Islam and BK

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Re: Islam and BK

Post10 Sep 2017

Ex-I ...

There is a lot of trouble getting visas right at this time. Some are going through Canada and, yes, they are requesting visa on a religious visa ... I don't know if it's a religious worker visa.

The one Sister has spent this past year trying to obtain hers with an attorney's assistance. She has to pay for this herself rather than the center; and Sr. Mohini has not offered any financial assistance.

It has become quite stringent these past 2 years in the States, and now with our new fighting regarding immigration, it is much more difficult ... a la Trump again, with much BK angst.
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Re: Islam and BK

Post11 Sep 2017

Maui wrote:The one Sister has spent this past year trying to obtain hers with an attorney's assistance. She has to pay for this herself rather than the center; and Sr. Mohini has not offered any financial assistance.

One has to pay one's own legal fees to come in order to slave* for nothing for the BKs!?!

Is this an Indian Sister? Why does she want/need to come to the USA? Is she going to be a center-in-charge?



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Re: Islam and BK

Post12 Sep 2017

No ... this particular Sister is Caucasian.

She has been here going back and forth trying to get a green card ... she says she is allowed to stay for a short period of time, but now that is changing. She has been trying for a permanent visa for a long time. There was a thought at one time that she was being primed to run a center out West. Last I heard that is on hold. Again, I am not sure why.

Another Brother trying for his visa is Indian and having the same kind of trouble. He, for some reason ... I don't know all the details ... came and then had to go back. He is extremely frustrated. He is from India. I worked with both of them and they are very sincere, hard workers.
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Re: Islam and BK

Post12 Sep 2017

You mean an non-American White wanting to come to live in the USA? Why?

What percentage of their interest is purely personal - as in, to get a better quality of life, better pay etc - and what percentage of their interest is "spiritual", as in wanting to "serve" the BKs?

And why, if they trully want to "serve" for the BKs, do they have to come to one of the richest, most materialist and mostly "young souls" and "Christian souls" bound nation?

Would not it be more logical for them to go or stay in a poor nation full of "old souls"?

I call BS. There is just an increasing number of individuals *using* the acquired facilities of the BKWSU for the sake of their own self or professional interests. The fat (wealth) of the BK, aquired by fleecing the sheep (followers) is starting to attract the dogs and wolves.

I remember even in my time speaking to a young Kumari and her being honest ... the reason she did not want to stay in India was the flies. She likes England because it was (relatively) cleaner and had less flies!!!

True story.


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Re: Islam and BK

Post21 Sep 2017


I believe peace comes with truth, and constant peace through constant truth.

Scientific truths are established after hard work and years of researching, spiritual truths are a realization and cannot be unproved through scientific data or reasoning.

Like the presence of soul, or the spirits who taught Prophets, can we prove them scientifically? Yet we have a whole deal of scriptures revealed through spirits. All those were not lies or hallucinations or fabrications or imaginations. Those experiences are something which science cannot explain.

We need to agree that science and scientific methods, though evolving have their limits.

When my need for peace has been met, should I not cling to that which gives me peace, why should I let it go? I do not have the OCD of proving everything wrong, what would I be left with then?

If God is True, then certainly there are certain things which are true, and as a seeker when I reach those truth and my personal reasoning accepts and appreciates them, why should I forsake them due to some others reasoning or experiences?

If God is not true, why are we all searching for Him?

If it is not with the BKs, honestly I do not know where else to find God. Many of my confusions have been cleared through the Murlis and I am at most of the times amazed at their relevance to my ongoing situations. After the Murlis I am more comfortable and less angry with God and feel having better understanding and clarity of the scriptures. And the doctor wants you to keep coming back because he knows you aren't healed yet, and the moment you are out you could catch up infections and the disease may worsen.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Islam and BK

Post21 Sep 2017

search wrote:I believe peace comes with truth, and constant peace through constant truth.

