Conspiracy Theory (was The Deception of the BKs)

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Conspiracy Theory (was The Deception of the BKs)

Post26 Apr 2011

There are some interesting links between the BKs and other secret organisations.

Concerning Lekraj. The story presented of the founder suggests that during his time as a diamond merchent in India he sold jewels to high ranking people in Indian society and the British Raj. This includes the then Viscount of India.

Even a casual investigation of the Raj and India at this time informs us that the practice of Freemasonary was a virtual epidemic among dignitaries icluding military officers, civil servents, members of government, bankers, financiers, businessmen, merchents, artist, writers and so on. This would have certainly been true of the individuals that lekraj associated with in his business dealings. At this time secret societies and escoteric groups were numerous. Many of the higher echelons of secret orders like Freemasonary (ideas often not shared with masons lower down in the ranks) have the aim of creating a one-world order - a kind of Utopia for elite individuals in which they rule due to their 'enlightened' understandings and superiority to the masses.

This real agenda is in contrast to the benign and charitable face Christian based masonary groups have presented over the last couple of centuries. Perhaps we can see at this point some of the first hints at similarities between the teachings of Lekhraj Kirpalani and the secret societies and the ideas they imported from Europe during those times. In fact, to credit European masonic groups as originators of these ideas is not strictly true, similar ideas existed in the escoteric beliefs of the elites in the Indian sub-continent and China for many centuries. The great' All seeing Eye' has cast its gaze very far indeed.

There are peices of a puzzle here to be understood. Firstly, the BK teachings envision an elevated, pure and perfect ruling class of the future - the absolute monarchs of the coming Golden Age. The world they envisage is unified under a strict heirarchy with the monarchs at the top of The Tree and those at the bottom end as 'happy maids and servents'. What they really are are serfs or innocent slaves who are unaware of even the concept of slavery so cannot comprehend their true position. Everyone is happy with their lot in the world of future, no-one is discontent in relation to the life they live.

This vision of the future is very consistent with that of many secret societies like Freemasonary and other escoteric orders. For centuries the vast majority of people who have governed countries and empires, from monarch to bankers, to leaders of corporations, military figures, presidents, prime ministers and beurocrats have belonged to secret orders such as Freemasons, skull and bones, Thule etc and the vison and the true goals these societies aspire for is remarkably similar to that of BK teachings. They aim for a centralized world government ruled by a small number of 'enlightend' and superor elite. A perfect form of government which has mastered social control and engineered society to a point of perfect order. The masses of people in this world will 'happily' serve their elite rulers and will accept their lot without protest.

In fact, the masses mental state will be propelled into a euphoric condition using pharmaceuticall substances which are designed to make docile, submissive and psychologically content those who serve their masters. In this world one culture will exist, one language, one mindset, one syetem. Does this vision of the present elite rulers of our globe sound similar to you? Were did Lekraj really get his ideas from and are his teachings really an echo of those ideas carried by the many Freemasonic dignitaries he did business with?

Another peice of this puzzle relates to the BKs long association with the United Nations (although this association is often exagerated). The ruling elites of our current system (governement, monarchies, bankers, leaders of corporations etc), are if you remember, mostly members of secret, escoteric and other secret political groups with a one-world vision of governance.

After the second world war, the American government smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Germany in 'operation Paperclick. You can read all about these events from verified documents. You may remeber that Hitler wanted a one-world empire achieved through conquest. These criminals were given important scientific and governmental jobs by the US. People are not generaly aware that these Nazi figures along with the US government and other elite figures wanted to set up an organisation which continued to work toward world unification.

This began as the league of nations, and eventually cystalized into the United Nations. Those elite and influentual figures have always seen the UN as the vehicle through which a world government will come into being. This is why it is New York and under the influence of the US. This is why the UN has plans to control worldwide food production, centralize governmental power, develop a world army and bring in a new system of governmence outlined in its document Agenda 21.

So what we have is the BK elites - the so called administrators, who work toward a future unified world system involved with an organisation that also strives for a one world system of government - is this an accident, an attempt to co-opt the UN into the BK agenda? Or are the BKs really just one of the many non-governmental organisations the UN is using to orchestrate social change around the world and to further its own one world agenda?

The BKs also engage is many of the tactics used by secret societies and elite groups. For example, deception. The re-writing of history to hide inconvenient facts that don't fit with the historical picture they present. Omission, that is leaving unmentioned facts and information out so that followers or outsiders remain ignorant of important truths - George Orwel once remarked 'Omission is the greatest of all lies'. I remember that elevated and cultivated art of 'concealing and revealing' so prominant in BK teeachings. This is simple omission and deception masquarading as a spiritual skills. Elitism - outsiders are not allowed into the inner sanctums of the BK,s to be given konwledge of the teachings. Non BKs are often decscribed according to that oppressive system of the Hindu caste system 'Shudras' or 'untouchables' and viewed with thinly disguised contempt.

Repetition - all the great mind control experts and propogandarists use repitition of phrases, behaviours, thoughts, words to indoctrinate others. Double-standards and hypocracy - do as I say not what I do. Many of the directors of BK centres and the organisation as a whole are often engaged in the very behaviours they entreat others to avoid. Defamation and character assasination of those who criticize or whistleblow on them. Teaching you that you are special, different from others and encouraging identification only with the group or organisation. Financial manipulation - being encouraged to sacrifice your money or a proportion of your wealth to the organisation with the incentive of earning greater status both in the organisation and in the coming future world. These tactics and many more are typical strategies employed by secret societies, mnd control techniques, indoctrination and manipulation of others.

