Is BKism a Mental Illness?

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Re: Is BKism a Mental Illness?

Post30 Sep 2015

On re-visiting the above post, I would have to say, it is one of my best posts yet. It could even become my Favorite! It is straight from my guts to her's.

On every level of her being she knows what I mean. She is 'Vomitous', and literally makes me spew. I feel sickly and ill just having to think about her, so I will keep it short. The less of her the better.

She's a Vicious, Venomous, Vile Child of the "Godfather" Himself ...

As 'the Old People' used to say; ... "The higher up they are, the more SH...T they've got going on".
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Re: Is BKism a Mental Illness?

Post30 Sep 2015

Perhaps others could chime in? I had no interaction with BK Nirmala of Australia at all. However, in my day, she was never considered to on the same level as Janki or even Jayanti or Sudesh. All I know about her is that she gave up medicine and being a doctor to be a BK, but continued to trade on her ex-professional qualification. I don't think she even kept it up, i.e. kept renewing her license.

Back then her territory, BK Australia, was seen ... I think with a slight envy ... as being a bit slack and laid back.

When you can cope with it, perhaps you could be a bit more specific what you and others experienced in order to have such strong feelings?

One thing that interests me, but we never read or hear about, is how they manage to survive financially. For example, in the UK accounts and others, there are no wages paid for the senior Sisters although we know they clearly live and travel off the back of the donations given to the BKWSU.

But then there are the more discrete goings on, like what happens when their "lokik" physical family dies and leaves them their inheritance. Having spent a life encouraging others to surrender everything "to Baba", aka them and the BKWSU, do they keep inheritances for themselves?

We caught double standards with BK Jayanti when her Father "donated" the house that would have been her inheritance to the BKWSU ... and then it was returned when he got into financial trouble whereas they have fought legally with others to keep such donations.

What Nirmala actually personally bad or was it just a cultural thing, i.e. they wanted to treat you like they treat juniors in India? It's OK for you to just vent, and I am sorry to ask, but it's hard for us to guess what the root causes for such a reaction is.

I don't even know how Nirmala is considered within BKism and how the Nirmala/Charlie Hogg rulership works.

Who else in Australia is consider to be a leader? What is the real power structure?

Let's document it and how it fits together.


Re: Is BKism a Mental Illness?

Post30 Sep 2015

There are several posts on BK Hardick Didi under, "Stupidity of so called Seniors". 9th September 2014, page 2 and onwards. There are some good references to her "Chief Characteristics, Attitudes, and role she plays within BKism".

I would agree with everything said here, and she definitely is calculating and cold blooded in abusing her 'power and position'. Yes, as said here, if you question/challenge her on anything, and don't submit and conform to what she wants out of BK's, then she will eject you from the organisation ... It's her way or the highway.

Yes, she doesn't have much of a personality. She's more interested in gaining power and lots and lots of money ... $$$$$. She's got a big ego problem, the size of 'Taj Mahal'. She is not liked in Mudhuban, and is mostly seen on her own. I have often noticed that even back 'in the day'. And watching her on video in the big hall during BapDada season, she can be seen sitting alone still. Other Seniors, Didi's and Dadi's don't mix or sit with her, nor she with them. If she can get a seat with empty seats either side, she will.

I have also noticed, again, as far back as 'the days', watching her and BapDada, is more of a 'chilly experience', compared to alot of others. She is not loving or affectionate with Baba, and more reserved and minimal ... But what struck me more was BapDada appeared similar in response to her. There seemed to be a coldness and distance between them. I really don't think BapDada likes her much at all, and just tolerates her as he has too.

I think BapDada likes me a lot more than BK Hardick Didi.
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Re: Is BKism a Mental Illness?

Post30 Sep 2015

What about your own personal interaction, did she ever cross swords, rub up, or abuse you? Did she chuck you out?

Projecting itself as the be all and end of all of religion, BKism is a kind of trap. If you leave it because you see through it, or you finally admit how crap it all is, or that you don't actually like the people or the leaders, then where do you go? What happens to you?

Is there an even more supreme supreme religion"? (In India, I suppose the PBKs would claim that. I read there was even an "Advance Advance Party"). Therefore, having committed so much, left behind and lost so much, I suppose they just stick it out. I suppose for a certain proportion of people, structure and a safe "routine" is appealing, especially if you're a little unstable.

And for a small percentage, it's their retirement plan.

But let's also put ourselves in the shoes of the centers-in-charge or leaders and wonder how much crap they have to go through from nutty followers projecting on them? The pressure pot conditions of "Intentional Communities" is something that has been studied. In BKism, you have something half way between an intentional community and a highly intense group therapy thing going on, one in which they "know" psychological problems arise, e.g. "karma" being settled or the "dirt" being "beaten out of the carpet" to use two BKisms that come to mind.

I remember life in a small centre and how claustrophobic it was. How always under the watchful eye you are. And for some BKs how alienating it must be, e.g. some centres have also zero following, it's just the BK talking to themselves (aka Baba). Not healthy environments for various types.

Ditto, I remember them demanding my interests were subjugated to the needs and wants of the centres, e.g. being discouraged to move around, being kept in the same place for the (financial) sake of the centre.

Of course, it's never stated in that way but keeping the numbers up, and the money coming in, is of prime importance to keep centres alive. They never tell you all of this part. Or at least, perhaps not until you become one.

Legally, they should not call her "doctor". It's one of their narcissisms again.

OK, let's keep discussion of her to the thread about her, here; Didi Nirmala Australia and stick to mental illness here.

Around 9:00 minutes, she briefly references the problems that arise within BKism amongst families and within the BK cult, but this is really dull and boring. The same old stuff they have been regurgitating since the 1970s or 1980s.


Re: Is BKism a Mental Illness?

Post01 Oct 2015

Yes. yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Didi ... you are correct. We must just have "Faith" ... Soooo much "Faith" till we are Blind with it? Don't think about what scientific evidence is saying, re the 5,000 year cycle ... Just think "this is the bloom'n Truth".

Just keep on talking yourself into believing all this crap until you don't know the difference between fantasy and reality ... just like Brahma Baba. "Works for Me"!???
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Pink Panther

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Re: Is BKism a Mental Illness?

Post07 Oct 2015

Relating to topic
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