Internet Grumbles "BKs treat shudras like slave workers"

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Internet Grumbles "BKs treat shudras like slave workers"

Post02 Dec 2011

This site gets a healthy mention from an attendee to the Brahma Kumaris "best possible taste" big house in the country retreat including criticisms of their habit of taking money and particularly dowries off young girls, Gibbons, Tallis and poppadums with the Brahma Kumaris.

It sounds like things are not quite right in the Kingdom of Janki. To me, it suggests a nice little two class system has been created. Those being served ... IPs, VIPs and the chosen few BKs ... and those serving.
As I drove back down the long drive to the new village of Nuneham Courtney, I passed a long line of sari-wearing Indian girls and their mothers.

Full of tea and scones and the beauty of Nuneham Park I smiled broadly. None smiled back, and they seemed uncomfortable and apprehensive.

Meanwhile, despite the best efforts of the BKWSU PR team, the internet seems to a bit of a disaster for the Brahma Kumaris. More grumblings from the Indian blogosphere ... "they treat shudras like dirt. In fact they treat shudras like slave workers."

Subtle - November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

The teachings in Brahma Kumaris are very often erroneous and misleading.
For example they derive their own version from the Vedic calculation of time, Githa, concept of God…
They teach you God is just piece of Light…and no relatives, no mother, no Sister etc etc
Just imagine how bad they shape the younger people’s mind…
do not let this organization to boom in your town….!!!!!!
My Sister was nearly a victim of this false cult which brings bad name to the eternal religion of mankind,sanathana dharma…
November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

most of the christians complain that teachings of nuns are away from truth
godszen - November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

Philosophy is nothing but a mental concoction.
You need to find your own source of beingness.
I got answers - November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

Brahma kuamaris is a made up cult group and you should not follow them. They are far from the truth, and they just want more and more followers
Bruce - November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

They claim they get it though "divine revelations" and "divine visions" (not the Vedas, Puranas, Gita, etc.).
yamunaithuraivan - November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

They must be banned before they corrupt the innocent minds. It is very dangerous to allow such group to prosper. Atleast let them not have a Hindu
BuddhaFan - November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

This is a place where shudras victims, std women, poor widows and females rejected by their families go.
They rule the organisation. And they treat shudras like dirt. In fact they treat shudras like slave workers. It is an organisation of for & by ladies who are self righteous. Their teacher (now dead) used to make young girls sit in his lap.
Actually it is meant for orphans.

Every thursday they claim that their dead teacher possesses one old lady in Mount Abu , then she starts speaking in a different tone to make people believe that their teacher is speaking through her .

The teacher was a Brahmin. These Brahmins always create ways & means to make people believe in them having supernatural powers in order to mentally enslave Hindu people probably to acquire, weath, favor and political influence.

Time has come to kick them and throw them out of India , they claim to be aryans who came from outside , so they are our oppressors.

raees - November 30, 2011 at 1:00 pm

According to Brahma Kumaris best person is who do not marry. if they want all the people on the earth should be the best. then no one will marry. and there will be no next generation. khallas.
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Internet Grumbles "BKs treat shudras like slave workers"

Post03 Dec 2011

From the recent post to the Spanish speaking ex-BK forum (Rough translation).

Note last one of mother reported to police and being published for beating a child who did not want to belong to the BKWSU.

I do not know if you're the one with which I have ever talked on the phone asking for contact with my mother. My mother has being going to the BKWSU center, from time to time, maybe once or twice every three months.

My mother invests too much time into this cult, but there no way to make her understand.

The point is that my mother has changed a lot, yes, I do not think that is a kind of sect that postulates the collective suicide or something, but in its own way it is no less dangerous, because everything they do is to remove the followers from life. They cannot have sex (they must end their lives as a couple), they cannot watch television, (to isolate the world in which they live), they have to wake up at odd hours (like 3 am) to meditate, which makes them sleepy all day, and they cannot stay up late, enjoy family life or eating or sleeping because they have to rest to get up early, they have to cook their own food which means that they can NEVER eat out of home which all making it very difficult to have relations and friendship. And I could go with much more.

Well, needless to say, with all these demands my mother has changed dramatically. Apparently, to everyone but her, it is for the worse (she thinks she better than ever). You have to be profoundly selfish to be with the association ...

