The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

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Re: The Story of Veerendra Dev Dixit

Post11 Apr 2008

Om Shanti

Dear Spiritual Sisters and Brothers
    Mahatma Gandhi went to prison in 1922, 1930, 1933 and in 1942.
    Nobel Prize winner Nelson Mandela went to prison for 27 years.
    John Bunyan wrote the Christian masterpiece, "The Pilgrims Progress" in one of his prison visits.
    Burma's Nobel Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi has been in a notorious prison and spent 11 years in house arrest.
    Nobel Prize winner Martin Luther King was imprison for fighting for rights for civil rights.
    Jesus was arrested, imprisoned and then ritually murdered
Eventually what happened next - nothing has been changing, the world is the same it does matter how many Nobel Prize Winners have honored.

We can say also Hitler and Stalin had spent in prison quite significant time and they got their own conception and to many souls followed them :Jesus Christ, MG,JB and others. there is no differences between sanyasi in the cave and them but sanyuasi has not got Noble Prize. who is going to nominate them?

They do not write books and make public commitments or speeches.

Do you think that there are to much differences between all those Noble Prizes souls in this time regarding to cycle and karma.

They belong this unfortunate world and have nothing to do with spirituality, they live in illusion as most of us - spirituality it is personal matter between you and SH.

Your soul is in the prison of this Maya preposition and incorrect worlds.

If we compare BK Siters nad Brothers they got privilege to following this holy way, If somebody does not want or incapable to do it why we are disturbing them.

But I do not think that you can change something just justifying big ego writing this articles.

Yours Sincerely


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Virendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post24 Dec 2017

Looks like Virendra Dev Dixit is in trouble. His centres, or ashrams, have been raided and some 41 girls have been "rescued". Claims of rapes are being made in media.

The court has directed police to present Virendra Dev Dixit in the court by Jan 4.

An NGO seems to have filed a complaint in the court against Virendra Dev Dixit, which resulted in the raids.

India has been a target for evangelical missionaries for long. But in the last decade or so, the Hindus have wizened up and are pushing back. In response, missionaries have resorted to attacking Hindu Gurus by defaming them through NGOs and media. I don't know if this NGO is part of that nexus. I don't know if Virendra Dev Dixit has committed crimes. We, of course, know that he has promised to bring the Golden Age "soon" and, in bargain, has asked all to donate mind, body, and wealth for the cause.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Virendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post25 Dec 2017

Arbit, Can you be clearer please?

Is this Virendra Dev Dixit who started the PBKs?

Are you saying he is being targeted, set up by foreign missionaries?
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post25 Dec 2017

Yes, it's Virendra Dev Dixit of the AIVV and they've targeted the PBKs' Dehli centre. A story has been circulated widely around the international press. It refers to 11 previous FIRs (First Information Report - a "complaint regarding any cognizable offence"), relating to a family in Rajasthan wanting their daughter back. Most of the stories talk about the women not wanting to leave.

Regardless of the facts of the case, and whatever Virendra Dev Dixit's conduct has been, the story is being spun in a typical "cult shock horror" manner, eg "UP Baba ‘confined, drugged, raped’ hundreds of followers". I have to wonder if the BKs have had any hand in it as there is a bitter relationship between the two groups, and this is a repeat of what has happened before.

I don't know Christian Missionaries, the stories mention an NGO called "Foundation for Social Empowerment" run by Seema Sharma. I don't know her, she may be from the UK. The high profile 'Delhi Commission for Women' chief Swati Maliwal has also become involved, and advocates appointed by the court, Nandita Rao and Ajay Verma. I cannot find any information about the NGO.

I've never heard of the PBKs using drugs before. I suspect that part is exaggeration. The reports are using the "rape" word and I find that a little problematic too. Although few PBKs will discuss the matter, I have heard that Virendra Dev Dixit has had sex with the women but I've not heard of the use of force or coercion. I suppose one could argue "undue influence" on the basis of them believing he is God's medium/Krishna/medium of Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Indian has its issues with sex and crying rape to what was, however bizarre, consensual sex is one way of redeeming oneself from the act, or utterly condemning another. Of creating a moral outrage.

For me, unless there was actual force or coercion involved, it's a bit like a women who willingly had sex with a rock or movie star later crying rape after she realised how stupid she had been and embarassing it was. Except in India it is just not popstars and movie stars who get to have lots of sex, but gurus too.

