Destruction did not take place in 1976

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Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post02 Jun 2008

Destruction Did Not Take Place in 1976 - posted by hanuman on December 11, 2004

I remember that time well. I was one year in Gyan. The transformation was scheduled to happen around January 18, 1977. The Divinization Conference was held after the Christmas of 1976. It was a grand affair for the Brahma Kumaris, and attracted lots of press in India. I attended the Bombay Conference and spent a week there with the yogis from Guyana. We then visited Mount Abu and spent a month there.

On January 18, 1977, everyone was biting their nails and awaiting an address by BapDada. BapDada descended and told everyone that there were still many souls in many parts of the world to be served due to the unfinished business of world service, BapDada stated that the transformation could not take place as originally scheduled. Many were shocked and left the movement. BapDada advised all BKs that their efforts should not be based on destruction. He asked all BKs to focus on transformation and not destruction.

Around the time of the scheduled date of Destruction, many important global events took place in the camps of the Yadavs and Kauravs † Geo-political events which took place thirty years ago have currently placed the global village in a much more volatile situation, approaching a flash point.

Administrator inserted notes:

†”Yadavs and Kauravs” symbolically refers to the major Western and Eastern powers. Taken from the names of the opposing camps in the Mahabharat war.


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Re: Destruction Did Not Take Place in 1976

Post04 Jul 2012

How did I feel at that time? I was not scared. I felt in my heart that there would have been no Destruction. My feelings were no based on any selfish motives. For example, I was about to embark on a scholarship training to become a veterinarian. There was an inner voice telling me that the world was not going to end on that date.

I have watched the film, 2012. That is more consistent with the Earth undergoing a major transformation. When the Mother Earth is about to make that final transformation to the Peaceable Kingdom, there will be many pleasant and unpleasant early warnings. The Yadavs are quite aware of the future transformation and they are preparing for it. The peaking of oil is one excellent example. In two decades, there may be no cars or motors using gasolene. We will have to depend of alternative energy.


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post14 Jun 2013

Destruction also did not take place in 2012. Many of us where told to get heavily involved in service, and the world would go boom in December 2012.

It was just a trick one's feels. to believe in the Destruction theory.

Conclusion, it was all lies about Destruction.
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Mr Green


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post15 Jun 2013

Haha, they went for 2012 as well! That old Mayan thing! I was there for the Year 2000, I remember believing it!


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post16 Jun 2013

I was trapped around the Year 2000, when everyone was sure and convinced that Destruction was going to happen in 2000.

All centres were given the letters from Dadi PRAKASHMANI telling them to have sufficient amounts of food and water storage in their houses and centres as anything may happen, any time. We, at our centres, foolishly replaced electric motor fixed on the bore well with that of manual one because there was chances of electricity failure. In my house, I stored good amounts of petrol so that I could use my bike at the time of Destruction and do some seva of saving BK Brothers and Sisters by taking them to some safer places. My 65 years fearless non-bk Father enjoyed this nonsense fully, because I was so sure and confident about what I am doing according to the directions given by the divine soul.

In 2012, I was normal and fearless, because I discovered this website in year 2010.
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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post16 Jun 2013

Thank you.

The BK have another twist. They used to say thing will keep become worse and worse before actually Destruction. Actually, the world and society is becoming better.

OK, now they say Destruction will happen when there is peace ... that even peace is sign of Destruction happening soon. It will happen when no one expects it.

And 2018 is the next date ... which is just about right by their modus operandi. Soon enough for a worried person to consider making sacrifices, far enough way for them to change it again if it fails because, a) most people will have left by then except the few who will believe anything and have been trapped. Then they can hide the failure and re-write it again to 2036.

They will say, in 2036 Heaven on Earth will come magically in one moment ... get ready for Krishna to appear ("erm ... it might be 2036 or 2037, we don't know" ... or 2038). Or they will admit there was no God Shiva in 1936, so now Confluence Age is 100 years from 1956, means 2056!!!

They are crapbags ... and they can keep spinning it on forever. They don't care at all. My guess is the inner circle really just care about being fed, housed and being looked after until they die, and after that they don't care at all. Perhaps they feel they have to keep spinning it on to feed all the poor girls they have enslaved and who have no other means of support ... the system is doomed to failure at some point.

