Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

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Re: How to remove unnecessary thoughts?

Post14 Oct 2008

How do you know which ones are unnecessary? If you think afterwards that it was wasteful, surely that too is wasteful ...


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steps to be followed in meditation for the newcomers.

Post15 Oct 2008

What are the steps to be followed in meditation for the newcomers?
What are the different types of mediatation to be followed?

What is the difference between soul-consciousness and body-consciousness?
How to remove 100% body-consciousness?
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Re: Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

Post15 Oct 2008


stand back and see what is going on ... they are trying to take your independence away and wrap you up in their cult. Make your mind spin and turn you into one of their followers.

Ask them why their God, who they say possessed a millionaire businessman Lekhraj Kirpalani and spoke through him ... and who they now say speaks through one of their other mediums in India, predicted the end of the world in WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986 and why they removed all mention of this from their teachings.
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Re: Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

Post15 Oct 2008

viji wrote:How is 100% sure that the total population of the Golden Age is 900,000?

I don't know how this figure first appeared in the Godly knowledge as propagated by the BKs, but it is generally believed by the BKs/PBKs that since it is famous in India that there are 900,000 stars in the sky, there should be 900,000 deities in the beginning of the Golden Age.
viji wrote:How to remove unnecessary thoughts? What are the steps to be followed to remove unnecessary thoughts?

It is said that practice makes a man perfect. Baba also says that you can overcome wasteful thoughts by trying to practice focussing your mind on positive thoughts through the study of Godly knowledge, meditation and Godly service. For the practice of meditation, it is believed by the BKs/PBKs that the best time to do this is pre-dawn period (Amrit Vela).

From a worldly point of view, you can overcome unnecessary thoughts by engaging your mind in reading some useful books, watching some useful programmes on TV, listening to some soothing music, engaging in some hobby (like gardening, painting, etc.) or sport or some socially useful activity.

viji wrote:What are steps to be followed for the development of the pure and perfection soul?

Although perfection may be a relative term for different people, it is believed by the BKs/PBKs that the following steps may help one to achieve a stage of purity/perfection:

    1. Considering oneself to be a soul, not this non-living body and realizing the pure stage of the soul and remembering the Supreme Soul as a source of powers, virtues, etc.
    2. Adherence of:
    a) Brahmacharya (purity of thoughts, words and actions)
    b) Pure food (purely vegetarian food, preferably cooked by self or a practioner of BK/PBK knowledge in a soul conscious stage in the remembrance of God)
    c) Inculcation of virtues (helped by study of Godly versions as contained in Murlis and Avyakt Vanis)
    d) Satsang (literally meaning company of truth, but here it means attending the spiritual gatherings, i.e. BK/PBK classes daily or as regularly as it is convenient for you)
viji wrote:What are the steps to be followed in meditation for the newcomers? What are the different types of mediatation to be followed?

From BK/PBK point of view meditation means considering oneself to be a soul and remembering the Supreme Soul Shiv. There is no difference of opinion amongs BKs/PBKs with regard to considering oneself to be a soul, but there is difference in the way they remember the Supreme Soul.

BKs remember the Supreme Soul as a point of light either in the Soul World (which they believe to be located beyond this physical world/universe) or as a point of light in the middle of the forehead of Brahma Baba.

PBKs remember the Supreme Soul as a point of light in the middle of the forehead of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit.
viji wrote:What is the difference between soul-consciousness and body-consciousness?
How to remove 100% body-consciousness?

Soul consciousness means to consider oneself as a luminous point of light sitting/located in the middle of the forehead and experiencing this body as a non-living thing, just like a driver driving a vehicle or like a person operating a machine or like a person living in a house. It also involves thinking about the original form of a soul which is pure, virtuous, righteous, peaceful, joyful, etc. and thinking about The Cycle of 84 births that a soul has passed through in this world drama of 5000 years. If someone has actually realized himself/herself to be a soul then the original pure form of the soul should also reflect in his/her words and actions.

