Making efforts before Destruction

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Making efforts before Destruction

Post28 Jun 2008

It is very difficult to understand DRAMA. BK course is like converting a bedridden patient to a boxer (full fighter). It is like turning most degraded souls into purest souls. So it is a very difficult task. It will definitely take time. Moreover, Baba has told that The Knowledge sits only in pure intellect. To the extent we are pure, we can realize the situation, and not mere on the word meanings of Murli.

That is why Baba says, do not waste time. The aim is to remember Baba at least eight hours per day. But we have to check ourselves how much time we forget the body and bodily relations and think of Baba. There is no effort at all. Even today, BKs are sleeping. We cannot see any BK making honest effort. Baba has also told, when Destruction is near, you will do strong purusharthah. Baba has also said when your study is over, Destruction will take place. So both are interrelated. Powerful souls will study faster and hence will not have fear of Destruction. Hence they become triggering instruments for the Destruction. They get higher ranks. Other BKs who do purusharthah after seeing Destruction get lesser rank.

Also in this Drama, no one should blame that "I have received Godly Knowledge very late. I did not get time to do effort." So Drama gives sufficient time for everybody to do purusharthah (effort).
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Re: Making efforts before Destruction

Post28 Jun 2008


have you had time to take a look over our history forum?

In it there is clear evidence in the form of posters and letter from the 1930s and 40s that the Prajapati Brahma-kumaris were led to believe that WWII (1939 to 45) was Destruction.

There there is specific evidence to prove that the Prajapati Brahma-kumaris was told Destruction would be in 1950-51.

Elsewhere on this forum, there are Murli points and posters from the 1960s that pointed specifically to 1976 as the date for Destruction, and when I was a BK, the Murlis used to say; 50 years for Destruction and 50 Years for Creation pointing to Destruction around 1986/7 ... this was later re-edited by the Brahma-Kumaris to say 60:40, e.g. approximately 1996/7

I am perfectly aware that the partyline within the BKWSU is that "Baba has never given a specific date for Destruction" e.g. 3rd of May etc etc etc but these are SPECIFIC years. There was also a lot of craziness around the Year 2000 with BKs told to remove their money from the banks, buy water containers and food ... nothing happened. Why should we believe in them any more?

As these were dates Baba gave ... what was the significance of these dates and why did Baba given them? For example, here; Divine Decree.

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wasting energy

Post28 Jun 2008

Hi, Mbbhat! I also noticed that not many BKs are making honest effort (But excuse me, what are we talking about? Should we assume and agree that effort is to transform the self, purify it, become perfect, emerge our original qualities, connected with constant, deep and natural soul consciousness?). Baba has often stressed the importance of maintaining the balance between service for the world and self service.

However, if we were to quantify the time and attention BKs give to internal, incognito effort and the energy they put in arranging programs, giving courses, promoting Gyan, raising funds and selling goods, we would notice where unmistakably most of their energy goes. It gets dissipated in doing proselytism, rather than paying attention to becoming the embodiment of the teachings. It is not easy to get along with your family members or colleagues when priorities are not the same or when what you were told was the priority becomes something of secondary importance. When the vision and methods are no longer the same, you "grow apart". Hence the split up!

This is why many BKs eventually feel that they have to get out of this hellish spiral of hyperactivity, if they want to start again focusing on their stage. Because it is difficult to maintain the balance when your bosses push you to sell, to produce more. You are bound to have accidents, to do things "inaccurately".

Regarding Destruction, I never thought I needed the BKs to tell me what the actual state of the world is and were humanity is heading to. I don't know if there will be a semi-total annihilation or what, but I do feel that we shouldn't waste our time in useless Kaliyugi oriented activities and unspiritual company, this includes dedicating oneself to the Yagya, for instance, and associating oneself to career minded pseudo-yogis! Because we have to awaken and practise our powers before a crisis, not "last minute" we have to watch out for institutions and people misleading or lying, since they become a hindrance in our spiritual journey.



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Re: wasting energy

Post29 Jun 2008

Dear Alladin and ex-l

We have to become right student. A student will see only the teacher and the study(Murli). If a student seeks company of another student who is weak, he is definitely going to get affected badly. So Baba says, See Father, follow Father. Baba has also told to get company of Servicable children. Now the question is how to decide who is servicable.

The most important thing: Baba has told ,"sabse achee buddhi hai 'mujhe pavitr ban-naa hai' " means the highest intellect is the one that decides, 'I have to become pure'.

I will write more within 2 days. One should see the order of preference to be given in Brahmin life. Without planning, practical is impossible. That is why BKs are getting tired even after spending their time, money and energy in Yagya and seva.
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Re: wasting energy

Post29 Jun 2008

mbbhat wrote:I will write more within 2 days.

If you do ... can you answer the questions that were actually put to you instead of just writing whatever it is you want to say, please? Otherwise, you risk sounding just like a high-pressure salesman.

One word of advice. In English we say, "Baba says" or "Baba said" not "Baba told". You can use told but not in the context that you are using it.



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Re: wasting energy

Post29 Jun 2008

Dear ex-l soul,

I will try my best. You please ask all the questions. Sometimes it may not be possible to give answer at that point. Some other things need to be discussed before. Another thing, a child's and patient's or an addicted person's needs are to be supplied, not desires. Without supplying the needs, even if the desires are fulfilled, it is of no use. [Please excuse me for writing like this]. Another thing is that I do not know the history of Yagya as much as you know since I have not gone into depth of each and everything. I can tell from Murli. So you please go on guiding me as you think and let us try for better.

Please correct my English usage wherever possible.
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Re: Making efforts before Destruction

Post29 Jun 2008

All you have are Murlis that we know for a fact have been edited and re-written by humans already? That leaves you at a little bit of a disadvantage. When did you actually come into Gyan?

OK. Let's start with the earlier predictions of Destruction then ... you spin the usual partyline, how aware of the WWII, 1950 and 1976 predictions of Destruction were you and why are they not mentioned in the BKWSU current literature?

Why are newcomers not told about them?



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Re: Making efforts before Destruction

Post01 Jul 2008

The administers do not have patience or courage. They also may have fear.

But there is one good thing in that. Because, if the newcomers are given all these details, they will not be able to digest these. Then instead of listening to Murli (eating mango), they will start searching from where mango fruit has come and remain hungry!

Do you know, some BKs have thought that I belonged to PBKs when I was reading many Murlis in a single day.
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Re: Making efforts before Destruction

Post01 Jul 2008

Well, that is a terrible reflection on the individuals that call themselves BKs then.

Whatever the leadership may have, and I have seen them lie blind to outsiders, it is their problem and they should not be allowed to make it a problem for others. I underline that I think they underestimate average people's intelligence. So perhaps it is more about protection the teachers they have put in place as their, rather than the truth's, representatives and money collectors.

In simpler terms, I think it is more about mental conditioning. The Brahma Kumaris want individuals to be mentally conditioned enough, lulled in other words, so they are separated from their commonsense and own intuition.

I hope you have seen how well our database system works for finding Murli quotes, try a test search here. With a little cooperation, everyone could have every Murli at their finger tips to read through. From the Encyclopedia.
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Re: Making efforts before Destruction

Post01 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:But there is one good thing in that. Because, if the newcomers are given all these details, they will not be able to digest these. Then instead of listening to Murli (eating mango), they will start searching from where mango fruit has come and remain hungry!

Surely mango fruit Murli has come from ShivBaba, therefore searching from where it has come is the highest priority.

Murli as they are presented today may be false, what I mean is false from the original intention, therefore history and re-writes should never be glossed over as something to look into maybe one day or maybe not, it should also be a priority.

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