Update on Kali Yuga

for discussing revisions in the history of the Brahma Kumaris and updating information about the organisation
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Pink Panther

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Update on Kali Yuga

Post23 Mar 2015

God-defying data at ‘the fag end of kali yuga"?

Every day we hear the news and watch the disasters around the world - what’s the big picture?

Here’s 26 graphs showing how, overall, the world is a better place now than it has ever been.

26 charts and maps that show the world is getting much, much better


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Re: Update on Kali Yuga

Post23 Mar 2015

The world is getting much, much better on a whole variety of dimensions. Here are just a few.

BKs are expert in taking credit of almost everything and anything

They can use this as their achievement. Do not wonder, if they use this data and say, see after arrival of Shiv Baba and due to the positive vibrations spread by the BKs world wide, the world is getting better and soon we will enter in the New Age of heaven.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Update on Kali Yuga

Post23 Mar 2015

Yes B.P.

It’s like the person who has been treated by medical science and cured of their cancer, and that person thanks god and everyone’s prayers instead of the medical staff and researchers who developed or administered the treatments appropriately.

I would not be surprised if BKs use such data for their own ends - but then again, it would undermine the rationale for the need to kill off 99% of the world’s people and species.
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Re: Update on Kali Yuga

Post23 Mar 2015

5 charts at random ... it's surprising how universal it is.

No word on the BKs taking over the government of India yet?

explainingprogress_hours-of-work-per-week-1870_E2_80_932000-max-roser.0.jpg (53.55 KiB) Viewed 13525 times
ourworldindata_homicide-rates-in-five-western-european-regions-1300-2010-_E2_80_93-max-roser.0.jpg (50.31 KiB) Viewed 13525 times

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Pink Panther

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Re: Update on Kali Yuga

Post23 Mar 2015

There is the eradication of illnesses and diseases that have plagued mankind throughout recorded history.

Today there is no smallpox anywhere. I remember having to have smallpox vaccinations before traveling overseas in the 1970s and 1980s.


Smallpox - eradicated

Last year, 2014, the WHO reported that the world was down to its last 900 cases of polio, while India was declared polio free for the first time ever.

In 1988,polio crippled more than 200,000 children every year in India. Rukhsar Khatoon, 4 years old , is the last documented case of polio in India. sad for her, but - Hooray!WooHoooo!!

In 1952 in the USA alone, there were nearly 58,000 cases leading to over 3,000 deaths and 22,000 left permanently with mild to severe paralysis. Today, none.

"Iron lung" ward keeping sufferers of polio aliveImage

Crippled by polio, Nigeria.

Then there’s modern dental care which we take for granted but which without leads to many diseases and even death. If you have ever had a severe toothache let alone and abscess or infection in the mouth you know how distressing that is. Here are only some diseases caused by gum infections ...


and it can eat into not just your teeth but also the rest of your skull


The BK theory of reincarnation has human life spans ever shortening, with the average lifespan deteriorating from 60 years in Dwapur Yuga to 30 years in KY (1250 years /42 births). The data shows this to be blatant nonsense.

We all know the average lifespan has increased, not halving as the BKs would have you believe , but more than doubling (see table here).

And a more pragmatic view is seen in the data for life expectancy when child mortality is removed (by modern health, hygiene and medicine) - it shows that human life expectancy has not changed all that much, what has helped life span increase most is not ”spiritual purity” but decreased child mortality rates and modern standards of health and hygiene and medical science.

In classical Rome, 2000 years ago, the average life span was only 20-30 years. But if you survived till age 10, i.e. did not succumb to childhood diseases etc, you could expect to live until you were 47.

In medieval Britain, the average was also about 30 years, but
... having survived until the age of 21, a male member of the English aristocracy in this period could expect to live:

1200–1300: to age 64
1300–1400: to age 45 (due to the impact of the bubonic plague)
1400–1500: to age 69
1500–1550: to age 71

In Australia, we have seen the average lifespan rise from 72 years in the 1970s to about 85 in 2015 and it is expected to be 95 years in 2055.

I put that down to impure body conscious yadavas who do not trust God Shiva and their good karma. Yes, this is a terrible time we live in, with ignorance and impurity is ruining the world!!


Don’t curse your good fortune with naive idealistic beliefs that ignore the facts.
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Re: Update on Kali Yuga

Post24 Mar 2015

Trust me, to the BK mentality it is ... ALL A SIGN OF DOOM AND THE END OF THE WORLD!!!

