Gods of The New Age

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Gods of The New Age

Post30 Oct 2016

Parental Guidance advised, all personal convictions respected

Gods of The New Age

... And if you do manage to watch it all the way through your ears will hear the name of someone who was mentioned earlier on this topic :( It was not planned that way.


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Pink Panther

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re: Gods of The New Age

Post31 Oct 2016

You’ll have to give us a summary and let the cat out of the bag, I for one have no time to spare to watch through. But being ‘bagged' by Christian neurotics as satanic is no bad thing in my books! Everyone seems to be on their list!


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re: Gods of The New Age

Post31 Oct 2016

Hello Pink Panther & thanks for passing by. It goes on at length about the blossoming of Indian 'religious movements' & Yoga in the West. It is dated and so can be seen as giving us a perspective on what was the 'seeding stage' of this trend.

To my surprise I saw the BK's also featured via a chosen representative at the time explaining various aspects of BK beliefs. She did a very good job aka wonderful service :) Oh & The United Nations tie-in is also opined upon.

All of which I came upon whilst onvalianthorwatch and wondering about the Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations. Why?!


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Re: Gods of The New Age

Post31 Oct 2016

It's a slow download, so I have not seen it yet but is it that old documentary with Sister Denise representing the BKs in it?

The site it is linked from is a polished, updated version of the typical American Evangelical Christian point of view circa the 1970s when the "cult wars" started.

Is that your position now?
One of the most powerful strategies in Satan’s New Age deception is the use of a large variety of altered states of conciousness to induce contact and interaction with demon-spirits and their many faceted powers ... In effect, by dropping one’s guard and thereby opening forbidden doors into the spirit world, the participant establishes a breach through which demons can infiltrate, and often in subtle ways.

It's 'Gods of New Age' which was made in 1988 and, if I remember rightly, one of the first - albeit fleeting - critical exposures of the Brahma Kumaris. It was made by Jeremiah Films who it looks like are not only fringe Evangelicals, but whacko End Time conspiracy/Right Wingers too, offering salvation for the price of a $20 DVD.
Jeremiah Films produces videos that the group says "promote patriotism, traditional values, and the Biblical worldview of [the] founding fathers" of the United States.
Gods of New Age (1988)

With explosive facts, it explains why 60 million Americans have been led to Eastern mysticism's "embrace that smothers," exchanging the certain hope of salvation for the hopeless cycle of reincarnation. Gods of the New Age reveals:
    * Why thousands of churchgoers have begun to believe the lies first told by the serpent in the Garden of Eden
    * Why Yoga, meditation, psychological therapy and self-help are turning millions to a pagan worldview.
    * How the West is being intentionally evangelized by eastern mystics and New Age visionaries.
This film explores the eerie world of egomaniacal gurus and their Western counterparts, New Agers. In a series of exclusive, candid interviews, we share the thoughts of "master" and witness the blind devotion and mindless obedience of "disciple."

Gods of the New Age takes us from a clandestine, early sixties planning meeting held by Indian gurus to today's dignified US corridors, American schoolrooms and Christian churches.

The film uncovers the chilling parallels between today's Western culture and the similar climate that bred Hitler's Third Reich a generation ago!


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re: Gods of The New Age

Post31 Oct 2016

ex-l did not wrote:The site it is linked from is a polished, updated version of the typical American Evangelical Christian point of view circa the 1970s when the "cult wars" started. Is that your position now?...

This is the first I have heard of an American Evangelical Christian point of view, so my answer - and also as matter of fact - is, no.

I chuckled to myself when I saw mention about the price $20. Immediately the BK zero dollars ethos came to mind.
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re: Gods of The New Age

Post31 Oct 2016

onvalianthorwatch wrote:This is the first I have heard of an American Evangelical Christian point of view, so my answer - and also as matter of fact - is, no.

OK ... please allow me to criticise myself ... I dare say there is more than one "American Evangelical Christian point of view". I am not sure that is the best description of what I am thinking about.