Some truths are not easy to swallow. But for a realist, the hardest truth, once accepted, allows for a certain peace of mind. With the acceptance of however unpleasant the reality, that it is reality, then one can ‘peacefully’ and ‘willingly' do what is necessary.
Scientific truths are established after hard work and years of researching ,spiritual truths are a realization and cannot be unproved through scientific data or reasoning.

Like the presence of soul , or the spirits who taught Prophets , can we prove them scientifically?. Yet we have a whole deal of scriptures revealed through spirits.

Interesting tangent, to make this about science versus belief.

In the philosophy of science, nothing can be absolutely proven, only absolutely disproved. ”Proof” means ”tested practically” or ”actually done”. You cannot prove that what happened yesterday or even a million times before will definitely happen tomorrow. Will the sun rise tomorrow? Probably but ...

Therefore only those things that can be disproved fall into the purview of science, and defines science. That said, what falls outside of the scientific method is not necessarily false nor true nor anything, it is a ”subjective interpretation of an experience"
All those were not lies or hallucinations or fabrications or imaginations. Those experiences are something which science cannot explain.

A lot depends on what criteria one is examining these, and that depends on tiem in history, education and knowledge of the ‘explainer’. For example, someone "talking in tongues” may be said by those if his faith to be filled with the Holy Spirit, while others, my old Christian mum, would say he is possessed by devils. A shaman using mushrooms to reach an alternative dimension may be said to be reaching an alternate reality to converse with ancestors or allies, or may be said to be affecting his brain chemistry to experience only what is artifially induced and manifests according to his culture.

A depth psychologist would say that although the latter explains how, it does not negate the truth of the former.

Among those ”whole deal of scriptures”, well, many are contradictory. Unless by ”true” you mean ”not literally, but poetically hinting at human subjective experiences” , they cannot all be literally true, .

If literally true, then, is Dada Lekhraj the only one God has spoken through, as he said? If so then the Christian belief in Jesus is not true. If the Christian belief in Jesus is true, then the BKs are not. If God speaking directly through the Koran is true, then both Christianity and BKism are wrong. And so on.

We all accept objective truths. We all blink when something sudden darts near our eyes. We all pull a face when we unexpectedly eat something ”off” or extremely bitter. No-one but the insane will walk off a cliff believing they won't fall. Some may do it suicidally because they know what the result will be. We cannot scientifically prove that gravity will do its duty just one more time, we can only go on past experience, and that dictates our expectations of probability.

We need to agree that science and scientific methods ,though evolving have their limits.
All de-finit-ions are finite, by definition!.

When my need for peace has been met , should I not cling to that which gives me peace , why should I let it go?
What do you do with your peace? Chase more peace? Thats it the way of the opiate addict.

I do not have the OCD of proving everything wrong?
Do you have the OCD of accepting everything as right? Do you have the OCD of proving anything wrong? Of course you do, or you would not survive long. If someone spoke of walking off cliffs and flying only depends on your faith (those who don’t fly were lacking in complete faith? ).

If God is True ,then certainly there are certain things which are true , and as a seeker when I reach those truth and my personal reasoning accepts and appreciates them , why should I forsake them due to some others reasoning or experiences.

If there is Truth, then certainly there are thinga that are untrue. Is my personal reasoning infallible? Do I rationalise DESPITE evidence to the contrary, what I want to be true, and use selective logic to fool myself? Can i ever accept I was wrong and take on board the unpleasant truths of who I was, so I can move forward?
If God is not true , why are we all searching for Him?

That assumes a lot, that we are all searching for ”him” . I for one am not, and I know many others of that view, therefore your premise is wrong. maybe you could consider that the idea of ”God” is a carrier of certain human desires or qualities, a collective singular noun for conceptual ideals which we cannot otherwise hold in our "puny earthling” intellects.
If it is not with the BKs , honestly I do not know where else to find God.

Gee, what did humanity do before BKs?
Many of my confusions have been cleared through the Murlis and I am at most of the times amazed at their relevance to my ongoing situations.

