Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

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aadi new student

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Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post21 Sep 2016

Alright so here's the question;

I am doing the raj Yoga 7 course and I learned that yugas cycle is of total 5000 years and now is the end of kalyug,i.e, sangam yug is going on right now. And according to you guys it will end in next 25 years approx.

I really want to know is this for real. Because I do not see any sign of the apocalypse right now. Yes, people are going in masses but still there is around 900 crore of population right now?

I am really curious; is there any evidence?

Please answer clearly; my future life decisions depends on this knowledge.

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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post21 Sep 2016

No, there is no evidence whatsoever.

What there is evidence of is the god spirit and leaders of the Brahma Kumaris making many false and failed predictions of the End of the World on many ocassions; WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 200, and so on.

Basically, it is just a hook to hook you with exploiting your fear to keep you hooked to them so they can hook your money, free labour, and if possible property and land.

They have been doing it for decades, since they first started.

They always go, "in two to three years it will get really bad ... you will see the signs ... look at the wars and earthquakes etc, they are all signs" and they have been going on like that since the 1930s. In the 1940s, they even wrote to the rulers of the world telling them to blow the world up and kill off humanity.

And then, when the prediction fails, many BKs leave and the leaders just change the prediction until the *next* two to three years.

In addition, their predictions are all contradictory because the Golden Age was suppose to start in 2036 with the crowning of their dead guru as Emperor Narayan. In order for their dead guru to be crowned as Emperor Narayan in 2036, he had to be born as Prince Krishna first, and then grow up.

Therefore, according to simple arithmetics, by now all of humanity should have been killed, nuclear war destroyed civilisation, the tectonic plates of all continents except for India sunk beneath the sees ... and Prince Krishna should be in earth now.

Have you heard about the birth of Lekhraj Kirpalani as Krishna in the papers? Surely the Time of India would have announced it?

It only gets more ridiculous from there ... by now an army of scientists and engineers should be building a golden heaven on earth full of nuclear power, mind controlled flying machines and jewel encrusted palaces etc.
    Where are they?

    Where is the science"

    Where are the factories to build all the equipment?
My friend ... it is all ridiculous nonsense designed in the first place to hook a cult of uneducated women and girls which has, over the decades, been patched up and expanded to hook Hindus and New Age Westerners.

... And exploit them for the money for the old ladies and a few gentlemen to live off.

It is a confidence trick.

Like the men from Nigeria who want to send you $10,000,000 ... if you are stupid enough to believe in it, they will keep feeding you with even more ridiculous stories and keep you hanging on for as long as possible to milk you for whatever they can get off you; time, money, energy, contacts etc.

I was a BK teacher. I used to be part of the team which translated the core teachings (called Murlis) into English so I studied them very closely. I also did independent study into original teachings which the leaders are hidden from us and lied about to us.

Save your time from them.

aadi new student

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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post21 Sep 2016

"What there is evidence of is the god spirit and leaders of the Brahma Kumaris making many false and failed predictions of the End of the World on many ocassions; WWII, 1950, 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, Year 200, and so on."

lol...if this is true then everyone should know this. we can take legal action against them.

they also say that similar situations happened 5000 years ago and the same will happen in future. So; do not you think it's illogical and partial. So it is decided that everyone wont get same opportunity and that Law of Karma does not actually exists. WTH

Please reply. Thanks
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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post21 Sep 2016


The BKs' '7 Day Course' is like "slowly cooking a frog in a pot of water". Do you know the story?

The idea is, you put a frog in a pot of cold water and then slowly heat it up. To begin with, the frog becomes very comfortable and like the hot water, then he falls asleep because he is so relaxed, and then he is cooked to death.

The course works in the same manner. They start with small, general ideas. It all sounds reasonable enough. Then they keep charming and hypnotising you with their red lights, quiet music, and starring in your eyes. Then they start introducing more and more ridiculous ideas, then you are cooked.