It's a kind of strange stew of Right Wing, Pro-Israel, "End Time", Charismatic (or spiritualistic) Christianity. They have huge churches in the USA.

GuptaRati 6666

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re: Gods of The New Age

Post01 Nov 2016

I have watched more than half of the video. That's because of my interest in studying Yoga as a biomedical scientist. I have many questions about the pseudo-intellectual approaches of the film. Like Pink, I have also been branded a Satanist and that's cool with me. Through the practice of Yoga meditation and healthy living I am authentically, a happier person and I am able to help others without exploiting them and going on ego trips by pretending to be a guru or playing a guru.

I carefully observed the experts who were interviewed, some with great academic credentials.

The experts interviewed remind me of the quack busters employed by the pharmaceutical industrial complex, which is also tied to the military industrial complex, to attach doctors who provide alternative therapies and prevention protocols to their patients. Why did they not interview Herbert Benson or visit Harvard University Medical school where more than 4 decades of rigorous scientific studies have been conducted on Yoga/meditation?

It was at Harvard, that the emergency response was discovered by Walter Bradford Cannon and later the relaxation response was discovered by Herbert Benson. Also why did the film crew not visit Edgar Mitchell founder of noetics and former Apollo astronaut who has indicated that aliens do exist? Dr. Mitchell wrote a best seller on his meta-physical experiences in the mid-1970's.


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re: Gods of The New Age

Post01 Nov 2016

Hi GuptaRati 6666, thanks for passing by and sharing of your experience and viewpoint over here. Have also read your posts elsewhere on the site; great to have you around.

I watched the video and read the accompanying text with the title of this topic firmly in mind. Which is not to say that i do not appreciate digression, readers will find me doing it all the time :)

I was going to write a lot of words ending in a rephrase of the question and then i remembered reading somewhere that Valiant Thor, the man from Venus, also introduced himself to the United Nations.

So the answer is rather straight forward is not it? "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" so to speak (in present company i hasten to point out that no animal was hurt in the use of those words :).

Where were we? Oh we were just about to conclude that the UN is of some relevance to sentient beings from other parts of the Universe.

Brahma Kumaris at the United Nations. Why?!


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re: Gods of The New Age

Post01 Nov 2016

I watched the video through again. I'd seem it before many years ago, or perhaps just parts of it, but did not remember it. It was actually made in 1984.

What I did remember was the story behind the BK involvement. It was actually BK Ellen, not Denise who was in it. I used to know her husband Derek. They were very early Western BKs and she was a bit of a rising star. I think they were introduced to BKism whilst at Findhorn New Age centre.

Of course, they had been separated by the BKs. She went to a different centre.

If I remember correctly, the basic story is that she was conned. She, or they (she and the BKs), had no idea the filming was for an anti-cult, Christian documentary and it created a bit of a stir within the BKs about 'doing media' afterwards. They became far more cautious and controlling, and continue to be so today.

I know of TV one company who approached but they were a close door to the idea. They do their own and that's about it.

I wonder what happened to Ellen? You don't hear or see anything of her within the BKWSU/BKWSO. She was an attractive woman. I wonder if she left or is still within them.

What's interesting is how nigh identical her speech is to their message even today. She's quite the Jayanti/Waddy clone in the video.

It certainly has nuggets of truth but get as many other claims so wrong, e.g. tying in Macrobiotics with Hinduism, jumbling them all up and it a little alarmist ... but it portrays the whacky nature of cultists back then pretty well.
I wonder, however, how the makers feel looking back at it now? Hinduism has not changed, but I think cultism in the West - and certainly BKism - has matured a lot since then.

"Guruism preparing world for fascism surrender to authority ... a new world religion of the coming dictator proclaiming himself to be god". I can imagine the parishioners of Middle American church clutching their chairs in fear at the ideas of Satanic collusion leading the US to neo-pagan world view directed from behind the scenes by Satan, and the very same 'snake from the garden of Eden'.

It portrays the UN as "a conditioning device that gives prestige to outlandships groups" and points a finger at Robert Muller who, most certainly in the BKs' case, was responsible for championing them. I remember him, he was quite enamoured with the Kirpalanis and went to Mount Abu ... but I rather think the UN does a lot more than just that.

