BK World aflutter as "God" speaks in Sister Gulzar's Voice

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BK World aflutter as "God" speaks in Sister Gulzar's Voice

Post13 Feb 2016

The BK World is a flutter as "God" speaks through their primary psychic medium Sister Gulzar in her natural voice ... apparently Gulzar Dadi appeared to be very weak and ill.

Since the death of their founder and medium Lekhraj Kirpalani, the Brahma Kumaris claim that their god spirit ... aka "The God of all Religions" ... has possessed an early virgin Indian lady known as Gulzar. Dadi Gulzar meaning "Sister Gulzar".

At mass seances at their Rajasthan hilltop headquarters, BK adherents claim that Gulzar was possessed by the now perfected founder and the God of all Religions who spoke through lips in a slow, spooky, whispery voice. Gulzar, being an early member of the 1930s Om Mandli cult is now very old and her health fading. Although rumours have been circulated about other spirit mediums being trained up for the job ... Gulzar remains the only "official" medium of God as he descends from the spirit world to speak to humanity.

As Gulzar's health has faded, the act has diminished, and the "teachings" ... mostly just "encouragement of the troops" now ... lacking in novelty or greater insights. Lately, over the last couple of years, she has started talking in her own voice.

The questions arise ... is it just her and her own voice ... was it always just her and her own voice ... was she just overshadowed by or channeling the spirit of the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani ... or was she just making it all up ... what is going to happened when she dies?

Oh, the anticipation is killing me ... it's exciting "what ifs" like this that keep BK adherents and their grapevine bubbling for years. The BKWSU have been milking her "partner in crime" ... the BKWSU leader Didi Janki ... illness and imminent death for decades (she is not around 100 years old) ... in a recent mega-programme for her, the BKs also gave Gulzar a namecheck; presumably just in case she pops in clogs in the nearwhile. All just business as usual for our corporate angels ...

The BKs have been prepared for their god spirit moving on for decades with the promise or threat that, at some point in the near future, BapDada will no longer "come down to earth", so the adherents will have to travel up into spiritual space if they want to meet him thereby ensuring the continuation of the cult (and the leaders' income).

Who knows ... perhaps that time has come?

Please send your answers on the back of a return air fare ticket to India to the usual address ...

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Re: Pathetic BapDada Milan

Post25 Feb 2017

The old and sick Dadi can no longer remember the script for the stage Drama.

She is demented (multi-infarct dementia) and is physically so frail.

Next time she might have to be brought on a stretcher for the event.

She also suffers from Obssessive Compulsive Neurosis, and cannnot stop herself from repeating the same words for 50-100 times.

Every BK present are so thrilled and drowned in Godly Emotions and agree that the "Emperor has the Best of Clothes." Brahma Baba Bless them. The Sensible Clan Is entertaining itself with maybe another comedy show. The fools are having their Day of Divine attainments.

BKs, themselves, are much more effective than this forum in revealing their true self and bringing their downfall.

Jai Shree Brahma Bap
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Re: BK World aflutter as "God" speaks in Sister Gulzar's Voi

Post25 Feb 2017

How many meetings in a season now, ex-l? I think they were knocking 10 out a year when I was going.
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Re: BK World aflutter as "God" speaks in Sister Gulzar's Voi

Post26 Feb 2017

It seems to be 8 this year ... with none especially put aside for non-Indians (Double Foreigners).

Bottomline is, it's a huge money earner for Mount Abu and so they'll keep milking the old cow until she dies on stage ... and then they'll claim that she became perfect. Even if she has a stroke and has to be wheeled on ... they'll claim that "Baba is coming to meet the children in silence to encourage them to become effortmakers" now.

It's a shame ... these places like AP and Nepal are damned poor (e.g. 95 per cent people below the Indian poverty line in Andhra Pradesh) and they all have to make a huge effort and expense to come and see this spectacle - get herded into tent cities (unlike the foreigners and Mumbai middle classes who get air-conditioned apartments and private rooms - only to be milked more.

This is the big event of their year, perhaps even life for some.

There seem to be various numbered weekly group programs for Westerners from December to February, but I don't know the details.
    BapDada's Dates for 2016 & 2017 with Zones

    1- 16 Oct 2016 - PUNJAB & RAJASTHAN
    2- 15 Nov 2016 - KARNATAKA
    3- 5 Dec 2016 - Delhi & AGRA
    4- 31 Dec 2016 - UP & West NEPAL
    5- 18 Jan 2017 - INDORE BhaiG
    6- 23 Feb 2017 - EASTERN, NEPAL & TAMILNADU ZONE
    7- 20 Mar 2017 - GUJRAT- BHOPAL
    8- 10 April 2017 - MAHARASTRA, MUMBAI & AP

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK World aflutter as "God" speaks in Sister Gulzar's Voi

Post27 Feb 2017

I think that the day Gulzar Dadi makes her transition will be the day the BK empire splits and implodes with greater force. The other aspect that should concern and health worker is the negligence of the wellness of BKs in general.

There is the Janki Foundation. Is it proactive in the physical and spiritual health and longevity of all BK, including those Brothers and Sisters in their 50s and above?
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Re: BK World aflutter as "God" speaks in Sister Gulzar's Voi

Post27 Feb 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:I think that the day Gulzar Dadi makes her transition will be the day the BK empire splits and implodes with greater force. The other aspect that should concern and health worker is the negligence of the wellness of BKs in general.

If I was one of their slave workers, I'd be wanting the terms and conditions of my pension/healthcare benefits/re-training/retirement in writing ... and to know there was a trust or pension fund in place to cover it.

What I expect is that they will just them them, "Baba wants you to go back and serve your families now!".

With no successor in place ... perhaps there will be more division in their faith, as per the PBKs. I cannot say.

I did have a chat with one of their doctors involved in setting up the Janki Foundation, Dr Ray Bhatt. He told me the hospital up in Mount Abu was really just set up to provide healthcare for the old Sisters as there were no others within hours travel from their HQ.

It's worked out well for them as far as pulling in private, corporate and governmental donations but it was primarily set up for their own benefit. I remember reading about them having a push on the high levels of heart disease within Indian BKs (as so many of them are from the overweight Indian middle classes) and turning that into a "service campaign" to suck people into the meditation. No idea what impact it has had.

Of course, health or future illnesses really start in youth, but I don't remember them incorporating exercise or nutrition for the young BK slave classes ... except for cleaning centres etc.

In my days diet and exercise were put down as "health Bhakti" by the Kirpalani Klan. No time for that nonsense when we were supposed to be surviving without sleep and 'grinding our bones' chasing VIP donors.

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