BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

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BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post04 Sep 2016

BKs Sister Jayanti ... and more Destruction revisionism. is not hindsight and unquestionable authority such a wonderful way out?

Jayanti doesn't address any of ethical issues arising from her indoctrinations. She makes a number of gross factual errors and omission in her revision of history and the events within the Om Mandli, e.g. she claims "All Hindus fled Sind" and exaggerates the drama of Parition and the miraculousness of the BKs staying them.

In reality, there are more than 4 million Hindu Sindis remaining in Pakistan and retaining good relationships with their neighbours. (In some districts in Sind, Hindus make up 40 to 45% of the population). Historically, the problems did not come from native Muslim Pakstanis but largely arose from newcomers coming in from India.

In a cultic environment where new BKs are led to believe she spouts "Shrimat" equalivalent to God, Jayanti fails in her duty of care and responsibilities over impressionable BK adherents. She has been misleading them for decades over just this same issue, e.g. in the 1980s she was pumping Destruction as happening in "two to three years" when it was to happen in 1986. As she states, she had been doing so from the 1970s.

She also makes a skilful lie stating, often repeated by BKs as a defence, that their god spirit has "never given a date in the Murlis". Yes, it is correct he has never given a specific date, e.g. 1 April 1941, but specific to years ... they most certainly have.

She also ignores the question of Lekhraj Kirpalani responsibility for not pulling up BK who they habitually hold responsible for make false interpretations of his worlds and circulated predictions on publications.

Why, if Lekhraj Kirpalani was so enlightened and god inspired, did he not pull them up for misleading others?

The only rational answer? Because their religion is based on misleading and exploiting others.

That is the nature of their god spirit ... or collective consciousness (which ever way you want to see it).

One of the greatest audacities the BKs have is to publicly claim there is no such thing as Destruction in their religion. It is now being externally remarketed as a vague, gentle, New Agey and non-specific "Transformation".

However, this too is a lie, e.g. as a typical example from a recently revised (aka whitewashed) Murli of 19 May 2016, we read ...
Sweet children, the time of destruction is now very close. Therefore, have true love for the one Father and not for any bodily beings.

You understand that this is the time of destruction. The Father explains to you children that destruction has to take place. Those whose love is connected to the Father at the time of destruction become victorious, that is, they become the masters of the Golden Age.

You can write that those who have non-loving intellects at the time of destruction will be led to destruction. There is no question of fear about writing this. The Father says: I, Myself, tell you that they will be led to destruction and that those who have loving intellects will be victorious. Baba tells you everything absolutely clearly. No one in the world except you children has love.

All of them will be led to destruction and it will continue to happen like that every cycle. This is the first and foremost thing you have to explain. The Father says: The Yadavas (scientists) have non-loving intellects. They are making very good preparations for destruction. However, those with stone intellects are not able to understand anything.

Whether they are real children or stepchildren, if they don't have loving intellects at the time of destruction, if they don't follow the Father, they will receive a low status. you.

Those who are unable to imbibe knowledge are said to have non-loving intellects at the time of destruction and are unable to claim a status. Everyone has to be destroyed. These things are not a small matter! Shiv Baba says: Become those who have loving intellects at the time of destruction. This is your final birth. Therefore, if you don't have love now, you won't receive a status. The Lord is pleased with an honest heart. Give your bones for service just as Dadichi Rishi did.

You accumulate millions and bring about your own destruction whereas we are accumulating every penny and becoming the masters of the world. These are such wonderful matters! Achcha.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post04 Sep 2016

Just to underline how the BKs use exaggeration to dramatise the miraculousness of their cult's history. An exploitation strengthen by their discouragement of BKs from studying non-BK sources.

From a history of the region ...
Bhagwandas Hemrajani is the second of six Brothers who live in a joint family in their ancestral village of Thano Ahmed Khan in Jamshoro district. Although situated off the Karachi-Hyderabad superhighway and just under two hours from each of these cities, Thano Ahmed Khan has remained remote and a small rural world unto itself.

What makes it a fascinating study is that, during Partition when the Hindus were leaving Sindh to settle in other parts of India and the world — what is called ‘the migration’ in this part of the world, not a single family left Thano Ahmed Khan. They continue to live and work here; they follow a lifestyle with traditions very similar to what was followed then; they have prospered and live in peace and plenty.

“We have never had any problem,” avers Bhagwandas. “We continue to celebrate their festival days and family events and live happily and with brotherhood. “Part of the reason,” he continues, “is because in this area we have had very good landlords and leaders. At the time of Partition, it was the presence of the local chieftain Malik Sekander Khan who gave us the reassurance that we needed to remain in our homes.

