A Memorial Service for Dead Gods ... or their Followers?

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A Memorial Service for Dead Gods ... or their Followers?

Post16 Nov 2014

Let's have a Memorial Service not for these dead gods but the millions of people who wasted their lives feeding them, or rather the priest caste who were exploiting them ... dozens of gods that people used to, but no longer believe in ... "gods of the highest standing and dignity ... gods of civilized peoples ... worshiped and believed in by millions, ... All were theoretically omnipotent, omniscient, and immortal. And all are dead.”

How many millions wasted their lives believing in them and attempting to fulfil or fuel their priests' ambitions.

And what will end of of God Lekhraj Kirpalani or the god spirit he made up to succeed him when he died? Will it be fated to join the pile and will all the 100,000s of God Brahma Kumari followers be throwing their lives away too?

Tezcatilpoca and his 25,000 virgins a year ... that's probably on a par with the BKs' "Shiva Baba". Why do all these gods have such a thing for virgin girls? Or is it just their priests prefer unquestioning submissive female servants like the despotic kings of old?

And what would be the BK response to all this evidence of the futility of throwing your life away sustaining a priest caste? Oh, that's easy ... "All those gods are just faulted, partial memorials of our God ... the one true god ... or of us, our leaders ... His chosen few". The BKs actually believe that all gods, all religions are copies of their religion as it was taught 5,000 years ago.

Even those religions which are more than 5,000 years old.
Memorial Service by H. L. Mencken

Where is the grave-yard of dead gods? What lingering mourner waters their mounds? There was a day when Jupiter was the king of the gods, and any man who doubted his puissance was ipso facto a barbarian and an ignoramus. But where in all the world is there a man who worships Jupiter to-day? And what of Huitzilopochtli? In one year, and it is no more than five hundred years ago, 50,000 youths and maidens were slain in sacrifice to him. Today, if he is remembered at all, it is only by some vagrant savage in the depths of the Mexican forest. Huitzilopochtli, like many other gods, had no human Father; his mother was a virtuous widow; he was born of an apparently innocent flirtation that she carried on with the sun. When he frowned, his Father, the sun, stood still. When he roared with rage, earthquakes engulfed whole cities. When he thirsted he was watered with 10,000 gallons of human blood. But today [in 1921] Huitzilopochtli is as magnificently forgotten as Allen G. Thurman (a 19th Century US Senator from Ohio). Once the peer of Allah, Buddha, and Wotan, he is now the peer of General Coxey, Richmond P. Hobson, Nan Petterson, Alton B. Parker, Adelina Patti, General Weyler, and Tom Sharkey.

Speaking of Huitzilopochtli recalls his Brother, Tezcatilpoca. Tezcatilpoca was almost as powerful. He consumed 25,000 virgins a year. Lead me to his tomb: I would weep, and hang a couronne des perles. But who knows where it is? Or where the grave of Quitzalcontl is? Or Tialoc? Or Chalchihuitlicue? Or Xiehtecutli? Or Centeotl, that sweet one? Or Tlazolteotl, the goddess of love? Or Mictlan? Or Ixtlilton? Or Omacatl? Or Yacatecutli? Or Mixcoatl? Or Xipe? Or all the host of Tzitzimitles? Where are their bones? Where is the willow on which they hung their harps? In what forlorn and unheard of hell do they await the resurrection morn? Who enjoys their residuary estates? Or that of Dis, whom Caesar found to be the chief god of the Celts? Or that of Tarves, the bull? Or that of Moccos, the pig? Or that of Epona, the mare? Or that of Mullo, the celestial jack-ass? There was a time when the Irish revered all these gods as violently as they now hate the English. But today even the drunkest Irishman laughs at them.

