BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

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BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post11 Oct 2016

From BK Surya's "Deep Secrets" (see attachment below) ... it appears that BK Surya, who has come up on our radar for making exaggerated claims and failed predictions before, has seemingly taken over from Jagdish Chander as the BKWSU's wild man.

BK Surya claims that by 2020, people will start coming to BKs' home asking for peace saying, "oh great yogis put your hand of blessing on my head, I have so much tension in my head, I feel I am about to die now" asking the BKs to give them drishti.

Further more,
BK Surya wrote:... from [a] Sakar Murli that Baba had spoken 50 years before ... He had said in the Murli that “a day will come when this entire world will become a mental hospital”. And now it has already started and so what is it that we have to do? Because these things are getting emerged now in everyone - non-Brahmins and Brahmins also!

Concernedly he also noted that
"So many Brahmins are also now experiencing negativity, fear and spiritual depression."

But that this "spiritual depression" (BKs don't get ordinary depression it seems, just New Improved, Spiritual Depression™) comes about because “Baba gave everything but [the BKs were] being careless and lazy and having unnecessary waste thoughts; [therefore they] got nothing”. And so BKs go into spiritual depression due to that deep regret of not making sufficient efforts.

The cure to depression?

1. We have to become very light. We must not take anything seriously.

2. We all have to “accept”.

3. If we want to enjoy our Brahmin life then there has to be “no expectation”

4. We have to learn to be how to be extremely happy inside.
Happiness has become very expensive nowadays! To be happy is not so easy to be in this Kaliyug world. There are many enemies of this happiness, even in your family but we have to learn this art how to keep our inner happiness constant.

5. Those who are going to become great yogis will have “no effect” – work on this word. Our stage must be of “no effect”. With the practice of self-respect we can keep ourselves free from effect and influences of everything.

I remember these words of Avyakt BapDada - “perfect means, no effect” – “perfect means beyond effect”. But it is not so easy because even the words of our friends and words of our near and dear ones, influences us very much. And so we have to be very light.

6. We have to become detached observers now. Without this you won’t be able to survive! Without being detached we won’t be able to maintain our happiness.

Not beyond self-advertising, BK Surya goes on to claim doctors tell him they have no cures and that he is a real doctor!
One month ago there was a big medical conference and some senior medical doctors came to me with their sons who had serious depression and they said to me: you have to heal them. And they also very openly mentioned that there is no medicine in this world for this mental disease. They said when we give medicine to the patients we already know that it will not work but we still give.

The reason why these medicines don’t work is because these diseases are connected to the mind and not to the brain. And there is no medicine for the mind except meditation, Baba, self-respect, soul consciousness and powerful, positive and pure thoughts; they give energy to the brain.

Nowadays doctors also believe that I am a doctor!
About one and half years ago, I had realised that now time has arrived, when sins of everyone in this world and all vices which are in merged form have started emerging now ... and so I would like to say “be careful” about this.

We know they are in the soul - they are in mind and intellect, but psychologists believe that they are also in our brain.

They know that many psychiatric diseases are increasing day by day and so to find out the reason for that, they are doing research. And so according to their philosophy, they are saying that ‘bad energy’ from the unconscious mind is constantly coming to the brain. And no one can understand it how to stop it and how to control it and how to destroy it. Only we are able to understand that, because what is unconscious mind?

BK Surya has psychic powers too ... and dangles an exciting carrot to the crowd
I want to open one secret that you don’t know! Should I open that secret? You have 3 very great souls here!

I am not talking about Dadi - Dadi is the greatest one. But there are 3 great souls and their vibrations have become the seed for everything else and you will see their miraculous role in near future.

I know them but they themselves don’t know them!

He also gives interesting snapshots into the state of the BK cult and their concerns over their god spirit and chief medium after the recent seasons in Mount Abu where Gulzar did not go into trance and did not change voice for when "God" possessed her, and he comes up with a magical explanation.
Many Brahmins are having doubts and they are saying: what is happening to God nowadays?

Some Brothers very openly have said: what is wrong with God nowadays?

Apparently “going into trance is like half death” ... "when a soul goes into trance it means soul’s connection with certain centres of the brain is cut off – it is not that soul leaves the body - but there are many centres in our brain- centre of ears and centre of the eyes and centre of mouth and they all are cut off".

Gulzar, who he reckons has gone into trance at least 10,000 times from the age of 9 to now 79 years old and her brain has become very weak.

When God and Lekhraj Kirpalani enters and sits in her forehead, 2 additional powerful souls are sitting in it and their vibrations are going into the brain... but "powerful vibrations can also weaken the brain sometimes". Seemingly when a brain is already weak "powerful things weakens it [as] if high voltage comes all of a sudden then what will happen?"

So, he explains, their god spirit knew that her brain was not powerful enough now and so He does not take her into trance. He does not pull her into trance, but he directly enters her body just like he used to enter in Lekhraj Kirpalani’s body.
Baba noticed that Dadi Gulzar’s brain is not working and so He comes out and stand behind and He speaks but uses the mouth of Dadi. This is because, He loves Dadi. Is this clear?

BKs must not get confused or have any doubt, "The Sun is disappearing ... in order to glorify the stars". Baba has disappeared so the great Shiv Shaktis - first 8 and 108 - must come up on the stage of the world. "Everything is going on the right track and everything will change", and ...
We are reaching that time very soon.

So now it's 2020 when all the magic/Destruction/Transformation will be going to happen. Just like it was going to be WWII ... then 1950 ... then 1976 ... then 1986 ... then 1986 to 1996 ... then Year 2000 ... then 2012. The same old two or three, or three or four years.