"When the student is ready, the teacher appears”. You will learn from things and people as per your ability to comprehend and interests at the time.Learning, however, needs to progress.
After the Murlis I am more comfortable and less angry with God and feel having better understanding and clarity of the scriptures.

Why angry with God? Can you not take responsibility for your own fallibility or accept those of others?
And the doctor wants you to keep coming back because he knows you aren't healed yet , and the moment you are out you could catch up infections and the disease may worsen.

Nice rationalisation. Like a son who loves being 'mothered’ by a mother who doesn’t want her child to grow up and leave home. Made for each other.
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Re: Islam and BK

Post22 Sep 2017

search wrote:If God is True, then certainly there are certain things which are true, and as a seeker when I reach those truth and my personal reasoning accepts and appreciates them, why should I forsake them due to some others reasoning or experiences?

Can a God be true and untrue at the same time?

Would a true god not be true all of the time?

Would a true god tolerate a culture of untruth amongst his closet followers?

Would a true god use untruths to teach or lead people to the truth?

I don't think so. Therefore the BK god ... however much of a "buzz" you get off them and off the collective energy of the BK community ... is not the true god.

Therefore what is someone or a something who claims to be god, or a true god, when they are not god?

Would that not be the greatest of deceptions?


If God is not true, why are we all searching for Him?

Here is my truth for you ... your "confusions" have been "cleared" by encouraging your stupidity and self-centredness. By the culture of "not thinking and not questioning" within BKism ... by the relishing in purely subjective and potentially purely imaginary "feelings".

The aim of BKism is to make you a buddhu, not a Buddha. That is actually a direct quote from the Murli. A "buddhu" is an idiot, a Buddha is an enlightened individual.

May be a happy idiot, content is accepting whatever BKism offers you ... but a submissive, unquestioning, conforming idiot, and a slave to the senior BKs.

For me now, having seen so many lives wasted over so many years, having seen so much corruption and manipulation within BKism, I am afraid I just see you as a self-centred addict, no different from a drug addict, BKism being your drug of choice.

Life is not easy, that is a fact. Anything that tells you that it is, that gives you a simple answer for it, is deceiving you.

The question to ask is, why?


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Re: Islam and BK

Post28 Sep 2017

ex-l wrote:Among those ”whole deal of scriptures”, well, many are contradictory. Unless by ”true” you mean ”not literally, but poetically hinting at human subjective experiences” , they cannot all be literally true, . If literally true, then, is Dada Lekhraj the only one God has spoken through, as he said? If so then the Christian belief in Jesus is not true. If the Christian belief in Jesus is true, then the BKs are not. If God speaking directly through the Koran is true, then both Christianity and BKism are wrong. And so on.

1. The scriptures we have travelled a long way in time over different cultures over different mindsets interpreted by scholars sensitive to their ages in accordance with the acceptability of people at different times and, at times, interpreted to suit the tastes of the monarchs. So we all know most of the texts and meanings were interpolated or corrupted, so it is simply not possible for all of them to be in conformity with each other.

I was taking about the reality of the spirits by pointing towards the existence of large volume of scriptures.

2. I am not aware of the Christian view on who all God spoke to. If one reads the Quran, it clearly mentions that Esa, son of Mariam, was supported by a Holy Spirit, and it is known that the revelation Quran was brought by the Holy Spirit Gabriel. The Quran doesn't mention a sequence where God directly speaks to Muhammed, yes, there is a mention of God directly speaking to Moses in the Quran. And there are some scholars who say, it was not God directly speaking, because nothing could contain God, instead God had kept his speech there.

Yes, the Quran does mention God directly speaking to Adam and teaching him The Knowledge of everything of it.
What do you do with your peace? Chase more peace? That is the way of the opiate addict.

1. What does an exhausted traveler of a desert do after a long and tiring search for water, finds a beautiful oasis surrounded by palm trees full of dates?