The ridiculous ideas filter out the sensible people who can see through them and filter in the vulnerable, naive, damaged, weak people who will believe anything to be "accepted", and they exploit them.

Out of many, the majority who just become follower sheep, there will be a few will be psychopathic wolves who will them become BK teachers and prey on others.

That is what it is all about.

Yes, what you say is exactly what they teach. They call it spinning people's heads with The Cycle of Time. They make them start to believe EXACTLY all this happened 5,000 years ago and will happen again in another 5,000 years ... so there is no escaping.

That is the idea ... there is no escape, everything else is futile, once you fall into their hands. It is all pre-ordained to happen again and again and again.

Unfortunately, when they developed the idea, the only followers were the spoilt, uneducated and unhappy daughters and wives of rich Sind businessmen. They had no education and could not understand any science.

Now we have some science education we understand how impossible that would be ... they mean everything is ATOMICALLY identical and repeats. All of the atoms, all of the energy, even all of the light in the universe has to return to exactly the same place as they were 5,000 years ago in order to begin all over age. Stop. Start. Repeat.

Now, explain how.

aadi new student

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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post21 Sep 2016

Exactly ... I mean COME ON!

If everything happens again and again; then why it really happens at all?

So basically, God enjoys watching same picture again and again?

Man, it is funny!

I do like the meditation though!
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human being

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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post21 Sep 2016

There is a lot of difference b/w meditation and what you are doing. True meditation is about increasing awareness to reality, to calm down the mind through watchful awareness, and then use the deep sense of peace to observe the nature of life through enhanced senses, compassion and become aware of a whole new dimension of existence. It does not mean repeating that the world is 5000 yrs, old or any other fantasy no matter how lucrative it may seem to a mind starving for peace.

It's about realizing the futility of thoughts through awareness and not suppressing them of replacing them with an idea induced by someone.

Actually what many BKs do is the exact opposite of meditation and should be compared to self-hypnosis. The very point of meditation is to delve deep within oneself so that the biases one accumulates through sensory knowledge and cultural influences would loosen their grip on one's conscious mind so that the original nature of self becomes clear to you.

Even if someone is enlightened and is telling you his experience, if without undergoing a similar experience you keep on repeating it to yourself, it is creating another bias/imprint in one's mind and will not lead to spiritual upliftment. The enjoyment one receives at BK centers while doing 'meditation' is mainly due to the 'vibes' there and in some cases the 'spiritual source-shiv Baba' (I have a lot of doubts as to who he really is ;) ) who transmits the 'current'. You can literally feel it, and I am not joking but only few BKs do it, although all aspire for it.

So, my friend this was written by someone who has tread this path to both educate and forewarn not just you but any who wishes to walk on this path and is reading this piece.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post22 Sep 2016

I will add my voice to ex-l and human being. The biggest frauds and deceptions are built on some actual truths and what people want to be true.

Yes, the world has serious problems. Yes, people can be real bastards sometimes. Greed, hatred confusion, corruption can blind you to all the good. Here’s something good, some nice positive affirmation meditations. Had a nice experience or three? Come to an advanced course - only really ”spiritual” people are invited. Then only the truly special ”souls” will understand the paradoxes of the ‘Gyan’ - and if they don;t make sense, don;t worry, keep meditating and it will all become clear.

Yes, most BKs are sincere and very nice people socially. They don't bicker and shout (except behind closed doors) and don't care much at all about what goes on except inside their own insular community. You won't hear them debating the difficult problems of democratic society with all its different needs. No point. Today's society is doomed. The attraction to belong or to regular partake of their ”generosity” is strong for those ”seeking”.

The whole 'donations only' thing appears very philanthropic, and indeed they are less avaricious than some groups, but no less materialistic. It works for them. For every cheapskate or genuinely poor person that puts little (or nothing) in ”the box”, enough rich dudes seeking to buy a stairway to heaven or some redemption or to outsource "karmic accounts" will donate a lot, even whole properties and give regular large donations.

