A Letter to the President 3: Mr Bush Snr & Mr W Bush Jnr

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A Letter to the President 3: Mr Bush Snr & Mr W Bush Jnr

Post28 Feb 2015


The link shows a photo of Mr. W Bush (Jnr) -- left & his Father Mr. HW Bush (Snr) -- right

A letter to the president - 3 [President George W Bush (jnr)]

This post is about president George W Bush (junior), or basically about the targetting of him. It follows the previous post :

A letter to the President 2 [President Vicente Fox

and the yet former one :

A letter to the President [President George W Bush]

If you have not read those ones you may want to read those posts first, for better understanding.

As said, this post is about George W Bush who was a target for the BK-cult --- this according to the story Mr. Whaling told me.

Getting Familiar

Mr. Whaling that was in contact with the Bush family had known them from the time that Mr. George HW Bush (senior) was still working in the oil-business. He was already an acquaintance. That's probably what enabled him to approach the Bush family when Mr. Bush senior had become president of the US.

But easy this wasn't at all, according to the story Mr. Whaling told.

After he had succesfully approached Mr. Vicente Fox, Mr.Whaling was working his way towards Mr. Bush senior and via him to Mr. George W Bush junior, his ultimate target. And this wasn't so much of a problem either, for he already knew Mr. George W Bush junior too. But to get a would-be-future-president of the US into being interested in a wacky cult, that's another thing.

Strangely enough Mr Whaling choose to introduce Mr. Vicente Fox to the Bush family as he wanted Mr. George W Bush junior and Mr. Vicente Fox to become friends. Both of them had ambitions to become president and Mr. Whaling wanted to establish the friendship between them on beforehand because he feared that it would be more difficult to achieve that afterwards. When they both would be serving their country.

Mr. Whaling succeeded to arrange that the first meeting was in the Bush house. I asked him why. He told me he imagined that seemed to be a good startoff-point. To him, in fact, it seemed the best start off point to be because he wanted Mr. Bush junior to be relaxed, to be at ease. (And to minimize the effort for his busy Father Mr Bush senoir). And the best way to achieve that was for them to be in their "natural environment". It would minimize their awareness and suspicion.

So he set up for an arrangement.

The Assembly

It was a whole procedure Mr. Whaling and Mr. Fox had to get through. The demand had to be done officially and the purpose of the meeting had to be specified. It took them months of waiting and it wasn't accepted at first attempt and refused several times. Finally they were granted a meeting of 5 minutes in the Bush residence.

I asked Mr. Whaling if he had made any remarks during the meeting about BK-ism but he said he hadn't. I asked if he or Mr. Fox had worn an emblem of the BK. "No". In fact, not even a (covered) one liner or something alike was uttered. He denied categorally. I asked him why, as his purpose was to actually tell Mr. Bush junior about BK-ism.

Mr. Whaling told me the meeting was like a conference, the whole room where they met was packed with cameras and microphones and there were security people everywhere. The whole meeting was filmed and recorded on tape. And afterwards examined and re-examined and re-re-examined. Everything they said was typed out and analysed, every gesture was studied. It took security and intelligence people months to analyse it, Mr.Whaling said. Finally the message came that it was okay.

But apart from that complicating fact Mr. Whaling explained he would not have made any remarks about BK-ism or made any reference to it anyway. He told me it was not appropriate to do that on a first meeting. Also he said the BK-message wouldn't settle well, probably, at that moment. Everyone was far to tense. He nor Mr. Fox were out to do this. The purpose was to establish a first layer of friendship ... Then later on they wanted to embed the BK doctrine deeply.

A few months later they met for the second time. This time they were granted 30 minutes to meet. Mr. Fox was present there again. And the restrictions were much less severe. But still the conversation was checked. When they came to the result that there seemed to be no threat, or any suspicion, the circumstances to meet became easier.

I asked Mr. Whaling if he wasn't very nervous at the time. He told me indeed he was, even at the second meeting. But he persevered because he knew and noticed that the other party was even more nervous and tense. He told me that he wondered if he would have survived though if they had done a lie-dector test on him. He figured he could avoid this test by saying it was ridiculous, he was nervous already and that they would measure this. But they did not put him through this ultimate test.

However, the next meetings were without check-up. Still there were security people around and they never left the side of Mr. Bush junior. But that's when Mr. Whaling started winning the trust of Mr. George Bush junior. Mr. Fox wasn't around then anymore to assist him. To Mr. Whaling he had served his purpose. Mr. Fox was working on his own career ...