When he passed away in 1985, his son Malik Asad Sekander Khan took over the legacy, attending all our functions and giving us every support even today.” Bhagwandas concedes that Hindus in upper Sindh do have problems, but in his village the 4,000-odd Hindus are safe and happy.

The region has a Hindu minister: Dr Daya Ram, the Minister of Wildlife in Sindh. In his constituency he has between 12,000 and 15,000 Hindus and yet in the general election he won by 70,000 votes ... which means that it was the Muslim voters who elected him.

As Hemrajani stated,
"This is the kind of standing we Hindus have here”.
One of the most important defining features of the Sindhi, he believes, is that religion is secondary to the feeling of universal brotherhood.

He observes that the Muslims and Hindus of Sindh lived in amity for centuries, and ascribes this to the way in which the Talpurs ruled.


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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post04 Sep 2016

Hello ex-l. Guess who tied my raki today. Ha!

Personally, I cannot be too sure, but I tend to believe Jayanti is honest and that she has been deceived by the Murlis and whoever is behind them, just like every other BK. Or, you know, Gyan is actually accurate (though at the moment I find it hard to believe).

Jayanti genuinely tries to follow Shrimat and serve as many people as she can. She has been open about her wrong predictions and has refrained from making any more guesses. Now, do I get bored by listening to the phrase "Baba's love" all the time? Sure, but maybe it's because I haven't experienced it. But someone in her position cannot do much more. She's not supposed to encourage anyone to search for help in therapy or any form of physical Yoga etc. She's supposed to say "get in touvh with your inner being and connect to God". But, I do think that's what she does herself, whether it's helping her or it's just spiritual escapism.

While she was giving me drishti, I was trying to connect her to a spiritual teacher I really admire, because I think New Age and Brahma Kumaris have a lot in common but are also unaware of each other's existenze, at least in exactly what each one represents. New Age teacher provide lots of elaborate ideas and methods, but they don't tell you that you can go to a dimension of silence and connect to ... God or whatever it is. Of course, new Age-ists tend to make everything as physical as possible even if they are talking about other dimensions. The meditations they provide are mostly about relaxing.

I went off-topic, I know, but this morning made me want to share some more thoughts on BKs and their place in spirituality.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post05 Sep 2016

Jayanti has been a BK since late teen years, so she has had many, many decades to do research. She has had opportunity to get information straight from the horse’s mouth and question the horses, even the #1 horse, directly too!

Honest? Cognitive dissonance by definition means that people are sincere (otherwise its hypocrisy or fraud). But sincerity within a delusion or dissonance is different to honesty. Honesty to self requires questioning and circumspection. All she has done is as much as is needed to stay on "the horse"!

I now ask BKs who talk about ”Transformation” a question when they say it's wrong to say they preach/preached Destruction.

I ask, ”So, how is it we get from a kali-yuga of 7 billion people to a Sat-Yuga of under one million? Is it not through Destruction - nuclear and civil war as taught by their god in Murlis past, or are BKs now going to go along with some kind of mass euthanasia of 6.9 billion people, as well as all the animals and plants that need to not be around to spoil their Golden Aged inheritance?”.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post05 Sep 2016

Friend wrote:But someone in her position cannot do much more ...

You're doing fine, that's all on topic.

What "someone in her position" can do, is take a stand against the corruption or stand down. Make a point and resign. Refuse to be part of it all.

Also, bear in mind that she is not "being honest" but doing damage limitation having been exposed to maintain her income, status and lifestyle.

And that she was pretty much forced to because of efforts made outside the BKWSU. They knew but they had, and are still covering up.

Allegedly, she has the psychic gifts to be able to travel to other spiritual dimensions and speak in person to their god spirit/s.

At what point, and after how much ****, do you accept it really is not god and any "god" worth their salt would neither put up with all the crap that goes on, nor inspire it?

On one hand, I tend to think Jayanti knew all along what had gone on but kept deluding and misleading us, steering us around, keeping us away from unravelling their religion. Which just makes her a skilful con artist; on the other hand, Janki most certainly knew all along and not just knows about all of the corruption but encouraged much of it. If Jayanti could not/cannot challenged her about it all ... and get a worthwile response, who trustworthy and reliable does that make her?

That's something she's - in my experience - was never willing to do. The party line was always, "showing respect to the elder Dadis", as in not rocking the boat.