Body consciousness means to consider oneself to be this body made up of the five elements. It also involves thinking about the pleasures of the bodily organs and things/persons associated with the body. There are different levels of body consciousness just as there could be different levels of soul consciousness.
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Re: Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

Post15 Oct 2008

Please move this discussion to the forum for BK and PBK believers.
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Re: Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

Post15 Oct 2008

A common Puja ...
Suraja chandana nau lakha tare, Guruji ... tumhari parikrama kare

Salutations to the Guruji, whose form is encircled by the sun, the moon and 900,000 stars

No idea what it means. In Toaism, "the 10,000 things" just meant symbolically "everything". It was consider the biggest number and anything above it pointless considering. Perhaps 900,000 also has a symbolic meaning that Lekhraj Kirpalani missed? 9 does. 9 to the power of 5 Zeros ... ?
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Re: Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

Post20 Oct 2008

It is also worth point out from Westerners that the Brahma Kumaris claim "total population for heaven on earth" also known as "the end of the Silver Age" as 330,000,000 is also taken from ancient Hinduism. Of course, the Brahma Kumaris, in their supreme vanity, accuse the ancient Hindus of taking the idea from them ...

Since ancient times in India it was believed that there were 330 million living beings. This failed but gave rise to the idea of 330 million devas, deities or gods. A sceptic suggests that so many gods could never have been possibly worshipped, since 330 million names could not have been designed for them ... but mystics suggest that the number 330,000,000 was again simply symbolic, expressing the fundamental Hindu doctrine that God lives in the hearts of all living beings.

There is some debate over whether the idea of 330,000,000 gods related to "gods on earth" or devas ... spirit beings in other realms. Some accuse the early British theologists and ethnologists of mixing the two up.
In the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, while discussing Brahman, Yajnavalkya is asked how many gods are there. He said that there were three hundred and three and three thousand and three gods. When the question is repeated? He says, thirty three. When the question is again repeated he says, six. Finally, after several repetitions he says ONE. (Chapter I:9:1)

The number 33 comes from the number of Vedic gods explained by Yajnavalkya in Brhadaranyaka Upanishad – the eight Vasus, the eleven Rudras, the twelve Adityas, Indra ... and Prajapati. (Chapter I:9:2)

33 was added the maximum number of zeros that the ancient people thought were the number of living beings.

In the Puranas, there are a category of extra-terrestrial beings called "Devas", whose abode is Indra Lokha. It is believed that individuals who do extraordinary good deeds in this earth, after their death get a higher birth and they reach the Deva Lokha and live there as Devas, enjoying the fruits of their good deeds. The count of such Devas is normally referred to as 330 million but it is a mistake to assume that all the 330 million Devas are "Gods".

Devas are described as more evolved, more powerful and more enjoying beings but they have no physical body. Their existence is only in the form of subtler body (prana) and their enjoyment is again in the form of subtler pleasures only. According to Veda, Devas' dependence for happy well being is linked to the humans' sacrifice of food and other materials, conveyed through "Yagnya"- Fire Sacrifice.

Devas are said not to have an eternal existence. Once they have completed enjoying the fruits of their past good deeds, they have to come back to this earth to take birth again.

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Re: Questions from a new student of the BKWSU's 7 days course

Post20 Oct 2008

There was an England Football coach who got into "spirituality" a little. He had an adviser who told him that physically disadvantaged people at birth had committed sins in previous lives. He voiced this idea in the media. The result? The media crucified him.

Looking at physical bodies from the standpoint of knowledge we are all disadvantaged. The notion that I must have sinned more than most because I am uglier or have restricted movement or missing limbs or am sick in some way doesn't seem that helpful to me. A more useful understanding of karma is to from now leave alone what is harmful and to "grow" what is useful.

Fanaticism is no friend of a sense of perspective.

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