For the rich it's no big deal. The real shame is that many struggling working people divert scarce funds away from advancing themselves or their families materially, educationally, health wise, because they believe it is a better ‘investment' to donate to this organisation that gives them ”nice feelings” and prepares them for the afterlife.

Some will say "what harm does that do? It's their choice”. Well, anyone who volunteers money or energy to another is usually on the basis of a belief. The BKs create a belief about suffering and the answer to that suffering, but the material exchange is one way.

Check out the BKWSU (World Spiritual University) - it has the land holdings of a major university but none of the accreditation, no faculties, no research, not even a proper library, i.e. their literature is all BK PR. You'd at least expect a ‘spiritual library to have copies of The Bible, The Vedas, The Tao-Te Ching, Upanishads, Buddhist sutras, the great philosophers. No. They are all ”body conscious” and ” vicious” (filled with vice), only their god’s teachings are true.

As for destruction of the old world, they will tell you, no, not Destruction ... ”Transformation”.

Simple question to ask: How does the world go from 7 billion people to 900,000 in a few short years? What happens to everyone?
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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post22 Sep 2016

human being wrote:So, my friend this was written by someone who has tread this path to both educate and forewarn not just you but any who wishes to walk on this path and is reading this piece.

Nicely written piece, Human. I concur with you and was going to say much the same in all aspects.

Aadi, BKs call their experience "intoxication". When I was a BK, I never thought about it. I just accepted it as their word for it. But since stepping back from the cult, I've started to think we should actually take just that word far more seriously ... that it is mental and spiritual intoxication. And the opposite from enlightenment (which, as an aside, the BKs don't believe it; and don't believe any saint, guru, saddhu, Buddha or Christ ever achieved).

I agree with Human about the nature of it. It is a buzz or a high. I know that. I agree it has a strong effect. But it has an addictive quality that keeps you coming back for more and more ... and, just like a drug, the effect wears off so you need to keep doing more and more to get the same hit.

Normally, when neophytes come to the cult, they go through a phase the BKs call, "the intoxication phase" in which they have wonderful highs and often do ridiculous things, like giving up their careers or education, giving away properties or loads of money, destroy their marriages or family life, leaving their community to join the BKs etc. During that period, it's almost impossible to take sense to the BK adherent ... and they are filled with a kind of spiritual arrogance and delusion believing ridiculous things, such as that they can become one of 8 or 108 top souls in the world, a Golden Aged prince or emperor etc (all stuff the BKs and teachings encourage them to do), including that the experience will go on forever *if only* they are able to keep up the disciplines, keep doing 2 or more hours meditation a day, keep doing more and more seva for the cult and so on.

In short, it sets them up to be hugely exploited.

Of course, it does wear off. Speak to older BKs and ask them. And then the BK is left with nothing except for the blame for it wearing off. The only "cure" being to do more BK meditation, more BK seva, more BK surrendered in an effort to regain what they call, "The days of your [BK] childhood" ... "Remember the days of your childhood", meaning your early intoxicated period, is a common mantra within the cult.

I was one of those idiots who "hit the jackpot" for a while. That is to say, I did have some wierd, wonderful and intense experiences. As Human says, not all but many BKs do.

Once I saw through the stupidity, corruption and most of all social climbing nature of the BKs (spending a fortune in donations on smoozing with the rich, powerful and famous), one of the last effects I regret the most is that the BK experience - as Human defines it, as a combination of hypnosis, self-hypnosis and misunderstood spiritualistic - interrupted and interfered with my ability to do other practises. Or even in ordinary life when I did not want to do any practise.