The access and influence the BKs and others have is actually very, very small and to relatively insignificant areas but it is true its exaggeration by them is very great and has been highly effective in lending credibility to them and leading others into becoming initiated into their ways.

Could it all be real? Is there a "Devil", or many devils, and armies of demon servants pulling strings behind the scenes? Who knows ... it asks a lot to believe in that. If it is true that "the Devil has all the best tunes", as they say, he's also got much better at Public Relations since then.

We have not had the promised emergence of either the Maitreya or the Anti-Christ yet, and the move to 'One World Government' is not looking very likely in the short term. That's another of the American Right's bete noires. I am not sure why, as they seem to want to be it too. May be a 'One World Government' is only a good idea to them ... as long as they get to be that Government, Army, and Police force Superpower?

As insane as it sounds, the mindset represented by the documentary is widely influential within American politics and that is the way the see the world.

What I fear most about movies like that is how they play on our deeply cultural and early childhood conditioning by the Christian Church playing on that part of us that is still medieval.

But is not that medieval element within Christian just the same as BKism (or vice versa) ... using fear based control mechanisms? Fear of devils, fear of Destruction, fear of being outcast from the community?

The connection of the New Age to the return of Nazidom is pretty clumsily made. Surely they are not blaming the right parties for that? Since 1984, I can see the argument for it, what with the rise of state of surveillance and media control that the Nazi could only have dreamt of; America as the world's police force with its constant warring and arming up against its own people; the erosion of human rights and security etc.

I have no heard of the "experts" filmed by them since or recently, although I think the BKs stuck close to the multi-faith Rev. Leland Stuart guy. The rest have had their 15 minutes of fame.

There's not a good career to be had in cult awareness of anti-cultism. You might get a book or two out of it, and a few speaking invitations, but it's a pretty small and unsexy marketplace. And these days, increasingly, speakers have to pay to speak at academic events.

There's far more money, power and influence in being a guru.

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Re: onvalianthorwatch

Post01 Nov 2016

As an aside, one small, seemingly insignificant item caught my eye ... it was a quote from India about the guru "being greater than god".

That's also a line the BKs borrowed in their early days to claim about Lekhraj Kirpalani. It seems it was not unique to them but commonplace.

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Re: Gods of The New Age

Post04 Nov 2016

Just picking up on a comment I made on the BKs, UN, New World Order topic, I was digging in to look at this further and found quite a remarkable thing I did not know before. Basically it suggests that the :"Jesus Freak" movement in the 1960s was started by the Establishment/CIA to defuse the rise of the Free Speech and counter-culture movements. *

And that the same players behind this document, who was involved in the anti-New Age/Yoga/cult movement, are still involved in Right Wing anti-Clinton, Pro-Zionist Israel campaigning.

* The Berkeley Free Speech Movement was kind of like the Occupy Movement of its day.
Do you remember what I was saying about [the Right Wing Christian Fundemantalists] also being tied in with hard core, Zionist Israeli politics? * Here, for example, is one of the women in the documentary, doing tours of Israel (for money), while peddling her Woo to her followers.

Caryl is married to Pat Matrisciana, the owner and president of Jeremiah Films, who has been flagged up as a CIA operative.

* (If you dig in further, you'll quickly find that the Zionist government of Israel is actually sponsoring these fundementalist Right Wing religionists to come to Israel as part of their expensive propaganda drive.)

Folks have long been aware who the Right Wing/Establishment/CIA ... you decide who ... inflitrated and subverted the 1960s counter-culture. The movement that really brought India, Yoga, environmentalists, vegetarianism and much else to the masses. The MK Ultra Project being one such obvious example, how the CIA fostered and promoted American Abstract Expressionist painting being another.