Having researched these topics for many years, It seems likely to me that the BKs are really a front organisation for the elite globalists who are using the organisation as just another NGO to further their agenda towards one world governance. They might appear benign on the surface and I am sure most of their members are completely unaware of what the organisation really is - but there is no doubt the senior figures know about it. I want to end by saying that the topics I've pointed to have been the subject of a great deal of research and that support for these comments comes from a huge range of books, articles and original documents. I hope it has given some readers food for thought.

Just a last comment - when the British invaded India they sent agents to talk to the Brahmin caste. Their task was to learn how such a small number of elite figures were able to rule the masses of India. They were told that one of the most powerful means of acheiving this was the indoctrination of people into a religion which taught passivity, non-violence, forgiveness, karma, peace, harmony and that the happiness of the future was manufactured from their good deeds in the present. The Brahmins told them that people following such a religion were easy to control and manipulate - this was there secret of rulership.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post27 Apr 2011

Welcome to the forum ... arriving here "is not as easy as going to your aunty's house", to quote the BKWSU. Sorry if this sounds unwelcoming but ... it is "BKs" not "BK's". BK's is a possessive form meaning "belonging to a BK". I have no idea what the BKs use that all the time. It's either bad English ... or perhaps they just think they own everything!

The rest of your post is empty speculation based on third or fourth hand conspiracy theory. For the most part, conspiracy theory books are clueless garbage. Excuse me being so blunt, but what was your involvement with the BKWSU?

I am sorry but we raised the issue of masonic and theosophical influences a long time ago. I spoke to an old Sindhi who was related to and knew Kirpalani. The consensus was negative. Because of Kirpalani relatively low class and education it was thought unlikely he had anything to do with either.

Unless you can back up anything you say with some pretty conclusive evidence, I'd suggest it was best to remove the post above before it gives other research this forum has done a bad name.

The BKWSU leaders have very little privacy and they are almost entirely surrounded or accompanied by their followers ... when exactly do they meet with their "Illuminati" puppet masters to plan the one world government? Please give us the time, place and name of any such meeting in the last 10 years, or more, if you like.

I know that a lot of people in the USA are freaked out by the foreigners in United Nations and the idea of a One World Government ... which is pretty funny really considering the US is the one world government now!
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Mr Green


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post27 Apr 2011

Welcome m8,

you are in a dream based on your own faith, not dissimilar to the BKs.


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post27 Apr 2011

There are some interesting links between the BKs and other secret organisations.

Concerning Lekhraj. The story presented of the founder suggests that during his time as a diamond merchant in India he sold jewels to high ranking people in Indian society and the British Raj. This includes the then Viscount of India.

Even a casual investigation of the Raj and India at this time informs us that the practice of Freemasonary was a virtual epidemic among dignitaries icluding military officers, civil servents, members of government, bankers, financiers, businessmen, merchents, artist, writers and so on. This would have certainly been true of the individuals that Lekhraj associated with in his business dealings. At this time secret societies and escoteric groups were numerous. Many of the higher echelons of secret orders like Freemasonary (ideas often not shared with masons lower down in the ranks) have the aim of creating a one-world order - a kind of Utopia for elite individuals in which they rule due to their 'enlightened' understandings and superiority to the masses. This real agenda is in contrast to the benign and charitable face Christian based masonary groups have presented over the last couple of centuries. Perhaps we can see at this point some of the first hints at similarities between the teachings of Lekhraj and the secret societies and the ideas they imported from Europe during those times. In fact to credit European masonic groups as originators of these ideas is not strictly true, similar ideas existed in the escoteric beliefs of the elites in the Indian sub-continent and China for many centuries. The great 'All seeing Eye' has cast its gaze very far indeed.

There are peices of a puzzle here to be understood. Firstly, the BK teachings envision an elevated, pure and perfect ruling class of the future - the absolute monarchs of the coming Golden Age. The world they envisage is unified under a strict heirarchy with the monarchs at the top of The Tree and those at the bottom end as 'happy maids and servants'. What they really are are serfs or innocent slaves who are unaware of even the concept of slavery so cannot comprehend their true position. Everyone is happy with their lot in the world of future, no-one is discontent in relation to the life they live. This vision of the future is very consistent with that of many secret societies like Freemasonary and other esoteric orders. For centuries the vast majority of people who have governed countries and empires, from monarch to bankers, to leaders of corporations, military figures, presidents, prime ministers and beurocrats have belonged to secret orders such as Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Thule etc and the vison and the true goals these societies aspire for is remarkably similar to that of BK teachings. They aim for a centralized world government ruled by a small number of 'enlightend' and superior elite. A perfect form of government which has mastered social control and engineered society to a point of perfect order. The masses of people in this world will 'happily' serve their elite rulers and will accept their lot without protest. In fact, the masses mental state will be propelled into a euphoric condition using pharmaceuticall substances which are designed to make docile, submissive and psychologically content those who serve their masters. In this world one culture will exist, one language, one mindset, one syetem. Does this vision of the present elite rulers of our globe sound similar to you? Were did Lekhraj really get his ideas from and are his teachings really an echo of those ideas carried by the many Freemasonic dignitaries he did business with?