But is it wrong if both parties agree to it?

India has terrible hangups and hypocrisies about sex.

As most PBKs are former BKs, part of me just hopes that at least once in their lives they got to enjoy sex and, consequently, they got to know and understand it better, rather than the enforced sexual-emotional sterility of BKism. It's just a shame that the culture did not allow them to do so with someone of their own age that they loved.

They would argue they "loved" Virendra Dev Dixit the most.

That's is all open to discussion.

If the PBKs are claiming it is some kind of tantric sex practise - if it is something that happened but has now stopped - then they should try and argue the case for it reasonably rather than remain silent about it, because it is now backfiring on them. Unfortunately, it's now hit the tabloids - internationally - in the worst possible way.

The BKs must be loving it.

For the BKs, it is convenient to have Virendra Dev Dixit to point a finger at, as it buries what Lekhraj Kirpalani himself got up at the start of the cult. Virendra Dev Dixit, again bizarrely, appears to re-enacting Lekhraj Kirpalani's part. But much of the what they are accusing the PBKs of is PURE BKism, all the End of the World stuff, detaching from families, money racking, 16,000 "ranis" (queens) women living with no privacy and so on.

They can hide behind the bad face of the PBKs now and disassociate themselves from it.

Previous attacks upon Virendra Dev Dixit have involved conspiracies between both the BKs and the ex-BKs/ex-PBKs, competitive "supreme god" Vishnu Party leaders, hence I am a little less believing of them. They're all crackpots, and dementedly nasty when push comes to shove, in my book. I am expecting to find their fingerprints on this chapter.

Having been through this all before, the AIVV denys all claims. One of the leaders is reported to have said,
“We have written documents from the women which had also been sent to the local police stations in their villages. They want to stay here on their own will and are being fed well, and taught Yoga and Atharva Gyan.”

That is pretty much going to be true and it is likely much of the raid will fall flat, the PR damaging having been done.

That is what they do to cover themselves (although I think the "Yoga and vedic knowledge" is a little bit of BS. It's BKism or PBKism they are teaching, not vedic knowledge).

I think there is also a classist element going on too, e.g. Nandita Rao, one of advocates appointed by the court, stating that “over 100 girls were housed in animal-like conditions with no privacy”. "Girls" meaning unmarried women. It is also how Brahma Kumaris "girls" live.

Well, that is how the poor live in India. It's not unique. The security was for their own safety given Indian's problems.

However, something good might come of it, one article is stating,
The government should think of a formal framework where all such ashrams are registered, and subjected to periodic inspections and audits. Otherwise, ordinary citizens, especially the more vulnerable – women, the poor, children – will continue to be exploited by criminals masquerading as godmen.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post25 Dec 2017

I see they've also coordinated a raid on the headquarters in Kampil and Sonipat.

The woman at the centre of it all told the police that she did not want to meet her family members and that she was staying at the ashram out of her own choice.

No one is asking if her family are BKs.

In the Sonipat raid,
A joint raid was conducted by the Haryana State Women Commission (HSWC) and the Haryana Police at a spiritual centre run by controversial godman Virender Dev Dixit in Old Housing Board colony in Sonipat on Sunday ... nothing incriminating was found during the raid ... eight women were found inside the spiritual centre, but they were not very forthcoming with the details of the ashram’s activities.

Getty Images have a photo shoot of the raid, so the press was well tipped off about it. I was surprised how big the PBK centre was.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post25 Dec 2017

The story is now taking another spin ... with the Brahma Kumaris right wing political allies the Modi's BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) being brought into the picture.
“It is an outcome of a nexus between the police and certain BJP leaders,” said AAP leader Sanjay Singh

The police are now dealing with new complaints pouring in, not against Virendra Dev Dixit but filed by women inmates of the ashram against their own family members.

Over 80 so far.
The Vijay Vihar police station has received about 80 complaints after the raids — most of them lodged by the inmates “against their relatives” alleging that they were “forcing them to return home”.

Apprently there were 168 women living in the Delhi centre.


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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post25 Dec 2017

ex-l has explained the events well above. I also concur with most of his assessment.

I don't know whether foreign missionaries are targeting Virendra Dev Dixit. But they or someone else could be. Of course, Virendra Dev Dixit could also be doing something wrong, but I don't know for sure. "Living in animal cages" - all of that sounds like hyperbole, probably meant to sensationalize the issue.