What I did not know, and what background about the progenitors of this documentary company shows, is that they were also behind the "Jesus Freak movement" in the 60s and early 70s too. In one interview, Pat Matrisciana was asked if he was a CIA asset and he responded positively.
Inside Richard Mellon Scaife's Conspiracy, [is] an interview in which former news producer Daniel Hopsicker elicited from Pat Matrisciana [CNP], president of Jeremiah Films and chairman of Citizens for Honest Government, an admission that the Jesus Revolution was masterminded by the CIA, and that he played a major role in this operation.

. . . . I shot it at him [Matrisciana]: "Are you Agency?"

I meant, of course, was he from the Company. The good ‘ol bad ‘ol CIA. But this is, apparently, not considered a polite question, though god knows why not because before he answered he coughed, and looked surprised. Maybe he's just not all that used to direct address. But at the end of the meal he said to me that for some reason he'd told me a lot more than he was planning to, so I guess it was a successful tactic.

"I've been to Berkeley, too," his reply began.

"I was 'detailed' to Berkeley in 1965, to establish a countervailing force to Mario Savio's Free Speech Movement. While there I founded the Campus Crusade for Christ."

And then it was his turn to grin: "I invented," he told me proudly, "Jesus freaks.". . .

Now join the dots from the 1960s until today. Same players, same kind of game ... we know now what they were doing in the 1960s and 70s, we know now what is going on in the 1990s and 2000s.

We people accept, adopt and are influenced by their agendas, thinking them to be not just "ours" but even adopting them as our very identities.
Caryl Williams Matrisciana
Caryl Williams of Gloria Deo Trust, UK was also a member of the “Mystics and Cultists” sub-group. Caryl would later become Caryl Matrisciana, wife of Pat Matrisciana––member of the secret Council for National Policy/CNP and Campus Crusade’s ambassador to the UC Berkeley campus in the 1960s, setting up the Christian World Liberation Front/CWLF [circa 1970] with Jack Sparks. Christian World Liberation Front [CWLF] would transition to Berkeley Christian Coalition and finally come to be known as the Spiritual Counterfeits Project.
Following found in a SCP Brochure written circa/after 1981:
“CWLF [Christian World Liberation Front] was an evangelistic outreach that began under the sponsorship of Campus Crusade for Christ in 1969. Its purpose was to communicate the gospel to the ‘counter culture’ ––street people, radical student, occultists, guru disciples, etc ...”
Trip To Israel - March 3 to 14th
Carol and I are excited to personally invite you to travel with us, Pat and Caryl Matrisciana from Jeremiah Films and other key Christian ministry leaders to Israel in March for a once in a lifetime trip to the Holy Land. 

Our tour is with Israel's premier travel agency Unitours ... We will participate in Middle East Briefings with special keynote speakers. Daily meetings will be held as we travel throughout the land of Israel [with] members of Israel's Parliament/ Knesset, government officials, leading Orthodox Rabbis, Muslim and Jewish community leaders and [Pro-Zionist Isreal - my edit] Middle East experts.

They will give us an uncensored account of the recent events in Israel such the assassination of Yitzak Rabin, the Hebron Treaty, the Golan Heights, PLO and Arab relations, U.S./ Israel relations, and international politics. For security reasons, the identity of our keynote speakers will be kept confidential. 

We will collectively gain historical and biblical reference to past, current and future world events during the tour as you learn from the other Christian leaders travelling with us. They are renowned pastors, Christian evangelists, religion experts, historians, financial experts, and business professionals. . . 
      Jeremiah Films has also put together "Bonus Gifts" that will be given to each participant. They include a special Unitours travel bag with literature inside, a 12 month subscription to "Citizens Intelligence Digest". . .”

What a joke ... the "Bonus Gifts" would basically be more of their propaganda.

As is this documentary.

It's chopped up, disorientating, fear driven (complete with spooky sci-fi background music) is almost a classic study of such construction.

But does it still have elements of truth in it?
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Re: Gods of The New Age

Post05 Nov 2016

Another quote from the video taken due to its relevance to BKism. To suggest, again, that there's very little new or unique to BKism and most of it is borrowed or stolen from other religions.
"India ... its people are amongst the poorest and most suffering on earth ... the people are apathetic because their religion has taught them to be detached observers disregarding the agonising lifestyle which imprisons them"

It then goes on to quote VS Naipal describing India as "a wounded civilization paralysed by her religious beliefs". It suggests that Hinduism had "all but destroyed India and was now infiltrating every area of Western society".

