Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

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Re: Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

Post21 Feb 2013

Bad day today, with her y'day episode, both the sons could not go to school or college. She fell down while bathing and dislocated her left elbow and injured a leg. She would be in bed, for sure, for a week or so.

Thanks all of you for your feedback sharing information and assistance.

I need a further favor, kindly give 10 bullet points, what I should do now. Knowing current state my wife her OC disorder and addiction to BK for which she is willing to leave me. Kindly give me proper and well thought guidance since I'll be following them.

Thanks Again


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Re: Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

Post21 Feb 2013

Thanks all of you for your feedback sharing information and assistance.

I need a further favor, kindly give 10 bullet points, what I should do now. Knowing current state my wife her OC disorder and addiction to BK for which she is willing to leave me. Kindly give me proper and well thought guidance since i'll be following them.

Thanks Again
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Pink Panther

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Re: Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

Post22 Feb 2013

manojag22 wrote:I need a further favor, kindly give 10 bullet points, what I should do now. Knowing current state my wife her OC disorder and addiction to BK for which she is willing to leave me. Kindly give me proper and well thought guidance since i'll be following them.

Dear Manojag

it might be a mistake to place too much faith in list of suggestions from an online forum. We are quite distant from the situation and readers can only interpret from the paragraphs you have shared - reality is always much bigger and slipperier than any few sentences can contain.

That said, we can advise in broader general terms.

My suggestion is - based on what you are aware of, what you know of your wife, her history, personality, etc - that you review these posts (and those in other topics here) and make your own list from what points resonate with you.

One thing that hasn't been suggested is - given that BK meditation is an affirmation process very similar to hypnosis and self-hypnosis, maybe utilising a qualified therapeutic hypnotist may be an effective way to counter it (preferably with medical or psychology qualifications)?

Not everyone responds to hypnosis therapy but from what I read your wife seems like she might be the right kind of personality for it to work. (You'd need to consult with her doctor and therapist).

Stay strong and compassionate.


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Re: Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

Post22 Feb 2013

I fully agree to your point of view since the matter is sensitive and to handled carefully. Met BK head of Maharashtra and Andhra today to ask why this has happened. Her reply was typical, we have lacs of students and your type of case is rare. My reply was that one of BK Sister became her God mother (Ansula) and she closely with hand in hand guided her into this, is this common too ? There she said Ansula has been problematic. Therefore my question was to her that how she is planning to resolve or undone the case ... Her final reply was let me think and discuss with Yogini, head of Parla center and then they will call me. She also said if she directly speak with Ansula, Ansula might update or call my wife.

So let me see whats she comes up with ??? If anything at all.
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Re: Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

Post23 Feb 2013

You don't want to 'ask' them anything. You need to 'tell' them precisely what you want.

What was your impression of her, how did she treat you?

Just tell them to release her back to her own family and not contact your wife. You don't want Ansula to call your wife, you want them to stop contact.

I've seen this happen before and they know if it is regular enough happening. I've seen cases where parents went straight to the Seniors and threatened them with legal action in order to release their son. (This was a son who had had a breakdown and become similarly obsessive, he came out). I've also know other cases where they have just washed their hands and said there was nothing they could do, it was individual's choice.

In my own case, they advised me to move out of my home and move into independent accommodation temporarily to trick them (my parents), wait until things died down; then I was told I could move into the bhavan (shared house for BKs) later. They tell you such things specifically.

They don't know what is going on ... at best they think it is,
    a) because she is a "weak brick" and the pressure of the BK life is too much,
    b) it is, according to their theories, "impurities coming out" of her and all she needs to do is "more mediation and surrender to Baba".
    c) They even think some people are possessed by evil spirits.
    d) They'll just say "it is their karma", shrug their shoulders and walk away.
They might sit at the center in a group and meditate on her but that's all they've got. They say BK Raja Yoga "is like a carpet having the dirt beaten out of it, it does not look so dirty until you start to beat it".

Unless you can make it clear, they'll try and keep her hooked.

I am sorry I cannot answer your 10 points question right now as I am today. I don't know what others think but in my opinion, you have to go on the offensive. Never expect anything from them, they're really not trained at all.

But, please, keep documenting this for others. See if they keep their word or what they do.


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Re: Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

Post26 Feb 2013

Dear manojag22,

I hope things have calmed down for you and your family during this distressing time.

One thing to make sure you have is support for yourself and your children from friends and family, but make sure they are not dragged into helping your wife and certainly not the BK.

Stay strong.
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Re: Psychological problems after wife joins Brahma Kumaris

Post30 May 2013

I've been thinking of Manojag's "10 point plan" request and, in general, have to agree with Pink Panther's position it is very difficult for us to know because we are so remote and do not know enough about the background. But what we can offer to you, Manojag, is our experience from within the BKWSU and watching years of other similar cases.

By now, your wife probably believe the Brahma Kumaris are "the truth" and any arguing with that will only drive her into a more fundamentalist position. However, it would be right to reassure her, peacefully and calmly, that the Brahma Kumaris have changed their history and philosophy many times, and especially their prediction of "Destruction", and that many people have gone through what she is going through and come out of it later. The predictions of their god spirit have failed many times and they have re-written their religion to hide it, cover it up and keep the money coming in.

Without the money coming in, they have no income.

It might be good to find out what they have told her about "Destruction", e.g. "two to three years", any minute soon, don't be distracted if she calls it "Transformation". It is the same thing. You can tell her their god spirit failed in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986 to 1996, Year 2000. All of these years their god spirit said the world would end. Not the followers, the "god Father".

For you, one thing to consider and remember is that you basically cannot believe or accept anything the BKs (including your wife now) tell you. They will say anything and uses all sorts of clever language to get you out of the way and carry on what they are doing ... and they will carry on what they are doing as if they were possessed.

If you wife is hooked to that degree, it might be very difficult until she sees through their corruption. The BKs will work behind your back, with her, to further their goals. To them, you are complete deluded, full of Maya, Ravan, a Shudra and so on. You have no status and are spiritual below them, according to their philosophy, you are asleep, a devil, in the Land of the Dead. They are very persistent and repetitive. They will try and appease you temporarily and work on you softly to accept her and them in your life.

They say they are like "sugar in milk", i.e. they dissolve completely and invisibly into your life using sweetness.

Protect your family, wealth and property from the BKs. Make sure her family knows what the Brahma Kumaris are like and what they are after. Make sure no one else is supporting her/them financially. The BKs will have little to no interest in her if she has no money. If she wants to leave and can leave you should make it total otherwise you will have no peace in your life. But ... I should be careful about making such a statement if she is genuinely mentally ill as well.

Can I ask you a personal question, and you may answer me by private message if you want, if we were to forget the BKs for a moment, is there anything else in the past, in your personal relationship or in her life that could cause a desire to separate and live a separate life? Even if it is just selfishness on her behalf.

How and why was she first attracted to the BKs? What attracts her about them?

Last bumped by manojag22 on 30 May 2013.

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