Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post24 Nov 2016

Just a pet peeve of mine. It's something the BKs do from an individual to an organizational level. They call themselves "the BK's".
    One BK
    Two BKs
    The BK's mistake (A mistake carried out by one BK)
    The BKs' mistake (A mistake carried out by many BKs)
It's basic English grammar.

It's a giveaway clue ... never trust a self-professed "University" that cannot spell and does not know basic grammar.

As to the guru story, I think the meaning of the story is you don't need to "seek the guru" and climb the Himalayas (or Aravalis) to find god or "the spiritual path, he and it are right here in the now, right in front of you in what you have to do next ... that your "perfection" is in doing the very next thing you have to do well (sticking your stamps on straight).

All of that grandiose "seeking" is imbalanced egotistical self-importance ... stuff that the knowing shysters in this world recognise and lead you around by the nose with until you, and your bank balance, is empty.

For me, my starting point with BKism is to recognise that Lekhraj Kirpalani had some kind of mental illness of which all the expansive grandiosity, self-importance - and dishonesty/denial - was part ... and that BKism is partially the institutionalisation of that mental illness into a religion. That in a sense, you are initiated into his and their manic mental illness(es).

No one needs that. It's not good for any to take on someone else mental illness. We need to deal with our own, not theirs (of course, this is also typical of what happens with kids growing up in families where there are problems/traumas in previous generations too).

Your path is, as you recognise, your path. Not Lekhraj Kirpalani's. Not Dadi "Power" Janki's. Not some bogus, amateur, inexperienced center-in-charge or middle management BK's. It starts where you are today and lead you where you need to go, not where the Kirpalani Klan wants you to go to alleviate and enable their mental illnesses.

You know that now, onthor. Well done for getting to the beginning of the rest of your life and rejecting theirs.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post24 Nov 2016

I suppose the Kirpalani Klan would pitch "tedium" as peaceless (only to be cured by MORE Yoga!) and "revulsion" as extreme body consciousness ... evidence of the souls unsuitability for The Spiritual Path™ (the BKs considering they have the final monopoly on spiritual development).

Well, I’d say they are more like symptoms of a dying BK.

The tedium I felt was like what a really bright kid whose needs aren’t being met in a regular class, who, if they could, would articulate ”yes... and..? ” (what else?) . To avoid the tedium, you numb your mind with even more ”intoxication” or by keeping busy, bouncing off the walls, interrupting the other kids, getting into mischief.

The revulsion is like an instinctive, ‘expression/evacuation’ ridding one’s system of something ingested which is disagreeable (’toxic’). A little processed wheat is nourishment, but a regular diet of it alone at every meal makes the system acidic, potential type 2 diabetes or reflux ensues, oesophageal or pancreatic cancer develop - both very hard to cure....

Thats’ why tedium and revulsion are not on the list of grieving, which is about the experiences of those left behind, the still living, who loved that which died and know that death is final. Tedium & revulsion are signs of continued 'relating' to the tedious and the revulsive.

A BK on life support, in the intensive care unit, still has ‘hope', fighting to make it* better (*the yugya, the Gyan, the relationships - that which is not right). When all hope of resuscitation is gone, the realisation that the BK life will not be what it was (or expected, if one still idealises), you switch off the life support. Shock, denial, pain, guilt, bargaining to turn back time, then... eventually... reconstruction etc.

And that's why I said it could be used as a checklist, to see how ex-, how dead, the BK life is for those who like to think they are ex-BK but still 'drag the chains'. If someone hasn't gone through pretty much all those stages, especially the latter ones, they probably have a flicker of a BK still alive within. Language, concepts, lifestyle, persona (dress and behaviour) ...

I remember my BK self that's died, that is no more, the way i remember my time in high school i.e. my teenage self that is no more. Memories good and bad exist, very few of those I knew were any more than genial passing acquaintances (emphasis on passing) who, once what was shared in common is no more, have no further significance or connection, we move on. A small number I still encounter occasionally and enjoy their company for itself, especially when we are all in the present and not resorting to nostalgia for relating. Only two (high school friends) do I actually seek out and enjoy the company of, and thinking about it, about the same number can be said of ex-BKs, present company excepted of course. The tyranny of distance.

