What is BK - Honest interview

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What is BK - Honest interview

Post29 Aug 2008

Interviewer : Captain
Answer by : Indian BK abcd

Q. Who are you?
A. We are BKs, Brahmakumaris.

Q. What do you mean by BKs?
A. We are doomsday cult from India. Like all other Babas in India, We have a new Baba. His original name was Lekhraj but we named him BapDada.

Q. Cool.
A. Yes (goes to a trace meditation for a minute ...)

Q. How are you spreading, while all other Babas are facing problems?
A. The trick is, we won’t show Baba in the beginning. Yes. We introduce ourselves with ... Positive living, Peace of mind, Meditation, Values of life ... etc stuff. Also we are being very successful because we kicked aside all the original teachings which are worthless and made our own teachings that match the present world situations!!

Q. Very creepy. OK. Please tell me about Baba.
A. Our Baba is so powerful. He gets knowledge directly from God. But our Baba failed several times. He predicted end of world in 1945, 1950, 1975 and 1985 and then in 2000. But, they all failed. But many people don’t know this. So we can easily cheat. We can cheat that is the reason we are still thriving. Indians are fools as you know.

Q. Oh sad. Then?
A. But still we teach that Baba spoke with divine knowledge. We also tell that all other knowledge is corrupt and filthy and wrong. Only our BK knowledge is the perfect one. This is what we teach all others.

Q.Funny ... !!! World population is said to be 6.2 billion ...?
A. We know. But Baba said it is 5 billion. So we call your statistics as ignorance. Our Baba said it is only 5 billion and it has to be true ... that’s all. Everything Baba says is true ... even if it is not true ... we believe it. However illogical it may be.

Q. Funny ...
A. That is what intelligent people think about us. But we don’t care ... We have no proper education ... no scientific knowledge. But still we consider the rest of the world to be fools.

Q. So you say, the earth is going to be destroyed soooooooon ?
A. Yes that is what our Baba says.

Q. What will you do with that money ?
A. We will make Brahmakumaris more popular and build more buildings.

Q. Why do you need more buildings ? See India is suffering from severe poverty, nearly seventy million kids are orphans and several millions of people in the world that don’t have food to eat.
A. Well, that is their problem. Their karma. We are more concerned about our conferences and getting more followers. We don’t have time to help the poor and needy.

Q. Does your Baba say anything about the suffering world?
A. Yes, he said that they were filthy people that deserve suffering. We are told only to look at VIPs but not at poor people. Poor people do not have any money ... but still we need them. They are mainly in number and bring a great fame to our cults because of their number. Poor people are all fools lost in the world and don’t have enlightenment. Their Karma. Their will suffer and die. Nobody can save them. And we don’t care.

Q. Thank you
A. Om Santi.

Courtesy : immi712

sandoc kumar

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post21 Feb 2017

The whole BK philosphy is built around self-centered modifications of myths and tales of Hindu religion. Religious Hindus can easily make this out.

Initially, the Kripalani clan was doing it for its own glorification.

Later on, the followers who believed in the predictions of End of the World had no choice left as they had closed their other avenues of livelihood. Subsequently, senior BKs played with the weaknesses of distressed, foolish and lazy souls and continued to exploit.

The rich were targeted for money and property, VIPs for name and fame, and ordinary mortals as unpaid labourers and servants.

The main method of exploitation is through the offering of satyugi pleasures in the near future, "The patit (down trodden) shudras, discharged batteries, neck deep in 5 vices of the vicious world, should give up immediately all present positions and holdings to Baba to gain the highest position in Satyug".

Presenly, under the mask of positive thinking, meditation, power of thoughts etc even educated clan is being trapped. Once they are into the game, they are introduced to their new Father Brahma Baba and told to follow him, adopting day dreaming and hallucinations and playing the puppet role.

What these outdated BKs could not catch up with was the rapid progress of scientific thinking in past 50 years. They are still carrying on with their chilidish BapDada milan.

Because it is a modified religious cult, anything can be carried out, at least in India, under its banner.

Now who will bell the cat and expose it, is to be seen.

Om Shanti and good wishes
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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post22 Feb 2017

Quote from a well wisher to this site ... what does "gandhi machhali ko ek hi talab mein rahene do" mean?
lalatendu wrote:I have been a BK since 1984 but stopped going to any BK centre after 1988 due to the hypocritical practices of the BK Sisters and centre in charge, particularly in Xxxxxxxx.