Anyway, I hope your daughter come home as soon as possible. I will try to investigate in case my mother knows something about it.

Sending a hug.
How long can this sects be sponsored by the UN? Please, protect, but not "lie".

And look, what you feel is not "inner peace" is simply not "a total lack of feelings for anyone other than you it "... Or put another way: "Selfishness, pure and simple." And, yes, such people also have tried to get me, and destroy with love who prevents them from everything they think they deserve, but yes: "It's always the others who self-destruct, they do not move" ...

Very well, sure you're very happy staring at your navel, and "doing something for people to feel sooooooo fine ..." And the day I do not feel good-that's when you really just always happening, the blame and changed the "fad" or as you call it "Karma"?

This is the truths!

Re: Brahma Kumaris (again): Juan Cano (i) (90.163.34 .---) / Fri, 25-Jan-2008, 16:52:10

I have attended lectures and did not suspect anything, as you say it is declared of public utility by the interior ministry, made the conference halls in Catholic schools, professional medical school, cultural houses City Hall, and mathematics conferences is good.

Then you are advised to do the 3 courses in meditation and that is when you start to begin to find many strange things: vocabulary, vegetarianism, continuous meditations, they say that we are instruments of Baba and become unwittingly caught, they want to donate so they can teach others as you have taught you, even going to volunteer to do things, unusual things in my few months earlier.

after meditation courses are the meetings at which Murli is read, the alleged lessons of these readings say things like that who want to be like the Father being his instrument to spread his message?

I had the foresight to document because without realizing I was thinking a bunch of lies that months ago it was unthinkable to me, you start to not tell anyone because you do not think you understand and begin to isolate yourself.

Looking at the Internet and reading books, I found that BK is the first on lists of sects. And anyone can fall into this so called cult, fall and not realize. They do nothing more than indoctrinate, you become your own jailer.

Document it for your own sake. Do not believe it is critical, do not leave your family, your friends, your work because they are part of your life.

I hope my small experience encourages someone does not fall into the nets of the sects.
Re: Brahma Kumaris by: Grecco Edler (i) (85.55.16 .---) / Sun, 10-Feb-2008, 16:43:14

I am a journalist, and went to the course of the Brahma Kumaris. It left me in shock. I think they take advantage of people's problems to spread their radical ideas. They say the human suffering is deserved by karma, so that if a country suffers from war or famine it is deserved because they have collective karma to pay, let alone every human being in particular that although they regret they have done something wrong, anyway you will pay the Universe. Women do not look after themselves, and say they making a home with a real man is something that is false, in a nutshell that sex is not good, nor physical love, not even having children.

I believe in Buddhism, but I think the universe can not be vengeful and lead the account for collection. Secondly I think God has given us the opportunity to experience the world including the physical. To reject this life and stay in the clouds is to alienation and primarily the denial of life. The universe is generous and wants the best for us, wants us to be happy and especially to live in this world, like say the samurai say, "to incarnate on earth to conquer heaven".
Re: Brahma Kumaris by: Grecco Edler (i) (85.55.16 .---) / Sun, 10-Feb-2008, 16:50:17

And those people who say they do not force anything, of course, they do not force you because they hypnotize you with that soft music which puts you to sleep and the image of a star. There i no need to force you. In short, they brainwash you. I believe in Yoga, I have practiced many times, but I know that Yoga does not need asexuality nor hypnotize to you. Yoga is a physical experience that becomes spiritual. The Brahma Kumaris view the body very as bad, something that is not real.

Additionally they do want you to fight injustice, not to criticize the dominant system, and not even talk about the world's problems because it is bad, is negative and dirties your soul. The true yogi is an active, living space of their time and hard and RETURN THIS WORLD is best for him and his Brothers on earth.

Make no mistake!
Re: Brahma Kumaris (Again): Affected (i) (84.120.95 .---) / Sat, 29-Mar-2008, 16:05:18


I will tell my case without too much detail and I prefer that no one recognizes me, and to reserve my right to privacy.

I am directly affected by the sect. Not because I am stuck there, but because of them I lost my family, including a child. Tried to get me at first to fall into the trap with the courses, retreats etc ... until I started reading the Murlis and having to wake up at dawn to go to the center of the Brahma Kumaris. They said I had to be vegetarian, and I did for a little while until I realized what was going in there. I could not have sex, TV was bad, you could not discuss anything with people (who wanted to hide?) Then that one of Indians was possessed by God, Baba ... and an endless list of irrational things.

