and have become "normal" again ... But the fact still is that homosexuality is said to be normal these days, so it is easy to think that it is some how natural. It still is a result of many many things ...

Don't think that I don't like homosexuals. No, I just think that homosexuality is not a natural thing. Still everybody has the right to be whatever they want, or what they think they are, it's not my responsibility.
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post15 Nov 2009

He-Man wrote:The more "unadulterated" a man or a woman is the more impossible it is to fall in love or to be sexualy attracted by the same sex, you´ve seen this as well, right?

No, I have not seen anything! Your assumptions are absolute nonsense.

It is not about "to like" or "to dislike", it is about to respect natural diversity even when you can not understand. I don't like your vulgar style and disrespectful approach towards a very important biological and social issue.

Probably you think that animals like swans (wake up BKs!!!), dogs, cats, goose, gorillas, ostriches, dolphins, monkeys, pigs, penguins, hundreds of bird species are also not normal!

Please read: Biological Exuberance: Animal Homosexuality and Natural Diversity by Bruce Bagemihl
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post16 Nov 2009

I suppose from a simple genetic level, homosexuality is a "perversion" or "corruption" ... for the simple reason that if it was universal, the species would die out. One might discuss all the potential causes for it ... from a spiritual, to psychological, to social, to genetic point of view ... many of which would be very politically incorrect but not necessarily "wrong".

In the West, we have gone from one extreme of 'the suppression of homosexuality' to the other extreme of an almost forced fed 'promotion of homosexuality'. I would say both are extremes and society will come back to a balance about the subject in time. It might take decades though. It is a pattern which is either being exported to developing nations, or one that they are about to follow according to their own social evolution.

Where I am stuck with the equation given above is what is the "material" (of the "soul" you are talking about), that can either be made to be "positive" or "negative" ... male or female? To me, a bit like another poster recently who talked about "other religions" in a way that copied exactly when they heard in the BKWSU. It seems to me that you are still struggling to understand things from the exceptionally simplistic level of BK consciousness.

Your basic starting point is impossible to prove or disprove and so is really of no value.

Ultimately, this forum is for discussing issues relating to the BKWSU and leaving the Brahma Kumaris ... rather than just any cosmic theory. We wander from time to time but please keep coming back 'on topic' about the BKs, or your BKWSU experience.

We all have to realise that not all members are native English speakers. We have to allow for a small degree of eccentricity in the way they write.
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post16 Nov 2009

If you can tie this in with the BKWSO, then it would be a viable discussion. But, honestly, let's not degenerate anymore than we need to here. Certainly the lack of sex education and the horrendous misinformation on attraction in the BKWSO has probably turned some people homosexual who weren't before. But it is very different from the person who is born with same sex attractions.

Please remember, that there is no difference between judging a homosexual and calling a non-BK a Shudra. It is only religious dogma that puts these ideas into man's heads to create separation which only leads to hate.
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post16 Nov 2009

Beat me! It was my mistake by chance to give unwillingly the start to this unnecessary topic, as I wrote in the thread The Truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris:
BKWSU, run by bearded Dadis, mannishly Sister-in-Charges and feminine behaving Dadas and Brothers.

I should be more precise. I meant that some Dadis and Sisters were running with beards and unshaved legs probably to prove that they are not body-conscious and they have the authority; and some straight Dadas and some Brothers were imitating Dadis in the way they carried their shawls, the way they gave the class etc probably to be more respected by the BKs.

My comment had not a nanno hint about their biological tendencies, which never interested me but with their fake social roles they have chosen to play in the BK atmosphere.
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post16 Nov 2009

My comment had not a nanno hint about their biological tendencies, which never interested me but with their fake social roles they have chosen to play in the BK atmosphere.

Touché tom!
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post16 Nov 2009

tom wrote:Beat me! It was my mistake by chance to give unwillingly the start to this unnecessary topic, as I wrote in the thread The Truth about the corrupted Brahma Kumaris.

We have discussed around this aspect on more than one occasion before. The Brahma Kumaris emasculating men and creating He-Women. I have never thought of 'He-Women' before but it seems fitting for "He-Man's" topic. I saw and experienced this myself.

Ultimately, homosexuality is not the pathway to enlightenment, despite everything that goes on in monasteries the world over. If it was, they would have to make men's public toilets into shrines for all the "religious practise" that goes on in them.

It is a deep subject that requires much probing but ... I agree ... that unless it is directly BK related, and directly related to YOUR BK experience He-Man, please do not distract.