Like Human, I have come to see that those little understood "spiritualistic influence" are not benign. No benign or enlightened spiritualistic influence, "being" or "beings" (the BKs teach and believe that adherents are possessed by the spirits of their deceased leaders who work through them) would put up with the corruption, stupidity and lack of ethics the BKs demonstrate.
    to cause (someone) to lose control of their faculties or behaviour.

    to excite or exhilarate (e.g. intoxicated with power).
(archaic) to poison.

    drunkenness, inebriation, stupefaction.
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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post22 Sep 2016

ex-l wrote:Like Human, I have come to see that those little understood "spiritualistic influence" are not benign. No benign or enlightened spiritualistic influence, "being" or "beings" (the BKs teach and believe that adherents are possessed by the spirits of their deceased leaders who work through them) would put up with the corruption, stupidity and lack of ethics the BKs demonstrate.

A famous Lama once said, probably quoting the Buddha, "Just because someone is dead, does not mean they are enlightened" and I would say this is *very* true about the BK god, their deceased founder Lekhraj Kirpalani.

Accepting the theory of "many spiritual levels, many spiritual realms, and many spiritual paths" for one moment, I would take that further to say something like, "Just because someone is on another spiritual realms or levels, does not mean they are enlightened ... and does not mean it is your spiritual realm or level, nor one you should be aiming for".

Lekhraj Kirpalani, in his own life, achieved great worldly wealth, worldly power and worldly influence. Rationally, it's reasonable to accept that he could lead others to those aims. They appear to remain hallmarks for what the BKs are about ... achieving great worldly wealth, worldly power and worldly influence.

And to putting themselves at the centre of their own little closed universe to be worshipped by all around them.

Ask yourself if that is what you want in life and whether you are willing to gamble everything you have and become dependent upon them to get it.


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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post28 Sep 2016

I have looked at other posts also and agree that some preaching's of BK are wrong..

Like 5000 Year Cycle -

Population is just increasing which means new souls for sure, and due to 5000 Year Cycle, they have no chance to change/learn and they die and come after again 5000 and I feel is not right as god cannot treat differently his own children. I being a human give no partiality to any of my kids.

Karma - that I did something to them and they are doing it now. Not possible as they are new souls. What will I do when they never existed or I never existed?

Destruction dates - they always change but remember the preparation is done ... all countries have good arsenal and it wont match WWI or WWII .. with China/Korea/US having latest technologies.

There are more good people who are not in BK and have all the values of being a god. Some BK''s though they follow never change. it would be easy for god to pick those good souls and make god.

BUT - all I want to say is -

1. When someone dies, we say - may his soul rest in peace. We remember soul when someone dies but not when alive - so it's good to remember that we are soul. We call - mahatma, pretatma, paramatma ... for sure we are atma and only BK has given this knowledge.

2. What is the prb if destruction dates change.. do your good and pick good things. there are many good preachings which we can adopt.

3. Money/families broke etc - you cant take bad example(s) to quit. There are many good things also. Sometimes I feel I am god - all powerful ... it gives some special energy and positive attitude which I never experienced before without Shiv Baba or my previous god whom I believed.

4. Some preachings I feel cannot be said by humans ... I definitely feel it's god. Pick the good things, like 16 kalas in Satyug. Try to achieve them ... it makes you good. Thinking positive always.

5. Obviously no one has seen god ... I feel every person born as human is human (Jesus/Buddha), so we need some god. Pick one who is not human ... like Shiv Baba. It's a different discussion if you do not want to pray to god. Also sometimes, we need support of some person to discuss/tell ... consider Shiv Baba in those cases.

6. Indian ladies keep a bindi on forehead .. not sure why but there is something we forgot ... may be soul .. I do not know..

7. God is light as said in other religions. In church we light candle (the flame has shape of atma), in hindusim, deepavali etc with oil .. the flame .. so something related to soul.

bottom line -

do not give your money, if you have 100 give 1 to BK, you still have 99 with you. At least they can pass some good+bad knowledge to new/future people. People who take good, will take good.

do not believe in Satyug/destruction - but we need some support named god.