Another peice of this puzzle relates to the BKs long association with the United Nations (although this association is often exagerated). The ruling elites of our current system (governement, monarchies, bankers, leaders of corporations etc), are if you remember, mostly members of secret, escoteric and other secret political groups with a one-world vision of governance. After the second world war, the American government smuggled Nazi war criminals out of Germany in 'Operation Paperclick. You can read all about these events from verified documents. You may remeber that Hitler wanted a one-world empire achieved through conquest. These criminals were given important scientific and governmental jobs by the US. People are not generaly aware that these Nazi figures along with the US government and other elite figures wanted to set up an organisation which continued to work toward world unification. This began as the league of nations, and eventually cystalized into the United Nations. Those elite and influentual figures have always seen the UN as the vehicle through which a world government will come into being. This is why it is New York and under the influence of the US. This is why the UN has plans to control worldwide food production, centralize governmental power, develop a world army and bring in a new system of governmence outlined in its document Agenda 21. So what we have is the BK elites - the so called administrators, who work toward a future unified world system involved with an organisation that also strives for a one world system of government - is this an accident, an attempt to co-opt the UN into the BK agenda? Or are the BKs really just one of the many non-governmental organisations the UN is using to orchestrate social change around the world and to further its own one world agenda?

The BKs also engage is many of the tactics used by secret societies and elite groups. For example, deception. The re-writing of history to hide inconvenient facts that don't fit with the historical picture they present. Omission, that is leaving unmentioned facts and information out so that followers or outsiders remain ignorant of important truths - George Orwel once remarked 'Omission is the greatest of all lies'. I remember that elevated and cultivated art of 'concealing and revealing' so prominant in BK teeachings. This is simple omission and deception masquarading as a spiritual skills. Elitism - outsiders are not allowed into the inner sanctums of the BK,s to be given konwledge of the teachings. Non BKs are often decscribed according to that oppressive system of the Hindu caste system 'Shudras' or 'untouchables' and viewed with thinly disguised contempt. Repetition - all the great mind control experts and propogandists use repetition of phrases, behaviours, thoughts, words to indoctrinate others. Double-standards and hypocrisy - do as I say not what I do. Many of the directors of BK centres and the organisation as a whole are often engaged in the very behaviours they entreat others to avoid. Defamation and character assasination of those who criticize or whistleblow on them. Teaching you that you are special, different from others and encouraging identification only with the group or organisation. Financial manipulation - being encouraged to sacrifice your money or a proportion of your wealth to the organisation with the incentive of earning greater status both in the organisation and in the coming furutre world. These tactics and many more are typical strategies employed by secret societies, mnd control techniques, indoctrination and manipulation of others.

Having researched these topics for many years, It seems likely to me that the BKs are really a front organisation for the elite globalists who are using the organisation as just another NGO to further their agenda towards one world governance. They might appear benign on the surface and I am sure most of their members are completely unaware of what the organisation really is - but there is no doubt the senior figures know about it. I want to end by saying that the topics I've pointed to have been the subject of a great deal of research and that support for these comments comes from a huge range of books, articles and original documents. I hope it has given some readers food for thought.

Just a last comment - when the British invaded India they sent agents to talk to the Brahmin caste. Their task was to learn how such a small number of elite figures were able to rule the masses of India. They were told that one of the most powerful means of acheiving this was the indoctrination of people into a religion which taught passivity, non-violence, forgiveness, karma, peace, harmony and that the happiness of the future was manufactured from their good deeds in the present. The Brahmins told them that people following such a religion were easy to control and manipulate - this was there secret of rulership.
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Mr Green


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post28 Apr 2011

My Father was a freemason so I actually have inside knowledge of the society my friend you are living in a dream,

The truth is they do favours for each other, sometimes a bit outside of the law. It's a social network of people that might have skills useful to other members, you scratch my back I'll scratch yours ... they don't even make any pretense of having Christian practice, but as for the Illumanti, my friend, it's a dream something you want to believe in that is not based on reality, just speculation

And please don't bother banding names like Alan Watts or Blavatsky around, many of us have studied such texts and realised their true worth, none ... please be serious here, we're beyond the stage of such trivia.

Also you use terminology like 'in fact' to prefix your statements when they are not in fact at all, they are your fantasies based on you being influenced by reading other people's books.

There really is no-one in the world with secret knowledge of world orders etc. There really is not. It's all an ego trip and a bit stinky, but if that's your thing then, hey, but I cannot waste my time indulging such fantasy.

Also for your information I was a surrendered teacher in the BKs and had dealings at all levels of the 'leaders' and their Admin roles ... I can see you aren't aware of who is really running the BKs, if you think it's the Seniors your mistaken.


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BK Deception post removed?

Post28 Apr 2011

I am having trouble finding my post on this forum posted a few days called BK Deception?

I am wondering where it's gone!

Perhaps I am looking in the wrong place. Could it be that the BK tactics are still alive and well on this forum and information is being censored - surely not!

I cannot imagine the very practices of the BK organisation which draw condemnation from members of this forum would actually be practised here of all places.

That would be just ... you know the H... word wouldn't it!
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post28 Apr 2011

It is here. The main forum are for more down to earth or very personal stuff.

