Are all BKs perfect? Are any BKs perfect?

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Are all BKs perfect? Are any BKs perfect?

Post17 Feb 2014

The Brahma Kumaris are obsessed with perfectionism. Their "aim and object" is to become "perfect" in preparing for a Golden Age on earth following a soon to happen Nuclear holocaust which destroys civilisation. I hope "perfect" includes anti-radiation protective clothing.

For Arvind ...
arvind.giri wrote:Let me also remind you that:
    Point#1 : "Everyone (yes, everyone) in BK is a student and is on his/her journey".
    Point#2 : Are all BKs perfect? As it is implied from the the point#1. No
    Point#3 : Are all BKs committed to BKism teachings? No. Implied from the facts that we have ex-BKs today.
    Point#4 : Are people following BK out of their faith? Yes.
    Point#5 : Is everyone's understanding of the BKism same? No.

OK ... How perfect are any BKs? Or how imperfect are most BKs? Let's have some approximate percentages!

According to The Knowledge, after 81 years, only one BK is "spiritually perfect". Actually, no BKs are perfect because that individual ... the BKs claim ... is the "B" himself, Lekhraj Kirpalani. The PBKs don't agree with this and consider the Murlis state the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani is still learning via psychic mediums and other spiritualistic manners.

It's also worth stating that in the early days of Om Mandli in the 1930s, the BKs clearly thought they were already instantly perfect and free from karma.

Awkwardly for the BKs, the second Mrs Lekhraj Kirpalani and "Mother of Humanity", Radhi Pokardas Rajwani, died before this nuclear-powered 'End of the World' and establishment of Heaven happened. Her premature death presented a bit of a problem for the BKs and so she is presented as sort of "perfect but not complete"; imcomplete in that she had to return to earth to "do service" in that "subject" she was weak in in her last life ... "service through money" apparently. Make of that what you will ... ho hum. She is claimed to have been reborn in a royal family, probably in Nepal. Where the royal family was massacred ... hmmn?

In addition, numerous original and leading Brahma Kumars and Kumaris also died before the End of the World and establishment of Heaven happened, like Didi Manmohini, Dadi Prakashmani, a few Brothers, and others. These were all individuals who the BKs presented as being members of "The Eight" ... the 8 top souls of all humanity and twice as spiritual as Jesus of Buddha ... or perhaps the top 108. That is, perfect and almost perfect individuals. Only the top 8 "pass" the final examination, many BKs aim to become one.

However, what evidence of any of this do we have? How do the BKs judge "perfection".

Who knows ... but we can say BKs separate 'being free from karmic burdens' with being 'spiritually perfect', e.g. an individual can become "karmateet" (free from negative karma) but still not be one of the only 8 individuals who "pass", or 108 who "nearly pass". The so called Brahma Kumaris World Spirituality is organised a bit like a primary educational facility giving out gold stars and badges for special efforts (or gold rings and badges in their case).

Every BK is numbered from 1 to 330,000,000 according to their relative level of perfection ... for eternity ... but they are still all more perfect than the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, all the Dalai Lamas, Shankaracharyas, Saint, genius and humanitarians the world has given birth to within the last 2,500 years ... they believe.

So, what is the problem or what is the difficulty with such concepts?

Well, firstly, according to their god spirit, the End of the World should have happened in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996; and according to their leaders 2000 and may be 2012. "Destruction" was to take in 13, 40, 50, or 50 to 60 years and then "Creation" another 50 years ... and yet it still has not happened.

So all BKs would apparently be failing badly.

Do BKs still believe Dadi Janki is a perfect human being (one of the 8) and Sister Jayanti is a nearly perfect human being (one of the 108)? Do they do anything to discourage such beliefs?

Why, if they must surely be so close to perfection is the organization so crap? Why has it not done anything truly great?

Answers on the back of a postcard to the usual address ...

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Pink Panther

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Re: Are all BKs perfect? Are any BKs perfect?

Post18 Feb 2014

Another area of philosophical failure for the BKs.

The original idea was that as soon as the #1 ”soul” became perfect, that was it, which set the mark for calibrating the rest of the so-called rosary (read ”hierarchy”) determining the 8 closest, the 108, etc etc

The completion of #1, with #2 being very close, would mark the end of the ”Destruction" and the beginning of the ”establishment”. The ‘establishment” would be itself completed at the combined Wedding & Coronation of the little prince and his princess.
    Ooops. #2 died, with #1 left to carry the can and explain.
    Ooops again. #1 died, and the rest were left to explain. (so revised stories about how and when the fuflfilment of the 8, 108 etc are manufactured and put about)
    Ooops again, destruction did not happen
    Ooops again, destruction did not happen
    Oops #2 in any ”next life” would now be menopausal, or need another incarnation, taking it to 85 or 86 lives!!
    Ooops again, destruction did not happen….. ad nauseum, ad infinitum, ad absurdum
Now, ”perfect" or ”perfection” originally & primarily means ”to complete” or ”is completed”. It marks a finality , so you can see why it is synonymous with endings.
    The Drama is perfect, especially when something is ”done”, completed, no longer, in the future..
    Everything is done as predicted. Everything is perfect.
Mama became perfect, Baba became perfect, Dadas AK and VR became perfect, Dadi K & Dadi M became perfect, Dadis Ratan Mohini and Nirmala Shanta and so many more have become perfect (or by dying before ”time” were robbed of the time to become perfect before the end - because you can’t ”rise” even higher in a next birth in Advance Party without any Gyan to practice true Yoga to clear accounts etc etc).

That is, everything is perfect, enough have become ”perfected” for "the 8” to be filled, all is completed ...
    :shock: no end in sight ! :shock: ( ?)
    but perils are always there to frighten the children.
So looking at definitions ... a poet's definition of the BK Gyan ...
Oh! what a tangled web we weave
When first we practice to deceive!

- excerpt from ”Marmion" by Walter Scott
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Re: Are all BKs perfect? Are any BKs perfect?

Post18 Feb 2014

Another grandiose and exaggerated claim of their own goodness and self-importance, another twist of words.

If a BK's goldfish died, they won't say, "My goldfish died", they claim it became perfect.

Why cannot they just admit it's all made up and their failure?

Over 30 years of adult life I've heard many BK or New Agey types claim they are "so transformed". For me, the surprising thing is how similar they come across and how little we actually change over out adult lives. We hardly change from when we were teengagers, unless, perhaps we suffer from great traumas.

The BK leadership is able to maintain some kind of facade of the "perfection" or "royal behaviour" of their leaders by insulating them, like princess, from the real world. They don't have to go to work, they are able to have siestas in the middle of the day to appear rested, any intellectual challenges are filtered out from reaching them or avoided, e.g. the BKs have always avoid the public philosophic disputes traditional in Indian culture and at public meetings, questions are generally screened in advance.

This is an example of Lifton's "Mystical Manipulation" of cult leaders ... and, yet, not even Dadi Janki is able to keep up the facade all the time. But that's OK too ... even imperfection is perfection according to The Drama, as we are seeing from our discussion with Arvind. Cheating your way to truthfulness and righteousness, and other people's money and property, is perfectly acceptable and "perfect" ... according to Drama.

It's just another way of repeating what Janki said, "don't think, don't question" ... just accept and obey and you too can be cut in on a bit of the action if you work for free for 25 years. Even though Destruction is in 2 to 3 years.

The re-incarnated Om Radhe is now 45 years old. Soon the Advance Party will become old enough to die. What then ... the Super Advanced Party? And how many lives will they have taken? 85, 86 lives ...

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