But they have company in oblivion: The hell of dead gods is as crowded as the Presbyterian hell for babies. Damona is there, and Esus, and Drunemeton, and Silvana, and Dervones, and Adsalluta, and Deva, and Belisama, and Axona, and Vintios, and Taranuous, and Sulis, and Cocidius, and Adsmerius, and Dumiatis, and Caletos, and Moccus, and Ollovidius, and Albiorix, and Leucitius, and Vitucadrus, and Ogmios, and Uxellimus, and Borvo, and Grannos, and Mogons. All mighty gods in their day, worshiped by millions, full of demands and impositions, able to bind and loose - all gods of the first class, not dilettanti. Men labored for generations to build vast temples to them - temples with stones as large as hay-wagons. The business of interpreting their whims occupied thousands of priests, wizards, archdeacons, evangelists, haruspices, bishops, archbishops. To doubt them was to die, usually at the stake. Armies took to the field to defend them against infidels. Villages were burned, women and children were butchered, cattle were driven off. Yet in the end they all withered and died, and today there is none so poor to do them reverence. Worse, the very tombs in which they lie are lost, and so even a respectful stranger is debarred from paying them the slightest and politest homage.

What has become of Sutekh, once the high god of the whole Nile Valley? What has become of:

Resheph, Anath, Ashtoreth, El, Nergal, Nebo, Ninib, Melek, Ahijah, Isis, Ptah, Anubis, Baal, Astarte, Hadad, Addu, Shalem, Dagon, Sharrab, Yau, Amon-Re, Osiris, Sebek, Molech?

All these were once gods of the highest eminence. Many of them are mentioned with fear and trembling in the Old Testament. They ranked, five or six thousand years ago, with Jahveh himself; the worst of them stood far higher than Thor. Yet they have all gone down the chute, and with them the following:

Bilé, Ler, Arianrod, Morrigu, Govannon, Gunfled, Sokk-mimi, Memetona, Dagda, Robigus, Pluto, Ops, Meditrina, Vesta, Tilmun, Ogyrvan, Dea Dia, Ceros, Vaticanus, Edulia, Adeona, Iuno Lucina, Saturn, Furrina, Vediovis, Consus, Cronos, Enki, Engurra, Belus, Dimmer, Mu-ul-lil, Ubargisi, Ubilulu, Gasan lil, U-dimmer-an-kia, Enurestu, U-sab-sib, Kerridwen, Pwyll, Tammuz, Venus, Bau, Mulu-hursang, Anu, Beltis, Nusku, U-Mersi, Beltu, Dumu-zi-abzu, Kuski-banda, Sin, Abil Addu, Apsu, Dagan, Elali, Isum, Mami, Nin-man, Zaraqu, Suqamunu, Zagaga, Gwydion, Manawyddan, Nuada Argetlam, Tagd, Goibniu, Odin, Llaw Gyffes, Lleu, Ogma, Mider, Rigantona, Marzin, Mars, Kaawanu, Ni-zu, Sahi, Aa, Allatu, Jupiter, Cunina, Potina, Statilinus, Diana of Ephesus, Nin-azu, Lugal-Amarada, Zer-panitu, Merodach, U-ki, Dauke, Gasan-abzu, Elum, U-Tin-dir-ki, Marduk, Nin-lil-la, Nin, Persephone, Istar, Lagas, U-urugal, Sirtumu, Ea, Nirig, Nebo, Samas, Ma-banba-anna, En-Mersi, Amurru, Assur, Aku, Qarradu, Ura-gala, Ueras

You may think I spoof. That I invent the names. I do not. Ask the rector to lend you any good treatise on comparative religion: You will find them all listed. They were gods of the highest standing and dignity- gods of civilized peoples - worshiped and believed in by millions.

All were theoretically omnipotent, omniscient, and immortal. And all are dead.



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Re: A Memorial Service for Dead Gods ... or their Followers?

Post16 Nov 2014

No one's wasting their life, ex l. A person needs faith in something. You have faith that your constructive opinions are good so I am sure it's good for you. I assure you there are plenty of BKs that thank their lucky stars for being in the BKs and plenty ex-bks, ex-Christians, ex-Muslims for being out of what they were in. Every cloud matey. I use to have a picture of Gary Glitter on my wall and I had faith in him. did not do me any harm at the time.
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Re: A Memorial Service for Dead Gods ... or their Followers?

