Beautiful Recreation by Brahma Kumaris

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Beautiful Recreation by Brahma Kumaris

Post15 Oct 2010

The Brahma Kumaris celebrated the Navaratri festival in a unique way this year by creating a live show of nine goddesses: Saraswati, Lakshmi, Amba, Durga, Kali, Gayatri, Vaishnavi, Bahuchura and Kodiyaar Ma. Nine yognis dressed up as goddesses, sat on their respective thrones of flowers or animals and gave “darshan” at three different show times to an audience of several hundred.

Those present also enjoyed dancing the Garba and visiting six booths. These included opportunities to plan their virtue calendar, spin a wheel of virtues, receive an explanation of Raja Yoga Meditation, and see “Navratri Golu”.

Navratri Golu is a South Indian custom of celebrating the festival of Navratri. The Brahma Kumaris set it up by building steps on which objects representing different eras were displayed: Golden Age, Silver Age, Copper Age, Iron Age and Confluence Age. The Golu was adorned with dolls and statues of the gods and goddesses.

The spiritual meaning of Navaratri is to celebrate the success of the nine goddesses in destroying the vices and weakness in themselves. The BK understanding is that these goddesses represent the success of Shiv Shaktis in the struggle between darkness and light at this time – and that now is the time in which we can all help ourselves and others create a peaceful world by taking power from the Supreme Soul. When we learn to connect with God, we can take in the powers of knowledge, peace, love, joy, happiness, bliss and contentment, and with these qualities transform the negativity which blocks our light and happiness.

The evening started with people spending their time at the booths. People were relaxed and shared that they felt peaceful at the Raja Yoga meditation booth. Children and adults spun the wheel of virtues and received a special virtue card. Many people created a virtue calendar for the year.

The curtains were opened to display the completely still nine yogis dressed as Goddesses after an explanation of the spiritual meaning of Navaratri. The experience of seeing the nine goddesses was beautiful and powerful. People stood quietly for 20 minutes, watching with fascination, and sometimes quietly chatting about the powerful atmosphere and their contentment and happiness in seeing their favorite goddesses in a “living form”. Dancing of Navratri Garba and Raas took place by adults and children between the shows.

Sister Chandru, Director of the West Coast Brahma Kumaris Centers, gave Prasad and blessings to every one. Sister Gita, Director of the Los Angeles Brahma Kumaris Center ended the event with vote of thanks.



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Brahma Kumaris Will Participate in 3rd Global Film Festival

Post28 Oct 2010

Brahma Kumaris Academy for a Better World is dedicated to the goal of establishing a Value-based society. Their main focus is the development of human potential. They aim at bringing harmony in human relations and changing the attitudes and outlook of man so that there is the spirit of brotherhood, love and co-operation.

What are the principles and teachings of Brahma Kumaris? ND.

"We do not have religious rituals and worship idols and images nor do we do any heaven."

for documentation.
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Re: Beautiful Recreation by Brahma Kumaris

Post29 Oct 2010

It is not often I swear on forum but ... where the **** is "Noida"?!? And ... what the **** is it about Indian that EVERYTHING has to be "Global" to make it sounds more important than it is!?! What is this mania with world domination!?!

Come to think about it, if it is a "Global" festival, it is probably organised by some BK adherent. EVERYTHING they do is COSMICALLY GLOBAL AND TRUTH!!!

Yes, that is the corporations PR motto ... which completely opposes the truth of their teachings. The Brahma Kumaris hope to bring "harmony in human relations" by inspiring a Nuclear Holocaust that will kill off all human being EXCEPT for Brahma Kumaris. Fact.

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