Need new blood for your religion? Steal someone's child

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Need new blood for your religion? Steal someone's child

Post25 Jan 2013

In the old days, "God" said, "Go forth and procreate (make babies)" to spread his religion ... these days "God" cannot afford to wait around for that approach and it does not make economical sense any more.
    Need new blood for your cult? Steal someone's children.

    Or if you are the BKWSU ... get then to pay you (the child's dowry) to take their child.
A recent report has shown that the cost of raising a child in the UK hit a record £222,000, or over 8 times the annual salary. Bear in mind, this is closer to a minimum than one with all the extras of a private and further education.

For the sake of discussion, let's accept that figure as a global figure ... it takes 8 years of parent life, working 52 weeks of the year, just to raise one child.

They say "an army marches on it stomach", and that is just as true of the Shiv Shakti Army (BKWSU). However, what it eats has to be bought and that takes money, so in truth, an army marches on its wallet. There are two way to have more money to do more,
    a) getting some (whether by earning it, stealing it or taking donations)
    b) saving some
Each child is a part of a family, and each family is part of a community. A community invest in its adults, adults invest in their children; children repay their parents, parents repay their community ... a healthy, reasonable, natural cycle which has defined humanity since it evolved. Indeed, a cycle which exists in most species, especially those mammals like us whose infants cannot take care of themselves.

The BKs claim they are following "purity" and this is why the world attacked them. Of course, from our reading of the original documents we can see that they actually lived a luxurious life of indulgence and spouting the most ridiculous, offensive nonsense and this is why, finally, Lekhraj Kirpalani playing Krishna and his Gopis suffered a backlash. They believed WWII was the end of the world so they could burn their way through Lekhraj Kirpalani's wealthy as quickly as they wanted.

They did not need to design a sustainable community ... it was all one big party before the world was going to end. Then the predictions failed.

So what benefits do the BKs achieve by supressing their own biological instincts and their communit's need to replenish itself with new blood?

By demanding followers do not procreate, and designing a system which makes it impossible, the Shiv Shakti Army leaders, out to establish their Kingdom or Empire, saves the equivalent of £220,000 per child per family. 4 children, £880,000 ... a good proportion of which, or all, can be channeled into the cult's coffers.

For each child it can steal out of another community, it saves another £220,000. Why bother having your own children when you can just steal someone elses full grown? Why bother going through all that time, energy, peacelessness and heartbreak ... when you can just wait until they are full-formed and equiped, and catch them then?

Indeed, in India where it is a "buyer's market" for young girls, where supply exceeds demand, they can demand parents actually pay for their 6 month training and *THEN* take their dowry too*. Therefore the Shiv Shakti Army does just not save the cost of bringing the child up, but also gains a nice 'cash in hand' backhander too.

Life boils down to exchanges of energy. In a modern world that means "money". In more primitive worlds, that means "labour". During their lifetime, an average individual in the UK will earn £1 - 1.5 million, therefore they spend 20% of their total earning on raising a child ... which the BKs then save ... and then benefit from a proportion of their income from the advised 10% to, say, 90% in the case of a surrender soul.

The BKs achieve this separating the children from both their parents and their community, almost completely in many cases, and brainwashing them to believe giving to anyone else *BUT* the BKWSU is evil bad karma. Any alternative expentitude ... even the luxuries their founder enjoyed ... family duties, holidays, presents, socialising, investing back into the community via temples, charities and political groups is basically forbidden and does not happen.

No wonder the Brahma Kumaris are seen as a "rich religion" in India. This, on top of exploiting the Hindu tendency to give to temples and "holy people" out of supersition, is where it comes from.

This a rough, superficial sketch to support why I call the Brahma Kumaris a parasitical religion and why I say they are "spiritual parasites" who live off other people, other families and other communities.

(* Note, the BKs say they do this to "stop poor families from dumping their unwanted daughters on them". India, many are denied access into society and marriage due to not being able to afford a dowry, so the BKs are essentially targetting the wealthier middle classes in their expansion plans ... worth more, better for business).
The Daily Telegraph wrote:The cost of raising a child has hit an all-time high, according to a new report. Figures from insurer LV's annual 'Cost of a Child Report' show that the cost of a bringing a child up to the age of 21 has reached £222,458 - more than £4,000 higher than last year and up £82,000 on ten years ago. The insurer estimates that this is set to reach £350,000 by 2023 if costs continue to increase at the same rate.
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Re: Need new blood for your religion? Steal someone's child

Post25 Jan 2013

Religious leaders are well aware of the vulnerability of the child brain, and the importance of getting the indoctrination in early. The Jesuits used to boast, "Give me the child for his first seven years, and I'll give you the abult".