As I asked, Mr. Whaling explained how he did this job: winning the trust of Mr. George Bush (jnr). He told me the trick was easy. He basically let Mr. Bush (jr) talk, mostly without interference. Of course they already knew each other. But Mr. Bush (jnr) liked to talk. And he talked for hours and hours and hours. And the Mr. Whaling listened closely to all he said.

At first he was a bit hesitant and the conversation was superficially. The Mr. Whaling noticed this. Imagined this was because Mr. Bush (jnr) was tense, too tense. So that's when he suggested to go for a walk.

It surprised me very much. I asked him if there weren't many security risks when they started walking. But Mr. Whaling explained that they did not leave the mansion area which was well garded. There was a huge, massive garden around the house and they could walk there quite well. Undisturbed.

But the security men were always there, two of them. At first they surveyed thoroughly, they were walking two steps behind them all the time. Mr. Whaling got very tense by this, felt intimidated. And they did bother him, he told. But then he realised he wasn't going to speak about BK-matters anyway. He relaxed.

Mr. Bush (jnr), on the other hand was talking very much. His whole lifestory passed. Mr. Whaling told me that, at the time Mr. Bush (jnr) had a lot of problems. I aksed him what kind of problems. Mr. Whaling then told that Mr. Bush' carreer wasn't working out too well. Besides that, he had also served shortly his military civil service, and was present there very irregularly. He left early which was an euphemism for merely dropping out. I asked him if that was such a big problem. Mr. Whaling told me it wasn't but it could be a problem if Mr. Bush (jnr) would run for president. And then there was his drinking habit. He had really been drinking a lot in the past and still hadn't completely overcome the need.

But the worst problem was the relation to his Father. Mr. Bush (jnr) felt inferior to his successful Father, who, at the time, was president. Because Mr. George HW Bush senior was very busy he couldn't spare much time on his son. But when he was around, he was more or less mentally absent, Mr. Whaling told me, as his mind was occupied solving worldly matters. This was very unpleasant.

It caused a huge frustration to his son. Mr. Whaling suggested that Mr. Bush' (jr) drinking addiction had roots in this problem, stemming from his youth, although he was not certain of that. But neither he cared much. He just listened and observed. Noticed that Mr. Bush (jnr) was living in the shadow of his successful Father. He wanted to be seen. And besides that he had this skyhigh ambition to become president of the US as well. Which made it worse for him to live a tranquil life ... He wanted to be just as tough as daddy.

Mr. Whaling told me that at this point the security men were taking more and more distance. It was their job to take care of the safety position of Mr. Bush (jnr), not to witness all their family secrets, in which they were not interested. Perhaps they were embarrassed as well. May be they were instructed to do so. At a certain moment there was being spoken about that they would no longer be assisting anymore.

But Mr. Whaling objected to this point. I asked him why. He replied that he deliberately wanted the security men to be bored, to be dozing, to fall asleep. And bored they were. He could tell from their body language. They were not paying attention at all anymore and just talking among themselves. He told me these people like action but get bored when it is absent.

Then Mr. Whaling suggested to go to town. I asked why this was done. He told me that Mr. Bush (jnr) and himself wanted to be in another environment for a while. So next time they met they did, accompagnied by two securitymen. But then the securitypeople were very, very tense.

So Mr. Whaling decided it were better to return to the old routine and resume strolling over the Bush-dominion. After a few meetings the security men became relaxed again and eventually fell asleep. Mr.Whaling decided it was then time to play the next card.

Next Card

As told before, Mr.Whaling had contacts with the son a high official (ambassador) in Malaysia. This contact was established when he was giving a lecture over there. He had invited the Malaysian student to come to Oxford, to follow some subjects. And, of course, the BK doctrine came in sight and was warmly embraced. After he had convinced the Malaysian student, he send him directly to Madhuban. This was "his method" and Mr. Whaling explained that he did this to minimize the "breakaway chance".

When the Malaysian student was at Madhuban he wrote letters to two of his friends, in Indonesia. Sons of high officials they were as well. The Malaysian student invited them to go to "Oxford" and then they went to Madhuban. The straight route.

However, Mr. Whaling wanted them all to meet in Malaysia; Mr. HW Bush senior, the three students and he himself. I asked him why he did not invite Mr. W Bush (jnr). Mr. Whaling told me this was because he wanted to work on Mr. Bush senior first.