As Pink sets out, none of this adds up to true spiritual integrity from an individual who the BKs have claimed is at least one of the top 108 souls out of all humanity ... perhaps she's even wangled her way into the BKs' "Top 8"? I don't know what the latest gossips is.

In my time, and there were many, many, many lives wasted under her guidance, all her utterances were passed off as "Shrimat" equal to gods. She was supposed to have a direct connection at all times ... so why did not she know, find out and do something about it all?

Yes, I suppose you are right. She's just been duped like we all are ... but spiritual responsibility demands of one, at the point one realises what is going on, to stop and do something about it.

I would even go as far as to say there were deaths under her influence ... she would turn around and reply, "no one forced them to do so ... anyone can leave when they want" etc etc etc.

At best, I think she's just another "Indian politician" protecting her position at the top of the slippery BK pole.

Correct me if I am wrong.


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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post05 Sep 2016

I think she does what's convenient, whether it's convincing herself that she hasn't thrown her life away, and that she's serving a real purpose, or it's that she knows but she thinks it's too late to do anything but continue with what she's been doing for decades.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post05 Sep 2016

If she bailed out, she could probably pick up a real job from amongst all her VIP contacts.

God forbid that she would re-market herself as a corporate or politic coach like Brian Bacon ...

Has anyone asked her if she really believes in it all?

I have no idea what motivates her. You're considering it is just "saving face"?

Personally, I think a lot of the Seniors are just seeing it through until they die now as they have no where else to go ... and will have a comfortable end.

The crap she must have seen and heard about what's going on inside the cult is many 1,000s times more than even I have. I have no idea how she can keep faith in it being "god".

Look, they and Lekhraj Kirpalani got it entirely wrong for the first 20 years ... they believed Lekhraj Kirpalani was god, or even "superior to god" ...

Probability says they've got it wrong this revision too. Now's a good time to give it all up.


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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post05 Sep 2016

I remember her sharing that someone asked her something like, "How deep is your faith that Golden Age is coming?" and her answer was "absolute." It seemed genuine ... I don't know. Perhaps humans have a strong power of living in our delusions no matter the volume of evidence against them.

She still probably have a happier life than most of us, and not just because she doesn't have to stress over how to fulfill her basic needs. But, personally, I am interested in truth, first, happiness second. That does sound a bit masochistic, though ... lol.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post06 Sep 2016

Happiness, sorrow, love, joy etc are emotions which have most of their basis in chemical reactions. I know about 'sanyasis' sitting on railway tracks laughing like maniacs thinking that they are 'avatars'. In reality, they are just drug addicts whose rationality has been hijacked by a chemical compound. 'Truth', on the other hand, is much more than an emotion.

Emotions only change our perspectives which leads us to view same situation by attaching various 'filters' bounded by the inputs we receive from our senses. 'Enlightenment', traditionally in India, has been the sole objective of any spiritual practice (which unfortunately became religions). Basically, it means the ability to see the truth as it is without attaching any filters.

I have seen a tendency among BKs (I was also one of such people) to justify what they claim because they are 'happier/lighter than others'. This, I believe, is a symptom of an amatuer spiritualist at best and a deluded egoist at worst,
and most fall within the above boundries.

The dishonesty runs deep, not just at the individual level but also in the collective psyche, which led me to believe that there is some problem in the very foundations of the teachings/movement. To take the responsibility of someone's spiritual well being, especially when he/she is vulnerable, and then to say that no one forced them to do it when the teachings backfire is immoral to say the least.

That feeling of joy which clouds one's rationality and leads one to justify such acts, no matter how lucrative it appears to a 'soul' starving for happiness, is just a bribe being given by 'psychic' source.

I refuse to believe that he is GOD. Not in this way at least.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post06 Sep 2016

That's pretty much my story and my position too.

The BKs call it "intoxication".

I've come to think we should believe them regards the use of that word.

- to cause (someone) to lose control of their faculties or behaviour; to excite or exhilarate; to poison.

I've come to see "intoxication" as the opposite of true spirituality which must, as you say, be based on truth, and the continual process of refining the awareness of what is true.

An ultimate sobriety.

Someone pushing "intoxication", especially someone living off pushing intoxication, is basically a drug pusher of a sort. A sort of psychic drug pusher.

Where have the BKs got with regards the Golden Age coming now? Is it still 2036 or are they already winding it back and padding up their religion to accommodated new revisions?

What would the ethics be, of turning around and saying, "Oh, well, we did not really mean it and we did not really believe in it" now ... and keeping all the multi-millions, property and real estate they own?