The BKs have got it down to the 7 Days Course ... then 6 months paid by the parents to make a sevadhari. At a typical BK hostel for girls, like Shakti Niketan aka "Divine Life Girls' Hostel", they are not even allowed mobile phones with them so as to make the cut off from their family and non-BKs complete and it follows what is decribed as "military discipline", starting from 3:30 in the morning every day.
BKWSU wrote:In the prevailing defiled atmosphere, it is a hard taks to tailor girls with good code of conduct and capability, but it is a matter of pride for Shakti Niketan, to have outstanding trainers of submissive nature and hard work" ... it houses children from the 12 year olds up until high school graduation.

At the other other end of the scale are the BKs' great unpaid army of roti rolling and center cleaning old ladies.

Otherwise known as "Steal a Granny", you might say ... the low status women who do the menial work around the BKWSU, and allow the BK centers-in-charge to play the "man of the house". The dowries at one end and the subservient unpaid females at the other end are the reasons I question the "feminist" angle of the BKWSU. I don't think it is feminist, think it is caste-ist and it is just that the BK leaders take the place of dominant, high caste males rather than make any serious change to the inequalities of society.

Grandparents play an important role in modern and moreso traditional societies of caring for children, helping in the household and providing food through agriculture. In some cases, we have even noted dying BK adherents leaving their proporty to the BKWSU, in order to gain their inheritance in the forthcoming Golden Age ... and leaving their surviving partner along with it.
    "Here, you can have the house ... just looking my wife until she dies too, will you?"
Either through selfishness, or being encouraged, Mother and old ladies are neglecting their families and giving first priority to the BKWSU.

In this way, the BKs are able to build an artifical society around them, with them occupying the central top knot of the caste.

Often those older women are actually 'paid for' but 'paid for' by their husband or family ... more wealth going into the BKWSU.


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Re: Need new blood for your religion? Steal someone's child

Post25 Jan 2013

The BKs say they do this to "stop poor families from dumping their unwanted daughters on them".

This is yet another lie BK tell to the people. I wish to highlight it, as according to Gyan, only those souls will come in Gyan who were already there in previous Kalpa. Baba is selecting the souls for his divine work. So where the question of forceful dumping of daughter comes?

And if this is supremo's selection, where does the question of asking for money arise?
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Re: Need new blood for your religion? Steal someone's child

Post25 Jan 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:... according to Gyan, only those souls will come in Gyan who were already there in previous Kalpa ... where does the question of asking for money arise?

Ah, that is one of Baba's great mysteries, Bhai ... you see, only the wealthy ones were lucky last Kalpa too. To be poor in this life is a sign of your bad karma!

I'd like to know how many, if any, sincere poor daughters are accepted and even sponsored by the BKWSU ... or is it only open to parents with wealth? Does anyone know? God is meant to be the Lord of the Poor and here to uplift the lowest.

Are the poor Sisters left to work in the kitchen or as construction workers building BK properties, like the Bhili girls and women in Mount Abu?


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Re: Need new blood for your religion? Steal someone's child

Post28 Jan 2013

The BKs say they do this to "stop poor families from dumping their unwanted daughters on them".

Kindly give the exact reference where do they say this ? If proven would be great for me as my research work is going on very rapidly against this world's most dangerous cult. THX
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Re: Need new blood for your religion? Steal someone's child

Post28 Jan 2013

The first mention of this, but not the "dumping" appears in The Brahma Kumaris as a `Reflexive Tradition': Responding to Late Modernity by John Walliss.

The actual mention of the word "dumping" appears in a paper by Julia Howell from Griffith University, Australia. In, 'Cross-Cultural Adaptation: The Brahma Kumaris in the Western World', she also mentions that for Indian girls the decision is basically final unlike privileged Westerners, or even Westernised Indians on whom the Brahma Kumaris depend on for good PR and appear more "modern". I am checking through the papers right now, you can also read them, here.
"Gender Role Experimentation in New Religious Movements: clarification of the Brahma Kumari case". Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 37 (3): 453–461. doi:10.2307/1388052. JSTOR 1388052.

The likelihood that surrendered Sisters in India will remain Brahmins throughout their lives is increased by the practise of parent giving dowries to the Brahma Kumaris for daughters they concede will not marry. This practise goes back to the early days of the organization but it is not clear how common it was. Whaling and Babb report it as an occasional practice. Recently the pattern has been formalized, with retreats at Mount Abu being offered for girls in their mid-teens who may wish to undertake a fuller commitment to the organization. The girls are offered a short period of taking classes and living near Senior Sisters, at the end of which they may nominate to undertake a year trial as surrendered Sisters.
A payment equivalent to a dowry is required from the girls' natural families to cover their living expenses over the trial period. This payment is also meant to prevent parent "dumping" daughters on the Brahma Kumaris to avoid the dowries and other costs of ordinary marriages. Return to the world for women who have has such a dowry paid for them is difficult."

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