Post16 Nov 2014

Many lives and the lives of many families, and particularly the property, wealth and fortunes of those families, have been squandered by the Brahma Kumari leaderships in their lust for power and influence ... to fuel their social climbing.

100s of 1,000s ... starting with those who committed suicide, those whose families were split apart, those who had properties robbed from them, those who threw away their education or careers, those children who lost parents and lost normal childhoods, those women who never had children etc.

Gary Glitter never encouraged 1,000s to surrender their mind, body and wealth to him and all that under the guise of failed predictions of the End of the World. I don't see your point?

Are you suggesting Lekhraj Kirpalani was some kind of Gary Glitter character? Lekhraj Kirpalani ... he's the Leader of the Gang!


Re: A Memorial Service for Dead Gods ... or their Followers?

Post16 Nov 2014

Gary Glitter's a pedo too ... no wonder you think BKism is good for you after Gary ... hahaha ... If you had have been following someone like John Lennon & Bob Dylan, or Bob Marley ... your mind could have possibly evolved in a broader direction ...
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Re: A Memorial Service for Dead Gods ... or their Followers?

Post17 Nov 2014

It's worth thinking about though, is not it ... all those gods, each with a priesthood living off them, every one of them and their followers so sure they were real and true, and now ... gone.

Do we "need faith in something" ... particularly do we have to pay to have faith in something ... or do we need to give up faith altogether?

Elsewhere I posted a link to a story about a place in the desert where gods to whom no one prayed any more went, gradually shrunk away an finally died ... the conclusion being that our tribal gods need us, and gain power from us, rather than the other way around.

I am pretty sure you did not have "faith" in Gary Glitter, newlife. Gary did not promise you salvation for 21 births and a high status in Heaven on Earth if you surrendered to him, but I thought the lyrics to "Leader of the Gang" were apt. Given we have discovered that there was no God Shiva during the Om Mandli period, and it was all about "God" Lekhraj Kirpalani Brahma and being in "his gang"'; and given the ages of the girls he was surrounding himself with and enchanting ... I think we have to review what was going on.

I feel very strongly that all of those 10s of 100,000s of BKs who are running around like crazy, pumping up the balloon of falsehoods are wasting their lives, and I really hope at some point they realise that and stop.

Fine, if they all just like each other and want to hang out with each other ... no problem. But, for gods' sake, stop feeding the old man and hags' egos.

And, before they die, please get the truth out of them ... about what really happened.
Lekhraj 'Glitter' Kirpalani wrote:Come on, come on, Come on, come on, Come on, come on, Come on ...
D'you wanna be in my gang, my gang, my gang, D'you wanna be in my gang, Oh Yeah!
I am the leader, I am the leader, I am the leader of the gang I am
I am the leader, I am the leader, Well there's no one like the man I am
I can take you high as a kite, every single night
I can make you jump out of bed, standing on my head
Who'd ever believe it, Come on come on ...
D'you wanna be in my gang, a my gang, my gang,
D'you wanna be in my gang, a my gang, my gang, oh Yeah! Do You ? my gang,
Come On!

Did you miss me while I was away?
Did you hang my picture on your wall?
And did you miss me every single day?
Although you couldn't kiss me at all?
And did you love me like a good little girl?
And did you tell that naughty boy not to call?
And did you love me in your little world?
Although you couldn't see me at all?
Although you couldn't see me at all?

Hello, hello
It's good to be back, it's good to be back
Hello, hello, hello

Gary Glitter ... another dead god turned demon. What can we make of his story ... power corrupts? Power encourages corruption? Amazingly, he's still earning £100,000s each year from his songs. They were great songs but looking back at them now with hindsight, they are creepy.

Just goes to prove "success" and morality are not synonymous, and how easily we are duped by our innocence.

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