I remember the 'get out' clause was, "that before Destruction there would be a mini-Golden Age and Peace" ... and then KER-POW!!!

Again, a borrowed idea from some Christian tradition.

So it work either was, the ultimate malleable theory. If it gets worse or something bad happens, it must be a sign of Destruction; if it gets better or something good happens, it must be Baba's miraculous influence ... and a sign of Destruction.

They'll surf whatever wave comes along ... *that* is BKism. It's not the concrete facts of their faith, it's the arts of twisting and turning and keeping a good face despite whichever wind or tide blows ... thereby keeping the money coming in.

The amount of miracles science has delivered - even just good sanitary engineering - it's a wonder people don't turn to it like a religion. Let's have some temples to Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming rather than monkeys and blue babies.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Update on Kali Yuga

Post19 Aug 2015


The Om Mandli was established in a period of nationalist and cultural upheaval and economic depression. It developed its philosophy during WW2. It moved from Pakistan to India after Hiroshima/Nagasaki and just as the Cold War was setting in. A series of predictions of global destruction seemed likely to happen but things never quite worked out as they’d hoped (!).

The death of Om Radhe (Mama) then Lekhraj (Brahma Baba) led to a reorganisation of the BKWSU and turning it to a seriously proselytising expansionist mission. Growth, particularly outside India, occurred during the depths of the Cold War. With ”the old world” looking very dangerous, the ”dawning of the Age of Aquarius” and ”the New Age” bringing a sense of cultural revolution and the cross fertilisation of Western science with eastern philosphies there was a sense that the Times were a-changin’. Westerners abandoned their old paradigms to adopt what to them were new religious movements (but most were based on someone else’s old but rejigged paradigms!) .

BKWS’s spread, in general terms, peaked around when Reagan was talking ”Evil Empires” about the USSR and proposing a ”Star Wars” militarisation of space. As Gorbachev introduced Glasnost (openness) and set the scene for the dissolution of communism, BKs as usual saw this improvement in world politics like the did all others, as the calm before the storm.

The Millennialist alarms around Y2K then the 2012 Mayan calendar farce saw spikes in BK preparations for their ascendancy to the throne of a SuryaVanshi dynasty after the untidy business of armageddon.

(Do they actually have a detailed plan worked out for this transition from Kali Yuga to Sat-Yuga? I mean apparently God will not be coming anymore to advise, and even the notion of ”destruction" has now been replaced by this new millenium-new look BKWSU with ”transformation” implying a more orderly, less catastrophic process - but they haven’t revised how exactly they achieve this eradication of 99.9% of the population, land masses etc without a ”destrcution” and without making their God look fraudulent, ignorant or mistaken - and less ”god”-like.)

When Fidel Castro allegedly said what he said in the graphic above, the world was a very different place. That was no prophecy or prediction but a mere statement of how entrenched establishment powers and prejudices were and how unlikely any US_Cuban reconciliation was.

The fact that today we do have the USA not only talking to Cuba but now reopening its embassy in Havana, with a black President in the White House, and an Argentinian Pope more philosphically aligned to the Liberation theology of the 1970s than the fascist theology of the 1930s is another proof of how far we have come as a global community, and for the better.

Some people question the authenticity of the quote above. There is no absolute verification, it is apparently based on verbal reports rather than official records. This was doing the rounds on social media the other day (which is what brought it to my attention.
"Origins: In an article published by The Journal Of Carlos Paz on 10 March 2015, Argentinian writer Pedro Jorge Solans claimed to have uncovered this quote spoken by Fidel Castro in 1973:

In 1973, just returned from a visit to Vietnam, Commander Fidel Castro was (speaking to international journalists). Bryan Davis (from) an English agency asked:

“When do you think relations between Cuba and the United States, two countries as far away despite the geographical proximity, will be restored?”

Fidel Castro stared and replied to all who were in the room:

“United States will come to talk to us when they have a black president and the world has a Latin American pope.”

According to Clarin, Argentina’s biggest newspaper, Solans was on assignment in Cuba to cover the country’s relationship with the United States when he uncovered the above-displayed quote during a conversation with his taxi driver Eduardo de la Torre:

“Eduardo de la Torre, who currently works as a taxi driver but was a university student in 1973, explained the historic episode.”

While it’s possible that the above-displayed quote is authentic, we must be skeptical since there is no official record of this statement. Furthermore, as Clarin noted in its account of the story, this quotation from Fidel Castro was meant to be sarcastic (not prophetic)"

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