Good point as to who is really running the BKWSU. Sorry to ask Mike, but how much of a BK? Morning Class and Amrit Vela every day and living in a center/bhavan ... or just went to a few positive thinking classes and a free retreat? I am wondering how deep you got in into them, and they got into you.

I tend to accept what Mr Green writes about the language you are using. Words like "fact" and "research" are exaggerated representations of what you have been doing and the material you have been reading. It feels much the same as the way BKs become skilled at putting false masks to appear more special and important.

But say everything your claim is true Mike ... and I wont argue ... what value has it?

Pretend for a moment everything you say is absolutely true ... what good does knowing it do to you? What difference does it make? If you want to be practical about it, what are you, Jeff Rense and David Icke etc going to do to stop them?

And once you have defeated the grey morphing reptilian lizards in multi-dimensional warfare, what is going to happen next? How are YOU going to run the world? What skills and experience do you have in that area? But I sure hope it is you running the world and not David Icke.

is not it is just another "chosen few" trick again? You are made to feel special because you are "in The Knowledge" of some secret information but, in reality, it does no good nor makes any practical difference to your real life. You invest great time, effort and a few bob on books coming to know all this stuff and construct it in your mind, test it on others, practice reciting it, spread it like a religion, get accepted into a group of enlightened believers, follow new gurus ... doesn't it all start to look just like the same old cycle again?

Come to think of it, in comparison the BKs even offer a better deal because at least you get to stay in a big country house for free with them (... as long as you stop leching at the Sisters).

Funnily enough, I was there when Lord Carrington (Royal Institute of International Affairs, Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300) came to meet Jayanti and Janki. I drove the borrowed car they used to pick him and his wife up and take him home afterwards. He even invited me in to tea even though I was only a driver (... and I refused, so I am probably saved!).

He came once, spent an hour, went, and never came back. He wasn't interested and they got nothing out of him. But, funnily enough, was a perfectly kind and reasonable old (pink) gentleman. No sign of big teeth or (grey) reptilian skin at all.

Of course, the BKs are "business as usual" because that is the way things are done. I guess my problem with the conspiracy theory gurus is that they are all outsiders too. They have not a clue how things are done and have even run a sweetshop in their own lives. I've met David Icke. He was far more creepy than Carrington.

The best any guru can do for you is take you as far as they have got. Therefore look closely at them and their life and decide if you really want to become like a small part of them because it is likely that you only ever become part of what they are, somewhere lower down on their pyramid of power.

Now, let's talk about you and your experience in the BKWSU ...
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post01 May 2011

ex-l wrote:TO Mike ...

Now, let's talk about you and your experience in the BKWSU ...

One of the big problems with conspiracy theory is the incredibly loose logic it uses and 'huge' logical leaps it makes ... a + b + n = z ... "Hitler was a Nazi ... Hitler was a vegetarian ... Sister Jayanti is a vegetarian therefore she is a Nazi type" of things. To recognise these illogic leaps, I recommend reading the list of logical fallacies, here: fallacies.

The other big problem is that the people who write it usually have absolutely no personal experience at all at that level of society and are clueless about how things work. It becomes even obsessive than cult watching!


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Re: The Brahma Kumaris: Spiritualism and Channeling

Post01 May 2011

Regarding conspiracy theories and notions lacking factual or viable evidence - let's cast a quick look at those conspiracy theories propogated by the BKs' Where to start?

    How about the theory that an Advance Party of Karmateet humans have been reborn on earth to prepare the way for the desent of a god-like child who will rule as the first monarch of a Golden Age.
    How about the conspiracy that the present age would end in 1974, year 2K, 2012 or is it 2036 now?
    Or the notion that god descends in the montains of Rajastan and imparts knowledge.
    That the world is only 5000 years old and repaeats it tme cycle exactly again and again eternally.
    That Jesus, and other key prophets are really dual entities, two souls in one body.
    That an ancient super race inhabited the earth before recorded history began.
    That Vimanas or flying chariots existed in the first cultures.
We could go on for some time I imagine.

Where is the evidence for all this? Where are the verifiable documents, the witnesses, the scientific or forensic tests to support all this?

Let's not quibble about conspiracy theories when you have a mountain of such theories right at hand.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post01 May 2011

Those aren't Conspiracy Theories, those are just "The Knowledge".

I don't believe in them and so I don't need to defend them.
Mike26 wrote:My view of the organisation (one that has grown over the last 15 years) is that it is a front organisation for the UN and the many globalists who pull the UN strings.

No chance at all ... in reality the BKWSU is a pretty small fish desperately trying to catch a ride on the UNO's coattail for the sake of its own credibility. Forgetting even for one moment that the start of the Brahma Kumaris predates the creation of UNO, their connection is tiny small and only dates back as far as the 70s when they managed to rope in the late Robert Muller. The BKs were "sure he must be a Brahmin", as they usual do, but Muller had his own agenda and never totally eat what the BKs were feeding him. He did get to meet "God Shiva", as they claim it is, in Mount Abu but never quite saw the BK light. The BKs have mercilessly milked the UN connection ever since. They have a couple of desks in a dingy office which they have to pay for in the UNO's New York building. That is about it.

Is Globalism such a bad thing? I don't know. It sounds better than Nationalism, looks fairly inevitable, and is beyond my influence one way or the other.