When I asked him why he did not arrange a meeting in Mr. Bush Seniors own mansion, as this was far more easy and logical for he was already a welcome guest there, Mr. Whaling said he wanted to lead Mr Bush senior to another place. He also hoped Mr. HW Bush would be less stressed when he was abroad. That his mind would be less occupied, more open. He wanted Mr. Bush senior to be relaxed. He planned to set forward to introduce the BK doctrine then for the first time.

As I asked why he did not speak about the BK teachings on beforehand to Mr Bush senior, Mr. Whaling told me that it wasn't the right time. And when I asked why he hadn't told about BK-ism to Mr. W Bush (jnr), his primary target, or had worn an emblem or had dropped a few one liners during the long, long walks at the Bush dominions while the security men were dozing, Mr. Whaling told me he wanted to influence Mr. George W Bush junior via his Father.

Mr. Fox was in the play because Mr. Whalings plan was to create a circle of friends around Mr. Bush junior that were all BK adherents. (Actually, this idea was born in his mind as he approached Mr. Fox, he explained). The general idea behind it was to influence Mr. Bush junior from the outside, to make it seem natural to Mr. Bush (jnr). In fact, to make seem BKism natural. All his friends would be BKs, his Father would know about it. So eventually Mr Bush (jnr) would succumb as well, he hoped. Just because all your friends eat a certain brand of chewing gum you start chewing it also, even though you don't like the taste of it at all. Something alike.

Mr. Whaling knew about all Mr. Bush, jnr's weaknesses and vulnerabilities. He had listened to it for hours and hours. He knew he could use this information also. He calculated Mr. Bush (jnr) had an impressionable nature. That's why Mr. Whaling targetted him. And because of his presumed 'would-be' position of couse, he explained.

I asked him if he had considered himself to be something like a therapist to Mr. W Bush (jnr). Mr. Whaling objected strongly. He had no intention to "cure" Mr. Bush (jnr), neither to send him to a therapist. He was glad where he was, at his side. Then I asked him if he saw himself as familial Brother. Mr. Whaling then made a few remarks about Mr. George W Bush' Brother (who was also interested in -- and ambtious about politics). Neither did Mr. Whaling see himself as a replacement-father. Eventually it become clear to me that he regarded Mr. Bush junior as being his protégé, he was deeply in love with and yet metaphorically in his imagination circling around like a shark around his prey, ready to attack when weakness showed. And of course when opportunities were favorable. When I asked if he was indifferent to Mr. Bush junior, again he objected fiercely. He considered Mr. Bush' (jnr) wellbeing one of his major concerns ... It was all this double standards along the way.

Mr. Whaling had invited Mr. George HW Bush senior for a meeting in Malaysia. I was perplexed and replied that I thought this wouldn't work. But Mr. Whaling said he invited president George HW Bush (snr) off duty, a friendly meeting so to say ... He was granted only 5 minutes after which the president (HW Bush) would meet the ambassador. He told me it would be enough for him. The solely problem seemed to be the Father from the Malaysian student, the ambassador himself, who was strongly against the BK but unable to convince his son of the malicious aspect of the movement.

The Priest

At the time, when Mr.Whaling started frequenting Mr. George W Bush junior, there was an obstacle to get really close to him, as seen from the religious, spiritual point of view. And that was that Mr. George W Bush was involved in a religious, spiritual group based upon traditional Christian fundamentalism. They were very conservative, lived the bible to the letter, and guided by a priest. They used to meet every week and discuss religious matters. The priest leading the group was very strict, almost a fundamentalist and also had a huge influence upon Mr. George W Bush. He had helped him overcome his drinking habit. In fact, the influence of this priest upon Mr. George Bush junior was so strong that Mr. Whaling couldn't get past him, as he described.

But also he wouldn't wanted it too. He felt comfortable at the position where he was, working gradually upon creating emotional bonding to Mr. George W Bush (jnr).

However, things changed drastically when the Indonesian students wrote the letter to Mr. George HW Bush senior. Mr.Whaling explained that when he had insisted upon Mr. Bush senior to go to Madhuban, he used the fact that this letter had described the whole end drama. They ("the consipirers") certainly then had gone beyond the obstacle the priest formed so far. He was no longer a factor of the least importance. He was like a zero. That's how Mr. Whaling described him.

When the priest was confronted with BK doctrine, he acted quite helpless as Mr. Whaling described him. He did not know what to do or think or say. He also was of the least help to president George HW Bush in explaining the BK issue. That's were Mr. Whaling took advantage, as he said,

The priest referred to was (probably) Mr. Billy Graham.