I had brought the corrupt practice by these BK Sisters to the notice of Dadi Prakashmani who said that, "gandhi machhali ko ek hi talab mein rahene do" indirectly admitting these corrupt practices. I want no more about the truth about ShivaBaba & muralis & other real things about RajYoga. Though i have stopped being BK i am still a vegetarian (without onion & garlic) and is of 53 years old. Please let me know how can i reach you and physically meet you.
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Pink Panther

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post23 Feb 2017

According to Google translate - "Leave the fish in the same pond Gandhi” or variation ”let the fish stay in the pond Gandhi” .

Sounds to me like some sort of colloquialism that might mean something similar to ”let sleeping dogs lie” ?

I remember a similar sentiment expressed by Nirwair after various wrongs within the BK group had surfaced (late 1980s?), that is, that these are "family matters" and should be dealt with internally and discreetly, not reported to authorities. A bit like the Mafia’s code of Omerta.

TBH, I do not remember which wrong activities were being discussed at the time, it was the response that left an impression on me.

I think the Gandhi bit may either be another word that was misheard, or maybe Gandhi said it once in relation to something else?


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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post24 Feb 2017

Gandi not Gandhi. Gandi = filthy.

"Let all the filthy fish remain in one pond", ie let's not pollute other ponds.
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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post24 Feb 2017

Thank you.

It's a concerning element of BKism for me. It's like their number one response is "don't look ... don't concern yourself about it ... don't think about it" which leads to an almost complete denial of ethical responsibilities and allows acceptance of numerous corruptions under the excuse that "all souls are [impure or "effortmakers"] numberwise" ... and so, therefore, consequently one has to expect corruption or failings.

It's very rare that the BKs ever take punitive action and the higher up their tree you are, the more you'll get away with.

I presume this acceptance of 'all pervasive corruption as the way of getting things done' is some kind of cultural import. I'd be hammered if I "from India or Hinduism", and wrong to suggest it is just India as other cultures work the same way ... but I keep expecting better of "God's culture", or "God's chosen ones".

But what can one expect of a cult whose leaders and followers have willfully covered up child sex abuse and murder/suicides (in the case of one murder/suicide ... we are not sure which it was ... to the extent of dumping a burnt corpse and cleaning up the evidence), and condones bogus visa applications (where the Indian immigrants involved are high earning IT specialists) and property/tax fraud (here's looking at you BK Hansa Raval).

It's all about money over morality. I mean, really, when have they really discussed morality and ethics?

About as far as they go is believing everything is OK as long as you are "Remember Baba" when you do it.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post24 Feb 2017

Let us not forget the role of Denise in the demise of Robert or small Robert. That was so well covered up. He had visited Abu in the winter of 1980 and, on his birthday or close to it, he jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge following an apparent verbal encounter with Denise, the sister-in-charge of the San Francisco center. Rob had meetings with the god-spirit while in Madhuban.

The suicide incident with Rob happened in the spring of 1980 and, as I write about it, I am overcoming feelings of sickness.

Denise may think that she has been declared innocent in the court of Indra but her ass, if she has one, will have to face the Real Dharam Raj on her death bed.


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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post24 Feb 2017

She is now one of the leading center heads at a new retreat in Germany the BK just purchased for some number north of a few million. She seemed quite a pragmatic person when I met her about 6 mths ago. She seemed to be looking forward to moving to Germany and setting up a proper AV studio for her Gita deep-dive episodes.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post25 Feb 2017

Individuals with psychopathic and socio-pathetic tendencies can be quite charming on the surface. Live with them and work with them, and it's another different type of person to person interaction.

I am not surprised by her appointment. Organizations, including corporations usually have as their leaders sociopaths and psychopaths. Thank you, Eric
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Pink Panther

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post25 Feb 2017

Gupta -

Little Robert, I am trying to remember him, was he of Filipino ethnicity?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post25 Feb 2017


Little Rob was not small in stature. He was a tall Caucasian with dark hair, in hippy style, and he was musically talented. He played a guitar and was may be a bit hyper-active and a bit of a rebel. You might be thinking of Mario, the professional musician and artist who worked for the Filipino News.

I think Mario is still with the BKs on the West Coast.

That season in Madubhan, the San Fran group was a mass of talents and loved by the god-spirit. There was Murray, an introverted flute player, little Rob, Big Rob, Peggy, Mario, and, Per. Harold, the psychiatrist and Macey were not with the contingent at that time. It was the winter of 1980, around the time the Soviets invaded Afghanistan, close by.

Hansa was also at Abu at that time along with Simon. Hansa was on the team of physicians at Fort Sam Houston who treated the Shah of Iran and was congratulated by the god-spirit and given a mission to prepare the Yadavs for the Golden Age.

Errol was also at Abu, representing Alabama.
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Pink Panther

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post26 Feb 2017

Yes, it was Mario I was thinking of, and from your description, I think I know who little Rob was - why was he called little? He was lanky, tall and thin if I remember rightly. I recognise nearly all of those people too. Was "big Rob" Robert Shubow?