Back to the BKWSU, there was as s story that once the Russian's sent the KGB to check out the Brahma Kumaris in the early days of Madhuban. It went something like, they turned up in a big car, asked questions and listen for a while, and went again.

That was it. No secret, no puppet masters, no conspiracy. If you study the oldest texts we have from the BKWSU and onwards, and some of the better academics, I think you can see where it all came from, and how it developed. I cannot remember one single reference to the Illuminati. In fact, I bet even the Illuminati cannot get up at 4 am, every day of the year and I am pretty sure that they all eat meat and drink whiskey. That would be hell of a hard to hide in BK world.

I agree that the BKs operate like an international business mafia but it is far more based on the traditional business patterns of Sindi traders and Vallabhacharyan spiritualism than anything else, with their celebrated role reversal thing going on.


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post02 May 2011

I am realy amused by how easily you dismiss these notions and tar all these figures with the same brush. I am sure you are so confident of your opinions and secure in your contempt for these people that simply nothing would shake your stance.

Because you met Lord Carrington and drove him in a car you take this as confirmation that he or others like him could not possibly be part of some kind of financial or corporate agenda to undermine and control nations economically. Is this the depth of your enquiry? Well I am with such confidence in your dismissive attitudes none of the following is likely to cause you to review your position but here it goes anyway and afterwards you can retreat to the safety of your secure mindset.

Many years ago several figures suggested there was a plan to control global weather using a variety of scietific applications. These people were quickly dismissed as cranks and conspiracy theorists. In 1998 a Major in the US air force was invloved in a research project focusing on ways of combating the so called 'Greenhouse effect' resulting from global warming, This project was called 'Project Cloverleaf'. The research reccommendations proposed a plan to indtroduce large quantities of polymer based materials into the atmosphere using aircraft for high altititute aerosol spraying. The cheapest materials to use were particulates of barium and aluminum - the latter was proposed also because of its reflectivity. Alledgedly the Pentagon shelved this plan. In fact using aircraft for aerosol spraying and weather modification was not at all new. In Vietnam the US airforce regularly sprayed the chemical 'Agent Orange' and de-classified documents testify to the frequent use of cloud seeding and other methods to cause precipitation in a very focussed and effective way. De-classified documents also testify to the secret UK and US government 'field tests' carried by the military over great areas of Britain and America from 1949 through 1975. I have several of these de-classified documents if you want to see them? Operations such as Operation SHAD, and the Porton Down experiements involved aeriel spraying of toxic substances such as nerve gases, biological organisms etc on the literally thousands of people (There was even a BBC documentary about this - look it up). In fact (and yes I use the word fact because you can look all of this up also) several people from the Norfolk countryside, now elderly, are seeking to make claims against the UK government for cancers they beleive were linked to these tests. In addition to this, I have documents I can send you from the Pentagon which prove the intention of global weather control such as 'Owning the Weather by 2025' a US defence department document which lists many technologies which have both been field tested and adapted to control precipitation, create flooding, induce super-winds etc. This is fact not fiction. Other technology being tested is known to affect the weather and the US military have not tried to hide their experiments with it. The HAARP project - The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program though described as engaged in radio and surveillance expeirments using high frequency discharges of elctromagnetic energy into the high Ionosphere is also known to be involved in weather manipulation experimentation.

HAARP technology is a legacy of the genius inventor Nikola Tesla.

Recent concerns raised about changes to air quality, soil fertility and water purity from both scientists and resisdents living in the Mount Shasta area of California are disturbing. Samples of snow water taken from the mountain (water consumed by visitors to the area) and tested by Phd's at local Universities have demonstrated levels of aluminium particulates in excess of 61,000 times above safe limits. Soil samples show that areas once fertile and suited to growing food are turning alkaline instead of acidic so they cannot sustain growth. Trees are mysteriously dying due to massive levels of aluminium particulates in the atmosphere. This issue has even been taken to the local congressman.

But of course you might still say that people claiming that the US and European governments are intent on waether modification and control are all conspiracy theorists I guess.

It was also claimed many years ago by others that there was a secret plan to prevent people from taking vitamin and mineral supplements. Again the outcry was 'conspiracy theorist'. Why would such an action be taken and for what possible purpose. Perhaps you are familiar with the United Nations document 'Codex Alimentarius?' This is the plan to re-classify vitamin and mineral supplements as potentially toxic substances. In fact as you will see if you research it, this plan has already started to come into operation. The world Health Organisation have predicted as many as one billion people mostly from third world countries will have their health adversely affected by this move, perhaps even fatally they have said.

But, of course, for you guys these are just conspiracies aren't they?