What would one do when after a long search you find a comfortable home? Relax and enjoy, if possible tell others of it and ...
Gee, what did humanity do before BKs?

... let them enjoy as well (Seem I am not self-centered :D ).

2. Now why call it addiction? Call it "sustenance".
Gee, what did humanity do before BKs?

Search for God. All religions are path towards righteousness, with laws to keep the society integrated and functional, holding an otherwise falling humanity. I don't think any of them promises finding God, but most (all) mention the extreme corruption which would happen in the final days in spite of the presence of their scriptures.
Why angry with God? Can you not take responsibility for your own fallibility or accept those of others?

If you had been a devotee at some time, you would understand this.

Because of the utmost trust and expectation from the God to whom you are totally devoted to, that He would set all things right in spite of all your flaws or the short comings of others. And when that doesn't happen, in spite of your repeated requests, devotion and trust, you get angry with God because you believe that He has the power of putting things right, the way it will make you satisfied, and He, though being powerful enough to do anything, is withholding it from you in spite of knowing your weakness for it . These paints a picture of God in your mind which makes Him undesirable.

With Brahma Kumaris at the least I got to know that it was not God with holding but it was my deeds, which I can change and concentrate on it instead of luring God with devotion.

OK, busy now, will continue later.

did not make a spellcheck or re-check.



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Re: Islam and BK

Post28 Sep 2017

Correction in the last few lines .
It should be,
With Brahma Kumaris at least I got to know that it was not God who was withholding , but it was my deeds over which I have control and can change and thus concentrate on rectifying them instead of luring God with devotion to get favors .
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Re: Islam and BK

Post28 Sep 2017

ex-l wrote:Gee, what did humanity do before BKs?
search wrote:Search for God. All religions are path towards righteousness

Did they really? Please bear in mind that we were BKs, we know the simplicistic BK world view, and we could teach or repeat it as well as any BKs could, therefore it is very easy for us to see it within your propositions, e.g. the idea that for the last 2,500 years, since the start of the BKs' Copper Age, all humanity has done is cry out to God.

Humanity has existed for around 200,000 years. Civilization as we know it for about 6,000 years old.

Trust me, human beings have been doing a lot more than "search for God".

And if what you say about "all religions" true? Let's study the religions all over the world - including India - that, e.g. engaged in human sacrifice and ask how it was a "path towards righteousness".

I'd say in the real history as we know it, all of the major religions BKism features were engaged in one thing ... Empire building. Islam especially.

BKism works by providing simple, symetrical answers to simple, very limited propositions, originally nothing more than the cloistered world view of the women of the Bhaibund; and limited by them for decades - in order to maintain their position of superiority and control, in order to maintain their protection and income stream.

We could have a serious discussion about the nature and evolution of religion if you want, but do you really want to learn ... or are just just happy taking your "drug" and limiting your understanding to its drug like state? "Wah ... Baba, Baba, Baba ... 5,000 years, 5,000 years, 5,000 years ... Destruction".
search wrote:... holding an otherwise falling humanity.

Has humanity really been falling for 100,000 years, or are not things developing and getting better?

Would you really want to go back to the way of life 200 years ago, never mind 2,000 years?
search wrote:If you had been a devotee at some time, you would understand this.

Well, according to BKism, we've all been ...

I think you underline something important here about your own nature and the nature of your gods, including the BK god spirit. Indeed, your vision of religion (including those that did not have a god) ... a transactional relationship.

You wanted something. You were conned into doing or giving somethings in order to get it by someone taking a commission on that advice. Why did not you just go and do whatever you had to do to, to get what you want, instead of expecting a god to give it to you?
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Re: Islam and BK

Post28 Sep 2017

Search wrote:we all know most of the texts and meanings were interpolated or corrupted

And you have just proven how that happens so easily by erroneously attributing quotes of my posts to ex-l! (Not worried by that, just making a point how sloppy thinking leads people to assume things). What you did in response to my quote was to equivocate rather than answer directly. I was responding to what you call Truth, and you have based your truth on human propensity to religion and faith in traditions you now say are based on corrupted meanings of interpolated texts.