We ere brainwashed that we had to give them money up, think where they get the money to buy so many apartments, mansions etc. When I said I did not want to I was repudiated and punished by my own family. I felt so alone ... I feel angry outburst by the sect me what I most wanted and all I had was just a baby! They have money to donate to the sect, to make withdrawals and even trips to India to see the leaders! But not for anyone else.

I have been damage so much and do not want any more of them. I will do nothing more for them.

I do not understand that the does nothing. There is a record of what has been taking place for years, but the law does nothing. We should denounce the existence of all the cults that we know or collect signatures, perhaps before the influx of these things ignore someone and no one else would have to lose their loved ones. This is what is happening the world ...

Another thing, preventing sexual intercourse. If we all did it, to stop having children, that really would be THE END OF THE WORLD!! They have no consistency. We are men and women made to join together to form a family and have children.

Please, people who are starting to go to this place, read the testimonies of those who have been there and do not do the courses, which are really just a cover. No return, do the people around you, do you want that?


A person affected and hurt.

I'll tell you a very close case on this sect.

I have a close relatives who is stuck in this BK cult which has radically changed their lives. Before they were very generous, centered and good people, but since going to this sect they have become estranged from their family because if you get into the sect you must reject you're family members, friends or acquaintances.

I recently wanted to go and discuss matters with these people, whom I will not mention names or surnames for the sake of privacy and honor. I went to their home address and who was there? Members from the BKWSU. It annoyed him so much that we begin to discuss matter and we almost came to blows.

I tried to reason that what he was doing was wrong, and that they were brainwashing and conditioning people's lives. They are vegetarians and prohibit sex, something I do not understand because if I put in the place of the sect not prohibit sex in the future as these children may be new recruits.

When talking to people who belong to this sect will always take the same subject, or worst example, say that Christian religion is part of what I can get to understand why all religions to have is the economic issue but also want to add that BK can not be compared with any religion or any god as a religion such as Christianity for example always existed and has not been founded in 1937 as BK, what I mean is that religion does not cover but must have existed forever.

Another thing, in his talks he always mentions that BK is registered in the Ministry of Justice. It is true, but they never mention that is also registered in the top of the list of most dangerous sects. If the ministry does not close it is because we live in a country where until someone dies, the government television does nothing.

The sect which I refer is Brahma Kumaris.

A greeting and goodbye
Re: Brahma Kumaris (Again): eyes open at once (i) (84.120.95 .---) / Mon, 31-Mar-2008, 00:26:52
In BK not force you to do anything you just brainwash. This sect is for people with low self esteem or lack of personality because it is easier to manipulate them.

I believe that BK is potentially dangerous sect and I have seen many families are broken because of this sect and speak as directly affected by the cause, I am sick of leaders of sects and injustices to comment because if it were for me to condemn them all to death because it is the only pain that can compare with the pain of families torn apart because of these sects.

Also I am sick of seeing big car like Mercedes and BMW and it is not clear where the money comes from, what I mean is that because of this I have to defend religion radically because my who gives me eating is not my job to the church and yet they're followers of BK buying houses and cars to your leader by donating your assets.

Well I leave for a while that if I keep talking about the scourge of the BK makes me angry.
Re: Brahma Kumaris (again): Misinformation (i) (84.120.95 .---) / Mon, 31-Mar-2008, 6:40:47

And regarding my case what I have seen very direct relatives have chosen to belong to the BK. Their own children at an early stage flatly refused this sect. I've seen them beat their own children for the simple fact that their children did not want to belong to the BK. These people have been reported and the police investigated this sect in Alicante. They arrived at the idea that it was a "cult HAZARDOUS" and so it was told the prosecutor handling the case and so the judge asked 7 months in prison for these parents who spanked their children, particularly for the mother.

The mother was the first follower of the family belong to BK and blackmail and through coercion her husband also introduced in BK. She told him that if he did not belong and he gave himself, she would kill the son they had in common, do You see this normal? You believe that a mother can say that without being manipulated and brainwashed without having previously?

The child is 5 years and since the birth they feed it on plants and in my personal opinion that child has been conditioned your life forever.

See you soon.

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