Would that be "spiritual"?
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post09 Sep 2016

I drove Sister Jayanti a few times to talks in my van. She was a lovely person and probably still is. She once put her feet up on the dashboard, and really just spoke to me. To be honest, she's a fantastic person, wasted in the BKs.

I'd like to have the chance of talking to her again one day.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post10 Sep 2016

Mr Green, there’s a lot of great people in the BK establishment. A lot of great people work in many areas where we may not agree with what they do, eg (to be a bit extreme) fossil fuel industry, meat industry or tobacco etc.

We also know that in every organisation there’s good people, bad people, bludgers, workaholics, bullies, cowards who fear change, those there for a livelihood, or the status, or social reasons (eg lots of people who could work alone choose to work with others).

The problems or difference arise, as you have probably found generally, is talking politics or religion or other such ”value systems”, or if they turn into Amway sales people or the like - people retreat into "loyalty” mode, their agenda is never far from the surface, you are no longer a person but a client or an ally, or enemy, or potential one of these.

The other thing that happens is that when you have been doing something so long, intentionally practicing it to make it more "natural” and "habitual” because it's, well, it's what you do and who you are, be it salesman, political activist, guru or financier, whatever, it's hard to even think that you might want to reconsider after all the work you did to get to where you wanted. Any argument on principle, philosophy or morality that challenges them puts the ego into defensive mode. All kinds of justifications and rationalisations will whirr into existence - then they will become ‘practiced’ . So that the ‘protestor’ is made to appear as the unreasonable one.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post10 Sep 2016

When, in my time, there were rubblings in the Western basement of BKism about how things were going wrong, I spoke up in Jayanti's defence in pretty much the same way Mr Green is ... that she should be allowed to the position to step back and slack off from playing the "Robo-Shrimat-Proclaimer".

I actually thought it would be good for her and the community (many of whom equally feared and idealised her) to be weaned off her playing "the role", and to give other Sister the chance. Who knows the brainwashing/hell she was put through by Janki Kirpalani for all those years virtually glued together 24 hours a day?

I wonder if it was Janki forcing to keep up the front?

Ditto, I wonder what part her 'denied BK' mother had in making her (by denied, I mean, she was married, had children and could not surrender, and how she had to leave India to come to the UK with her non-BK husband etc). As in the daughter fulfilling the mother's unfulfilled desires, accepting her lot and making the best of it?

However ... to quote herself back to herself ... she chose the role and no one is forcing her to keep doing it. Does she have any friends, or is she just surrounded by acolytes and the odd enemy?

One thing for sure, she might have missed out on sex - which is probably not that great in an arranged marriage anyway - and a lot of personal freedoms - including sleeping in on Sunday morning - but at least being a BK guru she's met a lot more interesting people and travelled more ... all for free ... than the little married Indian pharmacist living in Wembley she would have become, had she not.

But that's not really the point of BKism nor does it remove her responsibility for "polishing the turd" and keeping the circus going ... beside, has her interaction with all those VIP individuals been honest and personal, or false and always undercut by the manipulations of the BK agenda?

Imagine living a life where you cannot sleep in on Sundays because you believe the world is going to end ... or rather than it is going to end but it is your responsibility for it not ending quickly enough ... For your entire adult life.

I wonder when she will be willing to admit it's all bogus?
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post12 Sep 2016

Having written that, and contemplated a little on it, on balance I still think she done more damage to more people than good and was more cutting and controlling than endearing or endendering.

Yes, she could be nice and normal when she let herself be free ... but in playing the role, she not just became an ***hole, but set the pattern for a whole load of lovely, albeit "spiritual" ambitious Western BK Sisters to become one too.

Remember the "Jayanti clones" or the sort of falling-in/falling-out mutual "love affairs" with other strong women, e.g. we could say women like Fitkau, Carteret, Franks etc. I wonder

Equally, Jayanti could be very sharp and hurtful. I don't know what she's like now but a lot of Sisters were afraid of her.

I remember her advice using the Sindi saying about "being sugar in the milk", e.g. being sweet and "invisible" to permeate other milieus as they did in business.

Well, we know now sugar rots your teeth and milk is bad for you, the cows, and the environment ... metaphorically speaking.

Therefore, considering the ethics of what she does, and the quanity of lies and half truths they use and encourage, I think she's either still very deluded ... "possessed" by whatever the BK "god spirit" is ... or just a very smooth and skillful manipulator. Or both.
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Re: BKs Sister Jayanti ... more Destruction revisionism

Post13 Sep 2016

Lots of people are nice when they are off-duty but ruthlessly efficient when 'at work’.

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