Dr. Masaru Emoto - another BK supporter?

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Dr. Masaru Emoto - another BK supporter?

Post04 Jul 2013

Dr. Masaru Emoto is Japanese, famous for his research on water, (criticized worldwide by other scientists), who claims that the quality of human thoughts has a great effect on the molecular structure of water.

His ideas appeared in the documentary "What The Bleep Do We Know!?" as well (which had become quite popular among the BKs for some time). More about Dr. Emoto in Wikipedia

And that is my question - has he already become another BK supporter or rather a "mic" for the organization? This video, even though begins with a fragment of "What The Bleep...", actually refers to Emoto's experiments in the BKWSU HQ with the BK meditation's effect on water molecules.

The BKs refer to him quite often in their events, such as "Myśl a materia" (The Thought and The Matter) - a BK program in Poland with Sister Jayanti, held in the Museum of Ethnography in Warsaw two years ago (to be found in the BKWSU Poland videos subsite if anyone would be interested - 10 films in English).

A leaflet (in Polish) about the BK program with BK Jayantibhen in Poland


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Re: Dr. Masaru Emoto - another BK supporter?

Post04 Jul 2013

I have seen Shivani also referring to Emoto experiments in many programs and I find it utterly non-sense. Often BKs including Shivani will not go and research to get the facts before highlighting the things. Dr. Emoto´s experiments could not be reproduced in other labs and he also admitted that out of many pictures of water crystals obtained he selected the ones he liked for publication. Many of the BKs publications (Gyan Amrit etc.) where scientific discoveries are somehow explained by ´Gyan´they never bother to provide references of the original publications containing those results. Understandable, isn´t it? Let them be happy the way they are...



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Re: Dr. Masaru Emoto - another BK supporter?

Post04 Jul 2013

So, it seems to be another typical abuse of science by the BKs. Why am I not surprised at all?
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Re: Dr. Masaru Emoto - another BK supporter?

Post05 Jul 2013

I have to agree with kmanaveen here.

Emoto is a bit of a fraud and a huckster, and he's not a real doctor either ... but he is 'famous' within one of the BKs' target market and so that is good enough for them.

He's using them, they're using him. It's just business. He sells books, they sell themselves and their books.

When with the so called University act like a university?

I'd have no problem with Emoto's work if he were to sell it as "art" but it's as unscientific as claiming Dadi Janki is "the Most Stable Mind in the World" (... which she never was).

'What The Bleep ...' did the rounds of Western BKs and they appear to be milking aspects of it too, to re-style themselves around. It's not actually that cool either.

File under "snake oil".

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