But at first everything seemed to be set quite well for the Malaysian meeting, Mr. Whalings most important five minutes, the linking up. And as said before, then the Indonesian students blew the silent diplomacy just a few weeks prior to the meeting by sending a letter to Mr. George HW Bush senior. Mr. Whaling was really frustrated as he talked about this. He was unable to understand why the students hadn't waited.

Strangely enough this wasn't the end of the whole creepy story. I was expecting so and made a remark about it. But Mr. Whaling wasn't beaten yet ...

What happened ? I told Mr. Whaling this was the end of his project. I wondered what he had done afterwards. Mr. Whaling then sort of lost his calm, exploded and expressed a strange, angry authority. Rather like a fury. He said that, "Now that Mr. Bush HW senior had heard about the whole endstory (as described in the letter) he and his son could also visit Madhuban". They had to see the "positive" side too ... He had insisted on them both visiting the place.

I objected, said that he could not have such a huge influence on an American president. But whether the newborn Rasputin was exaggerating, bluffing, trying to impress me, lying or not, he told me in plain words that he had Mr. HW Bush senior convinced to visit Madhuban.

Strange Deal

To me, at the time, it seemed more or less like a strange deal. Mr. Whaling wanted Mr. HW Bush (senior) and Mr. W Bush (junior) to visit Madhuban simultaneously after the leaking of the letter. Time became precious and he was in a hurry. Mr. Bush senior did not trusted the whole matter. Mr.Whaling told me that because he had already a tight emotional grip upon Mr. Bush (jnr) he said he would step back only if they both went to Madhuban first. He told me Mr. Bush senior objected. Finally the Father, (maybe) willing to protect his son, agreed to go there alone first, check it out and if it would appeal to him, his son would follow later on. Mr. Whaling also insisted that their priest could be of no help to them in these matters as he was confused too.

It seemed very weird. I said that an American president would be recognised immediately by anyone. Mr. Whaling then said they went there off-season when no foreign visitors are around. He told me, in fact, the whole of Madhuban was deserted, not even Seniors were around. This was also the condition Mr. HW Bush senior had negotiated about with Mr. Whaling. They had planned it to be that way, in accordance with the senior BKs.

The Seniors, however, asked if not one of them would stay behind. Just in case Mr. Whaling needed some kind of assistance. For instance, with meditating or so. But Mr. Whaling strongly objected, saying that he could handle matters all alone. Besides, what would happen if the security men discovered anyone was still around, he explained. The whole excursion would be jeopardized.

So they kept that promise. It was Mr. Whaling guiding Mr. George HW Bush senior around, who for his own personal security was accompanied by a few security men. When I asked him if they weren't bored or dozing Mr Whaling denied. In fact, the security men were quite active, looking around, asking questions, checking things, (maybe) even looking for an ambush ... :-).

In fact, Mr. Whaling spend almost all his time talking to the security men, explaining everything, but actually hardly spoke to Mr. Bush (snr) himself, who was speaking constanly about wordly matters with other people that joined him and hardly took notice of Madhuban at all ... :-).

When I asked how they had been able to completely sweep Madhuban clean Mr. Whaling told me it was easy to give people a day off, send them into town to do a few shoppings or organize a seminar for regular Madhuban inhabitants elsewhere.

Besides it wasn't really a problem if someone unintentionally, despite of all the precautions, would see them walking around. They told me that VIPs often visit Madhuban and that people over there are used to it very well. They named Perez de Cuellar who had been there too, during the foreigners' season, just after he had resigned from the UN. He was attending a conference on sanitation and made a speech. He was also guided around there but no more than that ( I checked this with a BK student; the BK student, that had been there as well during the visit of Mr. de Cuellar, who confirmed).

Foolish Rubbish

Then I asked Mr Whaling what actually had happened there in Madhuban as they visited the place. He revived, became lively again and explained that he had "given" Mr. Bush senior a simular "program" as had been given to Mr. Fox, a sort of swift one day course. He had explained about the philosophy of BK-ism as he guided him around. He told me he had organised this tour to take away the "tension" surrounding Mr. HW Bush senior, as observed concerning the BK-doctrine. Mr. Whaling hoped Mr. George HW Bush would still be interested in BK-ism. Maybe, if not at the time, then in his post-presidential life.

But the whole excursion in Madhuban was a big failure, Mr. Whaling told me when I asked about it. He blamed the false diplomacy by the foregoing, untimely letterwriting. Regretted it. He told me Mr. George HW Bush (snr) wasn't interested at all, was constantly doing other things, not paying attention, talking with his security people and wanted to leave as soon as possible ... :-).

