Perpetual Yogic Agriculture ... BKs enter the Seed Stage

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Perpetual Yogic Agriculture ... BKs enter the Seed Stage

Post15 Jun 2011

OK, usual BS about Brahma Kumarism being "the ancient Raja Yoga" ... oh, no it is not ... announcing the Brahma Kumaris evangelist campaign to not only convert farmers to their religion but 'Divinise the Plant' as they have 'proven' that plants posses "advanced affective or cognitive abilities". Surprised not to have read that in New Scientist? Is this is a new twist on what the BKs called "The Seed Stage".

Moving on from borrowing from everyone else religion and relabelling it, the BKs now purloin 'Natural Farming' principles from Mokichi Okada and Masanobu Fukuoka who, laughably, become "Oar Vada" and Mr. "Fufuoka"! Credit goes to surrendered Sister B.K.Manisha of Kolhapur.

Top marks for taking up organic farming ... but let's remember the Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs got there first ... the BKs are obvious out to "create some subjects" to work on their farms come the Golden Age. The Brahma Kumaris wish to eliminate the Hindu peasantry's "mistrust, superstition, blind faiths and unhealthy social practices" ... and replace it with their own aiming at the conversion of "the indigenous masses through courses in Raja Yoga meditation".

Download the manual ... which reads like it was cobbled together from some badly written Wikipedia articles and a pile of Sakar Murlis ... here. Yes, and did not you guess ... it is all about detachment AGAIN!
Example: command number 10 ... "BapDada want that every child of them in the whole world becomes free from any type of attachment -- towards either means or individuals."

It is funny when I remember how "anti-food Bhakti" they used to be ... around Page 20 they now guarantee in writing "100% success ... increased crop fertility and production and pest control" via Raja Yoga meditation (... and if your crops fail, tough luck, it was either your karma or, obviously, because you were not doing enough Yoga). Apparently planting flags of God Shiva "helps in increasing crop" ... guaranteed. I got to get on the phone to the Farmer's Union right now!
Yogic Kheti” is a sustainable technique of agriculture where the farmers employ the ancient methods of Rajayoga Meditation as one of the key ingredient in every stage of farming. The Rajayoga Meditation can be practised by farmers as they go through their daily chores in the field. This when combined with methods of organic farming resulted in significantly lower cost of inputs and improved productivity with better nutrition content. (as established by the study across various locations in India)

This method of Eternal Yogic Agriculture, establishes an emotional relationship with nature as a whole. Plants do react to the positive emotions (this is scientifically established by different scientists across the world).

Brahma Kumaris, with the help of agricultural scientists associated with the Rural Development Wing of Rajayoga Education and Research Foundation have developed, tested and established the positive effect of practicing RajYoga Meditation in conjunction with organic farming. Specifically we have established the following:

    Bestow Yogic vibrations upon the seeds and saplings before they are sown or planted in the field results in healthier crop-yield.
    Microorganisms attain vitality, Energy and Dynamism through Yogic Vibrations thereby enhancing the Biological Activity.
    Soil fertility is maintained and enhanced by this system which optimizes soil biological activity and the physical and mineral nature of the soil as the means to provide a balanced nutrient supply for plant and animal life as well as to conserve soil resources

God Father, the Supreme Soul -- the most knowledgeable of all, the knower of the beginning, the middle and the end of this world and Firmament, the ocean of knowledge, the bestower of peace and happiness,is bringing about a change in the attitude of His children by teaching RajYoga again. His Shrimat (dictat or command) is:

"Children, know your original form and remain in that state, connect your intellect with me -- the Knowledgeable Supreme Father. My own ocean of powers will make your thoughts powerful. Then your pure and the best thoughts will achieve all successes. Things considered impossible will also become possible. This is not any magic or clairvoyance but the science of spiritual agriculture. The use of soul-power and supreme-soul's powers is at its peak level in this experiment. Such a performance is possible only through the best, the purest, and the most powerful vibrations of your emotions".

... the farmers first learn the method of RajYoga and then experiment The Knowledge and skill thus gained in some part of their plantation. This will enable them to become successful through experimentation. They will become authority of experience. The process requires that they do not use any chemical fertilizer, nor any insecticides and/or toxic medicines. They need to empower their plantation only with home-made organic fertilizer. They will also need to give sakaash (energy-field) of meditation and use all the seven qualities of soul with concentration and determination. By adopting such a process, they will be able to produce pure and pious food-grains, fruits or vegetables available for their own use. Having succeeded in the experiment thus conducted, they should inspire other farmers with whom they come into contact.
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Mr Green


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Re: Perpetual Yogic Agriculture ... BKs enter the Seed Stage

Post16 Jun 2011

I remember BKs arguing over whether plants have souls or not, it was one of those grey areas


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Re: Perpetual Yogic Agriculture ... BKs enter the Seed Stage

Post17 Jun 2011

This BKs and crop growing stuff really made me laugh. The whole movement just gets more bizarre by the year.

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