Iran - Before the 1953 coup, the Shah of Iran was a figurehead of a constitutional monarchy (not unlike the UK, Belgium Australia etc) with limited powers except over the armed forces (like France’s President has). Executive power was with the government of Mohammed Mossadeq, who started taking back ownership of oil from overseas interests. If that wasn’t bad enough in the eyes of the UK & USA, they also believed that he would take Iran closer to the Soviet sphere. They organised a coup to replace Mossadeq. The rumours got out, the people demonstrated, the British backed away, the Shah left Iran ‘for medical reasons”.

The CIA continued plotting and in 1953 overthrew Mossadeq and installed the Shah of Iran who now exercised power far beyond what was constitutional. As their puppet, the USA and UK extracted vast amounts of profits from Iranian oil, and due to his corruption, he and the elites of Iran amassed enormous wealth while the people suffered. V S Naipaul wrote of how the highways from the airport were walled so the slums were not visible to foreign visitors.

The Iranian revolution of 1979 saw a democratic government reinstalled and the Shah fled.
When news of the Shah's departure was announced, there were spontaneous scenes of joy throughout the country. Millions poured onto the streets, virtually every remaining sign of the monarchy was torn down by the crowds

- Axworthy, Michael (2013). Revolutionary Iran: A History of the Islamic Republic. ISBN 9780199322268.

No one wanted to give him residency so he was in transit between countries for a long time ( the very funny british TV series Whoops Apocalypse homes in on this in a very funny way - not to be confused with the inferior American film of the same name). But because it was an overthrow of a US supported puppet, there was no foreign support for that new government and the only local support was from the more educated secular middle classes. The popular religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini took control, he jailed and eventually executed his own president, Banisadr, who’d become a rallying point for those opposed to fundamentalist Islamic clerical factions, and Iran turned into the Shia theocratic tyranny we have today.

The Shah was eventually taken in by the USA. That the BKs celebrate any connection with him via Dr Ravel, rather than accepting there’s the simple medical principle of treating a fellow human being as per the Hippocratic oath regardless, says a lot about how besotted the BKs are with titles, status and anachronistic regard for royalty, even in the face of massive corruption and tyranny.

Iran is of course named for the Aryan people, who invaded India amongst other places. There was even speculation back then, for a short while, of possible connection of the future ”Krisna” emerging from the Iranian royal family. That a family from a foreign country could Father the Emperor of Sat Yuga was excused by saying that Iran was part of greater Bharat - an area that extended from Iran through to Burma and beyond - and also allowed for the idea that India was never invaded by Aryans.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post26 Feb 2017

Big Robert is Robert Shubow, the attorney who was supposed to create the epic Hollywood film at the level of the 1983 film Ghandi, of Lekraj Kirpalini. I heard that Robert Redford would have been asked to play the role of Dada Lekraj.

The United States of America or Deep State was responsible for the 1953 coup in Iran and Kermit Roosevelt, President Roosevelt's grandson was one of the CIA operatives in the field master orchestrating the overthrow of a democratically elected leader loved by the Iranian people. In fact, the hostage taking happened because the Iranian students feared that the Americans were plotting another coup.

The late 1970s and early 1980s were times of international incidents all interconnected, which most likely fanned the flames of apocalyptic dogmas of the BKs. There was Jonestown in Guyana in the fall of 1978, the Iranian Hostage Crisis in the fall of 1979, the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1980, and the Falklands War in 1980.

I those days I was in medical school and some of the rising stars in the BK top brass were telling me that my pursuit of becoming a doctor was not worth the while, the Destruction would happen and in Sat Yug, there was no need for physicians. I paid them no attention because I knew they were lying even though there were several close calls for a nuclear winter.
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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post26 Feb 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:my pursuit of becoming a doctor was not worth the while, the Destruction would happen ...

Says it all really ...

"Sweet Brahmin Children, we are expecting a nuclear war followed by a nuclear winter and civil wars in India ... but, it's OK, we won't be needing any doctors. They all have to suffer ... so just practise being detached instead."

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: What is BK - Honest interview

Post27 Feb 2017

I used to hear that too and list dust lifted by a swirl of wind, I would just let it blow around me and move from me without out swallowing it nor inhaling, and also not allowing the dust to blind my mind's eyes. Yes, from since those days, I have been into the survivalist movement and now I always have a go-bag with survival gear and foods, that I actively up date.

To be more realistic, after Hurricane Andrew, Hurricane Irene, Super Storm Sandy, and tornadoes in the southern US and the mid-west, and 9/11, we are still far away from a BK type transformation and doctors are still in demand in the global job market.

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