Right now India is going through a churn and foreign missionaries have become hyper-active. Gone are the days when they converted one person at a time. They now convert entire communities or even towns. Hindu Gurus are fighting back. So the missionaries are targeting them. Modus operandi is to fund NGOs run by Indians to do the dirty work.

Of course, some cases against Gurus are valid, while others are fake. It is important to get some cases right even if those Gurus are not objecting to conversions because that makes the other cases look credible.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post26 Dec 2017

Pink Panther wrote:ex-l, all the current publicity and media reports about powerful men abusing their power over women (and men and children) hopefully may see a #metoo movement begin in India?

I've never managed to get a PBK to talk honestly about the sexual aspects of the group. All I heard is what one told me, I think by accident in the heat of the moment defending their faith, that "Virendra Dev Dixit had made love to [X number of] women and got none of them pregnant, and that this was further proof od his divinity". I cannot remember the specific number but it was a high number, may be 100 or something. But I don't know what is true or the specifics.

Of course, being rational, I'd tend to think all it means is that Virendra Dev Dixit is impotent, as in he has a low or no sperm count, or is a good "cocksman". I don't see how it naturally leads to assuming he is God's medium on Earth, although I do understand where it fits in with the BK philosophy and find it interesting how he is mirr.

I tend to look at this dispassionately. I am not shocked by it. I don't think he or they need to conform to either Western Christianity's or Hindu standards, let alone the BKs' sex ban, as long as there was no force, violence or coercion involved. But that what is going on ought to be discussed and understood.

I don't thinking adopting the "outraged" position helps in any way. Is it just a pervvy old man exploiting the BK worldview to have his wicked way with sexually frustrated women? Is it some kind of "sex magic", if such a think exists? Is it just a way of binding the women to himself, as per some Stockholm Syndrome? Is there some kind of undue influence going on? Is it a one off or a regular occasion?

I don't know, we don't know ... but I don't thinking sending the Indian police in to stomp all over the ashram and feeding dirty to the tabloid is going to help anyone. Already we see the women themselves being defensive of their group and leader, so what was achieved?

I did find this file about previous such accusations, accusations upon which the current accusation is built, on the PBK website. Filting the BK language out, it comes across as a fairly balanced and reasonable account of things portraying the PBKs in a far better light than their accusers. ... crtmtr.pdf

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Re: Virendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post26 Dec 2017

Can it be said it was done consensually when there is undue influence, when there is a power imbalance? Whether in terms of physical strength, social status, economic leverage, leverage of authority, loyalty, or fear of ostracism, it is abuse of power for the more powerful to impose himself (usually a ‘him') sexually. ESPECIALLY as it seems to fly in the face of their apparent teachings.

Just because the PBK are adversaries to the BKWSU doesn't mean they should be given any slack in their crimes, deceits, hypocrisies, falsehoods, corruptions.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post26 Dec 2017

Pink Panther wrote:Can it be said it was done consensually when there is undue influence, when there is a power imbalance?

I don't know. I think there are a number of different factors and influences going on here. I guess I just have an even greater contempt for the role being played by, to some extent, the "do gooders" stomping into areas they don't fully understand and, particularly, the tabloid press. I think they are only going to make things worse.

One would have to question the motivations and intentions of Seema Sharma and her NGO called "Foundation for Social Empowerment".

Arbit raised the issue of interfering Western missionaries in India. On the basis of my understanding, those are mostly Americans these days, yes? If we broaden that out to "Western values"; feminism, the anti-patriarchal sex abuse #metoo movement, and any anti-cult movement within India are quite new. Are they learning lessons learned elsewhere?

There are real live human beings involved here, sometimes it is all too easy for "the cause" to become more important than the effect of it.

So what do we have, women living in the pressure pot of Indian society, within the pressure pot of BK society, within the pressure pot of PBK society ... there are 3 layers of pressure already. Why are doing what they are doing?

Is what they are doing the best possible response they see to the first pressure of their family and Indian society?

Or where their families are BKs, the best possible response they can see to those pressures?

For example, from the enquiries I see, although we might criticise the BKs, a lot of young women are interested in joining them because it allows them to be relatively free in comparison to the other options enforced upon them.

