Everything happens for a reason

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Everything happens for a reason

Post22 Jun 2014

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Whatever is happening in the bk-pbk family today is happening for a reason ... when this Sangamyugi drama is finally revealed to the world, it will be the biggest surprise to everyone.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Good quotes

Post22 Jun 2014

What is the reason that everything happens for a reason?

if it happens for a ‘reason” it means there is intention, otherwise it is merely inevitable outcomes of circumstances. If the ”reason” only comes after the event, the event did not happen ‘for’ the reason. Any such post-hoc reason is a projection by people seeking to create order out of chaos, or seeking to make reality confirm their biases.

If there are pre-existing reasons that events happen "for", whose reasons? Whose intentions?

This brings us back to Epicurus. If God’s intention is to set up a hereditary hierarchy based on clan parochialism and riddle-solving clever pundits and which benefits less than 1% of ”his children” i.e. world's population, then is this a ”God” worthy of the title?
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Re: Everything happens for a reason

Post22 Jun 2014

The "reason" is ... to learn not to believe in gods or human being who predict something big is going to happen in "two to three years" and that you should not subject yourself and surrender all your time, money and energy to them. The lesson is, to learn to think rationally and even skeptically towards irrational phenomena ... to not "suspend your disbelief" but to keep your head screwed on. In short, not to be stupid with your precision life.

But that is really not the reason.

This idea that "everything happens for a reason" is just a method of trying to turn thoughts which might cause you depression, e.g. "why did this bad thing happen to me?", into a more positive hopeful state of mind. I don't think it is an absolute truth though. I don't think everything happens for a reason at all. I think a very large proportion of our lives are actually completely random ... caused by events reaching right back to the beginning of the universe ... or far beyond our control or influence.

What such an idea seems to be doing is teaching or encouraging us to write a narrative of our lives retrospectively in a more positive hopeful manner. And that's not a bad thing if it encourages us to have a little faith in life's ability to sustain us. Steve Jobs, founder of Apple computers and a hugely influential character in the development of personal computing drew up similar, profound equation of "connect the dots" ... but then he was quite a unique character and, I am sorry to say, not every one can be a Steve Jobs.
You cannot connect the dots looking forward you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something: your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart, even when it leads you off the well worn path.

- Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

As someone who did achieve something in his life, and make a huge difference to others, it is worth reading the full text ... but I don't think such ideas can be applied to sustain a commitment to Brahma Kumarism and the Kirpalani Klan mobsters. Nearing the end of his life, what he said was ...
Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.

Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

For many people, being hit by the Kirpalani Klan mobsters is like becoming disabled after being involved in a car crash. It's not a good event. And it is most certainly "living someone else's life". Indeed, it's worse than that ... it's living someone else madness. Literally. Living the Kirpalani Klan's mental illness, a mental illness which has evolved into a nigh criminal underworld operating a facade of a religion and other business on top. For over 20 years, Lekhraj Kirpalani suffered from a severe mentally illness ... that, literally, of believing he was god.

Can anyone is good conscience tell us that, "happened for a reason". Especially a good reason?

You might philosophise that it "happened for a reason" but that "reason" might just be to learn not to be tricked by tricksters or trapped in their web of deceit and manipulation. I suppose, positively, if you've managed to see through it and extricate yourself, you might pack yourself on your back and tell yourself, "well done". But, on the whole, I think it is a lesson worth avoiding altogether. Or learning from others. Not every lesson is the most valuable, beneficial or even necessary one.

The danger is there is a desperation in human beings that manifests in people like gamblers and the victims of frauds - which we are ex-BKs were - and that is to keep gambling or investing in such frauds in the hope that something will come back out of it eventually. Somehow we cannot believe it will not and understand that we should stop and pull out. Sometimes pulling out is very difficult and painful after we have becoming addicted and attached to other members and the leaders of a community ... and that is what the BKs do too, binding one up into the Gordian Knot of their web.

Perhaps the lesson was to teach us to get away as far as possible from people, things and gods that suck the life out of you ... perhaps such lessons are only beneficial if we are to believe that we have many lives to benefit from such expensive losses. I am not even so sure about that these days, so best live for today and in the here and now of the real world.

No more, working today for nothing in order to get "jam tomorrow" (an expression for a never to be fulfilled promise), no more faith and belief without very good factual evidence".

Best become like individuals who were not sucked in by BKism.
C S Lewis wrote:Wrong or justice in the present,
Joy or sorrow, what are they
While there's always jam to-morrow,
While we tread the onward way?
Never knowing where we're going,
We can never go astray.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Everything happens for a reason

Post23 Jun 2014

Reason is a form of the word ”raison”, ”ration” as in ‘rational”, which comes from ”ratio” , that is, portioning and proportioning i.e. measuring.

”Measure” and ”metre” is essentially the sanskrit root ”mat” from which we get ”matter, matrix, material and even ”mater” (as in ”mother”) for as Protagoras said ”man is the measure (measurer) of all things”. What is ”born" in mind and lives as experience depends on how it is ”conceived”.

The term ”mat” as used by BKs relates to this. It literally means to act within a certain matrix, a certain paradigm or system of calibration.

When things happen ”for a reason” , the reasoning we use, the rationalising we do, is according to where we are at, man ;) at the time.

Look back at your life and pick a significant moment eg - when you first went to a BK centre or event. The ”reason" you had as you chose to go there was likely to be one thing.

Then a few months later, you reasoned/rationalised differently, most likely by applying the new, learned, measure called ”Gyan", thinking " yes I must be a deity soul coming back for inheritance” or similar.

A few years later you are here, reading this, and you probably see that choice very differently - either as the naivety of youth, or one step on a bigger progression through life, or the greatest/worst choice you ever made because of x, y or z reasons you give yourself.

Sometimes we look back, see a pattern and what we see ”blows our minds” - nothing changed except the way we have mentally extracted certain dots from the infinite continuum of life, connected some together, seen more connections and seen some different pattern. But similar to what Steve Jobs said, a pattern is not created by the first dot, and it keeps changing as dots are added.

So, the ”reason” for things happening is whatever we think and feel about them at any given time, and these change as we change.

Why things happened is something different, usually to do with physics, biology, psychology and culture.

Save Innocents

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Re: Everything happens for a reason

Post23 Jun 2014

Shivsena wrote:Whatever is happening in the bk-pbk family today is happening for a reason ... when this Sangamyugi drama is finally revealed to the world, it will be the biggest surprise to everyone.

Nobody cares for whatever happening in BK/PBK family today or will happen in future. It just matters to their loyal followers who are not even close to 0.001% of total population. And Drama of BK is already revealed to many of us. Right?

If you ever read scripture, you will find it that Sangamyug is of 800 to 1000 years. It can go upto 1500 yeas. BK have manipulated all facts to suit them.

What is chief feature of Sangameshwar? To unite (Sangam) all religions to one religion of humanity which sees everyone with law of Equality without defying even a single viewpoint of any existing religion. Well, their fake sangameshwar (BapDada, ShivBaba or whatever they say) is breaking religions, societies, families & atlast individual identity of a person.

The blow away thing that shivsena has mentioned in his post is the truth about BK. This website is already in the process of blowing out the myths BK have generated. Final relevation will be when BK heads will confess the lies they have spread about RajYoga, humanity & God. It can be a severe blow only to their followers.
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Re: Everything happens for a reason

Post23 Jun 2014

Save Innocents wrote:If you ever read scripture, you will find it that Sangamyug is of 800 to 1000 years. It can go upto 1500 yeas. BK have manipulated all facts to suit them.

That's interesting. I did not know Sangamyug existed in the scriptures first.

Can you tell us more?

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