Close enough to make it seem possible and worthwhile, to give up all other hopes, desires and relationships, to become indoctrinated ... but long enough away for people to forget when it does not happen again.

This is not the first mega Godly prediction Surya has made. I think Year 2000 was one of his.

Can anyone be bothered at hanging around until 2020 to see if it doesn't comes true again?

(Postscript: the idea is not new. The idea that planet Earth is a prison/hospital for the criminally/spiritually insane has existed within Buddhism for aeons).

BK Surya - Deep Secrets.doc
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post12 Oct 2016

BKs don't get ordinary depression it seems, just New Improved, Spiritual Depression™

Hahahaha !!!

When I was a BK, Surya was known as ”Yogi Raj” - he was in the kitchens and never gave classes.

Western ”Brothers” discussed things with him in the kitchens, and he gradually built up a reputation, then classes were requested, which were rare. The only topics he ever spoke on were about meditation and meditation technique - with a huge emphasis on maintaining silence, minimising speech, and not getting drawn into wasteful intellectual speculations.

He seems to have forgotten all about this!

Last time I heard him (apart from Youtube links on this site), was more than two decades ago as I signed myself out of the BK asylum, and I remember thinking than that he was starting to speak well outside his experience and making up answers to questions he knew nothing about. It’s only gotten worse it seems. Maybe he is projecting onto others when he talks about mental illness - it takes many forms after all. Why the need to big-note himself as superior to doctors, and going on to explain away Gulzar’s anomalies as if he was a neurologist?

He is also factually wrong about there being no other remedies for depression and ”these diseases”.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post12 Oct 2016

I remember Surya from more than 40 years ago. There was always the debate on who was the first Western BK? Was it him or Denise? In those days both were quite Western BK rock stars. He was speaking greatly (in German) about RJY (raj Yoga) in one of the BKs' first film documentaries on RJY. In the same film, Denise was given time to chat about RJY in French. I was under the impression that he would have taken a page out of Errol's book, Aiden's book, and get into the Ivory Tower for a bit, produce some scholarly work on comparative spirituality and do some intellectual charity. In those days, 40 plus years ago, to be a BK and book worm was too radical.

It will be interesting to have ideas of the physician-scientists at the All India Institute for Medical Sciences (AIIMS), India's National Institutes of Health on Surya's Aesculapian authority (AA) compared to their AA. Some medical scientists at AIIMS are rushing to replicate the pioneering studies of investigators at the Benson-Henry Institute at Harvard University, who have demonstrated that mindfulness practices, including meditation can positively influence DNA transcription and translation.
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Re: BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post12 Oct 2016

Ah, you are thinking of a different Surya.

You are thinking of German "Brother" called Stephan Nagel who did indeed go on to publish a 'would be' scholarly book on the Brahma Kumaris called "Brahmas geheime Schöpfung: Die indische Reformbewegung der «Brahma Kumaris»".

He also left the official BKWSU. In essence, he just cashed in on his BK experience to earn a doctorate writing absolute twaddle about the BKWSU ... just repeating without any critique or investigation typical BKWSU PR. And, by doing so, set the example for other BKs to do so, turning BK PR into academia, or vice versa. Tamasin Ramsay is another example.

Sadly, his brick sized book is littered with absolute inaccuracies. Another example of how, if BKism was put under proper academic scrutiny and held up to professional standards, it would be torn to piece and stripped to the ground for its dishonesty and lack of integrity ... and even insight about itself.

I was very disappointed by it and him. He might have bailed out, he might just be a half-and-half BK, but he's just another 'BK shill' in my book who sold his soul by not rocking the boat in order to protect his own interests both religious and professional.

I have the greatest contempt for "professional BKs" who should know better.

The problem with BK academics promoting the BK agenda is that non-BKs don't know that they are and it enters academic as "the truth". Other academics assume - incorrectly - that they are independent and upholdoing professional or academic standards when they are not.

More evidence of their habit of distorting the truth.

I suspect Indian Surya has no qualifications whatsoever and is utterly dependent on them for feeding, clothing and housing him.

But, yes, I think German Surya was the first Western BK who took the course in India during his hippie traveller days.

It's all his fault we ever got sucked in ...!!!

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post12 Oct 2016

Thank you for the correction. Professional BKs have to be careful about academically sanitizing BK concepts. Their action can return to bite them in the rear end!


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Re: BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post16 Oct 2016

Gulzar Dadi age is not 79 years. Gulzar Dadi age is 88-89 years. Thanking you.
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Re: BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post16 Oct 2016

leonard wrote:Gulzar Dadi age is not 79 years. Gulzar Dadi age is 88-89 years. Thanking you.

Strange, but perhaps just a slip of the tongue. The class is dated 2015 and so he should know better. At 89 years old, I'd expect Gulzar to be a little tired out.

Do you remember her real name and when she entered the cult? She was just a child when she first became possessed and/or went into trances, but how and by what?

It's not clear what they believed what happening at the time as there was no God Shiva in the Om Mandli. Except, perhaps, that Lekhraj Kirpalani was somehow doing it by chanting.

She's lived an entire life in their mental hospital.

Pot calling the kettle black.
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Pink Panther

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Re: BK Surya - Entire World to Become a Mental Hospital

Post17 Oct 2016

I remember it said that Gulzar was the youngest, or one of the youngest, joining the Om Mandli aged about 10-11 give or take a few years and depending when she actually joined (sorry, vague memory), that would make her in her late 80s at least. Even if she is late 70s, it is asking a lot of a person.

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