For a young woman brought up within the narrow confines of BKism, for whom BKism is the world, does PBKism seem to be the next or only possible "acceptable" escape? A chance to "stick it" to her relatives and feel superior to them?

Then you have the sexual question.

Women have strong sexual drives and emotions that are entirely unaddressed within BKism. They are also attracted to men they perceive to be "powerful". Is Virendra Dev Dixit merely exploiting them for his own pleasure, or is it some sort of bizarre, convoluted manner in which the women can express and resolve their sexual desires?

We naturally assume such relationships are abusive and blame the leader or males, but are the followers not also part of their equation?

A considerable proportion of women in this world, at all levels in society, pay for their lifestyles with their vaginas; whether the lowest class prostitutes or the wealthy elite, they sell their sex for a place in life (and, yes obviously, much of the former is forces), are the PBK women just buying their position and status within society by going alone with having sex with Virendra Dev Dixit?

I don't know. We don't really know what is going on. What the practise is? Even if it is really going or amongst who many. It may just be an "inner circle" thing.

But already what we have is a queue of them complaining to the police about their families WANTING to stay with Virendra Dev Dixit. That suggests to me they PREFER life with Virendra Dev Dixit than with their families or forced marriages. That life within the AIVV is better than life within greater society.

We might desire for them that they enjoy the fully personal liberaties of the West ... but for most women in India, that's just not on the menu. Not in this life, nor the next.

And, from the BK side, one would have to question whether their outrage/discuss is equally based upon sub-conscious sexual-emotional jealousy due to their own denial/suppression of their sexuality.

If Virendra Dev Dixit wants 108 wives, and 108 women are willing to sign up for, I am not necessarily against that.

What you are asking is do those women *really* want to or not? I don't know. It may just be the best they think they can have, like a teenager choosing one night with a popstar over a long relationship with the spotty kid next door her parents want her to marry!

Let me put it this way, which would you choose, an arrangement marriage with someone you don't love and cannot stand, or sleeping with your guru and have a life free from your nagging family?

For the BKs, when their own guru Lekhraj Kirpalani did pretty much exactly the same with his gopis they now venerate, I think it's just blunt hypocrisy.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Virendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post27 Dec 2017

ex-l wrote:... there are 3 layers of pressure already. Why are doing what they are doing?
... Is Virendra Dev Dixit merely exploiting them for his own pleasure, or is it some sort of bizarre, convoluted manner in which the women can express and resolve their sexual desires?

I don't disagree with the broader net of possibilities as each relationship between adults is going to have a different dynamic. I also don't disagree about the various reasons and motives why women might be there. Nor about the social hypocrisy or media exploitation or outsiders motives for focusing on this. But ...


It is by your argument a 3rd level of power imbalance, even greater leverage, influence, repercussion. If family home is full of domestic problems so you go to a refuge then have the manager manipulate you into slave labour to be able to stay so you leave and go to a hostel where the manager there showers you with favours then extracts sex from you? Is it not a kind of grooming by the guru?

It could be these women prefer being where they are to going ”back” to earlier scenarios but what about going ”forward”? What if where they are is based on believing the divine nonsense of Virendra Dev Dixit (which is derived from the official BK nonsense, derived from the socially acceptable Vedanta nonsense - 3 levels of nonsense).
We naturally assume such relationships are abusive and blame the leader or males, but are the followers not also part of their equation? A considerable proportion of women in this world, at all levels in society, pay for their lifestyles with their vaginas; whether the lowest class prostitutes or the wealthy elite

It is all part of the same patriarchal hierarchical bullshitt of which the BKs and PBKs are a weird manifestation.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post27 Dec 2017

In the dimensions of spirituality and in terms of Jungian psychology, a soul in a female body can easily invoke the Aphrodite archetype and then rationalize her sexual gratification. Ladies in position have done much of the same acts of sexual pleasures as men in power. In instances of female teachers in the US, sleeping with their students can be mentioned. Once, a senior Western BK Brother was confiding to me the great lust present among the senior Indian BK Sisters!!!!!!
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post27 Dec 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Once, a senior Western BK Brother was confiding to me the great lust present among the senior Indian BK Sisters!!!!!!

Care to elucidate on the matter? I remember from Vedanta - part of which can only be absolute bollocks but part of which, from experience, I might agree with in principle - some great guru saying that women have "7 times stronger sexual desires" than men.

