Code of Ethics

Brahma Kumaris Info: Code of Ethics - v. 1.0.1

Members are expected to act with honesty and integrity in furthering the purpose of this site.


The following 4 points set out Brahma Kumaris Info's purpose which is to:

  • support ex-BKs & individuals exiting the BKWSU
  • support family member & friends of BKs
  • act as a workgroup to research & document the Brahma Kumari movement (that is to host honest enquiry rather than "chatting" and the "publishing" of thoughts and experiences, with all the standards that go along with responsible publishing), and/or
  • encourage positive reform within the Brahma Kumari movement

In furtherance of the above members commit to abide by the following code:

Code of Ethics

1) Members must act in a way that they reasonably believe to be in the best interests of other members or the general public. Members must maintain appropriate boundaries in their relationships with other members and respect them at all times not using the forum to seek intimate relationships.

2) Members must preserve any confidential information acquired through their involvement in the forum and protect the privacy of individuals and organisations about whom information is held, including that given in private messages, even after leaving the forum.

3) Members must conduct themselves and their involvement in such a way that does not damage the stated aims of the forum or the interests of other members, except where those interests are unlawful or injurious or damaging to others.

4) Any serious allegations whether about an individual or an organisation should be based on good evidence or supported by a personal witness statement if asked for. Please distinguish between fact and opinion. It is the responsibility of all members to ensure the accuracy of their postings.

5) If a member is an adherent of, or re-joins the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BK, BKWSU, BKWSO etc), the Adhyatmik Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (PBK, AIVV) or any other BK splinter groups, they are required to respect the aims of the site and to be honest about their affiliations and refrain from religious prosletizing.

6) Members must restrict their posting within the limits of reasonableness, accurateness and their own competence. All members accept and commit to a common duty of care. Members must be mindful of the vulnerabilities of others and ensure that any opinions or advice offered are not framed in a way which exaggerates personal experience or expertise. Members shall not attempt to give advice exceeding their qualifications.

7) Posts of an entirely personal and 'off forum' nature should be restricted to the blogging area and what would be best be said privately sent as a private message via members rather than published in public on the forum. Please respect the administration's limited time and resources by posting in the appropriate areas and topics.

8) Members must ensure whoever holds legal parental responsibility for any child member is aware of the principles and practicalities of forum membership and assure that as far as possible they are maintained. Please note that some topics may be unsuitable for minors.

9) Members accept that a forum is an inappropriate place for the treatment of serious psychological problems and will not use it as a substitute for professional help.

If your condition is serious, please contact us via email and we will try our best to assist you in finding that help.

10) Members must limit their involvement, or refrain from posting, when they are under the influence of intoxicants.

11) Members shall refrain from advertising their own professional services and using forum membership to further their own financial interests.

12) If doing research, the nature, purpose and conditions of any research must be fully explained to other members and informed consent must be obtained from both other members and the administrators.

Members shall, in all their involvement value integrity, impartiality and seek to establish the highest ethical standards in such a manner as not to bring the forum or themselves into disrepute.

A breach of this code may result in membership being suspended for a "cooling off" period. Repeated or serious breaches will result in membership being cancelled.

April 2009