End of the world - Rome's point of view

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End of the world - Rome's point of view

Post13 Mar 2007

Rome is the seat of Christianity. I would like to know whether any member has any contact with the POPE in Rome. If they have can they collect any news about what the BIBLE says about the end of the world? 8)

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Re: End of the world-ROME's point of view

Post13 Mar 2007

Mitra wrote:Rome is the seat of Christianity. I would like to know whether any member has any contact with the POPE in Rome. If they have can they collect any news about what BIBLE says about the end of the world?

??? Bibles are available for anyone to read, though bits might be changed, added and missing to affect the percieved image of Jesus and Christianity.

Christians have been waiting for the end times for like ages. Some were expecting it last millenium (the one before what's just gone).

There will be an anti-Christ then the true Son of God will reign for a thousand years. The usual plague, famine, earthquakes will prevail anyone accepting Christ into their lifes will be saved, all others banished to hell and the billions of people who have gone before will be resurrected (may be only Christians though). So unless you turn to Christ you ain't got a chance.
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Post13 Mar 2007

Sorry Mitra but you did not answer my question regarding the Murlis elsewhere ...

Actually, Rome is not the seat of Christianity. It is only the seat of the Holy Roman Empire, the Catholic Church, who mostly stole and murdered their way to power. Other aspects of Christianity have equal claim to Christ and their own seats, e.g. the Protestants and Orthodox or Byzantium Church.
John wrote:Bibles are available for anyone to read, though bits might be changed, added and missing to affect the percieved image of Jesus and Christianity ...

It is also true to say that if one wishes to study the original scrolls and history of Christianity, largley, one can. Although it was a hard won fight by the ordinary people.

In a way, the BKWSU and Madhuban act they are like the medieval Roman Catholic Church. They think they own God and can decide who reads His words and who does not, what they mean and which parts can be edited out. These days knowledge is stolen and people's reputations are assassinated

And, of course, both are into acquiring money, power and property. Not all accept the authority of the Popes. Just like Lekhraj Kirpalani, the Biblical Jesus and early Christians thought the World would be destroyed in their lifetime.
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Post13 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:In a way, the BKWSU and Madhuban act they are like the medieval Roman Catholic Church. They think they own God and can decide who reads His words and who does not, what they mean and which parts can be edited out. These days knowledge is stolen and people's reputations are assassinated. And, of course, both are into acquiring money, power and property. Not all accept the authority of the Popes. Just like Dada Lekhraj, the Biblical Jesus and early Christians thought the World would be destroyed in their lifetime.

I have a book titled "History of the World's Religions" by David S Noss. In the Chapter 16 on The Religious Development of Christianity, while writing about the Protestant Reformation the author writes:

For example, John Ball, the so-called mad priest of Kent cried out in England as early as the fourteenth century,

"My good friends, matters cannot go on well in England until all things shall be in common; when there shall be neither vassals, nor Lords; when the lords shall be no more masters than ourselves...Are we not all descended from the same parents, Adam and Eve? So what reason can they give why they should be more masters than ourselves? They are clothed in velvet and rich stuffs, ornamented with ermine and other furs, while we are forced to wear coarse linen. They have wine, spices, and good bread, while we have only rye bread and the refuse of straw; and when we drink it must be water. They have handsome seats and manors, while we have the trouble and the work, and must brave the rain and the wind in the fields. And it is by our labor they have wherewith to support their pomp."

Does not the shooting/recording for the above take place in our Brahmin world also?
Mitra wrote:Rome is the seat of Christianity. I would like to know whether any member has any contact with the POPE in Rome. If they have can they collect any news about what the BIBLE says about the end of the world?

While writing about the Protestant Reformation (Martin Luther's spiritual quest) the author writes:

A journey to Rome in the meantime, even while it deepened his love of the Holy City, confirmed in him the conviction that the papacy had fallen into unworthy hands. He saw in the lives of the priests at Rome not the poverty and humility of Christ but pomp, worldliness and pride. He later was to say,

"It is of a piece with this revolting pride that the Pope is not satisfied with riding on horseback or in a carriage, but though he be hale and strong, is carried by men like an idol in unheard-of pomp. My friend, how does this Lucifer-like pride agree with the example of Christ, who went on foot, as did also all the Apostles?"