*BTW the seven stages are not mine, they were formulated, I believe, by Dr Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, one of the major researchers into death and dying


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post24 Nov 2016

Thanks to you all.
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post24 Nov 2016

Pink Panther wrote:Well, I’d say they are more like symptoms of a dying BK.

*BTW the seven stages are not mine, they were formulated, I believe, by Dr Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, one of the major researchers into death and dying

That's interesting ...

Yes, it was from her 1969 book, "On Death and Dying".

Perhaps we should write/map out an equivalent, "On the Death and Dying of your BK facade".

Kübler-Ross described than as 5 (the '7' was a breaking down of combined elements in her list) but noted later in life that the stages were not a linear and predictable progression rather a collation of five common experiences for the bereaved that can occur in any order (see link above). It was not meant to be a a mechanistic model. The stages do not occur the same way for all individuals and they can last very little time, or a lot of time; and can be inter-related.

The "last can go fast" when it comes to exiting BK too ... Hooray!


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post27 Nov 2016

CHARITY NAME - Brahma Kumaris Centres For Spiritual Learning

About the Charity in Australia

Date Established 01/01/1990

Who the Charity Benefits
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Adult - 25 to under 65
Adults - 65 and over
Children - 6 to under 15
Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex persons
General community in Australia
Migrants, refugees or asylum seekers
People from a culturally and linguistically diverse background
People with chronic illness (including terminal illness)
Victims of disaster
Youth - 15 to under 25

Thank you ex-l for rooting this out as part of your ongoing research. I have pulled those details from Australian Government's - Australian Charities & Not-For-Profits Commission website.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post27 Nov 2016

Along the cyberspace aspect of my life's journey I have come across a guy who presents a lot of useful information on his youtube channel. He is entertaining (in a manner that appeals to a certain aspect of my sense of humour) and sometimes quite scathing when making a point that to him is not only quite obvious but really ought to be taken onboard by the viewers of his channel.

For emphasis he often prefaces a point by saying, "...you damned fools blah blah blah blah" and afterwards he assures the viewer that he loves them and in no way intends to be insulting; but because of love he has to sometimes deliver some 'tough lessons'.

So, I borrow from him and now say to any BK reading this topic, "how the heck can you be so damned foolish as to not realise that you are being taken for a dangerous spiritual ride? And if you know that you are being hoodwinked but choose to invest all your spiritual enlightenment with that institution then it is not a problem but at least get yourself a more rounded education.

Damn! Wake up people.

As long as there is no abuse, coercion or any other form of harm to an innocent or unknowing party (including animals and children) a human can express their sexual energies in any way they chose to if it pleases them.

But surely as a BK you have to know that the primary benefit that any "Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex person" will get from the University is knowledge that will 'hopefully' rid them of all of their desires/interests in any and all sexual activity!

Or have things changed in the BKWSU?


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post27 Nov 2016

I just love this website for it does such great service!

Has anybody noticed (and wondered about) the ever blossoming embrace that is being afforded to all manner of sexual practices & gender-gymnasts ... in the name of 'love and acceptance for all'? I have and I do wonder about the ultimate destination of this trend. How does it fit in with spirituality?

Dare I say that there may even come the day in this world when a good old heterosexual may begin to feel 'quite queer'. Unsurprisingly (if one can see the sign of the times) the United Nations and the Vatican, organisations with a lot of clout and massive influence the world over, are at the forefront of this new openness.

Why are these organisations becoming increasingly involved in these matters? And here we can now see that the BKWSU says that intersex(ers) can benefit from a Godly student life. How so, I'd love to know?

By their own confession Presidents, film stars, pop stars and their children too are all on the gender-gymnastics bandwagon.

I am so glad that I am no longer in the BKWSU straitjacket! To be a little bit playful, if Gyan can benefit the folks who are into sex, what are the BK spooks benefitting from your sexless existence?!

Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise
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Re: Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post27 Nov 2016

onthor wrote:But surely as a BK you have to know that the primary benefit that any "Gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender or intersex person" will get from the University is ...

Or have things changed in the BKWSU?

A desire on behalf of some parties to appear politically correct ... or the willingness to encult anyone?

Perhaps it's just "box ticking" on the application form ... but does it mean they'll have to have three lines at morning class, e.g. male, female and ex-sexual deviants and which bhavan does which ex-sexual orientation move into?