Again, many declared decades ago their was a plan by particularly Western governments to develop a global monitoring and surveilance network to track all our activities in real times. Another conspiracy theory that one - but hold on for a moment. Lets pause and cosider a few developments. Lets take the 6 million surveillance cameras in London area alone, or the number plate recognition technology being used to track our movements on the road, or the face recognition cmaeras now being used everywhere and even on social netowrking sights to catch juvenille offenders. Or what about the high altitude unmanned surveillance blimps situated above many of the cities in America and Europe constantly watching our movements. Or perhaps you caught the recent announcment about the micro surveillance technology just revealed by the American military - Tiny mechanical hummingbirds with surveillance cameras on them which can fly just about anywhere remotely - even through your kitchen window (look up the YouTube video and see for yourself). What about the massive internet monitoring and tracking thats going on, every email read. Maybe you even caught the recent BBC report on the secret file on apple Iphones discovered by two researchers? A file that is storing information about everyones movments all of the time. Also recently on BBC a scheme to introduce a new chip in people cell phones which acts a credit or debit card so you can purchase your goods just by sweeping your phone over a scanner. What about the recent proposal to place cameras in every car to prevent people breaking the law by not waering seat belts or using cell phones while they drive or using blue tooth technology in your car to listen in on suspect conversations? What about the data mining software developed by the Pentagon to gather information on all citizens or the newly installed Fushion Centres in American cities used to track just about anyone they choose. But of course those guys back then predicting there was plan for all this were just cranks weren't they? Nothing more than misguided conspiracy theoriests eh?

A more recent prediction was about plans to introduce a single world currency. Again wow what a stupid conspiracy that one was. Well perhaps you have heard of the governer of the IMF calling for a new unified financial system and currency based on a system known as 'Special Drawing Rights' a paperless system. Or the recent document released by Chatham House called 'Rethinking the Dollar' and calling for a unified world currency system. Again I can send you this document. You might be aware of how influential the creators of this document are on government policy.

And of course we must not forget that especial bunch of loonys who belief the official story of 911 was not true - you know the ones the 911 deniers. These people declare the event was perhaps an inside job and a pretext to make war on middle eastern countries. What a grand conspiracy theory that is eh? But lets wait a minute shall we. Lets just hyperthetically imagine they have a point and see if we can gather nay evidence for it. Lets run with this crazy idea for fun. Well lets make a start.

Firstly, in the year 2000 the influential government think-tank 'Project for American Century or PNAC published a interesting document called 'Reorganising Americas Defences' in which it calls for a rethinking on American military spending and strategy and the need to for American to assert its dominance through the 21st Centrury. Specifically they call for America to be prepeared to fight multiple simultaneous theatre wars with middle eastern countries listing Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan and Iran as major targets. It also declares that this agenda will takes decades to materialize unless there is a 'pearl harbour' like event to crystalize public opinion in favour of it. This document was put together by many of those who later came to prominance in the Bush Administration such as Dick Cheny, Rumsfield, Wolverwitz and so on. But surely this is a coicidence. Next comes operation NORTHWOODS. In the 1950's Castro came to power in Cuba and CIA got busy on working out ways to create a pretext for invading Cuba and deposing him. their plans included putting American citizens on an airliner and deliberately blowing it up and blaming the Cubans for it and a plan to fly airliners into large tower buildings in major cities in America. The plan also inluded false flag attacks on European cities and blaming the cubans. Bin Laden was the major CIA asset in Afghanistan during the 1980's Afghan-Russian war. CIA set up a large network of terrorist cells across the middle east to be used in cold war operations as part of operation GLADIO. Prime minister Bhutto of Pakistan warned the US government they were creating something they could not control.

Architects and engineers for 911 are an organisation consisting of 30,000 scientists including 9,000 Phds. They comprise physicists, structural engineers, chemists, civil engineers, military experts, demolition specialists etc. They have produced many documents they claim disputes the offical story. In particular they claim to be able to prove in expeiriments that the central supporting beams in the towers could not have yeilded under the heat of aviation fuel and that the free fall collapse of the towers in less than 10 seconds (a 1000ft tall tower) without 'assistance' to overcome the natural resistance from the building. In particula the third building - building 7 - which was not hit by planes and collapsed some our later after suffering minor office fires, fell in less than 7 seconds in complete free fall. To honest, there are so many abnormalities about this event from the 2 passports recovered two blocks away completely unscathed by a building which has disintergrated into small peices, to the so called terrorists names absent from the flight inventories, to the failure to produce plane engines or black boxes, to the testomonies of fire emergency personal to the reports of seismologists. Only people who are uniformed about the event respond in knee jerk fashion and shout 'conspiracy theory'. I would reccommend the excellent book by David Ray Griffin ' The New Pearl Harbour'. Only the future will determine the truth.

Then there is the flouride issue - wow that must be a really wacky conspiracy theory. You know the one that suggests that flouride is bad for your health and affects adversely affect human consciousness. How crazy is that one. I can see the smiles creeping across faces already. Well hold on a second. Are you aware that flouride is in fact (yes fact look it up) a toxic waste product of the phosphate mining industry? The mining of phosphates for fertilizers produces industrial waste products which include flouride. This is why in Australia for instance flouride treatment plants are next to fertilizer making factories. Prior to the 1940's there were more than 100 reports and studies hilighting the hazards of flouride on human health. These effects cited ranged from bone cancer, neurological disruption, brittle bones, calcification, sedation and pitting of the teeth. Again you can research this, the Nazis introduced flouride into the water of the concentration camp prisoners because of its sedating effects. It made the inmates passive and docile and so easier to control. Or perhaps you think they wanted to keep the prisoners teeth in healthy condition? The Russians used it in the same way in the Gulags of Siberia. Recently, in several US states the levels of flouride have been reduced after reports showed more than 40 per cent of children showned signs of calcification in bones, and pitted teeth. In America tubes of toothpaste for children indicate that if the childs swallows the pea sized amount of toothpaste they reccoment for teeth cleaning, take them immediately to the poison substances department. Yet one glass of tap water contains 4 times that amount of flouride. If you would like to read the research I would suggest the work of Doctor Paul Connett and see for yourself. What a wild and wacky conspiriacy theory though. Absolutely no truth to it all is there?