I asked if the security men that accompagnied Mr. Bush (snr) for his personal safety were dozing again but this wasn't the case. In fact they were checking out the place and asking very many questions. They seemed quite interested. As said, in fact Mr. Whaling was spending more time talking to the security men that accompagnied Mr.Bush (snr) than to the president himself ... Or almost did not speak to the president at all. Finally the security men were asking if they could check out on the BK godspirit too for a while and even Mr. Bush (snr) showed some slight traces of interest. A glimpse of success at last !! However, they couldn't 'cause there was no one to channel the godspirit ... for even the senior BKs had left ... And Mr. Whaling was unable to channel the "Madhuban-ghost" (as they called it) himself ... :-). His machismo had played a dirty trick on him.

The president was sort of upset that they had got all the way to see 'nothing' and Mr. Whaling sort of felt helpless explaining that Mr. President himself had created this situation and that he couldn't fullfill the ultimate job.

And Trudy, the teacher, gently and subtly added that the Seniors had asked Mr. Whaling several times whether he did not needed any help from them ... :-).

Mr. Whaling continued, told me, after this blunder, Mr. Bush (snr) had said him that he could not use anything of the philosophy in his everyday life, or as being president. To Mr. George HW Bush (snr), BK-ism was foolish rubbish. Needless to say that from that day off Mr. Whaling became 'persona non grata' to the Bush family ... However, Mr. Fox, although no more welcome at the Bush residence, continued to play his role. Also towards Mr. Bush jnr. And they remained friends.

The Military

Then I asked Mr. Whaling if he was going to the military regions as he had "safely conquered" the diplomatic region and as the BK docrine tells that the world actually has to be destroyed (in order for a new world to come). He, however, said that he wouldn't. They military was impenetrable, imperishable. It was occupied by, or linked to a few families that had a very tight grip upon it. It was like a group within a group. Very, very conservative. It would take years to move up that line. Besides he had no connections there. "No," he told me, "he had gone far enough".

To Conclude

As I am writing this, it still seems incredible, almost Kafkaesque. Fact is that Mr. Whaling named many details that in the pre-internet period, (at least when it wasn't accessable yet to the general public ... I am talking about '91-'92) were known to very few people. I wonder how much of it is really true and how much of it is just BK-exaggerating. But it is the BK-creepy persistance that makes me feel with disgust ...

One last thing is that the people at the meeting in the center told me that Mr. Bush (snr) would visit Madhuban a second time, as the godspirit had told them so. It was at the presentation of a book. As I checked in 2005, I did see that Mr. Bush (snr) was invited at Madhuban at the time (around '93 probably -- they said the goldspirit had told it would be just after he had resigned). Maybe it was at the presentation of "the visions of a new world" - book. However, as I tried to find the same data of his visit again, at present I cannot find it anymore. But Mr. Bush vision is written there, in that book, amongst the vision of many, many others. I guess most people had not the slightest idea what BK-ism really is about.

And not to forget, as I asked Mr. Whaing how often he had met Mr. Bush (jnr) he proudly answered; Four times !! I was so, let's say merely astonished that he had seen Mr. Bush only four times (over a timespan of a few years) and couldn't help laughing. Then the teacher intervened and told me that it was a very great achievement and that it was very diffult to get close to that family. But this whole story just for 4 meetings and a walk though Madhuban.... :-).

But even that was a very great achievement, according to the teacher. In fact, it was far enough, she said. "To have a governing American president walking around in Madhuban ... ". She beamed, "they were where they wanted to be and there was no need to go further", she said. In fact, the godspirit told them this would be till where they could get, and no further.

Even at the time it seemd to me as a thin story, blown up as a big balloon.

The only reply they gave me was that this whole matter wasn't for this life but that serious consequences, according to them, would be there for Mr. Bush (jnr) in his next life.

Well, I see that as a way of saving a bad performance from critics by the audience. But you may decide.


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Re: A Letter to the President -3 Mr Bush (sr) & Mr W Bush

Post28 Feb 2015

In December 1992, there was a publication released named 'Visions of a Better World', published by the Brahma Kumaris and dedicated to the United Nations. Various personalities gave their vision of a better world. Among them were George Bush, Lech Walesa, Perez de Cuellar among others (*) (**)
    (*) The list of contributors to this publication is longer (and not presented here). However, if you search for it, I don't suggest that all other individuals have connections/bonds with the Brahma Kumaris. They are individuals whose names are often heard amongst other New Age organisations as well.