How many of the Indian BKs do you think are gays or lesbians? Recent research in both Australia and the UK suggested that on average only around 1.5% of all people are.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post27 Nov 2016

You make me laugh ex-l but as we know your questions are deadly serious. Either of those desires run contrary to what I had preached to me. By 'some parties' are you leaving space for the possibility that there are some dissenters within the higher-ups in the organisation?

A good old three line whip! Lines as a form of confessional!

This is becoming a sick joke. The credibility of the BKWSU is fast diminishing and if their actions (which run contrary to their doctrine) are not 'sinful' then I don't know what is. Wake up people and make an informed choice about whether you want to give your life and possibly the relationship with your family members to an organisation that appears willing to jump onto bandwagons?

Where is the ultimate destination of these wagons? I have already intimated some of my thoughts about possible future outcomes we are being steered toward by the UN and others.

I have never wondered about the number of BKs who are attracted to members of their own gender; but in my time there were a few Asian and European males whose effeminacy was quite apparent. Unfortunately, till quite recently homosexuality in Black African communities has by and large led to open ridicule and sometimes violent ostracisation and so it will no surprise if individuals from that diaspora would be 'hiding' as they have aways had to do till very recently.

Admittedly, what I interpret as effeminacy may have just been an affectation, however it would logical to conclude that given the size of its membership there will be folk of all sexual preferences in the ranks. Whether or not they would be actively engaged in the 'sex of their preference' is also another matter.

People will be people and we have always done what suits us; however when the bandwagon jumping is being done by organisations in the cause of trends that run contrary to that which they preach, I find myself sitting up and paying close attention.


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Onvalianthorwatch: "On the Death & Dying of my BK facade"

Post29 Nov 2016

One of the pivotal moments upon which I found myself running for the exit was a meeting my senior BK contact in which I was advised to take some time out, go on a spiritual retreat and enter into a sort of confessional (in writing) with Baba. I did the exact opposite, i.e. I ran away from the BKWSU and haven't been back since.

Just before that meeting, I had started to become aware of some of the historical revisionism, the co-opting of Shiva into the mix and stuff like that. So, in spite of my own personal worries and life meltdown, I wasn't too inclined to cosy-up to them even more than I had done till then. Many, many years later I was to start to uncover some of the then unknown aspects to my personal instinctive revulsion at the prospect of confessing to the spook who (by then) I no longer considered to be The God. I am still learning.

I'd like to say that I met a lot of wonderful people, and though my departure must have been a shock to many, I will always have fond memories of the friendships that we built during those times. I still occasionally have dreams in which BKs feature, either as individuals or a faceless presence, however, I do not fret too much about it.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

Sometime back ex-l let on that he or she had done some leg work on my chosen nick :shock: and someone else might have tried to draw me out on the topic of et's or some such ;) . As far I can tell the 'symbolism' that goes hand-in-hand with a thing is just as important as the thing itself but sometimes we miss that symbolism especially the personally significant aspects.

I discovered the story of Valiant Thor quite by accident and I must confess that the sincere manner in which the tale was told got me interested. So I went digging. A little bit before that I heard myself uttering some words that I never imagined I would ever hear leave my lips despite the fact that they reverberated with a tradition that i was born onto. What's that you may wonder?

Whilst looking at the sky one evening I heard myself profess to accepting Jesus Christ as my personal lord and saviour. Yeah, I too wondered where the heck such fanciful stuff was coming from but come it did. No sooner had the words left my lips that I remember being in a sort of personal shock because I couldn't recall consciously feeling that I was leading up to such a step into faith, however I do know that on that evening I felt that for the first time in my life I had said what one might term a personal prayer. Sort of like when you keep a real chart in which you unload everything to Baba, warts and all with no holding back on anything.

I you read these words with any sort of religiosity in mind I will have to disabuse of them because no, I did not confess to all my sins at the time because I was speaking as me, from a place of such consciousness that my entire history to that point was uncovered and fully open to the universe. Mind you, I was sill feeling all this was crazy as ever.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

I interpret the above as my arriving at a point where I finally started to seek out and commune with my own mysterious version of the Creator. Not the church's, not the BKWSU's, not the myriad versions I had read in the Gita, the koran etc etc but just me and the Creator, one on one, directly person to person so to speak. I read everything I could find about Valiant Thor, knowing full well that it could be all be a hoax but I did not care. I just read and filed it all away. However, don't think this is a happy ever after story! Not at all.