I am sure Ive wasted my breath because you have your eyes shut. I find it tiresome to be honest. As for the point of knowing about all this and what to do about it. This is certainly not secret knowledge. This information is out there to be found I can assure you and so is not secret knowledge or something which engenders any feeling of being special as you suggest. Al people can learn the bigger picture if they make the effort because the information is out there. i began like you, dismissive and ridiculing until i took the times to really research it in a considered way and look at the evidence. Even when I found supporting information I resisted it and it took a long times for me to recognise this is not idle fantasy. AS for what to do with it thats easy - you help to wake others up to the bigger picture so that eventually we are able to usurp the agenda they have created for us. The reality is not some fairytale future of Gods and Goddesses, the reality is that information for a accurate understanding of the world has been deliberately concealed from us because those responsible for that concealment know that if people knew just how they were being manipulated they would cease to cooperate with that agenda.
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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post02 May 2011

You miss my point entirely.

My questions were, "OK, so what are you going to do about it? What alternative are you and the other gurus of conspiracy offering?"

The market is buying ... what it is you and they selling? (... except for books and videos).

I think the point Mr Green was making is that it is just another cult with a similar set of dynamics involved ... and not a very good cult either. As a cult, its credos works on the basis of demonising a few individuals. The examples I gave of Carrington and the KGB (chosen to defeat the suggestion that the Brahma Kumaris were somehow in on the conspiracy) was really just to say these people are human too. He spent most of the end of his career managing an auction house. I suppose that was all part of the conspiracy too?

A valid question to ask might be, "have the Brahma Kumaris been infiltrated and used by any intelligence agencies or subversive groups?" Again, I suspect not - because of the disciples and how hard the BKs are to infiltrate (or put up with), although they do have very many contacts with the India establishment, army, police and judiciary.


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post02 May 2011

Well you raise a few more points Mr Spellchecker.

Firstly, I am not a conspiracy Guru and neither are many involved in seeking the truth. You obviously find it difficult to get away from the Guru mentality but given what you have said that is understandable. People like myself encouraging research are not Gurus and are not peddling any products. Your tone continues to be disrrespectful and arrogant betraying no doubt your own unenlightened stage. Though you act like the funniest guy you know and certainly the most intelligent and well-nformed person you know, I can observe from your responses that you severely over-rate your knowledge in these fields and demonstrate an acute ignorance of them. You have been brainwashed again into dismissing untold histories as mere conspiracy. You display the smugness of those you are all too ready to condemn.

Let me clarify things a little for you and try very hard to listen without your knee-jerk judgements and dismissals if you can - try hard!

I treat every idea and notion related to the way the world really works as a 'hypothesis' to be tested out. We take the 'hypothesis and do the research to test it to establish if their is substance to it. This invloves gathering information from sources already available but often obscured or hidden away. A variety of sources are researched especially verifiable documents, credible witness reports, scholary texts written by influential and credible sources. This is a very time-consuming process and pain staking. Often this information is found only through hard work. We gather the documents and organise them into libraries - documentaries, films, texts, newpaper reports, research papers, publications from authoritative sources such as the governments and insitutions themselves. We are interested in verifiable sources and source documents primarily.

After this we act as enablers and facilitators, disseminating the information to countless others. I guess we save a lot of people the labour and time involved in the research. What people do with the information is their choice and we encourage people to do their own research and we provide all the links to our own sources so they can study original documents. We ask no-one to take our word for anything. The information is not sold and there are no products involved because we genuinely want to give people the means to wake up from the indoctrination and deceptions they and their forbears have received for decades at the hands of the current systems.

Believe me when I say people are waking up in their massess around the world. Much of the information is historical fact and leaves little room for misinterpretation. We teach them about the elite landed families who for the last 150 years have gathered more than 40% of the worlds wealth, who have took ownership of the major banks, who loan to governments and nations, who control big corporations and the mass media (onyl 5 people control all of the media companies). We teach them the populations perception is constantly manipulated and how we are fed constant propoganda, how the education system implants the beliefs and values that only serve the interests of a few powerful people at the top of The Tree. We teach them how the production of money process is the biggest scam in history and how each person is really a slave to debt and taxes. Rather than teach I should reiterate we 'enable' the access to this information. What people do with it is up to them but many do become researchers and disseminate the information to many more.

By 'WE' I refer to my many colleagues in this enterprise. Of course, there is a mountain of conspiracy crap out there which can be safely ingnored but I can tell you there is information in abundance that when studied presents a very different picture of how this world really operates and who the real figures are operating it. This is not fiction it is supported by genuine and critical research and when people do start to look they tell me they are constantly amazed by the picture that emerges. By the level of deception, by the corruption and feel they have lived their lives for the most part under some illusion concerning the nature of reality. If you truly looked yourself you would realize it is only ignorance and fear which deny what become obvious conclusions. This is not about illuminati or that rubbish this concerns the deception of the many by the few for a very long time.