Then the religion will fall to pieces with each center-in-charge grabbing their own center, chucking out minor surrendered Sisters, and all the elite Western BKs turning into business coaches to try and sell the teachings.

"Destruction" is coming for the the BKWSU, not the world. It's a metaphor.

Sure, a meteor *might* hit us, humanity might screw up the environment, nature will complain from time to time but those things are too big for us to influence and we certainly won't influencing by chanting "Om Shanti" or "Baba".


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post16 Jun 2013

They went for the 2012 as well. I too was there for 2000, I feel stupid for believing in it.

I believe some BKs say still things will get worse. Whenever there is any war in a country, they say, "see, see, this is the sign ... this is the sign", when in reality, we are all still here. Ha, Amazing.
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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post18 Jun 2013

How sad to spend one's life longing for not only your own death but everyone else's!
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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post18 Jun 2013

The infantile rage of Dada Lekhraj, extremely exaggerated by his delusions of grandeur, wanting all that defied him destroyed ... turned into a cult that still rolls 80 years later. In his mind, Dada could not separate the whole world from his tiny little world and like a toddler just cried, "I wish you were all dead".

I accept Lekhraj Kirpalani had some "visions" and I accept he tried to understand, incorrectly, the visions and psychic messages coming through the cult's spiritualist mediums ... but they were all wrong, or at least mixed up and confused.

Even though they failed time and time again, in their supreme global-sized egotism, the Lekhraj Lovers just cannot admit it and let it all go ... the suppressed rage at their families, community and the Bhaiband challenging their delusion has been mythologised and turned into a drama that they play out ritually, and teach others to do so, until this very day.

I hear 2018 is the next date when Krishna will be born and destruction happen. It means he will be 18 when the Golden Age starts in 2036.

How old did it used to be? Wasn't Lekhraj Kirpalani reborn as Krishna meant to be 50 when he married Om Radhe again (born in 1986, same time as Destruction was meant to happen) and 75 when they had their first child?

Can someone remind me, how old where they meant to be when they were crowned Lakshmi and Narayan?


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post18 Jun 2013

ex-I wrote:I hear 2018 is the next date when Krishna will be born and destruction happen. It means he will be 18 when the Golden Age starts in 2036.

Can I have the information of source from where this new prediction has come out?
Can someone remind me, how old where they meant to be when they were crowned Lakshmi and Narayan?

When the predicted year was 2000, it was propagated that at 35 Krishna will be crowned to become Narayan.


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post18 Jun 2013

Psychos get "visions" of all types, so would not be normal that Lekhraj Kripalani also gets his own ...?!
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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post18 Jun 2013

Accepted. Do you remember that period when he was sent off to a relatives house and spent all this time drawing swastikas on the walls like a kid?

Given how *much* he got *so* wrong ... including believing he was God and the seed of humanity for 20 plus years (!!!) ... he clearly had problems in separating reality from illusion. All the BKs have done is whitewash the truth out of sight and make him look like a saint so they can milk his myth as a religion. And they have created his consort Om Radhe as a sort of Mother Mary figure or perfection.

Just wait until the truth about her gets out.
When the predicted year was 2000, it was propagated that at 35 Krishna will be crowned to become Narayan.

Amazing ... the leaders are such bullshitters. Slimy professional liars without any conscience or integrity.

It makes sense that then in the the 80s, when Destruction was to be in 1986, Krishna would be 50 years old.

More proof they just make it all up as they go along to keep the business, and money, rolling in.


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post18 Jun 2013

According to psychiatrists, for an adult to draw on walls like a kid, is a symptomp of psychiatric disorder ..!!
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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post18 Jun 2013

Especially a self-made multi-millionaire businessman who had risen to the top of society. Generally such communities are very careful at who they let in.

Imagine Donald Trump scribbling on walls claiming that he was God. He'd be straight into a psychiatric ward and onto medication immediately.

The trouble is, the history of the BKWSU has been so whitewashed and exaggerated it is difficult for adherents to look at it rationally.


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Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

Post14 Dec 2022


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