Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

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Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

Post28 May 2013

According to many surveys conducted in India for the first choice of future Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has topped among many. So Brahmakumaris did not want to miss this opportunity.

Although Narendra Modi is accused for Godhra Riots still God Brahma Baba messaged BK Dadis to bring Mr. Modi on their platform, Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurates youth training centre of Brahmakumaris.

What does this means ? Has Brahma Baba given clean chit to Mr. Modi or Baba says that keep aside 'moral values' and fool (impress) the followers by sharing the stage with Mr. Modi?
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Re: Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

Post28 May 2013

They've been courting Modi for a long time. He was at the 2007 cremation of Dadi Prakashmani. did not the Gujerati government donate the land to them?

Why do Indian governments give land to rich organizations from other regions who reinforce caste systems with ideas of Brahminhood rather than give land to impoverished and landless Dalits and Adivasis whose families were born there?

It's funny but when the BKs first start evangelising in order to gather donations, after Lekhraj Kirpalani's money had run out, the told them *not* to go to the Gujerat first ... because it would be too easy. He knew gullible Gujeratis would flock to BKism in time and so he sent his BK missionaries elsewhere (I cannot remember where right now). From that time, Gujerati Sisters have tended to the 'number twos' or servants of the Sindis.

I cannot comment on the virtues of Narendra Modi but the Bharatiya Janata Party leans to the right underlining the Brahma Kumaris political position. Modi's speech at the event appears to have attack securalism and communalism.

We know Indian politics are like all politics but even moreso but the BKs will court anyone that is likely to benefit their agenda and give them a stage to share it with them as a backscratching exercise ... they'll scratch yours, if you will scratch theirs ... and what does this photo say about them? Princesses' tiaras are obviously 'de la mode' within the BKWSU. They must have ordered a huge quantity.

Oh, and the BKs had their picture taken giving him another framed picture of their god. Service done, another PR piece for their magazine.


Inaugurating the newly-built youth training centre of Brahma Kumaris organization – ‘Sangam Tirthdham’ – Gujarat Chief Minister Shri Narendra Modi today stressed for inculcating moral values and magnificence of Indian culture into the youths in order to free the society from various defects. The youth training centre, managed by the Brahma Kumaris organization, will endeavor for realizing Swami Vivekananda’s dreams for India.

He expressed anguish that an ancient healthcare system like Yoga is being coloured with the shades of communalism. Value-based education is also being weighed on the scales of secularism and non-secularism, he said.

If our cultural values have a strong base, the society will automatically remain free from the shackles of social ailments. But the politicians of our country have ignored the Indian culture for the sake of their selfish interests of vote-bank politics. In such an atmosphere the organizations like Brahma Kumaris have sustained the values of Indian culture, said Mr Modi.

Spiritual head of Brahma Kumaris Dadi Jankiji lauded Gujarat’s contribution in the spread of the organization’s activities throughout the world, and gave blessings for bringing about social change through the synergy of political and spiritual powers.
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Re: Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

Post29 May 2013

Politicians need a huge vote bank to win the election, it's therefore easily understood that they have a symbiotic relationship. Moral values are rolled under the carpets. BKs are just like any other corrupted, immoral institution which will do anything for MONEY.
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Re: Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

Post29 May 2013

Not just money but the other components of worldly power too ... cosying up to people in power makes you look more powerful by association and, especially in India I would say, gives you more security in your position.

What I like to underline though are the politics of the Brahma Kumaris which, I would argue, are the opposite of the politics of most of the Western adherents ... at least in my time.

Time and time again one sees the BKs cosying up to the Right Wing and taking a Right Wing or conservative position, whereas I would most of the Western adherents had Left Wing sympathies.

I cannot think of any instances where the BKs took sides with Left Wing issues, e.g. workers' right, human rights, adivasi land rights etc, but we often read of them serving getting into league with the corporate leaders (rich, powerful, establishmentary) in order to introduce involuntary meditation classes for their workforces, training police and army etc.

I cannot say that I have seen them really get involved with women's or children's rights issues and even when the child abuse cases arose, they blocked, suppressed and dragged their heels just like other highly conservative establishments have done.

For me it underlines what they are largely about is not 'rights' but achieving status on the 'right' envisioning themselves as Brahmins superior to the Shudras of Kali Yuga ... again, it's about class and superiority, not equality and no big thing if it happens to be a bunch of women chasing high caste status or a bunch of men.

Money, property and power equals status ... they even spend much of their donors money not 'serving' humanity but 'lobbying' those in power; all the time and everywhere they go.

If there was a military coup in India tomorrow I could image the BKs would take sides with the new regime, taken them pictures and toli and quite happily join them to mass indoctrinate the population ... they'd be excited at the idea.
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Re: Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

Post30 May 2013

Was Modi the one who inflamed the anti-muslim riots that killed hundreds a few years ago?
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Re: Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

Post11 Jun 2013

Brahmakumaris claim themselves as the purest soul on the earth.

To save their purity they do not eat food from the others and they suggest their followers not to eat food made by their family members. They talk of Karma and Sanskars. They curse common man as Shudras.

What do the Brahmakumaris or the defenders of the BKs have to say about the karmas or sanskars of Mr. Narendra Modi ??


Narender Modi is said to be responsible for Godhra Riots. He is condemned by many human right organizations and the government of USA have denied him to give visa.

Godhra_riots_case.jpg (43.36 KiB) Viewed 13105 times

For more images including children hanged and burnt by Hindus, see here.
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Re: Brahmakumaris are now after Narendra Modi

Post11 Jun 2013

Sometimes to state your point too strongly is counter productive! I think links are probably good enough in such a case as above. It might put people off reading this forum.

Modi's role in the Godhra Riots will be argued forever in India. Obviously the Congress Party seek to bring him down.

However, a more obvious and fair point to make is that the Bharatiya Janata Party is a right-wing Hindu nationalist political party ... "one nation, one people and one culture" ... and its Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has many skeleton in its cupboard.

The RSS was always unhappy with Gandhi's policy of non-violence during Independence, which it felt reflected a Christian rather than a Hindu spirit. It's founder, Hedgewar, observed that all Hindu gods bore arms and flirted the terrorist fringe. The RSS is against Muslims and communalism. When during Independence Gandhi called for peace, the RSS sought retribution. Gandhi was murdered for being too soft on Muslims by a Hindu fanatic who had once been in the RSS.

For us in the West, it is strange.

Most BKs are Left Wing or liberal types, and yet the BKs leaders again and again get into bed with the Right Wing ... but then most Western BKs really don't know anything about India and are not encouraged by their leaders to become informed. Rather they are encouraged to become stupid and unquestioning of their leaders, their ethics and their political leanings.

What proportion of Indian BKs would you say tend toward the Right Wing and what proportion tend towards the liberal or Left Wing? Or is it just all about "power" and whoever happens to have it at the time?

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