    Did the BKWSU make you feel queer? How does 'Soul' express gender orientation?



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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post17 Nov 2009

Well, my opinion is connected to the BK belief that a soul has two genders/no certain gender and I am relating this just to spiritual level/level of energy, which of course reflects into the physical. I have nothing against anybody. My motive was to just to give my idea about this BK paradigm (which is very true and real to me). It truly is true that it can be found from other religions that a gay-sexual person is "bad" or whatever, but the reality is obviously different.

The basic idea of my theory is not related just to man and woman but the masculine and feminine energy ... not related to the idea of "continuity of humanity", which is commonly used as the basis of the whole idea because, as we can see, the growing population has it's on negative effects. I used words like perverted which is easily to be misunderstood but I did not meant to seem "better" than anybody. I have experimented with this thought for a some time now, and it really seems to be true that if the energy of the soul is unadulterated on this level, the soul is in good line with matter, that is, the body works better.

It could be said that there is masculine matter and feminine matter as well. On the level of all of nature, it is obvious that the nature works better if these two energies aren't so much mixed; the more mixed they are the more slowly the creation, sustenance and destruction happens inside nature, and one example of this is the matter becoming weaker/more fragile. I think that this applies to everything, animals included. I think that "gay-sexuality" is based on lust (no need to take this too seriously).

It is seen in, for example, placebo tests that the thought/energy determines the functionality of the matter, so the energy(or thouhgt) is behind everything. So if the energy is wrong type, it will have "unwanted" or "unnatural" effects on the matter, like in placebo tests it is seen that if the subject thinks negatively, it affects the body in a destructive way or if he thinks positively, he can heal himself. One example of the placebo tests is that the thoughts release chemical in the body, like fear releases adrenaline, happiness dopamine and serotonine, anger releases some chemical (don't remember the name of it) which lowers the IQ of a person for a temporary period(these are just few examples). So there are destructive eneregies/thoughts and creative energies/thoughts; energies which support the matter and energies which destroy the matter. Same thing applies on the level of masculine and feminine energy, and if these two are mixed it will have it´s effects, like osteoporosis as mentioned.

But don't force yourself to think like this if it doesn't feel comfortable, I kind of directed this post for people who might have been questioning this aspect. I am not a fanatic. I rely on facts and science, and most of all my own experience! This is a free world anyway, so there are gays and straights and everything in between : ).



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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post17 Nov 2009

He-man says he/she? relies on science and facts. Very confusing.

But it is coming across as fundamentalist homophobia, with the emphasis on the PHOBIA, as in 'fear of' .

The weakening of matter part, sounds a very BK teaching thing.



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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post17 Nov 2009

Sure, Starchild, if you want to rely on your own strict judgement instead of seeing what I really mean and give it a thought ...



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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post17 Nov 2009

I think that the remark ...
Gay Sexuality is based on lust

is extremely homophobic, even if you did say not to take it seriously.
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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post18 Nov 2009

The truth is, it is not necessarily "homophobic". None of us know what the "objective truth" on homosexuality is, yet.

How many celibate gays are in the BKWSU? How many BKs are becoming Sisters to avoiding their sexuality either gay or straight?

Religious views on homosexuality do go from "hellish" sinful to impediment. Despite all the polite fronts, spirituality and 'liberalism' really clash head on.

From a Buddhist point of view, homosexuality is of a lower order - or "less meritorious". This is simply because even in absolute heterosexual lust, there is the possibility of the "accidental merit" of giving another soul the means of rebirth. Of course, you could ask which "Buddhists" because there are many traditions ... but the statement is in there.



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Re: Masculine and Feminine

Post18 Nov 2009

Believe what you wish, but I am not homophobic person, and not a BK either. Nobody has much proof yet about this subject but I think this gives a new point of view to this question (the placebo tests can act as one point of view), and it seems very logical to me (the quality energy having it's effects on the chemistry).

There are many, many things and aspects related to how I came to believe what I claim, and it is impossible to bring all of them into your awareness. I use words which might mean different things in individual level, but the reason why I claim homosexuality to be based on lust is a quite radical point of view, I admit. Still this statement is to see the cause in a deeper level than just the present world; I believe that it is the first "sin" (don't get me wrong) in "losing gender-identity" in the first place.

Only starchild has seen it as homophobic statement, so it seems that it is what it seems to starchild. Still it's not what I mean and what I am. But it's very intresting to talk about this with such intelligent and experienced people like all of you ; ). Hope that we'll get something out of this. I mean, something related to this BK-paradigm about a soul having multiple genders.

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