My Mum is BK

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My Mum is BK

Post08 Jan 2016

My mother has been a member of the BK for over 10 years now. Her behaviour has gotten worse and worse especially when it comes to anything religious, ie my friend brought me a crucifix and had it blessed by his Priest. I showed my mum and she slammed it on the table. Whenever I play any religious music she doesnt leave the room or put the radio loud so she cannot hear it.

3 days ago, I told her she was a member of an End of World cult and that she let these people fill her head with nonsense. Right now I am ready to disown her as in my opinion she is too far deep in with these people to change.

Please, if you have any advice or info I would grately appreciate it.


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Pink Panther

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Re: My Mum is BK

Post09 Jan 2016


It would be helpful to us in replying if you can tell us in what country you are, what your family cultural background is, more about yourself and your situation; are you a young student, a working adult? Married, single? Age, sex, education of you and your mother?

I take it you are Christian, or from a Christian society, but from which denomination - Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican? Was your mother a Christian?
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Re: My Mum is BK

Post09 Jan 2016

Yes, to the above. Protect your own anonymity, but tell us what you can to help us help you.

Having seen many, many such cases over the 10 years or so this site has been running, I am sorry to say the first thing I always advise families is this ... speaking to your other family members and work quickly and, if necessarily, secretly to protect the family's wealth and property. Otherwise it will disappear into the Brahma Kumaris' bank account. Which is often just a bank account controlled by the local centre-in-charge, unless it is a big sum, in which case some BKWSU bigwig will swoop in and disappear it away to the headquarters.

Consider doing so legally, e.g. your Father putting it in trust for the children, but also mentally preparing the idea in her mind that it is wrong, that God does not need it, that her choice is either your family or the BKWSU ... but not both. Otherwise, your family will end up "serving" the Brahma Kumaris financially and with good and services. This is actually what they teach and conspire to do. They actually encourage followers to believe that they are doing non-BK family or workplace contact a favour to take money, goods and services, e.g. driving them around, from them.

Take this warning seriously. Very seriously.

Generally, one the BK "virus" has entered her mind so deeply, the prognosis is very poor. It is like a fever, drug addiction or spirit possession that has to run its course and make take several years to do so before she sees through them and becomes disenchanted.

Consider that word, "disenchanted". It comes from an old English for ‘to put under a spell’ and ‘delude’. She is literally as if under a spell and generally logic or reason only strengthens the spell ... the BKs will fill her mind with mostly half truths, often outright lies and exaggerations and feed her with "yuktis" (methods) to defeat you. A "persecution myth" ... that you and non-BKs are demons and untouchables (shudras) out to oppose her, is part of that.

Remember, the BK leaders are generally very sweet to your face, but will persist and conspire against you in secret. She will likely start going to them in secret for advice in how to separate off from your Father and disarm you. They will also encourage her to believe that salvation comes, in part, from giving them money ... but there are ways to fight that.

Something else also happens ... the BK uses BKism as a stick to beat their family with in a way that has nothing to do with BKism and is not actually even BKism. For example, this anger and disrespect she showed to the crucifix is not actually encouraged by BKism. It is her ego, anger and disrespect.

BKism is extremely hierarchical so one of the easiest ways to address matters is to strengthen your will and go direct to the center-in-charge, complain to her and demand she tells your mother to stop. To get them to tell her to follow "Shrimat" (their or their god spirit's instructions). Start playing BKism back on her.

You know that BKism is based on spirit worship and possession? They believe their possessing god spirit to be the God of all, and followers to surrender everything ... mind, body and wealth ... to him.

The BK scriptures are called Sakar Murlis. Unfortunately, the other thing that will help you a lot is to learn more about BKism and play it back on her ... this will make both happy, she will think you have an interest and are becoming one, but a little mad too. Read some of the Murlis and pull her up when she is doing wrong.

I will almost guarantee you that she is NOT being a good (pukka) BK and, perhaps, you can make her sick of BKism and want to leave by reminding her. Warning, there is a risk to this that she might also leave you too ... some have even divorced and taken family money and property too, hence what I wrote above as a first step.

Protect and defend before you confront because when you confront, there will often be quite nasty conflict. It is the same as with spirit possession. Like I say, factually - whether one believes in the idea or not - BKism is based on spirit possession. It is a largely self-hypnotic process than open the individual up to spiritual influence and "possession", however you understand that. This is how it has been from the beginning of the cult until today.

Something else to know is that the leaders are manipulating and deceiving the followers by changing their scriptures and, especially, their failed predictions of the End of the World ... of which there have been many. They teach them a false history, hide the facts, encourage them not to think and question ... and appeal to their emotions instead.

In short, depending on how deep she is in and for how long ... your mother is divorcing your Father and marrying their god spirit. The best he and your family are going to get out of it is to be her and its servant. That is the exact word they use ... "to make them your servants" or "devotees".

If you follow the links above to the Library, you will find many copies of their Sakar Murlis, and their "New Testament", the Avyakt Murlis. Download them, copy them out, let her see them and start pulling her up. If you are going to argue with her, argue from BK point of view she cannot beat. In the Encyclopedia section, there are definitions of the terms BKs use and a teacher training manual, so you can learn how they "slow cook" people's minds.

If she goes for the money or property, you can remind her that her "Mama" entered the "Yugya" (name for the BKWSU) with nothing and no money and rose to become number 2 ... so she can too.

Confront her on who is going to look after her when she is old and sick ... because the BKs wont. Who will feed and clothe her ... because the BKs wont. It's all one way with the BKs ... their way and the money and property to them. They don't want freeloaders or hangers-on.

Therefore, prepare for the confrontation that may well come which will be, "this family, or the BK family", as the BKs will be feeding her from day one that they are her real spiritual family, and you are part of the devilish family.

They are extremely supremist and fundamentalist. Only BKism is the path to god, liberation, karma learning and, ultimately, receiving a "Godly" inheritance for what is actually eternity.

Ask us whatever else you need or want to confirm about the cult and its teachings. We used to be "teachers" within it (actually such an idea is a ridiculous exaggeration, the word is recruiters), and close to the current leaders.

Thank you, I am sorry, and good luck. You will need it. But start now to do the above and be very careful about it.

What does your Father think about all this?


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Re: My Mum is BK

Post09 Jan 2016

Thanks Pink Panther and ex-l

Heres my info.

UK, Caribbean Background

Unemployed Adult living at home ... (financially dependent) although should be starting a new job within the next 2-3 weeks. I am Male have a BA Degree

I am not Christian, my friend is who gave me the cross ... she has an aversion to Anything Christian especially religious music, icons etc.

She attends the morning classes 4-5 times per week, and teaches meditation classes once a week and helps out when they have lectures at other venues. She watches hours of their videos daily and makes lots of notes and reads books. All she talks about is the end of the world etc ...

She went to this Maduban place and I believe during the time when the spirit enters the Dadi. I believe something entered into her. I do not trust her at all. I make my own food etc .. I've also had visions that the most high told me she was possessed by demons. Her eyes sometimes go black and she can be quite rude. She laughed when I told her she had been brainwashed.

No Father, just mother.
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Re: My Mum is BK

Post09 Jan 2016

How long has she been into BKism?


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Re: My Mum is BK

Post09 Jan 2016

ex-l over she's been an active member for over 10 years.

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