BKs revise their wordings .. what are we losing ? Their intention is also avoid ambiguity/questions and preach some good things.
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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post28 Sep 2016

The BKs' primary intention is to bring in money so that they can live off it, or have enough to feed, clothe, house and transport their elders around (and hospitalise now), so that they can live off them. (I am referring the inner circle as "BKs" and the middle management who live off donations here, not the paying followers).

They re-write and whitewash their scriptures to hide ignorant, bigotted, hateful and prejudices, failed predictions of Destruction, failed prediction of Creation etc etc etc so that they can continue on exploiting new followers who would, quite rightly, be shocked by the level of their real teachings.

We cannot trust them, their god and their god man until we have a clear and honest account of their original teachings and past, income and expenditure etc. The fact that they cover up and hide the truth ... means that they are anti-truth.

"God" and "anti-truth" cannot exist within the same space, person or religion.

Like you say, if they cannot get 100% of your money, property and free labor, they are happy to accept 50% ... 10% ... 1% even. They will take 100%, and encourage you to "grind your bones" to give more ... but even 1% is better than no percent when you have food to buy and bills to pay.

That's the old fashioned Sindi businessman still alive within them.

Jaya, what's your relationship to the BKs now? Were you one once and have left them and become a 'part-time' BK?

You are, of course, recycling precisely what the BKs themselves say. And you are still pushing their god spirit.

Trully ... no we don't actually need god, we don't need to talk to a god, we don't need to consider ourselves "soul" (whether we are or are not) and, most certainly, the BKs did not invent that. "Gods" are there to keep god men and women in business.

The BKs are just borrowing and stealing from other cults and religions in order to benefit their business of religion.

Just as an aside, if you want to seriously discuss the BK ideas you are presenting, it's said that in ancient times, when the war-like Aryans invaded India and established their society, the male used to apply his blood to his bride’s forehead as a recognition of wedlock and this was the origins of the red dot on married women's foreheads.

And how would your BK theory apply to all of the many different shapes and colours of tilaks used in India?

Do these Indians have horn-shaped souls?

Are you deliberately acting as some kind of BK promoter or apologist? Because you are repeating how the BKs themselves make their religion look "softer", more flexible and more accepting than it really is.

Having left BKism, are you trying to convince yourself there is/was still some good to it to mask your sense of failure as a BK?

- a person who offers an argument in defence of something controversial: an enthusiastic apologist for fascism in the 1920s or BKism in the 2000s.

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Pink Panther

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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post29 Sep 2016

Jaya, your arguments that you put forward as points are just a series of equivocations - "well, let’s look at it this way”, or ”if not that, then why not this”. It has very little foundation on anything.

It's what people do when they want something to be true, but don’t want to put in the effort to really examine it solidly, especially if it means coming to an unwanted conclusion. Simple and false syllogisms are excuses to go along with it a while longer. Indian women wear bindi so that proves ... something? Tribes in New Guinea wear mud masks so that proves ...? Women in Bolivia wear bowler hats, so that proves ...?

Here is the truth about God that cannot be denied - God is whatever you believe God to be.
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Re: Please clarify the "sangam yug"...!

Post29 Sep 2016

There's also a strong element of 'confirmation bias'.

Confirmation bias, the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one's existing beliefs or theories ... and to blindly ignore and exclude those that don't, contradict them and you have not got answers for.

Really, how much good do the BKs really do? How much does the world really need to be giving them $1,000,000s a year to tell others to be nice, be submissive, to tell them that they are a soul? Are they really unique in that area? DO they even have a complete model for consciousness?

(I don't even think the BKs are pushing peace, I think they are pushing submissiveness now ... "Om Submissivity" to their leadership).

I mean, what's more important, being conscious you are a soul, or being honest and having integrity. Do you really have to believe you are a soul to be good? Is it enough to believe you are a soul and not be or do good?

Tell us about your own BK life? I am concerned in a way becauses the inner language of the BKs is so much about "pass" and "fail" ... is resigning one's self to being a spiritual failure (failing to follow the BKs rules 24/7/365) good for the self?

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