When I wrote "merely" I meant looking at the situation - as the "liberal do gooders" are now doing, and interfering on the basis of - and assuming it can only be the male guru sexually abusing the female adherents.

I don't think it's just that, and I think we have to be cautious at applying the framework of Western standards to the scenario at hand.

Setting yourself up as a guru seems to be an awful lot of hard work *just* to get laid. I don't believe for one moment that it was Virendra Dev Dixit's initial intention or incentive. There must be something else, something elses, going on.

Remember he too has been swept up in the 'folie à plusieurs' that is BKism and now believes himself to be the true Krishna surrounded by his gopis. Or, in fact, much more/worse ... a Krishna, Lekhraj Kirpalani's deceased business partner, the medium of God Shiva, with the spirit of the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani working through him and causing problems etc etc etc.

Which is either absolutely true as stated ... (which I don't believe) or he is highly functional, but literally insane.

His psychology would make a fascinating study in itself.

The difficult to the abuse angle is, the women themselves are not complaining. They are complaining about their families.

It's more a sort of moral reaction from conservative elements within Hindu society, and its patriarchy (the BJP), just as Osho Rajneesh was struck by, for his sexually liberated practises.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post27 Dec 2017

On the subject of Indian patriarchy, there is an interesting aside on this account, The case of a missing 23-year-old that led Delhi HC to look into ashram.
Meanwhile, the girl’s Brother managed to track her down with the help of Rajasthan police, who gave to him details of her call records. “We tracked her down to Rewari. We thought Delhi was closest to Rewari and visited the local branch of the ashram in Jaipur,” the Brother said, adding that he got the address of the ashram’s Rohini branch after visiting the Jaipur one. “I had taken my aunt to the Jaipur ashram and had told them that I wanted to enrol her at the Delhi ashram,” he said.

In the West, one would have to wonder about the legality of male police officers handing over the details of her telephone call records to a third party, but adult women in backward Indian communities are still basically the property of their Brothers and fathers. Bear in mind, we are talking about a society where honour killings are still common. There have been some terrible cases in the BKs' hometown of Karachi recently. I mean, look at the face on this "mother".

I have to also remark how identical it is to a Brahma Kumari case, for example,
“Later, we managed to enter the ashram on November 29 and tried to get the girl out”. But even as her family tried to reason with her to leave the ashram, the girl refused. “My Father broke down and kept pleading with her to leave. She just stood there with no expressions and kept saying that she was attaining knowledge and did not want to leave,” her Brother said.

That incident has be replay 10,000s times by BKs all over the world.
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Re: Veerendra Dev Dixit in trouble

Post28 Dec 2017

I've thought about this case and the best I can come up with is,

BKism is either absolutely true, which it is not, or some kind of highly functional and contagious mental illnesses.

PBKism is either absolutely true, which it is not, or some kind of slightly more extreme but yet still functional mental illnesses.

Both are sorts of asylums, without any staff, rather than ashrams therefore, within that model, Virendra Dev Dixit having intercourse with multiple women is equivalent to one patient in a psychiatric hospital having intercourse with multiple other patients.

Rationally, accepting that, one might say it is time for "society" or "authority" to step in and protect those who are weak and being victimised.

The problem is, what happen if the society around it, the society from which they fled, is equally but differently dysfunctional? Perhaps even more hurtful or harmful to them, certainly to those specific individuals who choose to enter the asylum?

Traditionally, the word asylum is very similar to the word ashram, meaning ‘place of refuge’ but for those too weak or ill, or mentally ill to care for themselves. BKs and PBKs would wish to portray their asylums as ashrams, places or religious retreat from a vicious materialist societies where they are more free to enjoy their devotion or pleasure.

But, in an ashram, the guru is there to lead the chela from their darkness to the light rather than keep them in the darkness, albeit a slight less dark darkness than the one they left.

If we accept that Lekhraj Kirpalani was not God, and not God possessed, but was instead suffering from some kind of quite severe mania, a personal mental breakdown - perhaps caused by and reflecting the pressures of the changing world around him - and that mania has since been institutionalised into BKism and PBKism, how - through what mechanism - is it spread? How does it attract and possess those who become part of it?

How and why was Virendra Dev Dixit so possessed by it? Enough to even convince those many other around him that he is how it is claimed he is, sufficient enough for them to become his gopi lovers?

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