Yep, that’s Truth for you. Are you now saying it’s your meanings - interpolated interpretations of interpolated interpretations that are the Truth?

You are right that God did not speak directly to Mohammed. Or did he?

According to Koran it was archangel Gabriel. ”Angel" literally means ”messenger”. Was Gabriel good at his job, delivering an unadulterated message, or did Gabriel corrupt and interpolate god’s message? In Abrahamic religious mythology, angels exist for that purpose, i.e. God is so stupendous, limitless, indefinable a being that humans cannot comprehend, therefore intermediaries are necessary - angels/ messengers, prophets, etc.

The BKs take this idea and ”interpolate” Brahma Baba. How many people throughout history have said, ”I am God/Jesus/God’s messenger? Some of them are benign, some are benevolent, some are malevolent, some dangerously crazy.

One thing I like about Islam is how it teaches that one only really knows God through god's creation [ everything but god, effectively]. It is that aspect that had Islam leading the world in science, maths, medicine etc and being the most forward looking of cultures during a lot of the middle ages. It is ironic that fundamentalists want to return to the caliphate, i.e they want to go backwards to a time of forward thinking Islam! Is there a word for ”irony” in classical arabic?

Another aspect of mystical Islam I like (particularly Sufi Islam) is the idea that God is beyond knowing, so there’s no way any person can categorically state anything about God. Accept the ”mystery” - which literally means ”cannot be spoken about" - or more literally ” a solid silence” . The word ”mystery" has a simile in the word ”ineffable”, ie it's arrogant to assume you comprehend God or God’s will. Stop talking, be humble, be awed by the miracle of life, live ethically, beneficently.

In Buddhism, there is the state of enlightenment - an awake quietude, and below that is the state of ”mannas” - mental activity. In Christian mysticism, there is ἡσυχία or ”hesychia” - quiet, silence, calm, stillness. The Greeks and Romans had a goddess called that. She was the daughter of Justice.

The BKs have a little of that stream but they are also contradictory to the point of outright hypocrisy - everyone can supposedly have a direct connection with god but that has to be through Brahma and the organisation - and "souls are numberwise".

BKs talk about silence (there’s irony again!) and when I was BK, I used all the BK techniques, and others, in my meditation to go beyond BK-”ism” into Silence, i.e. beyond mental activity & verbalising, beyond mannas. The mystics of all traditions basically say religions and their practices are half-way houses, not the destination. Organised religions like most organisations seek to inject themselves into people's lives, to create demand for their services so they can sustain and propagate themselves, keep themselves relevant, keep the jobs of those running them. Few seek to make themselves redundant, unnecessary, to get out of the way. Like a bad doctor, teacher or mechanic, they want you to want them rather than not need them.

Search, your sincerity is obvious. Let it guide you beyond ego and presumption.
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Re: Islam and BK

Post29 Sep 2017

Just to head back 'on topic' ... sort of. I self-censored one of my own posts heading off topic.

'Search', you are welcome to post here if your aim is to leave the BKs or help others who have, or those who have been badly affected by them. But if you have your own concerns, please start a new topic for them.

Are you in or out of BK? If in, how pukka?

This topic is meant to be for "Islam and BK" ... a concept that comes up often within the PBKs as they believe the BKWSU has been over run and taken over by "Islamic" elements within BKism, I think starting from Prakashmani (but don't quote me on that). They point to similarities such as the dressing in white, the prayers (traffic control) 5 times a day and other elements.

Clearly the monotheistic and iconographic elements within BKism borrow heavily from Islam and Christianity both of which had an influence in Lekhraj Kirpalani's native Sind and his adopted Calcutta in Bengal. As BKism was largely formed *before* the introduction of Shiva Baba sometime around 1955/1956 (there was no mention of God Shiva and an incorporeal god before then), it's not too much to suggest he had other sources on which to establish his new business empire model.
Pink Panther wrote:Is there a word for ”irony” in classical arabic?