But it is true?

Well, mostly yes. I think I would have to agree ... but I think that the whole truth of it all would be far more complex.
    Hmmn, BK Brian Bacon and many of the original leading Western BKs now taking Brahma Kumarism right to the top of corporate and governmental worlds under the guise of Self Management Leadership ... may be these critics have a point?
I would accept Brahminism and the caste system did not help - not something the BKs do a lot to challenge but rather just want to ascend to its top - but I would have thought that merely the heat and humidity (and malnutrition) had a lot to do with the "apathy" in India; just as the cold and harsh environment (ie the need to work), had a part in evolving dominant Western (WASP) philosophy and society.

You could probably make a stronger argument against feudal land rights, or the lack of them, in India as being the core problem ... but that would not sell Christianity or Capitalism.

So, despite containing a few nuggets of gold, and rightly portraying cultism as dementedly whacky as it gets ... (the Rajneesh spokeswoman attacking critics of his Rolls Royce collection as being communists, his buying Rolls Royces as being "good for capitalism" and therefore OK ... I find the video very uncomfortable because of its heavy handed devices, where it is taking viewers and, now, its background.

It's not a documentary, it's a propaganda device. Probably crypto-fascist propaganda.

So the question is why did they make it? Why would the people behind it be aiming at making Eastern influences, Yoga and meditation etc so unpalatable?

I don't suppose it was for spiritually benign reasons.

Was it just a case of herding the people back into the Judeo-Christian Churches where they had been so equally conditioned? Or was it stopping them experience practises which would open their minds to their conditioning and lead them to start questioning crypto-fascist authority?


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Gods of The New Age

Post06 Nov 2016

We people accept, adopt and are influenced by their agendas, thinking them to be not just "ours" but even adopting them as our very identities.

A very concise and accurate description of our existence at thus time on planet earth. The more I 'see' the more my senses are staggered by the enormity of the game. It is all built on the deliberate falsification of the mankind's history for the sake of being able to perpetuate and control an illusion.

The Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University is playing its part, so to speak, but they choose not to speak-up against the deception. So, give me ye God of Old anytime & for any age.

Earlier in this topic "careful observation of experts, some with great academic credentials" might be a source of our gaining insights. And what happens? Nowadays, I seek after the essence of truth.


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Godly Control Freakery Old World Order stylee

Post29 Nov 2016

Admittedly this topic hasn't had a visit by yours truly for a while but here I am to upset a few apple carts, but I assure you that no malice is intended.

Like I said in the other topic in the Newcomers section there is no way that I want any BK or ex-BK to imagine that I am coming here posting all full of swagger since I professed to accepting Jesus Christ as my personal Lord & Saviour. And that am now sitting all nice and dandy like a fool awaiting the second coming. Heck no! As the Minogue girl sang sometime back, "I would be so lucky, lucky, lucky, lucky".

Now Brothers and Sisters you don't need your own personal copy of the bible for this (that was an old fashioned requirement however you might find yourself doing so soon).

Why not take a little peep at the following sections in the Good Book:
    1) Acts 5 Verse 30
    2) Acts 10 Verse 39
    3) Acts 13 Verse 29'
And remember this post is simply wondering about Godly Control Freakery under The Old World Order so please do not shoot the messenger (aka yours truly) nor scoff at your brethren when you see them all dressed up in their Sunday Best next week for as John Donne is alleged to have written in his now famous Meditation 17 Devotions upon Emergent Occasions:
"No man is an iland, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine; if a clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the lesse, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee...."

Maybe some kind person can post the verses here by way of sharing with us what they uncover from the Good book.


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Re: Gods of The New Age

Post30 Nov 2016

Ezekiel 23:20
"She lusted after their paramours, whose flesh is like the flesh of donkeys and whose issue is like the issue of horses."

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