    (**) I am not even suggesting strong bondings between the above named individuals and the Brahma Kumaris but on the other hand I doubt if they hadn't been in contact with the organisation at all in on way or another.
Vision of Mr. George Bush -- From Visions of a new world

Page 177

"We have a vision of a new partnership of nations that transcends the Cold War. A partnership based on consultatioin, cooperation and collective action, especially through international and regional organisations. A partnership united by principle and the rule of law and supported by an equitable sharing of both cost and commitment. A partnership whose goals are to increase democracy, increase prosperity, increase the peace and reduce arms.

I see a world of open borders, open trade and most importantly, open minds ; a world that celebrates the common heritage that belongs to all the world's people, taking pride, not just in hometown or homeland, but in humanity itself. People everywhere want much the same things : The chance to live in a life of purpose ; the chance to choose a life in which they and their children can learn and grow healthily, worship freely and prosper through the work of their hands and their hearts and their minds.

We are not talking about the power of nations but the power of individuals. The power to choose, the power to risk, the power to succeed."

- George Bush, United States of America
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Re: A Letter to the President 3: Mr Bush, Snr & Mr W Bush, J

Post28 Feb 2015

Whew ... what a story. And, if it is even partly true ... how bizarre. Especially as Whaling doesn't really 'get' BKism, nor follow the Principles. But it's typical of the ego trip the BKWSU gives us and which sucks us in,enforcing the idea what we are doing is in some way special. And a lot of time, money and energy goes in to engineering such meetings ... for what?

For the leaders to reinforce their specialness to the paying followers?

I pass no comment on the events as I was not around when they happened. Surely a Bush visiting India/Madhuban must be a verifiable event? Bush, jnr visited India again in 2006 (one of the purposes was closer cooperation between India and the USA on nuclear weapon issues).

On a related topic, as evidence of the rubbish they spout, here an interview with a BK Hansa ...
Local religious leaders advise President George W. Bush on the next step in Iraq

by Matt Coker and Keleigh Friedrich

God & war What do local religious leaders tell their congregations about the war?

Sister Hansa: Actually, I have a dream, right, that Bush will come to talk to us. And the dream comes true. I wish! And if he doesn’t come to me, no problem, at least he’ll come to this lady. That would make me very happy.

What I understand, politically and coming from the background of the Indian philosophy and understanding: One thing is — regardless of philosophy or religious background — no religious or theology or philosophy or spirituality is supporting war, because that’s not something God has taught us. In any church, in any poem, in practice, in any book of scripture, it says God is about nonviolence and compassion, mercy and love — regardless of your different practices.

So war is something that is inside-out. Like in Revelations, it says war is a human being’s mind out of control. When my mind becomes out of control, I express that out-of-control state externally also.

The last thing I’d like to mention is the kingdom of God. And that’s what is mentioned in Indian scriptures, also — that this is a time of change. And something unrighteous into extremeness [happens], then it changes. It flips. And so this is right now what we are going through. It’s a big time of change. We are seeing, on one hand, extreme spirituality or acceptance and compassion, on another hand, extreme, this kind of war situation. And when it reaches that way, then it will flip and the kingdom of God will come. That ... great vision, that’s why we are working to reinforce the spiritual energy into every single human being. Once it will reach critical mass, then it will be fact.

"No religious or theology or philosophy or spirituality is supporting war", stop for a minute and consider how many wars have be inspired by God and religion, consider where Krishna spoke to Arjun (battlefield) and what he told him (to fight and kill even his relatives, and all the crap the god spirit of the BKs has gone on about inspiring Destruction, even writing to military marshals telling them to suspend civil war and scorch the Earth.

Brahma Kumaris just love powerful men!

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Pink Panther

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Re: A Letter to the President 3: Mr Bush Snr & Mr W Bush Jnr

Post04 Mar 2015

Sounds like a serious case of Chinese whispers and the devil’s workshop.
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Re: A Letter to the President 3: Mr Bush Snr & Mr W Bush Jnr

Post04 Mar 2015

I was remembering just how much such "chasing VIPs" ego trips consume Brahma Kumaris and how excited they are by their missions.

Let's be honest, life for such individuals is such s blur of handshaking and smiling faces, and people who want 'something for something', do they really believe they are "serving" them?

How different are they from another certain class of upper-middle class women seeking rich and powerful males to support their lifestyles?

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