Regarding the issue of infiltration of the BKWSU. I have no doubt it has been looked at by intelligence services because this is standard procedure for them to do this. If their is a perceived threat they will infiltrate an organisation, monitor, manipulate and watch the leaders. If they judge it to be insignifcant they leave it alone. But if an organisation becomes active in seeking to uncover the bigger picture then they will follow it.

It is my hope, and one that is coming closer to realisation each day that with the thousands recognising the bigger picture, that in time those that deceive us and seek to control us will be usurped. These few manipulators rely on the mass of people for their system to function and serve their interests constantly. If people boycott and engage in mass non-cooperation with a system that is our enemy not our friend, then we have a chance of changing it. Many in other courtries are already exploring the possibilities in terms of alternative and better systems were corrupt governments, corporations, banks, and state apparatus will not exist. This is about real freedom rather than remaining under just another form of slavery - a slavery of the mind, a tax slave, a slave to cosumerism and production, a slave to proganda and mass deception. If you truly understood the agenda these few people have, their plan for a an oppressive, perfectly controlled and socially engineered Utopia in which the elite few and their progeny reign as absolute rulers of a povetry stricken, docile, population of serfs. If you understood this is their vision of paradise to be realised by the end of this century -then you too might feel compelled to do something to prevent it.

Now, I ask you kindly for one last time - cease your disrespectful tone.
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Mr Green


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BK's)

Post02 May 2011

You're just a bit paranoid my friend, you should relax a bit.

I really have been with high up freemasons in the uk and high up BKs all over the world, do you want to stay with your fixed blinkered mindset or would you like to listen to someone with first hand experience?

Up to you,

Were you a practising BK? Did you go to Murli every morning and Amrit Vela, did you follow the principles and Maryadas?


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Re: Conspiracy Theory (was The deception of the BKs)

Post02 May 2011

Well, if I am paranoid I am in some very special company. Below is a direct extract from one of the most quallifed figures in our history to comment on a global network of powerful controllers. This mans name is Professor Carroll Quigley formerly Professor at Georgetown University USA, mentor to former Presisdent Bill Clinton, official historian for the US administration and official historian for the Council on Foreign Relations. Harvard educated, top of his class.

Quigley spent 25 years in the company of the worlds top financiers, bankers, corporations and members of government. For 3 years he was given access to some of the most secret documents of the CFR and the US government. This man was a towering figure and highly respected among the top echelons of his society. He wrote two powerful books - 'Tragedy and Hope' and 'The Anglo-American Establishment'. He states that the words in his books will be mostly ignored due to the state of apathy in the public, and because of this many tragic events in our future history will met rather than avoided.

This man was hugely qualifed to comment on these matters and had 25 years personal experience from the inside with these figures. No doubt in your arrogance you will even dismiss the words of such a prestigious figure and deduce that he too is paranoid. Laughable.
"...[T]he powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. this system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences.

The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations ... "It must not be felt that these heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves substantive powers in world finance. They were not. Rather, they were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were perfectly capable of throwing them down.

The substantive financial powers of the world were in the hands of these investment bankers (also called 'international' or 'merchant' bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own unincorporated private banks. These formed a system of international cooperation and national dominance which was more private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their agents in the central banks. this dominance of investment bankers was based on their control over the flows of credit and investment funds in their own countries and throughout the world.

They could dominate the financial and industrial systems of their own countries by their influence over the flow of current funds though bank loans, the discount rate, and the re-discounting of commercial debts; they could dominate governments by their own control over current government loans and the play of the international exchanges. Almost all of this power was exercised by the personal influence and prestige of men who had demonstrated their ability in the past to bring off successful financial coupes, to keep their word, to remain cool in a crisis, and to share their winning opportunities with their associates."

There really is a "world system of financial control in private hands" that is "able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world." I call this system the World Trade Federation. It is an ultra-secret group of the most powerful men on the earth. They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs.

This group is comprised of the leading family dynasties of the Canada, United States, Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Russia and China. This self-perpetuating group has developed an elaborate system of control that enables them to manipulate government leaders, consumers and people throughout the world. They are in the last stages of developing a World Empire that will rival the ancient Roman Empire. However, this new Empire will rule the entire world, not just a goodly portion of it as Rome did long ago, from its ultra-secret world headquarters in Germany.

This group is responsible for the death and suffering of over 180 million men, women and children. They were responsible for World War I, World War II, the Korean War, and Vietnam, etc. They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. They were responsible for the enslavement of over two billion people in all communist nations—Russia, China, Eastern Europe, etc., inasmuch as they were directly responsible for the creation of communism in these nations.

They built up and sustain these evil totalitarian systems for private gain. They brought Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and Roosevelt to power and guided their governments from behind the scenes to achieve a state of plunder unparalleled in world history. They make Attila the Hun look like a kindergarten child compared to their accomplishments. Six million Jews were tortured and killed in order to confiscate billions of dollars in assets, gold, silver, currency, diamonds and art work from the Tribe of Judah–a special group of people.

The people in Eastern Europe suffered a similar fate as the armies of Hitler overran these countries, murdered, enslaved, robbed and plundered the unique people who resided there. For the last two and one half centuries wealth and power have been concentrating in the hands of fewer and fewer men and women. This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. The World Empire is partly visible and partly invisible today.'

Wow, how paranoid was this professor. You are a moron in a coma mate.

If this man's words don't enlighten nothing will. Enjoy your slumber.

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