One of the first things that came upon my radar was the Bible and the next was the UN; and here is where I started to learn some stuff for myself and found my world view being totally smashed to smithereens.

Now I know many of you out there know the Bible has been around a reasonably long time but what I did not know is there are some verses that you will find in one version but not another! (Oh some time prior to all this - about six years ago - I was in the USA and happened to acquire for myself a copy of The Lost Books Of The Bible & The Forgotten Books of Eden). I started off by reading Genesis and immediately after Revelation.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

I read in the manner that i used to read the Murli for I was studying after all hahahaha and I started to feel that sharpness return to my intellect. Automatically knowing what point to pursue or to sit quietly to ponder upon.

One of the first things that hit me like a ton of bricks was the creation story in particular where it was said that the waters above the earth were separated from the waters under the earth! What???!! I wondered. What are these waters above the earth? Rain? Snow? Hail? And what's this about Waters under the earth, I wondered? Then I read again and the mention of the firmament loomed larger in my intellect. And it was then that I started to explore in my own mind that 'the sky might be limited' so to speak. So yeah you can say I am a self-confessed conspiracy theorist but I do not go looking for conspiracies to hitch my belief to. And then i started to read bits of what is written in History books and damned if I saw that there is a big question mark over whether the Jesus we are presented with in the Bible is in fact the Jesus.

Now how do you think I felt about all these questions coming up after i uttered to prophetic words about 'personal saviour Jesus Christ'??? Damn, it is so funny when you come face to face with your own unfolding insanity - lunacy is indeed the word. If you want to have a bit of fun go look up Serapis and please do pay special attention to the dates if nothing else.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

These are some of the reasons why I couldn't really care about BK lunacy because actually am beginning to wonder if we are all really in a lunatic asylum. Seems to me like one of our biggest failings is that we are largely educated NOT to ask any questions about stuff we are told in school or University. We seem to be in a Matrix in which the professed truths could well be an elaborate construct and the entire game is about CONTROL.

Yeah , when I ask myself why I can only imagine that the BKs are doing exactly what has always been done i.e find ways to CONTROL a mass of folks. I have broken out of that particular part of the Matrix and thank heavens for that but am afraid that the whole is far more scary than that little corner.


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Onvalianthorwatch - BKs, the UN and the New World Order

Post29 Nov 2016

In other words I am starting to ask myself whether we humans will only come upon any so-called THE TRUTH purely by accident and via a route that is more individual than it is about congregation.

On this particular part of my journey I have found myself shaking my head in total disbelief. It is like a lot of folks have decided to take a vested interest in NOT saying that the King is buck naked; personally I ain't one of them. And this is why you can read my renouncing the BK spook program in public! It is very important for me to send a very clear signal to the Universe that I am no longer in the clutches of that spook. And guess what? I know that once I let go of the stranglehold I will become open to seeing just where it is that BK stuff fits into the unfolding story of this existence of mine. In other words because it did happen to me I have to find out what the personal benefits were and utilise them.

Why cannot Dadi Janki with all her 'most stable mind in the world' blah blah claims and her 'world server' status not tell us to wake up and understand that the world is not as it appears to be and that includes the BKWSU? Now that would be charitable! I am certain that they will not lose all of their followers for some have nowhere else to go. But that is NOT Dadi's part in the drama.

I don't hate/resent them for I learnt a lot and am using some of the techniques picked up there in this new phase of my journey; but I do get a bit upset thinking that they surely know that they are not really telling the truth.

Personally I feel that this NWO business is all a form of programming aka CONTROL by the few over the many; however I will not be led down that track with my eyes closed. And what is even funnier is to see how clearly they signal that the NWO will be religionless! It will be one big free-for-all with no place for Holiness except it be secular.

If we look really closely we will see that the world we are actually living in is not really the one that we think it is; and if you think I am mad take a good listen to Papa and his crew. I was round by the place of a Christian I know and as we talked about stuff you should have seen their reaction when we discovered a video in which the service from the Vatican venerated Lucifer! CONTROL is the game while keeping the masses blinded by fear and elaborate ceremony.

And this is why I am wondering if in the final analysis our spiritual journey is a uniquely personal one during which the heart and ego are both broken away from all else and turned toward individual acknowledgement of a Creator and one's personal sanctity.


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