How can those who live in luxuries of palaces speak of destruction? Would anyone believe?

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abrahma kumar

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Post13 Mar 2007

Sorry Mitra but you did not answer my question regarding the Murlis elsewhere ...

What's new!

Anyway I wonder if Mitra knows whether the End of the World will eventually be at the instaigation of some well-placed BKWSU puppet? The way the BKWSU is going about cultivating friends (or is it VIPs) in high places who knows what might happen in 300 years time.
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Post13 Mar 2007

arjun wrote:"It is of a piece with this revolting pride that the Pope is not satisfied with riding on horseback or in a carriage, but though he be hale and strong, is carried by men like an idol in unheard-of pomp. My friend, how does this Lucifer-like pride agree with the example of Christ, who went on foot, as did also all the Apostles?" [/color]

How can those who live in luxuries of palaces speak of destruction? Would anyone believe?

Its interesting but if anyone had asked me where the heart of Christianity was, I would have said Nazareth, Bethlehem or Jeruslem. The Holy Land. Rome, as you say, was all about the show of external power and its adoption of the religion was political.

There was another thread on the forum relating to a video that questioned the existence of Jesus from a historical and philosophical point of view. Its conclusions was that Jesus Christ did not exist and the mythology that became the religion of Christ was all made up from other earlier sources. You can see parallels between the Christ/Krishna soul.

Now, if Christ did not exist; then it would raise severe doubts on Shiva/the BKWSU's teachings given the amount of praise he was given. Unless they were again metaphorical rather than literal.
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Post14 Mar 2007

ex-l wrote:Its interesting but if anyone had asked me where the heart of Christianity was, I would have said Nazareth, Bethlehem or Jeruslem. The Holy Land. Rome, as you say, was all about the show of external power and its adoption of the religion was political.

May be I am wrong. I forgot the bit where Jesus was meant to have followed the Silk Route as a Saddhu to India and studied with yogic masters there ... so may be the heart of Christianity is in Kashmir or the Himalayas with the Masters that prepared him. This is another Christ myth. A Buddhist monastery in Kashmir claimed he had been there and other that he was buried there. I have no idea what is true but it seems likely. Others say that the Essences were essentially yogis as well. Purely speculation.
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Post14 Mar 2007

Hi, I came across, not long ago, a tv doc about new truths being revealed about Jesus Christ that would confirm he was Essence, going as far as saying that it's possible that - due to his yogic powers - he survived the cruxification and so when he was taken off it by Joseph. He was unconscious but alive. That 'd explain Resurrection.

Once cured and recovered, he than moved to the East again and they spoke about a tomb or mausoleum in Kashmir - venerated by all religions - that held the well preserved body of this holy man that bore some scars in his feet that would prove him having been nailed. Sorry I missed part of the program (it was a serious scientific one, usually high quality) and I am not that interested anyway.

Rome with the Vatican, are just centers of political ultra-conservative powers. I don't know why BKs have always made a big fuss about being present there, serving the Pope, sometimes saying Jesus Christ soul might be in him; other times no, he's in some other body. As mixed up and confusing as Bhakti. I think real good Christians and old souls of that branch, are engaged in social projects, not even doing proselitism, and they pay with their life for these commitments, i.e. to the mafia, when they represent a nuisance for helping kids out of the ghettos and drugs and criminals, same in the Amazon defending indegenous' rights, or in African missions where nuns and priests get punctually kidnapped or shot during some guerrilla or local wars.

Not surprisingly however, BK high ranks aim high to the high ranks in the Church also. Walking too much in slums, along with missionaries, is not a suitable occupation for high caste folks and you may soil your white sari.
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Pope's advice: live as Brother and Sister

Post28 Mar 2007

It seems that the Pope knows about Brother/Sister relationship in married couples, too.

Pope: Remarried Catholics should live as Brother and Sister

By the way, the current Pope is as spooky as any. Check out the photograph! He was around during WWII, the holocaust years and has now reached the top. A survivor, strategist, consummate player of the game of politics within the Vatican.

He may also be a spiritual man who reflects deeply on his life and life in general. Perhaps he is humble.