No, but there is a punishment for it. I think it's usually stoning or beheading (that's a joke ... please send the fatwas to the usual address).

Much of Islam, like elements of fundamental Hinduism, appears to exist at a vicious, moronic tribal level where killing your critics - or comedians - is not just permissible, but applauded.

Come to mention that, we were often chided by the BK mullahs for humour and, god forbid, laughing. Especially out loud (probably because they did not get it).

I am pretty sure irony is "not royal" within BKism ... which is the BKs' version of 'haram'. You know the line, "the Golden Aged Deities did not laugh, only smile slightly and flutter their eye brows a bit, so you cannot either".

There's more proof the BKs' god cannot be the same as the Jewish god, nor BKism the inspiration of Judaism, because Judaism has all the best comedians. Oh, perhaps that's why they only got to incarnate in the Copper Age?

Let's be honest, BKism is really extremely silly when you start to logic it all out, and only works if you stick to their little "goldfish bowl".


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Re: Islam and BK

Post04 Oct 2017

Pink Panther wrote:According to Koran it was archangel Gabriel. ”Angel" literally means ”messenger”. Was Gabriel good at his job, delivering an unadulterated message, or did Gabriel corrupt and interpolate god’s message? In Abrahamic religious mythology, angels exist for that purpose, i.e. God is so stupendous, limitless, indefinable a being that humans cannot comprehend, therefore intermediaries are necessary - angels/ messengers, prophets, etc.

Gabriel was sincere and honest at his job, this is what the verses of the Quran say about him and the messages he delivered.

    19.Verily this is the word of a most honorable Messenger   
    20 .Endued with Power with rank before the Lord of the Throne   
    21. With authority there (and) faithful of his trust.
    22. And (O people!) your companion is not one possessed;   
    23. And without doubt he saw him in the clear horizon.   
    24. Neither doth he withhold Grudgingly a knowledge of the Unseen.   
    25. Nor is it the word of an evil spirit accursed
The course of religions could be likened to the course of the rivers, messengers are the clouds.
Do the rivers not get dirty along the course ?, were the clouds insincere ?
Further more the rivers meet the Sea when dirtiest.
It is ironic that fundamentalists want to return to the caliphate, i.e they want to go backwards to a time of forward thinking Islam! Is there a word for ”irony” in classical arabic?

It's not the fundamentalists, it is the traditionalists. The polymaths of the Islamic Golden Age where science and logic flourished did not deviate from the fundamentals of the religion, but delved into The Knowledge from Quran, applied ancient Greek reasoning and, even during that period it was the Caliphate (Abbasids). Caliph or "Khalifa" means representative.

It would be diverging from the topic to get into this discussion now.
ex-l wrote:And is what you say about "all religions" true? Let's study the religions all over the world - including India - that, e.g. engaged in human sacrifice and ask how it was a "path towards righteousness".

Sato, tamo, rajo stages of religion, hope you are able to recollect.
ex-l wrote:Has humanity really been falling for 100,000 years, or are not things developing and getting better?

Humanity is a big tent, held by many poles representing different religions , and further smaller poles representing reformers within religions. If things are really getting better, why are suicide rates on an increase? U.S. Suicide Rate Surges to a 30-Year High in 2016.
ex-l wrote:Would you really want to go back to the way of life 200 years ago, never mind 2,000 years?

This is a rather silly question.

Our bodies are used to the comforts of this age, we would simply not survive in those conditions. As for the level of contentment in life those people I don't think we fare well in their comparison. Imaging showing present day's news on a news channel to people 200 years back, and ask them if they are willing to move to this age, what would they respond?

ex-l, you seem to be a huge critic of both Islam and BK and prejudiced against both, unlike Pink Panther who is able to appreciate where it seems right.
Let's be honest, BKism is really extremely silly when you start to logic it all out, and only works if you stick to their little "goldfish bowl".