By the way, visiting the Vatican, one feels the history and power of the Church. It is immense. The Vatican Museum is immense. The obelisk brought by Caligula from Egypt stands in the center of the plaza, curiously pointing to religions and civilization of the past long before Christ then Christianity came to the world.

The quiet reverence and deep feeling at the tomb of John Paul II. As peaceful in its way, as any in Mount Abu. A proper man in a double-breasted suit stands by. He is the watchman, who permits certain people to come forward and pray. A young couple pauses to look on while a woman of strong faith comes forward to lay flowers. Later, outside, in the dimming light of evening, I see the same couple behind a pillar, in each other's arms. Around at the front I see the watchman for the tomb smoking a cigarette, lost in his nicotine reflections.
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Post29 Mar 2007

8) As per BK knowledge, Jesus and Christ are TWO different Souls in a Single Body. Christ is the pure soul who is responsible for the establishment of that religion. Can any one give some view about how Christians Believe that Jesus Christ has emerged to his Angelic form after 3 days?

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Post03 Apr 2007

Mitra wrote:As per BK knowledge, Jesus and Christ are TWO different Souls in a Single Body. Christ is the pure soul who is responsible for the establishment of that religion. Can any one give some view about how Christians Believe that Jesus Christ has emerged to his Angelic form after 3 days?

Some Christians believe this and many do not, some think it is just a metaphor, some feel it is real.

Anyway why should any Christian come on here and justify their belief. You yourself have been asked many times to show everyone what you belief in and you are not prepared to do this. At least Christians have the courage of their conviction to show the world where they are at.

I actually do know an old BK who has gone and met the pope (in secret) he had great pleasure in telling me how much he enjoyed 'kissing his ring' :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post03 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:he had great pleasure in telling me how much he enjoyed 'kissing his ring' :lol: :lol: :lol:

No doubt a habit he perfected whilst in the BKWSU ...
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Post03 Apr 2007

Thanks Mitra, can anyone offer feedback on whether Christians do at all believe or speak in terms of Jesus Christ emerging into his Angelic form? Thanks.


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Post04 Apr 2007

Maybe the problem here is to apply BK terminology to Christianity and trying to make the two fit together. We don't have 'angelic forms' though we do have angels. We have souls. Jesus Christ was supposed to have arisen after 3 days of entombment. Then he ascended into heaven. His body was no longer in the tomb. The shroud was.

My knowledge here is very limited, I am a Catholic, but it has been many years. Some Christians believe it is far more metaphorical, as in the lord created the world in 7 days. It was written in a form that was more palatable to people and in a way they would understand, more along the lines of story telling as in Aesops fables, the main thing was to get the point across, i.e. Jesus (God, the holy trinity, all one and the same, the Father, son and Holy Spirit) had arisen from the dead and would return again. Meaning he was not dead as such, spirit very much lived on and would return to save the world.

Some say his apostles removed the body to prevent it from being mutilated and devised the story of the ascension. Mind you, stories such as the da vinci code have hit the world by storm and provide much food for thought. i have even heard a version of where Jesus did not die, and was secreted away to become a BK! Maybe part of this was true, and he was actually secreted away and the story made to divert any search for him.

In short, no we do not speak of Jesus emerging into his angelic form, that is BK speak. He ascended into heaven, body and soul. I had never heard the term before I came onto the forum. Unlike BKs, us Maya Christians are more than happy to let it all hang out. Only the removal of half the bible, removal of any documentation referring to reincarnation, (yes, there was a whole section on it) rewriting of the bible to suit political aspirations, the child abuse cover ups, are kept secret. Mmmmm, now why does that sound familiar? Needless to say, I may be a Christian, but do not belong to any denomination. The psychic, brainwashing techniques used are just a little less devastating.

Hope that helps.
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Post04 Apr 2007

di wrote: I may be a Christian, but do not belong to any denomination. The psyhic, brainwashing techniques used are just a little less devastating. Hope that helps.


I have to disagree there. The Christian influence on Western society is completely devastating. It permates all the society and the brain washing has been going on for 2 thousand years. The thing is now nobody realises it and considers it normal or correct.

Christianity has had cruelty, wars, lies, deception within it's household, how does that compare to BKs?

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