Can you pick up three points of BK knowledge which you find illogical and support your claims with certain scientific evidence and sound logical reasoning? (May be you would have done this multiple times in this site, but this time without the emotional appeal or mind projection, only the facts), let's get into the real discussion ...

P.S. I am not interested in what happened in a certain center, how some body behaved etc ... No personal experiences please.
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Re: Islam and BK

Post04 Oct 2017

search wrote:Gabriel was sincere and honest at his job, this is what the verses of the Quran say about him and the messages he delivered.

Keeping on topic, here's a similarity between Islam and BKism (and many others).

Your statement is based upon circular reasoning, a false logic, eg the Quran is true, because the Quran says it is true, and especially in the case of BKism, "argumentum ad nauseam". The Murli is true and Baba the Ocean of Truth, because the Murli and Baba says it is true. Repeat 10,000 times, block out and stop any other sources or questions.

I wrote:And if what you say about "all religions" true? Let's study the religions all over the world - including India - that, e.g. engaged in human sacrifice and ask how it was a "path towards righteousness".
searcher wrote:Sato, tamo, rajo stages of religion, hope you are able to recollect.

Except that the ones doing are the most ancient ones - hence the purest according to BKism - and that the longer we go into The Cycle according to BKism, the more they are giving it up, including cannibalism, headhunting etc.

It's the reverse of BK theory that everything is getting worse.
If things are really getting better, why are suicide rates on an increase?

Proportionately or total figure?

Because there are far more people, living far longer, with better statistical analysis and reporting ... and far lower causes of deaths by other causes, eg war, pestilence, starvation etc. It's far easier - the USA has as many guns as people (the cause in 50% of cases). Incidentally, despite that, the USA has less than half the number of suicides than India and almost none of the infanticides.

It has gone recently up from 10 to 13 per 100,000 people (India is at 22), however, back in 1950 the USA was 21. So it's still much lower.

You need to learn to read statistics, not just cherry pick ones that suport your beliefs.

Before we head off topic, there are others on the staye of the world, that betrays the huge deficit in BK thinking and dishonest logic, the use of confirmational bias. Take one one fact that supports your theory out of context and ignore or deny inconvenient facts that do not, eg life expectancy, death in childhood or birth, increase in quality of life etc.

Do we know the proportions per population in ancient history? Of course not.
ask them if they are willing to move to this age, what would they respond?

They would drop everything and run. You talk about "silly", what is the nature of what is shown on TV? The reality? Clean water, sanitation, healthcare, human rights, heating at a touch, waste collection, education, entertainment, womens rights, freedom from religion and so on.

Nevermind the past ... just take all the reasons Sindis and Indians flock to the West for.
Can you pick up three points of BK knowledge which you find illogical and support your claims with certain scientific evidence and sound logical reasoning?

Off topic. Done many times on many topics. Take one, 5,000 Year Cycle including failed predictions of Destruction.

Start a new topic, 'Why BKism is more logical than Modern Scientific Thinking' if you want.

This topic is for a comparison of Islam and BK and an examination of Islam's influence on Lekhraj Kirpalani or BKism.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Islam and BK

Post05 Oct 2017

Gee, I think I have been too polite in my arguments against the self-declared truths of Islam and BKs that Search seems to think are basically the same. Mistaking style for content? I’ll just say I agree with pretty much everything ex-l has said.

If Gabriel spoke the Koran as messenger of God, and you believe it Search, how can you even countenance the idea of the BKs who claim God speaks only at this time, only to BKs and only through BKs?

By Jewish terms, BKs are not Jewish, they not God’s chosen people and they do not keep God's covenant as stated in the Old Testament / Torah.

In Islamic terms, the BKs are blasphemers of the worst kind who should be put to death.

In Christian terms, they are Satan’s instruments, wolves in sheep’s clothing, and Brahma/Lekhraj is the Antichrist.

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